31,284 research outputs found

    Simple model for the Darwinian transition in early evolution

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    It has been hypothesized that in the era just before the last universal common ancestor emerged, life on earth was fundamentally collective. Ancient life forms shared their genetic material freely through massive horizontal gene transfer (HGT). At a certain point, however, life made a transition to the modern era of individuality and vertical descent. Here we present a minimal model for this hypothesized "Darwinian transition." The model suggests that HGT-dominated dynamics may have been intermittently interrupted by selection-driven processes during which genotypes became fitter and decreased their inclination toward HGT. Stochastic switching in the population dynamics with three-point (hypernetwork) interactions may have destabilized the HGT-dominated collective state and led to the emergence of vertical descent and the first well-defined species in early evolution. A nonlinear analysis of a stochastic model dynamics covering key features of evolutionary processes (such as selection, mutation, drift and HGT) supports this view. Our findings thus suggest a viable route from early collective evolution to the start of individuality and vertical Darwinian evolution, enabling the emergence of the first species.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, under review at Physical Review

    Session 4: Evolutionary Indeterminism

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    Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Workshop in History and Philosophy of Biology, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, March 23-24 2001 Session 4: Evolutionary Indeterminis

    Genetic draft, selective interference, and population genetics of rapid adaptation

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    To learn about the past from a sample of genomic sequences, one needs to understand how evolutionary processes shape genetic diversity. Most population genetic inference is based on frameworks assuming adaptive evolution is rare. But if positive selection operates on many loci simultaneously, as has recently been suggested for many species including animals such as flies, a different approach is necessary. In this review, I discuss recent progress in characterizing and understanding evolution in rapidly adapting populations where random associations of mutations with genetic backgrounds of different fitness, i.e., genetic draft, dominate over genetic drift. As a result, neutral genetic diversity depends weakly on population size, but strongly on the rate of adaptation or more generally the variance in fitness. Coalescent processes with multiple mergers, rather than Kingman's coalescent, are appropriate genealogical models for rapidly adapting populations with important implications for population genetic inference.Comment: supplementary illustrations and scripts are available at http://webdav.tuebingen.mpg.de/interference

    Human bony labyrinth is an indicator of population history and dispersal from Africa.

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    The dispersal of modern humans from Africa is now well documented with genetic data that track population history, as well as gene flow between populations. Phenetic skeletal data, such as cranial and pelvic morphologies, also exhibit a dispersal-from-Africa signal, which, however, tends to be blurred by the effects of local adaptation and in vivo phenotypic plasticity, and that is often deteriorated by postmortem damage to skeletal remains. These complexities raise the question of which skeletal structures most effectively track neutral population history. The cavity system of the inner ear (the so-called bony labyrinth) is a good candidate structure for such analyses. It is already fully formed by birth, which minimizes postnatal phenotypic plasticity, and it is generally well preserved in archaeological samples. Here we use morphometric data of the bony labyrinth to show that it is a surprisingly good marker of the global dispersal of modern humans from Africa. Labyrinthine morphology tracks genetic distances and geography in accordance with an isolation-by-distance model with dispersal from Africa. Our data further indicate that the neutral-like pattern of variation is compatible with stabilizing selection on labyrinth morphology. Given the increasingly important role of the petrous bone for ancient DNA recovery from archaeological specimens, we encourage researchers to acquire 3D morphological data of the inner ear structures before any invasive sampling. Such data will constitute an important archive of phenotypic variation in present and past populations, and will permit individual-based genotype-phenotype comparisons

    Evolution on a smooth landscape

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    We study in detail a recently proposed simple discrete model for evolution on smooth landscapes. An asymptotic solution of this model for long times is constructed. We find that the dynamics of the population are governed by correlation functions that although being formally down by powers of NN (the population size) nonetheless control the evolution process after a very short transient. The long-time behavior can be found analytically since only one of these higher-order correlators (the two-point function) is relevant. We compare and contrast the exact findings derived herein with a previously proposed phenomenological treatment employing mean field theory supplemented with a cutoff at small population density. Finally, we relate our results to the recently studied case of mutation on a totally flat landscape.Comment: Revtex, 15 pages, + 4 embedded PS figure

