2,556 research outputs found

    A virtual 3D mobile guide in the INTERMEDIA project

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    In this paper, we introduce a European research project, interactive media with personal networked devices (INTERMEDIA) in which we seek to progress beyond home and device-centric convergence toward truly user-centric convergence of multimedia. Our vision is to make the user the multimedia center: the user as the point at which multimedia services and the means for interacting with them converge. This paper proposes the main research goals in providing users with a personalized interface and content independent of physical networked devices, and space and time. As a case study, we describe an indoors, mobile mixed reality guide system: Chloe@University. With a see-through head-mounted display (HMD) connected to a small wearable computing device, Chloe@University provides users with an efficient way to guide someone in a building. A 3D virtual character in front of the user guides him/her to the required destinatio

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Access Anytime Anyplace: An Empircal Investigation of Patterns of Technology Use in Nomadic Computing Environments

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    With the increasing pervasiveness of mobile technologies such as cellular phones, personal digital assistants and hand held computers, mobile technologies promise the next major technological and cultural shift. Like the Internet, it is predicted that the greatest impact will not come from hardware devices or software programs, but from emerging social practices, which were not possible before. To capitalize on the benefits of mobile technologies, organizations have begun to implement nomadic computing environments. Nomadic computing environments make available the systems support needed to provide computing and communication capabilities and services to the mobile work force as they move from place to place in a manner that is transparent, integrated, convenient and adaptive. Already, anecdotes suggest that within organizations there are social implications occurring with both unintended and intended consequences being perpetuated. The problems of nomadic computing users have widely been described in terms of the challenges presented by the interplay of time, space and context, yet a theory has yet to be developed which analyzes this interplay in a single effort. A temporal human agency perspective proposes that stakeholders’ actions are influenced by their ability to recall the past, respond to the present and imagine the future. By extending the temporal human agency perspective through the recognition of the combined influence of space and context on human action, I investigated how the individual practices of eleven nomadic computing users changed after implementation. Under the umbrella of the interpretive paradigm, and using a cross case methodology this research develops a theoretical account of how several stakeholders engaged with different nomadic computing environments and explores the context of their effectiveness. Applying a literal and theoretical replication strategy to multiple longitudinal and retrospective cases, six months were spent in the field interviewing and observing participants. Data analysis included three types of coding: descriptive, interpretive and pattern coding. The findings reveal that patterns of technology use in nomadic computing environments are influenced by stakeholders’ temporal orientations; their ability to remember the past, imagine the future and respond to the present. As stakeholders all have different temporal orientations and experiences, they exhibit different practices even when engaging initially with the same organizational and technical environments. Opposing forces emerge as users attempt to be effective by resolving the benefits and disadvantages of the environment as they undergo different temporal, contextual and spatial experiences. Insights about the ability to predict future use suggest that because they are difficult to envisage in advance, social processes inhibit the predictability of what technologies users will adopt. The framework presented highlights the need to focus on understanding the diversity in nomadic computing use practices by examining how they are influenced by individual circumstances as well as shared meanings across individuals

    Towards Viable Large Scale Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    We explore radio resource allocation and management issues related to a large-scale heterogeneous (hetnet) wireless system made up of several Radio Access Technologies (RATs) that collectively provide a unified wireless network to a diverse set of users through co-ordination managed by a centralized Global Resource Controller (GRC). We incorporate 3G cellular technologies HSPA and EVDO, 4G cellular technologies WiMAX and LTE, and WLAN technology Wi-Fi as the RATs in our hetnet wireless system. We assume that the user devices are either multi-modal or have one or more reconfigurable radios which makes it possible for each device to use any available RAT at any given time subject to resource-sharing agreements. For such a hetnet system where resource allocation is coordinated at a global level, characterizing the network performance in terms of various conflicting network efficiency objectives that takes costs associated with a network re-association operation into account largely remains an open problem. Also, all the studies to-date that try to characterize the network performance of a hetnet system do not account for RAT-specific implementation details and the management overhead associated with setting up a centralized control. We study the radio resource allocation problem and the implementation/management overhead issues associated with a hetnet system in two research phases. In the first phase, we develop cost models associated with network re-association in terms of increased power consumption and communication downtime taking into account various user device assumptions. Using these cost models in our problem formulations, the first phase focuses on resource allocation strategies where we use a high-level system modeling approach to study the achievable performance in terms of conflicting network efficiency measures of spectral efficiency, overall power consumption, and instantaneous and long-term fairness for each user in the hetnet system. Our main result from this phase of study suggests that the gain in spectral efficiency due to multi-access network diversity results in a tremendous increase in overall power consumption due to frequent re-associations required by user devices. We then develop a utility function-based optimization algorithm to characterize and achieve a desired tradeoff in terms of all four network efficiency measures of spectral efficiency, overall power consumption and instantaneous and long-term fairness. We show an increase in a multi-attribute system utility measure of up to 56.7% for our algorithm compared to other widely studied resource allocation algorithms including max-sum rate, proportional fairness, max-min fairness and min power. The second phase of our research study focuses on practical implementation issues including the overhead required to implement a centralized GRC solution in a hetnet system. Through detailed protocol level simulations performed in ns-2, we show an increase in spectral efficiency of up to 99% and an increase in instantaneous fairness of up to 28.5% for two sort-based user device-to-Access Point (AP)/Base Station (BS) association algorithms implemented at the GRC that aim to maximize system spectral efficiency and instantaneous fairness performance metrics respectively compared to a distributed solution where each user makes his/her own association decision. The efficiency increase for each respective attribute again results in a tremendous increase in power consumption of up to 650% and 794% for each respective algorithm implemented at the GRC compared to a distributed solution because of frequent re-associations

    Role of Middle Managers in Mitigating Employee Cyberloafing in the Workplace

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    Companies in the United States are concerned about the indeterminate effectiveness of corporate cyberloafing mitigation efforts leading to the persistence of employee cyberloafing behavior. Although middle managers are the driving force behind the transformational influences that guide employee productivity and could proffer practical solutions, a lack of clarity surrounds the middle manager\u27s role in the overall cyberloafing mitigation efforts within organizations. The central research question for this transcendental phenomenological research study explored the lived experiences of middle managers regarding their roles in mitigating employee cyberloafing at higher education institutions in Florida. This study used a social constructivist-interpretive framework that draws from the multiple realities constructed through social interactions and lived experiences. Participants included 7 middle managers with experience mitigating cyberloafing at higher education institutions in Florida. Four major themes emerged from an inductive analysis of the data, including managing employee performance, proximity matters, cyberloafing interventions, and understanding employee online technology use. The results and recommendations of this study provide implications for social change. Business organizations may modify cyberloafing mitigation strategies and policies from a better understanding of manager/employee interactions, transformational managerial influences used to mitigate employee cyberloafing, and managerial knowledge of employee appropriation of online technology
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