4,074 research outputs found

    Electronic banking security and customer satisfaction in commercial banks

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    The aim of this article is to examine the selected attributes of commercial banks security in relation to customer satisfaction. We focused on electronic banking products as these represent a significant segment of today's bank activities. We compared the opinions of different social groups (men and women, university educated respondents and the others, respondents under the age of 35 and the elders). Our empirical research in the banking sector of Slovakia showed that only 71.96% of the respondents think their bank takes proper care over their money. Electronic forms of banking are used by more than 90% of the respondents, particularly by university educated ones. The trust in security of electronic payments was found to be at quite a low level of 78.19%. At the same time, 12.77% of the respondents declared they had been a target for hackers, men being a more frequent target

    Think Tank Review Issue 71 October 2019

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    Encryption’s Importance to Economic and Infrastructure Security

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    Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var att utreda om network coopetition, samarbete mellan konkurrerande aktörer, kan öka värdeskapandet inom hälso- och sjukvården. Inom hälso- och sjukvården är network coopetition ett ämne som fått liten uppmärksamhet i tidigare studier. För att besvara syftet utvecklades en modell för network coopetition inom hälso- och sjukvården. Modellen applicerades sedan på en del av vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård. Resultaten från avhandlingen visar att: (1) Förutsättningarna för network coopetition i vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård är uppfyllda. (2) Det finns exempel på horisontell network coopetition i den studerade vårdkedjan. (3) Det existerar en diskrepans mellan hur aktörerna  ser  på  sitt  eget  och  de  andra  aktörernas  värdeskapande. (4)  Värdeskapandet bör utvärderas som ett gemensamt system där hänsyn tas till alla aktörer och utvärderas på process- nivå där hänsyn tas till alla intressenter. Dessa resultat leder fram till den övergripande slutsatsen är att network coopetition bör kunna öka värdeskapandet för högspecialiserade vårdkedjor med en stor andel inomlänspatienter.The overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether network coopetition, cooperation between competitive actors, can increase the value creation within the health care system. Within health care, network coopetition is a subject granted little attention in previous research. To fulfil the purpose a model for network coopetition within the health care system was developed. The model was the applied to one part of the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery. The results from this thesis show: (1) The conditions for network coopetition in the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery are fulfilled. (2) Examples of horizontal network coopetition have been found in the studied chain of care. (3) There is an existing discrepancy between how each actor recognizes its own and the other actors’ value creation. (4) The value creation ought to be evaluated as a common system where all actors are taken into account and at a process level where all stakeholders are considered. These results supports the final conclusion that network coopetition ought to be able to increase the value creation for highly specialized chain of cares with a large share of within-county patients

    Electronic banking as a prospective directive for the financial services market development

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    Electronic banking as a prospective directive for the financial services market development / Olena Tykhonova, Nataliia Lytvyn, Volodymyr Ivantsov and ot. // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. - 2019. - Vol. 22, Special Issue 2. - P. 1-6.Стаття присвячена дослідженню сутності електронного банкінгу як перспективного напрямку ринку фінансових послуг. Проведено аналіз останніх публікацій та досліджень, присвячених особливостям електронного банкінгу в різних країнах, а також проблематичним аспектам запровадження та просування електронного банкінгу в Україні та світі. Сучасний стан правового регулювання надання послуг через електронний банкінг досліджено відповідно до законодавства України та зарубіжних країн. Встановлено, що широке використання електронного банкінгу клієнтами стримується питаннями безпеки та конфіденційності операцій в електронному банкінгу, наданням правовідносин у сфері надання банком послуг через електронний банкінг та довірою громадян до електронного банкінгу. Акцент робиться на пріоритетних кроках до просування електронного банкінгу як безпосереднього розвитку ринку фінансових послуг.The article is dedicated to the research of electronic banking essence as a perspective direction of financial services market. The analysis of recent publications and studies are dedicated to the peculiarities of e-banking in different countries, as well as problematic aspects of introduction and promotion of e-banking in Ukraine and in the world has been carried out. The current state of legal regulation of the provision of services through electronic banking has been studied according to the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries. It is established that widespread use of electronic banking by clients is restrained by the issues of security and confidentiality of transactions in electronic banking, by legal relations provision in the sphere of providing services by the bank through electronic banking, and citizens' confidencein electronic banking. The emphasis is on the priority steps towards the promotion of e-banking as a direct development of the financial services market.Статья посвящена исследованию сущности электронного банкинга как перспективного направления рынка финансовых услуг. Проведен анализ последних публикаций и исследований, посвященных особенностям электронного банкинга в разных странах, а также проблемным аспектам внедрения и продвижения электронного банкинга в Украине и в мире

