128 research outputs found

    On Security and Reliability using Cooperative Transmissions in Sensor Networks

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    Recent work on cooperative communications has demonstrated benefits in terms of improving the reliability of links through diversity and/or increasing the reach of a link compared to a single transmitter transmitting to a single receiver (single-input single-output or SISO). In one form of cooperative transmissions, multiple nodes can act as virtual antenna elements and provide such benefits using space-time coding. In a multi-hop sensor network, a source node can make use of its neighbors as relays with itself to reach an intermediate node, which will use its neighbors and so on to reach the destination. For the same reliability of a link as SISO, the number of hops between a source and destination may be reduced using cooperative transmissions. However, the presence of malicious or compromised nodes in the network impacts the use of cooperative transmissions. Using more relays can increase the reach of a link, but if one or more relays are malicious, the transmission may fail. In this paper, we analyze this problem to understand the conditions under which cooperative transmissions may fare better or worse than SISO transmissions

    On Security and reliability using cooperative transmissions in sensor networks

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    Cooperative transmissions have received recent attention and research papers have demonstrated their benefits for wireless networks. Such benefits include improving the reliability of links through diversity and/or increasing the reach of a link compared to a single transmitter transmitting to a single receiver (single-input single-output or SISO). In one form of cooperative transmissions, multiple nodes can act as virtual antenna elements and provide diversity gain or range improvement using space-time coding. In a multi-hop ad hoc or sensor network, a source node can make use of its neighbors as relays with itself to reach an intermediate node with greater reliability or at a larger distance than otherwise possible. The intermediate node will use its neighbors in a similar manner and this process continues till the destination is reached. Thus, for the same reliability of a link as SISO, the number of hops between a source and destination may be reduced using cooperative transmissions as each hop spans a larger distance. However, the presence of ma-licious or compromised nodes in the network impacts the benefits obtained with cooperative transmissions. Using more relays can increase the reach of a link, but if one or more relays are malicious, the transmission may fail. However, the relationships between the number of relays, the number of hops, and success probabilities are not trivial to determine. In this paper, we analyze this problem to understand the conditions under which cooperative transmissions fare better or worse than SISO transmissions. We take into consideration additional parameters such as the path-loss exponent and provide a framework that allows us to evaluate the conditions when cooperative transmissions are better than SISO transmissions. This analysis provides insights that can be employed before resorting to simulations or experimentation. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

    Performance Analysis of Channel-Aware Media Access Control Schemes

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    This thesis proposes a new Channel-Aware MAC (CA-MAC) protocol that allows more than two simultaneous transmissions to take place within a single wireless collision domain. In this proposed work, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system is used to achieve higher spectral efficiency. The MIMO-based PHY layer has been adopted to help in controlling the transmission and to avoid any collisions by using weights gains technique on the antenna transmission, and by recovering any possible collisions using ZigZag decoding. In order to develop CA-MAC algorithm, to exploit the full potential of MIMO system, the library of 802.11x standard has been modified. NS-2 based simulations were conducted to study the performance of the proposed system. Detailed analysis and comparisons with current protocols schemes are presented

    An enhanced OFDM light weight physical layer encryption scheme

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    The broadcast nature of wireless networks makes them susceptible to attacks by eavesdroppers than wired networks. Any untrusted node can eavesdrop on the medium, listen to transmissions and obtain sensitive information within the wireless network. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism which combines the advantages of two techniques namely iJam and OFDM phase encryption. Our modified mechanism makes iJam more bandwidth efficient by using Alamouti scheme to take advantage of the repetition inherent in its implementation. The adversary model is extended to the active adversary case, which has not been done in the original work of iJam and OFDM phase encryption. We propose, through a max min optimization model, a framework that maximizes the secrecy rate by means of a friendly jammer. We formulate a Zero-Sum game that captures the strategic decision making between the transmitter receiver pair and the adversary. We apply the fictitious play (FP) algorithm to reach the Nash equilibria (NE) of the game. Our simulation results show a significant improvement in terms of the ability of the eavesdropper to benefit from the received information over the traditional schemes, i.e. iJam or OFDM phase encryption

