2,876 research outputs found

    What is a Good Plan? Cultural Variations in Expert Planners’ Concepts of Plan Quality

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    This article presents the results of a field research study examining commonalities and differences between American and British operational planners’ mental models of planning. We conducted Cultural Network Analysis (CNA) interviews with 14 experienced operational planners in the US and UK. Our results demonstrate the existence of fundamental differences between the way American and British expert planners conceive of a high quality plan. Our results revealed that the American planners’ model focused on specification of action to achieve synchronization, providing little autonomy at the level of execution, and included the belief that increasing contingencies reduces risk. The British planners’ model stressed the internal coherence of the plan, to support shared situational awareness and thereby flexibility at the level of execution. The British model also emphasized the belief that reducing the number of assumptions decreases risk. Overall, the American ideal plan serves a controlling function, whereas the British ideal plan supports an enabling function. Interestingly, both the US and UK would view the other’s ideal plan as riskier than their own. The implications of cultural models of plans and planning are described for establishing performance measures and designing systems to support multinational planning teams

    Using conceptual graphs for clinical guidelines representation and knowledge visualization

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    The intrinsic complexity of the medical domain requires the building of some tools to assist the clinician and improve the patient’s health care. Clinical practice guidelines and protocols (CGPs) are documents with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria in specific areas of healthcare and they have been represented using several languages, but these are difficult to understand without a formal background. This paper uses conceptual graph formalism to represent CGPs. The originality here is the use of a graph-based approach in which reasoning is based on graph-theory operations to support sound logical reasoning in a visual manner. It allows users to have a maximal understanding and control over each step of the knowledge reasoning process in the CGPs exploitation. The application example concentrates on a protocol for the management of adult patients with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state in the Intensive Care Unit

    The role of structured induction in expert systems

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    A "structured induction" technique was developed and tested using a rules- from -examples generator together with a chess -specific application package. A drawback of past experience with computer induction, reviewed in this thesis, has been the generation of machine -oriented rules opaque to the user. By use of the structured approach humanly understandable rules were synthesized from expert supplied examples. These rules correctly performed chess endgame classifications of sufficient complexity to be regarded as difficult by international master standard players. Using the "Interactive ID3" induction tools developed by the author, chess experts, with a little programming support, were able to generate rules which solve problems considered difficult or impossible by conventional programming techniques. Structured induction and associated programming tools were evaluated using the chess endgames Icing and Pawn vs. King (Black -tomove) and King and Pawn vs. King and Rook (White -to -move, White Pawn on a7) as trial problems of measurable complexity.Structured solutions to both trial problems are presented, and implications of this work for the design of expert systems languages are assessed

    On the Method: Quantitative Reasonsing and Social Science

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    The research on social science eventually comes through any meaning about the human and society. Its message is directed to the society and the principal object of research would be its components, generally research participants or samples in terms of research method. As for nature, it is per se obvious that humans or populace act on various factors to influence their decision. This complex nature of human strands generally prevail that the multivariate analysis is an usual challenge for the social science researchers. For example, the researchers may like to know the relationship of special training on math and achievement of math score. He or she may apply a multivariate analysis from several variables, in which one may be controlled and pretest or post test will be administered. So he groups two classes in test and for a longitudinal study over one semester between the specially trained students and normal class. Then he adds one other variable of family income level that he supposes one important factor to affect the achievement of student in math subject. This would be quantitatively answered by applying a multivariate test, called specifically as factoral ANOVA. The simple ANOVA test may be dosed in several times to understand more a complex interaction or control among the variables. Nevertheless, it has the weakness that unnecessary time and effort would be consumed. Additionally, MANOVA or other multivariate analysis of data would lead us to the more intense and precise result when the variables in consideration all interact to affect the outcome variables. It can be made distinct from mere aggregation of each result from one way ANOVA or univariate and bivariate analysis. Like these, in various ways. the quantitative studies are used to find the scientific truth. Through the Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis (QRA), we could achieve much progress which would be helpful to accelerate the interest and skills in the empirical studies. Most of all, the studies in concern of quantitative method might be a leapfrog for one, who fears of the difficult quantitative skills of analysis. Many of researchers may be fragile since the math courses in the high school and one pass in the college days are all we may have experienced. It is challenging also because the days might be far gone of middle age. For this reason, it never is a puffery that we would fear of quantitative skills. I hope that this paper could be a small help to adapt with the quantitative paradigm. Additionally, it would be great to realize that the quantitative reasoning is fairly powerful and very persuasive to frame a scientific message not only for the peer professionals, but also for lay world. We don’t have to cite the belief of empiricists and its modern evolution backed up by the mathematicians and statisticians. The benefit from this research method is obvious from many realities. The SPSS program facilitates to save from the difficult hand-on works in the earlier quantitative research. The empirical studies, particularly in the sphere of quantitative studies, typically are related with a mass of survey experiment which flavors the kind of political engraft with the research circle