    Smart Banking Services and Their Impact on the Mental Image of Commercial Bank Customers in UAE

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    This study aimed to identify smart banking services represented by (Internet of things, data collection, data analysis, and security) and their impact on the mental image represented by (the cognitive dimension, the emotional dimension, the behavioral dimension) of commercial bank customers in the UAE. A convenience sample consisting of 384 customers of commercial banks in the Emirates was selected, and the descriptive analytical approach was used, and it reached many results, the most important of which was the existence of a statistically significant impact of Banking services represented by (Internet of things, data collection, data analysis and security) depend on the mental image represented combined, which means that bank customers have all and accurate information that contributed to the formation of a positive mental image and raised their confidence and satisfaction with these banks.In light of the results reached, the study recommended working on the development of smart banking services in all its dimensions and interest in providing bank customers in the UAE with more information about the Internet of Things, which contributes to improving the mental image of it, and given the importance of the subject in our current era, the study recommended the need to apply it to sectors other. Keywords: Smart banking services, mental image, bank customers, United Arab Emirate DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-17-09 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Digital Transformation in European Union: North is leading, and South is lagging behind

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    The transformation of the economy into a digital environment has become a necessary step in recent years. The consequences of the COVID pandemic have accelerated the digital transformation and the growth of the digital economy. Intensive business engagement in the digital economy requires innovative digital solutions and online means of promotion and sale. European Union (EU) countries need to create the conditions for the gradual transformation. The paper analyses business readiness for the digital economy in EU countries. It aims to compare and assess the current situation of digital readiness based on the set of selected indicators. The analysis includes a multidimensional comparison of EU countries, classification based on cluster analysis, and ranking based on factor analysis results. Results show significant differences among EU countries. Newer member countries, mostly from South-Eastern Europe, are still lagging behind the EU average in e-Commerce activities, usage of social networks, and cloud computing. Furthermore, factor analysis has been conducted to determine underlining factors describing the overall digital readiness of EU countries and rank them accordingly. As well as in the cluster analysis, factor analysis revealed that Nordic EU member countries perform very well and show the highest digital readiness

    Digital Transformation in European Union: North is leading, and South is lagging behind

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    The transformation of the economy into a digital environment has become a necessary step in recent years. The consequences of the COVID pandemic have accelerated the digital transformation and the growth of the digital economy. Intensive business engagement in the digital economy requires innovative digital solutions and online means of promotion and sale. European Union (EU) countries need to create the conditions for the gradual transformation. The paper analyses business readiness for the digital economy in EU countries. It aims to compare and assess the current situation of digital readiness based on the set of selected indicators. The analysis includes a multidimensional comparison of EU countries, classification based on cluster analysis, and ranking based on factor analysis results. Results show significant differences among EU countries. Newer member countries, mostly from South-Eastern Europe, are still lagging behind the EU average in e-Commerce activities, usage of social networks, and cloud computing. Furthermore, factor analysis has been conducted to determine underlining factors describing the overall digital readiness of EU countries and rank them accordingly. As well as in the cluster analysis, factor analysis revealed that Nordic EU member countries perform very well and show the highest digital readiness

    Use of distributed ledger technology by central banks: A review

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    This paper reviews what stage the central banks of the world’s leading economies are at in their study and adoption of distributed ledger technology (DLT) to reengineer their various systems and functions. A brief description of DLT will be given, followed by an analysis of central banks’ publications and pronouncements to determine what each central bank is doing on their journey to DLT adoption. It was found that of the central banks for which information was available, all of them have expressed interest in DLT and have evaluated it to some extent. Nevertheless, no central bank has an operational DLT-based system at this point. This is because some issues remain regarding the speed, cost of processing, security, transparency and privacy, legal settlement finality, scalability and network effects of the technology. As DLT matures, the expectation is that these issues will begin to be resolved