23 research outputs found

    Business process modelling to improve incident management process

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    Business process management (BPM) is an approach focused on the continuous improvement of business processes, providing for this a collection of best practices. These best practices enable the redesign of business processes to meet the desired performance. IT service management (ITSM) defines the management of IT operations as a service. There are several ITSM frameworks available, consisting in best practices that propose standardizing these pro- cesses for the respective operations. By adopting these frameworks, organisations can align IT with their business objectives. Therefore, the objective of this research is to understand how BPM can be used to improve of ITSM processes. An exploratory case study in a multinational company based in Lisbon, Portugal, is conducted for the improvement of the time performance of an inci- dent management process. Data were gained through documentation, archival records, interviews and focus groups with a team involved in IT support service. So far, the as-is process was elicited, and respective incongruences clarified. During the next months the authors intend to identify the main problems and simulate the appropriate BPM heuristics to understand the impact in the busi- ness organisation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Kriterien zur Leistungsbeurteilung von Prozessen: Ein State-of-the-Art

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    Im Rahmen des Enterprise Architecture Managements beschäftigen sich Unternehmen mit der Entwicklung von Prozessarchitekturen. Jedoch gibt es hierfür noch kein einheitliches Vorgehen und auch keine ganzheitliche Übersicht zu den Kriterien, welche das Messen und Evaluieren der Prozessleistung unterstützen. Unternehmen müssen jedoch ihre Geschäftsprozesse stetig ver-bessern, um sie an die sich verändernden Marktbegebenheiten anzupassen. Hierfür werden Kriterien benötigt, welche es dem Unternehmen ermöglichen, die Prozessleistung zu beurteilen um Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags identifizieren und kategorisieren die Autoren Kriterien zur Leistungsbeurteilung von Prozessen, um einen Über-blick für die Beschreibung der Prozessleistung zu gewinnen

    Process design principles in service firms: Universal or context dependent? A literature review and new research directions

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    publication-status: Acceptedtypes: ArticleThis is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Total Quality Management & Business Excellence on 16/01/2012, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14783363.2011.637797#.VGxftZ1FDcsThe aim of this article is to assess whether process design principles derived from best practices are universally applicable to service organisations or context dependent. This is achieved through a comprehensive review of the business process management (BPM) and operations management (OM) literatures. Our comparison of the existing bodies of knowledge in these disciplines reveals major inconsistencies in how the topic of process design in service environments is addressed. Drawing on the more mature, contingency-oriented OM literature, we challenge the BPM discipline which prescribes that process design principles derived from best practices are universally applicable irrespective of the context in which the service organisation operates. The results strongly suggest that in the business process design area one size does not fit all service organisations and that some design principles fit better under certain contextual conditions. We then use these findings to develop a contingency conceptual framework and associated research propositions linking the firm's service strategy context to the use of particular business process design principles. This extends existing theory and provides a platform for future process design research in service organisations that is more closely aligned with the needs of practitioners

    Template-Driven Documentation for Enterprise Recruitment Best Practices

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    Recruitment Best Practices (RBPs) are useful when building complex Enterprise Recruitment Architectures (ERAs). However, they have some limitations that reduce their reusability. A key limitation is the lack of capturing and documenting recruitment problems and their solutions from an enterprise perspective. To address this gap, a template for Enterprise Recruitment Best Practice (ERBP) documentation is defined. This template provides a model-driven environment and incorporates all elements that must be considered for a better documentation, sharing and reuse of ERBPs. For this purpose, we develop a precise metamodel and five UML diagrams to describe the template of the ERBPs. This template will facilitate the identification and selection of ERBPs and provide enterprise recruitment stakeholders with the guidelines of how to share and reuse them. The template is produced using design science method and a detailed analysis of three case studies. The evaluation results demonstrated that the template can contribute to a better documentation of ERBPs

    Four archetypes of process improvement: a Q-methodological study

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in International Journal of Production Research on 11/07/2014, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2013.867086This paper explores the process improvement approaches of organisations. It seeks to identify process redesign principles and the combinations of these principles that are used successfully in industry. We use Q-methodology to explore the viewpoints of a range of highly-experienced process experts about the success of 16 improvement practices. Q-methodology enables the examination of the similarities and differences in the success of the improvement principles used by organisations in order to inform archetypes of process improvement. Overall, our findings suggest that process improvement is determined through the application of two foundational principles combined with one of four archetypes. ‘Remove non-value-adding tasks’ and ‘re-sequence tasks’ are described as foundational principles of process improvement, whilst outsourcing needs to be approached with caution. Furthermore, we articulate four distinctive archetypes comprising unique configurations of improvement principles that can be used to redesign operational processes. Based on this evidence we propose a typology of process improvement. This work suggests that rather than adopting generic improvement frameworks, managers should consult the typology to determine the archetype in closest proximity to their specific requirements. This study has several limitations including the small number of items populating the concourse and the fact that implementation problems are not taken into account

    Developing competitiveness of a company using a new business process engineering concept

