81,896 research outputs found

    Reducing risky security behaviours:utilising affective feedback to educate users

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    Despite the number of tools created to help end-users reduce risky security behaviours, users are still falling victim to online attacks. This paper proposes a browser extension utilising affective feedback to provide warnings on detection of risky behaviour. The paper provides an overview of behaviour considered to be risky, explaining potential threats users may face online. Existing tools developed to reduce risky security behaviours in end-users have been compared, discussing the success rate of various methodologies. Ongoing research is described which attempts to educate users regarding the risks and consequences of poor security behaviour by providing the appropriate feedback on the automatic recognition of risky behaviour. The paper concludes that a solution utilising a browser extension is a suitable method of monitoring potentially risky security behaviour. Ultimately, future work seeks to implement an affective feedback mechanism within the browser extension with the aim of improving security awareness

    Using Lightweight Formal Methods for JavaScript Security

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    The goal of this work was to apply lightweight formal methods to the study of the security of the JavaScript language. Previous work has shown that lightweight formal methods present a new approach to the study of security in the context of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The current work has attempted to codify best current practices in the form of a security model for JavaScript. Such a model is a necessary component in analyzing browser actions for vulnerabilities, but it is not sufficient. It is also required to capture actual browser event traces and incorporate these into the model. The work described herein demonstrates that it is (a) possible to construct a model for JavaScript security that captures important properties of current best practices within browsers; and (b) that an event translator has been written that captures the dynamic properties of browser site traversal in such a way that model analysis is tractable, and yields important information about the satisfaction or refutation of the static security rules

    Assessing the impact of affective feedback on end-user security awareness

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    A lack of awareness regarding online security behaviour can leave users and their devices vulnerable to compromise. This paper highlights potential areas where users may fall victim to online attacks, and reviews existing tools developed to raise users’ awareness of security behaviour. An ongoing research project is described, which provides a combined monitoring solution and affective feedback system, designed to provide affective feedback on automatic detection of risky security behaviour within a web browser. Results gained from the research conclude an affective feedback mechanism in a browser-based environment, can promote general awareness of online security

    Evaluating the End-User Experience of Private Browsing Mode

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    Nowadays, all major web browsers have a private browsing mode. However, the mode's benefits and limitations are not particularly understood. Through the use of survey studies, prior work has found that most users are either unaware of private browsing or do not use it. Further, those who do use private browsing generally have misconceptions about what protection it provides. However, prior work has not investigated \emph{why} users misunderstand the benefits and limitations of private browsing. In this work, we do so by designing and conducting a three-part study: (1) an analytical approach combining cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation to inspect the user interface of private mode in different browsers; (2) a qualitative, interview-based study to explore users' mental models of private browsing and its security goals; (3) a participatory design study to investigate why existing browser disclosures, the in-browser explanations of private browsing mode, do not communicate the security goals of private browsing to users. Participants critiqued the browser disclosures of three web browsers: Brave, Firefox, and Google Chrome, and then designed new ones. We find that the user interface of private mode in different web browsers violates several well-established design guidelines and heuristics. Further, most participants had incorrect mental models of private browsing, influencing their understanding and usage of private mode. Additionally, we find that existing browser disclosures are not only vague, but also misleading. None of the three studied browser disclosures communicates or explains the primary security goal of private browsing. Drawing from the results of our user study, we extract a set of design recommendations that we encourage browser designers to validate, in order to design more effective and informative browser disclosures related to private mode

    Policy-agnostic programming on the client-side

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    Browser security has become a major concern especially due to web pages becoming more complex. These web applications handle a lot of information, including sensitive data that may be vulnerable to attacks like data exfiltration, cross-site scripting (XSS), etc. Most modern browsers have security mechanisms in place to prevent such attacks but they still fall short in preventing more advanced attacks like evolved variants of data exfiltration. Moreover, there is no standard that is followed to implement security into the browser. A lot of research has been done in the field of information flow security that could prove to be helpful in solving the problem of securing the client-side. Policy- agnostic programming is a programming paradigm that aims to make implementation of information flow security in real world systems more flexible. In this paper, we explore the use of policy-agnostic programming on the client-side and how it will help prevent common client-side attacks. We verify our results through a client-side salary management application. We show a possible attack and how our solution would prevent such an attack

    BrowserAudit: Automated testing of browser security features

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    The security of the client side of a web application relies on browser features such as cookies, the same-origin policy and HTTPS. As the client side grows increasingly powerful and sophisticated, browser vendors have stepped up their offering of security mechanisms which can be leveraged to protect it. These are often introduced experimentally and informally and, as adoption increases, gradually become standardised (e.g., CSP, CORS and HSTS). Considering the diverse landscape of browser vendors, releases, and customised versions for mobile and embedded devices, there is a compelling need for a systematic assessment of browser security. We present BrowserAudit, a tool for testing that a deployed browser enforces the guarantees implied by the main standardised and experimental security mechanisms. It includes more than 400 fully-automated tests that exercise a broad range of security features, helping web users, application developers and security researchers to make an informed security assessment of a deployed browser. We validate BrowserAudit by discovering both fresh and known security-related bugs in major browsers. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s)

    On the Feasibility of Fine-Grained TLS Security Configurations in Web Browsers Based on the Requested Domain Name

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    Most modern web browsers today sacrifice optimal TLS security for backward compatibility. They apply coarse-grained TLS configurations that support (by default) legacy versions of the protocol that have known design weaknesses, and weak ciphersuites that provide fewer security guarantees (e.g. non Forward Secrecy), and silently fall back to them if the server selects to. This introduces various risks including downgrade attacks such as the POODLE attack [15] that exploits the browsers silent fallback mechanism to downgrade the protocol version in order to exploit the legacy version flaws. To achieve a better balance between security and backward compatibility, we propose a mechanism for fine-grained TLS configurations in web browsers based on the sensitivity of the domain name in the HTTPS request using a whitelisting technique. That is, the browser enforces optimal TLS configurations for connections going to sensitive domains while enforcing default configurations for the rest of the connections. We demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal by implementing a proof-of-concept as a Firefox browser extension. We envision this mechanism as a built-in security feature in web browsers, e.g. a button similar to the \quotes{Bookmark} button in Firefox browsers and as a standardised HTTP header, to augment browsers security

    The Challenges Of Understanding Security In Web Browser Case Study: Internet Explorer And Mozilla Firefox

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    Many applications contain security features that are available for the end user to select and configure, as well as the ability to place the users in situation where they must take security related decisions. Web browser is one of these applications which consider as the only way to browse the internet. This study exposes the available security features in both of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox in Microsoft Windows XP; moreover describes results of survey over 232 students in Universiti Utara Malaysia from different educational background to explore typical Internet user awareness and understanding toward web browser security features within windows XP through internet user behavior when using a Web browser to access the Internet. The study reveals some significant area of difficulty, with many standards security features presenting usable security challenge for large proportion of respondents. The results and finding highlight the lack of internet user understanding and awareness toward security features in the web browser
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