5 research outputs found

    Selecting Machine Learning Algorithms Using the Ranking Meta-Learning Approach

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    In this work, we present the use of Ranking Meta-Learning approaches to ranking and selecting algorithms for problems of time series forecasting and clustering of gene expression data. Given a problem (forecasting or clustering), the Meta-Learning approach provides a ranking of the candidate algorithms, according to the characteristics of the problem’s dataset. The best ranked algorithm can be returned as the selected one. In order to evaluate the Ranking Meta-Learning proposal, prototypes were implemented to rank artificial neural networks models for forecasting financial and economic time series and to rank clustering algorithms in the context of cancer gene expression microarray datasets. The case studies regard experiments to measure the correlation between the suggested rankings of algorithms and the ideal rankings. The results revealed that Meta-Learning was able to suggest more adequate rankings in both domains of application considered

    Cost sensitive meta-learning

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    Classification is one of the primary tasks of data mining and aims to assign a class label to unseen examples by using a model learned from a training dataset. Most of the accepted classifiers are designed to minimize the error rate but in practice data mining involves costs such as the cost of getting the data, and cost of making an error. Hence the following question arises:Among all the available classification algorithms, and in considering a specific type of data and cost, which is the best algorithm for my problem?It is well known to the machine learning community that there is no single algorithm that performs best for all domains. This observation motivates the need to develop an “algorithm selector” which is the work of automating the process of choosing between different algorithms given a specific domain of application. Thus, this research develops a new meta-learning system for recommending cost-sensitive classification methods. The system is based on the idea of applying machine learning to discover knowledge about the performance of different data mining algorithms. It includes components that repeatedly apply different classification methods on data sets and measuring their performance. The characteristics of the data sets, combined with the algorithm and the performance provide the training examples. A decision tree algorithm is applied on the training examples to induce the knowledge which can then be applied to recommend algorithms for new data sets, and then active learning is used to automate the ability to choose the most informative data set that should enter the learning process.This thesis makes contributions to both the fields of meta-learning, and cost sensitive learning in that it develops a new meta-learning approach for recommending cost-sensitive methods. Although, meta-learning is not new, the task of accelerating the learning process remains an open problem, and the thesis develops a novel active learning strategy based on clustering that gives the learner the ability to choose which data to learn from and accordingly, speed up the meta-learning process.Both the meta-learning system and use of active learning are implemented in the WEKA system and evaluated by applying them on different datasets and comparing the results with existing studies available in the literature. The results show that the meta-learning system developed produces better results than METAL, a well-known meta-learning system and that the use of clustering and active learning has a positive effect on accelerating the meta-learning process, where all tested datasets show a decrement of error rate prediction by 75 %

    Meta-learning for Forecasting Model Selection

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    Model selection for time series forecasting is a challenging task for practitioners and academia. There are multiple approaches to address this, ranging from time series analysis using a series of statistical tests, to information criteria or empirical approaches that rely on cross-validated errors. In recent forecasting competitions, meta-learning obtained promising results establishing its place as a model selection alternative. Meta-learning constructs meta-features for each time series and trains a classifier on these to choose the most appropriate forecasting method. In the first part, this thesis studies the main components of meta-learning and analyses the effect of alternative meta-features, meta-learners, and base forecasters in the final model selection results. We investigate different meta-learners, the use of simple or complex base forecasts, and a large and diverse set of meta-features. Our findings show that stationarity tests, which identify the presence of unit root in time series, and proxies of autoregressive information, which show the strength of serial correlation in a series, have the highest importance for the performance of meta-learning. On the contrary, features related to time series quantiles and other descriptive statistics such as the mean, and the variance exhibit the lowest importance. Furthermore, we observe that using simple base forecasters is more sensitive to the number of groups of features employed as meta-feature and overall had worse performed. In terms of the choice of learners, classifiers with evidence of good performance in the literature resulted in the most accurate meta-learners. The success of meta-learning largely depends on its building components. The selection and generation of the appropriate meta-features remains a major challenge in meta-learning. In the second part, we propose using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to overcome this. CNN have demonstrated breakthrough accuracy in pattern recognition tasks and can generate features as needed internally, within its layers, without intervention from the modeller. Using CNN, we provide empirical evidence of the efficacy of the approach, against widely accepted forecast selection methods and discuss the advantages and limitations of the proposed approach. Finally, we provide additional evidence that using meta-learning, for automated model selection, outperformed all of the individual benchmark forecasts