    Muller's ratchet and mutational meltdowns

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    We extend our earlier work on the role of deleterious mutations in the extinction of obligately asexual populations. First, we develop analytical models for mutation accumulation that obviate the need for time-consuming computer simulations in certain ranges of the parameter space. When the number of mutations entering the population each generation is fairly high, the number of mutations per individual and the mean time to extinction can be predicted using classical approaches in quantitative genetics. However, when the mutation rate is very low, a fixation-probability approach is quite effective. Second, we show that an intermediate selection coefficient (s) minimizes the time to extinction. The critical value of s can be quite low, and we discuss the evolutionary implications of this, showing that increased sensitivity to mutation and loss of capacity for DNA repair can be selectively advantageous in asexual organisms. Finally, we consider the consequences of the mutational meltdown for the extinction of mitochondrial lineages in sexual species

    Red Giants in the Small Magellanic Cloud. I. Disk and Tidal Stream Kinematics

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    We present results from an extensive spectroscopic survey of field stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). 3037 sources, predominantly first-ascent red giants, spread across roughly 37.5 sq. deg, are analysed. The line of sight velocity field is dominated by the projection of the orbital motion of the SMC around the LMC/Milky Way. The residuals are inconsistent with both a non-rotating spheroid and a nearly face on disk system. The current sample and previous stellar and HI kinematics can be reconciled by rotating disk models with line of nodes position angle, theta, ~ 120-130 deg., moderate inclination (i ~ 25-70 deg.), and rotation curves rising at 20-40 km/s/kpc. The metal-poor stars exhibit a lower velocity gradient and higher velocity dispersion than the metal-rich stars. If our interpretation of the velocity patterns as bulk rotation is appropriate, then some revision to simulations of the SMC orbit is required since these are generally tuned to the SMC disk line-of-nodes lying in a NE-SW direction. Residuals show strong spatial structure indicative of non-circular motions that increase in importance with increasing distance from the SMC centre. Kinematic substructure in the north-west part of our survey area is associated with the tidal tail or Counter-Bridge predicted by simulations. Lower line-of-sight velocities towards the Wing and the larger velocities just beyond the SW end of the SMC Bar are probably associated with stellar components of the Magellanic Bridge and Counter-Bridge, respectively. Our results reinforce the notion that the intermediate-age stellar population of the SMC is subject to substantial stripping by external forces.Comment: To appear in MNRA

    The fixation probability of rare mutators in finite asexual populations

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    A mutator is an allele that increases the mutation rate throughout the genome by disrupting some aspect of DNA replication or repair. Mutators that increase the mutation rate by the order of 100 fold have been observed to spontaneously emerge and achieve high frequencies in natural populations and in long-term laboratory evolution experiments with \textit{E. coli}. In principle, the fixation of mutator alleles is limited by (i) competition with mutations in wild-type backgrounds, (ii) additional deleterious mutational load, and (iii) random genetic drift. Using a multiple locus model and employing both simulation and analytic methods, we investigate the effects of these three factors on the fixation probability PfixP_{fix} of an initially rare mutator as a function of population size NN, beneficial and deleterious mutation rates, and the strength of mutations ss. Our diffusion based approximation for PfixP_{fix} successfully captures effects (ii) and (iii) when selection is fast compared to mutation (ÎŒ/sâ‰Ș1\mu/s \ll 1). This enables us to predict the conditions under which mutators will be evolutionarily favored. Surprisingly, our simulations show that effect (i) is typically small for strong-effect mutators. Our results agree semi-quantitatively with existing laboratory evolution experiments and suggest future experimental directions.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure
