37 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemilihan Aplikasi Opensource ERP terhadap UKM Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi ANP dan PROMETHEE

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    Abstrak— Untuk melakukan pertimbangan dalam pengembangan proses bisnis dari UKM, maka perlu dilakukan penerapan aplikasi ERP. Pada saat ini semakin banyak vendor aplikasi ERP, baik yang opensource maupun berlisensi. Agar meminimalisir resiko implementasi ERP, penulis menggunakan aplikasi ERP yang bersifat opensource. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diantaranya untuk (1) membantu UKM dalam memilih software opensource ERP yang tepat, (2) sebagai pertimbangan bagi UKM dalam pengembangan proses bisnis dan teknologi informasinya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process dan Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation. Metode ANP digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot dari subkriteria dan Metode PROMETHEE digunakan untuk mendapatkan ranking prioritas dari alternatif aplikasi opensource ERP yang didasarkan oleh informasi yang didapatkan dari sejumlah UKM yang berpartisipasi dalam penelititan ini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan 3 top kriteria atau kriteria yang mempunyai bobot tertinggi antara lain (1) Brand Image 15.20% (2) Market Position 13.70% (3) References 12.52% serta hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan peringkat alternatif aplikasi opensource ERP yang terbaik yaitu (1) Openbravo (2) Odoo (3) WebERP Kata Kunci— UKM, Opensource ERP, ANP, PROMETHEE, MCD

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Issues: An Empirical Study in Commercial Banking Industry of Pakistan

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    In this modern era of digital technology and continuous changing global business environment, firms have no other choice rather persistently improve their capabilities and enhance their competitive advantages. To get this objective, many organizations are now focusing towards adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frameworks. An ERP system uses different sorts of data preparing abilities and place the accumulated information into a solitary database. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are very complex integrated systems. ERP implementation is a tough, lengthy and expensive procedure for an organization who adopt it and most of time it leads to failure. In developing countries, the success rate of implementing ERP systems is extremely lower than that in western world. Thus, ERP implementation success is treated as dependent variable in this study, it used explanatory and predictive orientations. First, it identified the critical factor from past studies then explain the impact on the ERP implementation success in Pakistan banking sector context. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS. Finally, results and discussions were presented. Keywords: Enterprise resource planning (ERP), Manufacturing requirement planning, (MRP), centralized database, Information System, Management commitment

    Selecting Display Products for Furniture Stores Using Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Techniques

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Efficient marketing in which the right products are supplied to the right consumer plays a crucial role for a profitable business in the age of highly accessible and competitive global market. This fact enforces producers to clearly identify and analyze the needs of consumers and to display their products respecting locality based on customers’ needs. The position of the business is strengthened within the market and its competiveness increases by supplying and displaying the products suitable to regional consumers’ preferences. In this study, an integral fuzzy multi criteria decision making technique is proposed for an effective decision making process to select the most suitable display products to the consumers’ needs and preferences. The approach has been applied to identify the most suitable set of modular furniture products to be displayed at a local store that locates in Bursa city of Turkey. The approach uses Fuzzy DEMATEL method to work out the interrelations of chosen criteria, which are weighted with Fuzzy ANP and finally suggest a rank-based list of products with Fuzzy PROMETHEE. The results are verified with the expert view and found very useful

    Strategi pengambilan keputusan untuk pengembangan pertahanan nasional menggunakan multi criteria decision making: pembelajaran dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat

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    Tugas pertahanan nasional sesungguhnya adalah tugas seluruh warga negara, bukan hanya bagi aparatur negara saja khususnya angkatan bersenjata, tetapi juga masyarakat sipil lainnya. Pemerintah Indonesia sebagaimana juga pemerintah lainnya di seluruh dunia menyediakan suatu kementerian yang menangani pertahanan. Melalui Kementerian Pertahanan inilah sejumlah kebijakan yang merupakan keputusan strategis diambil dengan melibatkan banyak pihak, terutama para pakar yang menguasai bidangnya masing-masing. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan, termasuk di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat adalah Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari strategi pengambilan keputusan bagi pengembangan pertahanan nasional menggunakan MCDM sebagai sebuah pembelajaran dari Departeman Pertahanan di Amerika Serikat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia sebagai kementerian yang secara spesifik mengelola sejumlah agenda kebijakan pertahanan, memerlukan penerapan MCDM dalam pengambilan keputusan-keputusan strategis. Melalui beragam metode yang telah berkembang saat ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam membantu, memudahkan, mempercepat, memperjelas, dan mempersingkat pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Pembelajaran dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (Dephan-AS) dalam merumuskan berbagai analisa alternatif bagi implementasi program pengembangan pertahanan, baik militer maupun nirmiliter menjadi pelajaran berharga untuk dapat menjadi model bagi kebijakan pengembangan pertahanan di Indonesia

    Assessing the Benefits of an ERP Implementation in SMEs. An Approach from the Accountant´s Perspective

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate by first-hand the level of satisfaction of the CEOs with the ERP system testing the benefits of its implementation on the company in four aspects, accounting, organizational, external or internal, that the adoption of an ERP system may entail to small and medium sized enterprises. A survey was designed to measure the accountants’ perception of the level of implementation of ERP in their companies. The sample consisted on 175 accountants from Spanish companies. To identify the best explanatory variables in order to test the hypothesis, a discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction was used, choosing the factorial analysis. Finally, a post hoc analysis to investigate which factors affect the user satisfaction of ERP in business was carried out using multiple regression method (backward stepwise). The empirical evidence from a web-based survey with 175 Spanish SMEs confirms that an ERP system brings a variety of benefits including organizational, external and internal to an SME, and focusing on accounting there are a number of accounting benefits derived from ERP systems particularly for accounting process. The findings will be valuable to any business that wants to implement an ERP deeper in small businesses. This work significantly contributes to the existing body of ERP benefits knowledge to the SMEs in the light of the resource-based view, strengthens the literature about the topic because the use of theories in ERP literature in SMEs is still very limited.JEL Codes - M15; M4

    The Role of A Decentralized Organizational Structure on KM Infrastructure Capability during the Implementation of ERP Systems in Kenya

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    It is a well-established fact that most Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) fail due to a myriad of implementation problems. This study was motivated by the high failure rate of ERP systems around the world during the implementation stage. Most studies report failure rates of between 65% and 75%. Many developed countries have adapted flexible organizational structures as a technique of minimizing ERP implementation problems. This paper investigated the influence of organizational structure on KM infrastructure capabilities during the implementation of ERP systems in organizations listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) in Kenya, with the aim of establishing whether these organizations have embraced organizational structures which enhance knowledge sharing. Three hundred and six (306) questionnaires were distributed to senior managers and users of ERP systems in the companies listed in the NSE. One hundred and eighty four (184) responses were received representing a 60% response rate. The study employed factor analysis, correlation analysis, univariate analysis, multivariate regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the relationship among variables and measure the strength and direction of the relationships between constructs. Data was cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 20 and AMOS version 21. The research found out that organizational structure is not considered a significant component of KM infrastructure in the companies listed in the NSE. The findings imply that most companies listed in the NSE in Kenya still practice silo behavior where individual divisions, units, or functional areas operate as silos or independent agents within the organization. This study leads to the conclusion that the organizational structures in Kenya are not flexible enough to enhance ERP implementation success and recommends that organizations should embrace decentralized structures, which provide the flexibility required for knowledge sharing in ERP implementation projects. Keywords: ERP implementation, organizational structure, KM infrastructure capability, Social Capital Theory, Dynamic Capability View, Resource based theor

    Analisis Pemilihan Aplikasi Opensource ERP terhadap UKM Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi ANP dan PROMETHEE