    Developing unbiased artificial intelligence in recruitment and selection : a processual framework : a dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management at Massey University, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    For several generations, scientists have attempted to build enhanced intelligence into computer systems. Recently, progress in developing and implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickened. AI is now attracting the attention of business and government leaders as a potential way to optimise decisions and performance across all management levels from operational to strategic. One of the business areas where AI is being used widely is the Recruitment and Selection (R&S) process. However, in spite of this tremendous growth in interest in AI, there is a serious lack of understanding of the potential impact of AI on human life, society and culture. One of the most significant issues is the danger of biases being built into the gathering and analysis of data and subsequent decision-making. Cognitive biases occur in algorithmic models by reflecting the implicit values of the humans involved in defining, coding, collecting, selecting or using data to train the algorithm. The biases can then be self-reinforcing using machine learning, causing AI to engage in ‘biased’ decisions. In order to use AI systems to guide managers in making effective decisions, unbiased AI is required. This study adopted an exploratory and qualitative research design to explore potential biases in the R&S process and how cognitive biases can be mitigated in the development of AI-Recruitment Systems (AIRS). The classic grounded theory was used to guide the study design, data gathering and analysis. Thirty-nine HR managers and AI developers globally were interviewed. The findings empirically represent the development process of AIRS, as well as technical and non-technical techniques in each stage of the process to mitigate cognitive biases. The study contributes to the theory of information system design by explaining the phase of retraining that correlates with continuous mutability in developing AI. AI is developed through retraining the machine learning models as part of the development process, which shows the mutability of the system. The learning process over many training cycles improves the algorithms’ accuracy. This study also extends the knowledge sharing concepts by highlighting the importance of HR managers’ and AI developers’ cross-functional knowledge sharing to mitigate cognitive biases in developing AIRS. Knowledge sharing in developing AIRS can occur in understanding the essential criteria for each job position, preparing datasets for training ML models, testing ML models, and giving feedback, retraining, and improving ML models. Finally, this study contributes to our understanding of the concept of AI transparency by identifying two known cognitive biases similar-to-me bias and stereotype bias in the R&S process that assist in assessing the ML model outcome. In addition, the AIRS process model provides a good understanding of data collection, data preparation and training and retraining the ML model and indicates the role of HR managers and AI developers to mitigate biases and their accountability for AIRS decisions. The development process of unbiased AIRS offers significant implications for the human resource field as well as other fields/industries where AI is used today, such as the education system and insurance services, to mitigate cognitive biases in the development process of AI. In addition, this study provides information about the limitations of AI systems and educates human decision makers (i.e. HR managers) to avoid building biases into their systems in the first place

    Artificial Intelligence for Small Satellites Mission Autonomy

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    Space mission engineering has always been recognized as a very challenging and innovative branch of engineering: since the beginning of the space race, numerous milestones, key successes and failures, improvements, and connections with other engineering domains have been reached. Despite its relative young age, space engineering discipline has not gone through homogeneous times: alternation of leading nations, shifts in public and private interests, allocations of resources to different domains and goals are all examples of an intrinsic dynamism that characterized this discipline. The dynamism is even more striking in the last two decades, in which several factors contributed to the fervour of this period. Two of the most important ones were certainly the increased presence and push of the commercial and private sector and the overall intent of reducing the size of the spacecraft while maintaining comparable level of performances. A key example of the second driver is the introduction, in 1999, of a new category of space systems called CubeSats. Envisioned and designed to ease the access to space for universities, by standardizing the development of the spacecraft and by ensuring high probabilities of acceptance as piggyback customers in launches, the standard was quickly adopted not only by universities, but also by agencies and private companies. CubeSats turned out to be a disruptive innovation, and the space mission ecosystem was deeply changed by this. New mission concepts and architectures are being developed: CubeSats are now considered as secondary payloads of bigger missions, constellations are being deployed in Low Earth Orbit to perform observation missions to a performance level considered to be only achievable by traditional, fully-sized spacecraft. CubeSats, and more in general the small satellites technology, had to overcome important challenges in the last few years that were constraining and reducing the diffusion and adoption potential of smaller spacecraft for scientific and technology demonstration missions. Among these challenges were: the miniaturization of propulsion technologies, to enable concepts such as Rendezvous and Docking, or interplanetary missions; the improvement of telecommunication state of the art for small satellites, to enable the downlink to Earth of all the data acquired during the mission; and the miniaturization of scientific instruments, to be able to exploit CubeSats in more meaningful, scientific, ways. With the size reduction and with the consolidation of the technology, many aspects of a space mission are reduced in consequence: among these, costs, development and launch times can be cited. An important aspect that has not been demonstrated to scale accordingly is operations: even for small satellite missions, human operators and performant ground control centres are needed. In addition, with the possibility of having constellations or interplanetary distributed missions, a redesign of how operations are management is required, to cope with the innovation in space mission architectures. The present work has been carried out to address the issue of operations for small satellite missions. The thesis presents a research, carried out in several institutions (Politecnico di Torino, MIT, NASA JPL), aimed at improving the autonomy level of space missions, and in particular of small satellites. The key technology exploited in the research is Artificial Intelligence, a computer science branch that has gained extreme interest in research disciplines such as medicine, security, image recognition and language processing, and is currently making its way in space engineering as well. The thesis focuses on three topics, and three related applications have been developed and are here presented: autonomous operations by means of event detection algorithms, intelligent failure detection on small satellite actuator systems, and decision-making support thanks to intelligent tradespace exploration during the preliminary design of space missions. The Artificial Intelligent technologies explored are: Machine Learning, and in particular Neural Networks; Knowledge-based Systems, and in particular Fuzzy Logics; Evolutionary Algorithms, and in particular Genetic Algorithms. The thesis covers the domain (small satellites), the technology (Artificial Intelligence), the focus (mission autonomy) and presents three case studies, that demonstrate the feasibility of employing Artificial Intelligence to enhance how missions are currently operated and designed

    Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

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