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    Suomessa ja muissa länsimaissa yritysten toimintaympäristössä on tapahtunut 2000-luvulla kaksi laajaa ja merkittävää muutosta. Ensinnäkin länsimaiset yhteiskunnat ovat siirtyneet jälkiteollisesta aikakaudesta kohti informaatioajan aikakautta, ja toiseksi yritysten välinen kilpailu on muuttunut laajempien kokonaisuuksien, verkostojen väliseksi kilpailuksi. Näiden muutosten voidaan nähdä kulkevan rinnakkain toisen suuren yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen, globalisaation kanssa, jossa suuryritykset toimivat maailmanlaajuisesti yli maanosien ja valtioiden rajojen. Tämä tapaustutkimus luo taloudellisesti ja teknisesti kilpailukykyisen liiketoiminnan hallintajärjestelmän tehokkuuden ja laadun suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi keskikokoisessa elektronisia tuotteita valmistavassa yrityksessä. Tutkimus keskittyy yritysten kilpailukyvyn tutkimiseen ja tutkimustulosten pohjalta kehittää kohdeyrityksen kilpailukykyä toteuttamalla prosessijohtamisen lähestymistapaa haastavassa ja dynaamisessa globaalissa liiketoimintaympäristössä. Teoriaosassa käsitellään liiketoimintaprosessien kehittämiseen liittyviä menetelmiä yrityksen strategisesta, asiakkaan kokeman laadun ja asiakkaan saaman lisäarvon näkökulmasta. Teorian pohjalta laaditaan liiketoimintaprosessien kehittämiskonsepti, joka koostuu vaiheittain etenevistä kehitystoimenpiteistä kilpailuedun kehittämiseksi ja ylläpitämiseksi case-yrityksessä. Tutkimus vahvistaa olemassa olevaa teoriaa liiketoimintaprosessien kehittämismenetelmästä (business process reengineering, BPR) ja sen toimivuutta kilpailukyvyn parantamisessa yleisesti. Sen lisäksi tutkimus vahvistaa liiketoimintaprosessien kehittämismenetelmän toimivuutta 2000-luvun kilpailussa dynaamisessa ja verkostoituneessa toimintaympäristössä.In Finland and other Western countries, companies’ operating environments have faced two broad and significant changes in the 2000s. Firstly, Western societies have moved from the postindustrial age towards the information society age and, secondly, for larger entities, competition has changed from that between enterprises to that between networks. These changes can be seen to run in parallel with another major social change, globalization, under which large enterprises operate on a global scale across continents and state borders. This case study involves the creation of an economically and technically competitive operating management system so as to improve efficiency and quality performance in a midsized electronics manufacturing company. The study focuses on enterprise competitiveness and, based on the research findings, develops the case company’s competitiveness by implementing a process management approach to its challenging and dynamic global business environment. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with business process development methodology for the company's strategy, the customer's perception of quality and perspectives on added value creation. On the basis of the theory, a process development concept is drawn up, comprising a number of sequential stages for developing and maintaining the case company’s sustainable competitive advantage. The study confirms the existing theory of business processes development (business process reengineering, BPR) and its functionality for improving competitiveness in general. In addition, the study will strengthen the BPR’s functionality in the competitive, dynamic and networked business environment of the 2000s.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Using BPM to improve it service management: an incident management case study

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    Business process management is a methodology focused on the continuous improvement of business processes, providing for this a collection of best practices. These best practices enable the redesign of business processes to meet the desired performance. By using this methodology, organisations can improve their business processes to achieve their objectives. IT service management defines the management of IT operations as a service. There are several IT service management frameworks available, consisting in best practices that propose standardizing these processes for the respective operations. By adopting these frameworks, organisations can align IT with their business objectives. The objective of this research is to understand how business process management can be applied for the improvement of IT service management processes. To achieve this goal, a case study is conducted for the improvement of the time performance of an incident management process, as it is a process that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been analysed for this objective. The results obtained identified three best practices – activity automation, activity elimination and integral technology – as the best suited for the improvement of the time performance of the analysed incident management process. Using a simulation tool for business processes, it was revealed that the employment of these best practices in the analysed incident management process eliminates the effort required in the 1st support level and reduces in 10.7% the average processing time in the 2nd support level.A gestão de processos de negócio é uma metodologia focada na melhoria contínua de processos de negócio, indicando para isso um conjunto de melhores práticas. Estas melhores práticas permitem o redesenho dos processos de negócio para obter o desempenho desejado. Através da aplicação desta metodologia, as organizações conseguem melhorar os seus processos de negócio para alcançarem os seus objectivos de negócio. A gestão de serviços de TI define a gestão das operações de TI como um serviço. Existem divesas frameworks para gestão de serviços de TI, consistindo em melhores práticas que propõem processos-padrão de TI para as respectivas operações. Com a adopção de frameworks, as organizações conseguem alinhar as TI com os seus objectivos de negócio. O objectivo desta investigação é perceber como é que a gestão de processos de negócio pode ser aplicada para a melhoria de processos de gestão de serviços de TI. Para atingir este objectivo, é conduzido um caso de estudo para a melhoria de desempenho do tempo num processo de gestão de incidentes, sendo este um processo que, de acordo com o conhecimento adquirido, ainda não foi analisado com este objectivo. Os resultados obtidos identificaram três melhores práticas – automação de atividades, eliminação de atividades e introdução de novas tecnologias – como as mais ajustadas para a melhoria de desempenho do tempo no processo de gestão de incidentes analisado. Recorrendo a uma ferramenta de simulação de processos de negócio, foi revelado que a aplicação destas melhores práticas no processo de gestão de incidentes analisado elimina o esforço necessário no 1º nível de suporte e reduz em 10.7% o tempo médio de processamento no 2º nível de suporte

    An approach to select redesign best practices

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    Process redesign as a key strategy for service innovation: a case in a consulting company

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    Pesquisa no âmbito da inovação de serviço através da análise e posterior redesenho de um processo-chave de uma empresa de consultoria de internacionalização, de forma a oferecer serviços com maior valor agregado, atendendo às necessidades dos clientes e aumentando a eficiência operacional interna da empresa.Research in the scope of service innovation through the analysis and subsequent redesign of a key process of an internationalization consulting company, in order to offer services with greater added value, meeting the needs of customers and increasing the company's internal operational efficiency