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    Abstrak— Untuk melakukan pertimbangan dalam pengembangan proses bisnis dari UKM, maka perlu dilakukan penerapan aplikasi ERP. Pada saat ini semakin banyak vendor aplikasi ERP, baik yang opensource maupun berlisensi. Agar meminimalisir resiko implementasi ERP, penulis menggunakan aplikasi ERP yang bersifat opensource. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diantaranya untuk (1) membantu UKM dalam memilih software opensource ERP yang tepat, (2) sebagai pertimbangan bagi UKM dalam pengembangan proses bisnis dan teknologi informasinya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process dan Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation. Metode ANP digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot dari subkriteria dan Metode PROMETHEE digunakan untuk mendapatkan ranking prioritas dari alternatif aplikasi opensource ERP yang didasarkan oleh informasi yang didapatkan dari sejumlah UKM yang berpartisipasi dalam penelititan ini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan 3 top kriteria atau kriteria yang mempunyai bobot tertinggi antara lain (1) Brand Image 15.20% (2) Market Position 13.70% (3) References 12.52% serta hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan peringkat alternatif aplikasi opensource ERP yang terbaik yaitu (1) Openbravo (2) Odoo (3) WebERP Kata Kunci— UKM, Opensource ERP, ANP, PROMETHEE, MCD

    Integration of Analytic Network Process and PROMETHEE in Supplier Performance Evaluation

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    Supplier performance evaluation is one of the important factors in the supply chain because it is one of the company's strategies for increasing customer satisfaction and also maintaining the company's services in meeting consumer demand. This study proposes the integration of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) to evaluate supplier performance. The integration of the two methods is proposed to obtain more complex assessment results because the combination of the two methods considers various criteria derived from ANP and various preferences from PROMETHEE, so both methods are very good to use instead of using just ANP or PROMETHEE or other methods. ANP exhibit more complex relationships between criteria and levels in the decision hierarchy, while PROMETHEE provides decision-makers with flexible and straightforward outranking to analyze multi-criteria problems. In this study, ANP is used to weight the criteria, and PROMETHEE is used to rank suppliers in evaluating supplier performance. Integrating these two methods provides more objective and accurate results in multi-criteria decision-making. The proposed method is validated by solving an industrial case of supplier evaluation problem using the real data from the skewer industry. Finally, some useful implications for managerial decision-making are discussed

    Selection of marketing strategies with analytical network process and promethee method for medium sized business in food sector

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    Günümüzde işletmeler pazarlama stratejilerini belirlerken artan müşteri isteklerini ve yoğunlaşan rekabet koşullarını temel etken olarak görmektedirler. Pazarlama kaynaklarının etkin kullanılması belirleyici kısıt olarak değerlendirildiğinde işletme bulunduğu sektörde avantajlı konuma gelmektedir. Türkiye ekonomisinde önemli paya sahip olan gıda sektöründeki işletmelerde, pazarlama faaliyetlerinin işletme içerisindeki rolünün ön plana çıkmasında etkili olan birçok nokta vardır. Sektörün bulunduğu pazarda sahip olduğu rekabet pozisyonu, işletmenin güçlü ve zayıf yanları ile karşılaşmış oldukları tehditlere karşı duruşları ve müşterilere sunulan hizmet/ürün bu noktalardan bazılarıdır. Bu çalışmada gıda sektöründe bulunan işletmelerin pazarda avantajlı duruma gelmeleri ve müşteri kazanmaları için pazarlama strateji seçimi problemi ele alınmıştır. Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS) ve PROMETHEE(-The Preference Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation) yöntemleri bütünleşik olarak kullanılmıştırToday, while businesses are setting marketing strategies, they see increasing customer demand and intensified competition conditions as the main factors. When the effective use of marketing resources is considered as a determining constraint, it is advantageous position in the sector where the company is located. In the food sector, which has a significant share in the Turkish economy, there are many factors that are effective in the foreground of the role of marketing activities in the business. Competition position in the market where the sector is located, their stance against the threats they face with their strengths and weaknesses, and service / product offered to the customers are some of these points. In this study, the problem of choosing the marketing strategy for the customers in the food sector to get advantage in the market and to win the customers is discussed. Analytical Network Process (ANP) and PROMETHEE methods are used integrally


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    Modern businesses boost management by implementing integrated IT systems, such as highly popular in Poland – SAP software, to aid the enterprise resource planning (ERP). This paper evaluates the implementation of an ERP system at a steel wheel rims manufacturer and distributor. The main research method was questionnaire, conducted at the Logistics & Customer Service department. The data acquired from the conducted research were analysed and processed to evaluate the implemented solution. Areas for improvement were pinpointed and concerned the adjustment of the software solution to the needs of the enterprise