    Analysis and Ad-hoc Networking Solutions for Cooperative Relaying Systems

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    Users of mobile networks are increasingly demanding higher data rates from their service providers. To cater to this demand, various signal processing and networking algorithms have been proposed. Amongst them the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) scheme of wireless communications is one of the most promising options. However, due to certain physical restrictions, e.g., size, it is not possible for many devices to have multiple antennas on them. Also, most of the devices currently in use are single-antenna devices. Such devices can make use of the MIMO scheme by employing cooperative MIMO methods. This involves nearby nodes utilizing the antennas of each other to form virtual antenna arrays (VAAs). Nodes with limited communication ranges can further employ multi-hopping to be able to communicate with far away nodes. However, an ad-hoc communications scheme with cooperative MIMO multi-hopping can be challenging to implement because of its de-centralized nature and lack of a centralized controling entity such as a base-station. This thesis looks at methods to alleviate the problems faced by such networks.In the first part of this thesis, we look, analytically, at the relaying scheme under consideration and derive closed form expressions for certain performance measures (signal to noise ratio (SNR), symbol error rate (SER), bit error rate (BER), and capacity) for the co-located and cooperative multiple antenna schemes in different relaying configurations (amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward) and different antenna configurations (single input single output (SISO), single input multiple output (SIMO) and MIMO). These expressions show the importance of reducing the number of hops in multi-hop communications to achieve a better performance. We can also see the impact of different antenna configurations and different transmit powers on the number of hops through these simplified expressions.We also look at the impact of synchronization errors on the cooperative MIMO communications scheme and derive a lower bound of the SINR and an expression for the BER in the high SNR regime. These expressions can help the network designers to ensure that the quality of service (QoS) is satisfied even in the worst-case scenarios. In the second part of the thesis we present some algorithms developed by us to help the set-up and functioning of cluster-based ad-hoc networks that employ cooperative relaying. We present a clustering algorithm that takes into account the battery status of nodes in order to ensure a longer network life-time. We also present a routing mechanism that is tailored for use in cooperative MIMO multi-hop relaying. The benefits of both schemes are shown through simulations.A method to handle data in ad-hoc networks using distributed hash tables (DHTs) is also presented. Moreover, we also present a physical layer security mechanism for multi-hop relaying. We also analyze the physical layer security mechanism for the cooperative MIMO scheme. This analysis shows that the cooperative MIMO scheme is more beneficial than co-located MIMO in terms of the information theoretic limits of the physical layer security.Nutzer mobiler Netzwerke fordern zunehmend höhere Datenraten von ihren Dienstleistern. Um diesem Bedarf gerecht zu werden, wurden verschiedene Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen entwickelt. Dabei ist das "Multiple input multiple output" (MIMO)-Verfahren für die drahtlose Kommunikation eine der vielversprechendsten Techniken. Jedoch ist aufgrund bestimmter physikalischer Beschränkungen, wie zum Beispiel die Baugröße, die Verwendung von mehreren Antennen für viele Endgeräte nicht möglich. Dennoch können solche Ein-Antennen-Geräte durch den Einsatz kooperativer MIMO-Verfahren von den Vorteilen des MIMO-Prinzips profitieren. Dabei schließen sich naheliegende Knoten zusammen um ein sogenanntes virtuelles Antennen-Array zu bilden. Weiterhin können Knoten mit beschränktem Kommunikationsbereich durch mehrere Hops mit weiter entfernten Knoten kommunizieren. Allerdings stellt der Aufbau eines solchen Ad-hoc-Netzwerks mit kooperativen MIMO-Fähigkeiten aufgrund der dezentralen Natur und das Fehlen einer zentral-steuernden Einheit, wie einer Basisstation, eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Problemstellungen dieser Netzwerke und bietet verschiedene Lösungsansätze.Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden analytisch in sich geschlossene Ausdrücke für ein kooperatives Relaying-System bezüglicher verschiedener Metriken, wie das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis, die Symbolfehlerrate, die Bitfehlerrate und die Kapazität, hergeleitet. Dabei werden die "Amplify-and forward" und "Decode-and-forward" Relaying-Protokolle, sowie unterschiedliche Mehrantennen-Konfigurationen, wie "Single input single output" (SISO), "Single input multiple output" (SIMO) und MIMO betrachtet. Diese Ausdrücke zeigen die Bedeutung der Reduzierung der Hop-Anzahl in Mehr-Hop-Systemen, um eine höhere Leistung zu erzielen. Zudem werden die Auswirkungen verschiedener Antennen-Konfigurationen und Sendeleistungen auf die Anzahl der Hops analysiert.  Weiterhin wird der Einfluss von Synchronisationsfehlern auf das kooperative MIMO-Verfahren herausgestellt und daraus eine untere Grenze für das Signal-zu-Interferenz-und-Rausch-Verhältnis, sowie ein Ausdruck für die Bitfehlerrate bei hohem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis entwickelt. Diese Zusammenhänge sollen Netzwerk-Designern helfen die Qualität des Services auch in den Worst-Case-Szenarien sicherzustellen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden einige innovative Algorithmen vorgestellt, die die Einrichtung und die Funktionsweise von Cluster-basierten Ad-hoc-Netzwerken, die kooperative Relays verwenden, erleichtern und verbessern. Darunter befinden sich ein Clustering-Algorithmus, der den Batteriestatus der Knoten berücksichtigt, um eine längere Lebensdauer des Netzwerks zu gewährleisten und ein Routing-Mechanismus, der auf den Einsatz in kooperativen MIMO Mehr-Hop-Systemen zugeschnitten ist. Die Vorteile beider Algorithmen werden durch Simulationen veranschaulicht. Eine Methode, die Daten in Ad-hoc-Netzwerken mit verteilten Hash-Tabellen behandelt wird ebenfalls vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus wird auch ein Sicherheitsmechanismus für die physikalische Schicht in Multi-Hop-Systemen und kooperativen MIMO-Systemen präsentiert. Eine Analyse zeigt, dass das kooperative MIMO-Verfahren deutliche Vorteile gegenüber dem konventionellen MIMO-Verfahren hinsichtlich der informationstheoretischen Grenzen der Sicherheit auf der physikalischen Schicht aufweist

