538 research outputs found

    Pay as You Go: A Generic Crypto Tolling Architecture

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    The imminent pervasive adoption of vehicular communication, based on dedicated short-range technology (ETSI ITS G5 or IEEE WAVE), 5G, or both, will foster a richer service ecosystem for vehicular applications. The appearance of new cryptography based solutions envisaging digital identity and currency exchange are set to stem new approaches for existing and future challenges. This paper presents a novel tolling architecture that harnesses the availability of 5G C-V2X connectivity for open road tolling using smartphones, IOTA as the digital currency and Hyperledger Indy for identity validation. An experimental feasibility analysis is used to validate the proposed architecture for secure, private and convenient electronic toll payment

    On Using Blockchains for Safety-Critical Systems

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    Innovation in the world of today is mainly driven by software. Companies need to continuously rejuvenate their product portfolios with new features to stay ahead of their competitors. For example, recent trends explore the application of blockchains to domains other than finance. This paper analyzes the state-of-the-art for safety-critical systems as found in modern vehicles like self-driving cars, smart energy systems, and home automation focusing on specific challenges where key ideas behind blockchains might be applicable. Next, potential benefits unlocked by applying such ideas are presented and discussed for the respective usage scenario. Finally, a research agenda is outlined to summarize remaining challenges for successfully applying blockchains to safety-critical cyber-physical systems

    A blockchain approach for decentralized V2X (D-V2X)

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    New mobility paradigms have appeared in recent years, and everything suggests that some more are coming. This fact makes apparent the necessity of modernizing the road infrastructure, the signalling elements and the traffic management systems. Many initiatives have emerged around the term Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in order to define new scenarios and requirements for this kind of applications. We even have two main competing technologies for implementing Vehicular communication protocols (V2X), C-V2X and 802.11p, but neither of them is widely deployed yet. One of the main barriers for the massive adoption of those technologies is governance. Current solutions rely on the use of a public key infrastructure that enables secure collaboration between the different entities in the V2X ecosystem, but given its global scope, managing such infrastructure requires reaching agreements between many parties, with conflicts of interest between automakers and telecommunication operators. As a result, there are plenty of use cases available and two mature communication technologies, but the complexity at the business layer is stopping the drivers from taking advantage of ITS applications. Blockchain technologies are defining a new decentralized paradigm for most traditional applications, where smart contracts provide a straightforward mechanism for decentralized governance. In this work, we propose an approach for decentralized V2X (D-V2X) that does not require any trusted authority and can be implemented on top of any communication protocol. We also define a proof-of-concept technical architecture on top of a cheap and highly secure System-on-Chip (SoC) that could allow for massive adoption of D-V2X.10.13039/501100011011-Junta de Andalucía (Grant Number: P18-TP-3724) 10.13039/501100004837-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant Number: PID2019-110565RB-I00

    Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communication

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    The new developments in mobile edge computing (MEC) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications has positioned 5G and beyond in a strong position to answer the market need towards future emerging intelligent transportation systems and smart city applications. The major attractive features of V2X communication is the inherent ability to adapt to any type of network, device, or data, and to ensure robustness, resilience and reliability of the network, which is challenging to realize. In this work, we propose to drive these further these features by proposing a novel robust, resilient and reliable architecture for V2X communication based on harnessing MEC and blockchain technology. A three stage computing service is proposed. Firstly, a hierarchcial computing architecture is deployed spanning over the vehicular network that constitutes cloud computing (CC), edge computing (EC), fog computing (FC) nodes. The resources and data bases can migrate from the high capacity cloud services (furthest away from the individual node of the network) to the edge (medium) and low level fog node, according to computing service requirements. Secondly, the resource allocation filters the data according to its significance, and rank the nodes according to their usability, and selects the network technology according to their physical channel characteristics. Thirdly, we propose a blockchain-based transaction service that ensures reliability. We discussed two use cases for experimental analysis, plug- in electric vehicles in smart grid scenarios, and massive IoT data services for autonomous cars. The results show that car connectivity prediction is accurate 98% of the times, where 92% more data blocks are added using micro-blockchain solution compared to the public blockchain, where it is able to reduce the time to sign and compute the proof-of-work (PoW), and deliver a low-overhead Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This approach can be considered a strong candidate architecture for future V2X, and with more general application for everything- to-everything (X2X) communications

    Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. IET Intelligent Transport Systems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.The sensor-enabled in-vehicle communication and infrastructure-centric vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications have significantly contributed to the spark in the amount of data exchange in the connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) environment. The growing vehicular communications pose a potential cyber security risk considering online vehicle hijacking. Therefore, there is a critical need to prioritize the cyber security issues in the CAV research theme. In this context, this paper presents a cyber security analysis of connected vehicle traffic environments (CyACV). Specifically, potential cyber security attacks in CAV are critically investigated and validated via experimental data sets. Trust in V2X communication for connected vehicles is explored in detail focusing on trust computation and trust management approaches and related challenges. A wide range of trust-based cyber security solutions for CAV have been critically investigated considering their strengths and weaknesses. Open research directions have been highlighted as potential new research themes in CAV cyber security area

    Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Aspects of V2X in the EV Charging Structure

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    With the advancement of green energy technology and rising public and political acceptance, electric vehicles (EVs) have grown in popularity. Electric motors, batteries, and charging systems are considered major components of EVs. The electric power infrastructure has been designed to accommodate the needs of EVs, with an emphasis on bidirectional power flow to facilitate power exchange. Furthermore, the communication infrastructure has been enhanced to enable cars to communicate and exchange information with one another, also known as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology. V2X is positioned to become a bigger and smarter system in the future of transportation, thanks to upcoming digital technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed Ledger Technology, and the Internet of Things. However, like with any technology that includes data collection and sharing, there are issues with digital privacy and cybersecurity. This paper addresses these concerns by creating a multi-layer Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) architecture to investigate possible privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with V2X. Using the CPSS paradigm, this research explores the interaction of EV infrastructure as a very critical part of the V2X ecosystem, digital privacy, and cybersecurity concerns

    VDKMS: Vehicular Decentralized Key Management System for Cellular Vehicular-to-Everything Networks, A Blockchain-Based Approach

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    The rapid development of intelligent transportation systems and connected vehicles has highlighted the need for secure and efficient key management systems (KMS). In this paper, we introduce VDKMS (Vehicular Decentralized Key Management System), a novel Decentralized Key Management System designed specifically as an infrastructure for Cellular Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) networks, utilizing a blockchain-based approach. The proposed VDKMS addresses the challenges of secure communication, privacy preservation, and efficient key management in V2X scenarios. It integrates blockchain technology, Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) principles, and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to enable secure and trustworthy V2X applications among vehicles, infrastructures, and networks. We first provide a comprehensive overview of the system architecture, components, protocols, and workflows, covering aspects such as provisioning, registration, verification, and authorization. We then present a detailed performance evaluation, discussing the security properties and compatibility of the proposed solution, as well as a security analysis. Finally, we present potential applications in the vehicular ecosystem that can leverage the advantages of our approach.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted by IEEE Globecom 202