11 research outputs found

    Ethical issues in monitoring and based tracking systems

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    Monitoring and based tracking systems use a variety of technologies to record and monitor the activities of humans. This can increase the risks to the privacy and security of individuals. The amount of information gathered about individuals is growing through the proliferation of surveillance cameras, sensors; microchips and Radio Frequency Identification RFID tags embedded in devices and products. Advances in electronic technologies allow companies and government agencies to store and process large amounts of information about individuals. The Internet provides the ultimate copier device, making this information easily available to millions. This paper highlights the ethical issues emerging with the new technologies in the monitoring and base tracking system. New regulations should be proposed to protect the individual privacy

    Security of RFID Protocols - A Case Study

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    AbstractIn the context of Dolev-Yao style analysis of security protocols, we investigate the security claims of a recently proposed RFID authentication protocol. We exhibit a flaw which has gone unnoticed in RFID protocol literature and present the resulting attacks on authentication, untraceability, and desynchronization resistance. We analyze and discuss the authors' proofs of security. References to other vulnerable protocols are given

    Ethical Issues In Monitoring And Based Tracking Systems

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    Monitoring and based tracking systems use a variety of technologies to record and monitor the activities of humans.  This can increase the risks to the privacy and security of individuals. The amount of information gathered about individuals is growing through the proliferation of surveillance cameras, sensors; microchips and Radio Frequency Identification RFID tags embedded in devices and products. Advances in electronic technologies allow companies and government agencies to store and process large amounts of information about individuals. The Internet provides the ultimate copier device, making this information easily available to millions. This paper highlights the ethical issues emerging with the new technologies in the monitoring and base tracking system. New regulations should be proposed to protect the individual privacy. ABSTRAK: Pemantauan dan sistem berasaskan pengesanan menggunakan pelbagai teknologi untuk merakam dan memantau aktiviti manusia. Ini boleh meningkatkan risiko dari segi privasi dan keselamatan individu. Jumlah maklumat yang dikumpulkan tentang individu berkembang melalui proliferasi pengawasan kamera, sensor; mikrocip dan tag frekuensi radio yang diletakkan di dalam peranti dan produk. Kemajuan dalam teknologi elektronik membolehkan syarikat-syarikat dan agensi-agensi kerajaan menyimpan dan memproses sejumlah besar maklumat mengenai individu. Internet menyediakan peranti salinan utama, menjadikan maklumat ini didapati dengan mudah. Kajian ini memaparkan isu-isu etika yang baru muncul dengan teknologi baru dalam pemantauan dan sistem berasaskan pengesanan. Peraturan baru perlu dicadangkan untuk melindungi privasi individu. Keywords: Privacy Implications, Tracking Systems, Ethical Issue, RFI

    An Application and Design for Safety Material Support Program Based on Radio Frequency Identifier

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    目的:设计并应用一种基于射频技术的物资安全保障方案。方法:事先约定了rfId标签的编码格式,只有PdA通过无线方式与基地数据库连接才能获取rfId标签内容;同时在PdA与rfId标签之间建立双向认证机制,防止未授权的阅读器和假冒的标签参与会话。结果:在卫生分队执行机动卫勤保障任务动态补充物资过程中应用该方案后,保证了物资的安全运输。结论:在确保物资应急保障的安全性和可靠性方面有较大应用价值。Objective To design and apply a material security program based on RFID technology.Methods The program agreed on encoding format of RFID tag in advance,in which PDA could access the content of RFID tags only by connecting with the base database wirelessly.At the same time,mutual authentication mechanism was established between the PDA and the RFID tag,which prevented unauthorized tags and readers from participating in the session.Results The safe of military supplies transportation was assured after the program was applied in the implementation of mobile medical support tasks.Conclusion The program has great application value for ensuring the safety and reliability of material emergency support.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

    Formal Computational Unlinkability Proofs of RFID Protocols

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    We set up a framework for the formal proofs of RFID protocols in the computational model. We rely on the so-called computationally complete symbolic attacker model. Our contributions are: i) To design (and prove sound) axioms reflecting the properties of hash functions (Collision-Resistance, PRF); ii) To formalize computational unlinkability in the model; iii) To illustrate the method, providing the first formal proofs of unlinkability of RFID protocols, in the computational model

    Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR

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    International audienceIn cryptographic protocols, in particular RFID protocols, exclusive-or (XOR) operations are common. Due to the inherent complexity of faithful models of XOR, there is only limited tool support for the verification of cryptographic protocols using XOR. In this paper, we improve the TAMARIN prover and its underlying theory to deal with an equational theory modeling XOR operations. The XOR theory can be combined with all equational theories previously supported, including user-defined equational theories. This makes TAMARIN the first verification tool for cryptographic protocols in the symbolic model to support simultaneously this large set of equational theories, protocols with global mutable state, an unbounded number of sessions, and complex security properties including observational equivalence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing several protocols that rely on XOR, in particular multiple RFID-protocols, where we can identify attacks as well as provide proofs

    Lightweight Cryptography for Passive RFID Tags

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    Classification, Formalization and Automatic Verification of Untraceability in RFID Protocols

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    Résumé Les protocoles sécurité RFID sont des sous-ensembles des protocoles cryptographiques mais avec des fonctions cryptographiques légères. Leur objectif principal est l'identification à l'égard de certaines propriétés de intimité comme la non-traçabilité et la confidentialité de l'avant. La intimité est un point essentielle de la société d'aujourd'hui. Un protocole d'identification RFID devrait non seulement permettre à un lecteur légitime d'authentifier un tag, mais il faut aussi protéger la intimité du tag. Des failles de sécurité ont été découvertes dans la plupart de ces protocoles, en dépit de la quantité considérable de temps et d'efforts requis pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de protocoles cryptographiques. La responsabilité de la vérification adéquate devient cruciale. Les méthodes formelles peuvent jouer un rôle essentiel dans le développement de protocoles de sécurité fiables. Les systèmes critiques qui nécessitent une haute fiabilité tels que les protocoles de sécurité sont difficiles à évaluer en utilisant les tests conventionnels et les techniques de simulation. Cela a eu comme effet de concentrer les recherches sur les techniques de vérification formelle de tels systèmes pour assurer un degré élevé de fiabilité. Par conséquent, certaines recherches ont été faites dans ce domaine, mais une définition explicite de certaines de ces propriétés de sécurité n'ont pas encore été donnée. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer l'utilisation de méthodes formelles pour analyser les propriétés de intimité du protocole RFID. Plusieurs définitions sont données dans la littérature pour les propriétés non-traçabilité, mais il n'y a pas d'accord sur sa définition exacte. Nous avons introduit trois niveaux différents pour cette propriété en ce qui concerne les expériences de intimité existantes. Nous avons également classé toutes les définitions existantes avec différents points forts de la propriété non-traçabilité dans la littérature. De plus, notre approche utilise spécifiquement les techniques de calculs de processus pi calcul appliqués pour créer un modèle pour un protocole. Nous démontrons les définitions formelles de nos niveaux de non-traçabilité proposées et l'applique à des études de cas sur les protocoles existants.----------Abstract RFID protocols are subsets of cryptographic protocols but with lightweight cryptographic functions. Their main objective is identification with respect to some privacy properties, like anonymity, untraceability and forward secrecy. Privacy is the essential part of today's society. An RFID identification protocol should not only allow a legitimate reader to authenticate a tag but also it should protect the privacy of the tag. Although design and implementation of cryptographic protocols are tedious and time consuming, security flaws have been discovered in most of these protocols. Therefore the responsibility for reliable and proper verification becomes crucial. Formal methods can play an essential role in the development of reliable security protocols. Critical systems which require high reliability such as security protocols are difficult to be evaluated using conventional tests and simulation techniques. This has encouraged the researchers to focus on the formal verification techniques to ensure a high degree of reliability in such systems. In spite of the studies which have been carried out in this field, an explicit definition for some of these security properties is still missing

    Secure Mobile RFID system against privacy and security problems

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