    An Overview of Physical Layer Security with Finite-Alphabet Signaling

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    Providing secure communications over the physical layer with the objective of achieving perfect secrecy without requiring a secret key has been receiving growing attention within the past decade. The vast majority of the existing studies in the area of physical layer security focus exclusively on the scenarios where the channel inputs are Gaussian distributed. However, in practice, the signals employed for transmission are drawn from discrete signal constellations such as phase shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation. Hence, understanding the impact of the finite-alphabet input constraints and designing secure transmission schemes under this assumption is a mandatory step towards a practical implementation of physical layer security. With this motivation, this article reviews recent developments on physical layer security with finite-alphabet inputs. We explore transmit signal design algorithms for single-antenna as well as multi-antenna wiretap channels under different assumptions on the channel state information at the transmitter. Moreover, we present a review of the recent results on secure transmission with discrete signaling for various scenarios including multi-carrier transmission systems, broadcast channels with confidential messages, cognitive multiple access and relay networks. Throughout the article, we stress the important behavioral differences of discrete versus Gaussian inputs in the context of the physical layer security. We also present an overview of practical code construction over Gaussian and fading wiretap channels, and we discuss some open problems and directions for future research.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (1st Revision

    A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    This paper examines the security vulnerabilities and threats imposed by the inherent open nature of wireless communications and to devise efficient defense mechanisms for improving the wireless network security. We first summarize the security requirements of wireless networks, including their authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and availability issues. Next, a comprehensive overview of security attacks encountered in wireless networks is presented in view of the network protocol architecture, where the potential security threats are discussed at each protocol layer. We also provide a survey of the existing security protocols and algorithms that are adopted in the existing wireless network standards, such as the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and the long-term evolution (LTE) systems. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art in physical-layer security, which is an emerging technique of securing the open communications environment against eavesdropping attacks at the physical layer. We also introduce the family of various jamming attacks and their counter-measures, including the constant jammer, intermittent jammer, reactive jammer, adaptive jammer and intelligent jammer. Additionally, we discuss the integration of physical-layer security into existing authentication and cryptography mechanisms for further securing wireless networks. Finally, some technical challenges which remain unresolved at the time of writing are summarized and the future trends in wireless security are discussed.Comment: 36 pages. Accepted to Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE, 201