14 research outputs found

    Second-order statistics of maximal-ratio and equal-gain combining in Hoyt fading

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    Contributions to the modeling, analysis, and simulation of fading channels

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho provê as seguintes contribuições ao estudo de canais de desvanecimento: (i) aproximações em forma fechada para a função densidade de probabilidade e a função distribuição acumulada de somas de envoltórias independentes sob desvanecimento Nakagami, Rice, Hoyt, Weibull ou lognormal; (ii) expressões gerais para a taxa e duração médias de desvanecimento do combinador de diversidade por seleção pura em canais de desvanecimento arbitrários; (iii) expressões gerais para a taxa e duração médias de desvanecimento dos combinadores de diversidade por seleção pura, ganho igual e razão máxima em canais Ricianos correlacionados e (iv) simulador de envoltória para canais de desvanecimento Nakagami, aplicável a valores arbitrários do parâmetro de desvanecimento e cenários anisotrópicos de propagaçãoAbstract: This work provides the following contributions to the study of fading channels: (i) closed-form approximations to the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of sums of independent envelopes under Nakagami, Rice, Hoyt, Weibull, or lognormal fading; (ii) general expressions for the average fade rate and the average fade duration of pure selection combining over arbitrary fading channels; (iii) general expressions for the average fade rate and the average fade duration of pure selection, equal-gain, and maximal-ratio combining over correlated Ricean channels, and (iv) envelope simulator for Nakagami fading channels, applicable to arbitrary values of fading parameter and nonisotropic propagation scenariosDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Second-order statistics of maximal-ratio and equal-gain combining in Hoyt fading

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    Exact expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration of M-branch equal-gain and maximal-ratio combining systems in a Hoyt fading environment are presented. The expressions apply to unbalanced, non-identical, independent diversity channels and have been validated by specializing the general results to some particular cases whose solutions are known and, more generally, by means of simulation.91192

    Phase distribution and correlated statistics in wireless environments : theory and experimental validation

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta tese propõe, investiga e valida estatísticas de primeira e segunda ordens para canais com desvanecimento em ambientes sem fio. A caracterização estatística contempla tanto a obtenção de modelos teóricos quanto investigações práticas através de campanhas de medições de campo. Os modelos probabilísticos analisados aqui, chamados ?-µ e a-µ, foram recentemente propostos com o intuito de prover uma análise mais realista do canal rádio-móvel. Por apresentarem um grau de liberdade a mais do que as distribuições tradicionais, uma maior flexibilidade é alcançada. Mais especificamente, as contribuições desta tese são: a obtenção da distribuição conjunta da envoltória e da fase para canais em desvanecimento ?-µ e a validação do seu modelo de fase. Além disso, e sem menos importância, a distribuição a-µ é validada amplamente. Suas funções de distribuição cumulativa, correlação cruzada, autocorrelação e espectro de potência da envoltória, estas últimas encontradas em formulações fechadas, bem como a taxa de cruzamento de nível, são investigadas na prática através do uso de um sistema de medição de campo construído especialmente para este fim. Comparações entre o modelo de canal a-µ e os modelos tradicionais da literatura são realizadas e um excelente ajuste entre os dados teóricos e experimentais é encontradoAbstract: This thesis proposes, investigates and validates first and second order statistics of fading channels in wireless environments. The statistical characterization includes both theoretical models and practical investigations through field measurements. The investigated channel models, namely ?-µ and a-µ, have recently been proposed in order to provide a more realistic analysis of the propagated signal. Because these fading models have one more degree of freedom than the traditional distributions, a greater flexibility is achieved. More specifically, the contributions of this thesis are: the ?-µ phase-envelope joint distribution derivation and its phase model validation. Furthermore, the distribution a-µ is fully validated. Its cumulative distribution, cross-correlation, autocorrelation and power spectrum functions of the envelope, these latter obtained in closed-form expressions, and the level crossing rate, are investigated in practice by using a field measurement system, specifically built for this purpose. Comparisons between the a-µ channel model and the traditional distributions are performed and excellent fits between the theoretical and experimental data are foundDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Performanse bežičnog telekomunikacionog sistema u prisustvu n-m fedinga

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    In this thesis characteristics of wireless communication system operating over η-μ fading channel are considered together with diversity reception techniques which reduce the influence of η-μ fading on the system’s outage probability, average bit error rate, channel capacity, level crossing rate and average fade duration. Performance improvement is very significant within radio systems operating into cell network configuration. Cell network configuration realization could be used for increasing capacity of wireless communication system. With the increase of number of cells, i.e. with reducing the surface area of each cell, channel capacity increases. With the increase of number of cells, co-channel interference level increase, which degrades system performance values. In this work the compromise between the system capacity and reception quality is inquired. By applying diversity reception techniques, system performance values, degraded by the influences of slow fading, multipath fading and co-channel interference, are improved, so it is possible to reduce the cell area and to increase system capacity. In the second part of Phd thesis, various distributions for modeling the envelope variations in fading channels have been presented, cases in which these models are used have been pointed out, and advantages and imperfections of corresponding models for corresponding propagation scenarios have been presented. In third chapter, statistical characteristics of the first order of η-μ random variable, α-η-μ random variable and squared η-μ random variable are considered. For each mentioned variables, expressions for probability density function, cumulative distributive function, characteristic function and moments have been derived. Also for each observed case sum of two random variables, product of two random variables, ratio of two random variables, maximal value of two random variables and minimum value of two random variables have been determined. Obtained results are used for determining performances of wirelles reception with applied diversity technique for mitigation fading influence on system performances. Based on obtained expressions, graphs are depicted for probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions for the various values of propagation environment parameters. Probability density function and cumulative distribution function values are also graphically presented for α-η-μ random variable in the function of α and μ parameter change. For the purpose of performance analysis in η-μ fading environment, in the fourth chapter have been considered transformations of three η-μ random variables. Based on presented transformations of η-μ random variables, transmission performances estimation has been conducted, for the η-μ fading channel. Estimation of signal performances for the cases when diversity techniques are applied are carried out based on standard signal performance measures, i.e. outage probability (OP), average bit error probability (ABER), for observed modulation format and channel capacity. Graphically are presented ABER values for various values of system parameters when transmission is carried out with different modulation formats. By comparing obtained values it can be seen received signal performance improvement for the cases when diversity techniques are apliied over the reception case when there is no diversity technique applied. In the fifth chapter statistical characteristics of the second order of η-μ radnom proccess, and random proccesses which represent various variations of η-μ radnom proccess, are considered. Brand new random proccesses, for describing fading in special channel conditions are fromed. For all this cases level crossing rates are determined. In the sixth chapter of this Phd thesis are considered wireless communication systems with reception with applied diversity techniques for mitigating the influence of η-μ fading on system performances. Space diveristy technique has been used. Useful signals are accepted at the antennas, envelopes of these signals are combined and decision is made based on the signal values at the combiner outputs. System performances are determined for the cases of SC and MRC combining. For bouth cases probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the signal at the combiners outouts are derived, as well as the average bit error rate for the various used modualtion formats and level crossing rate. Results for ABER for various modulation formats are graphically presented as well as the improvement of the outage probability at the reception obtained by applying SC with two reception branches. In this part it has also been considered the case when bouth desired and interferring signal are described with η-μ distribution, as well as the case when desired signal has been described with η-μ distribution while interference has been described with κ-μ distribution. In the seventh chapter macrodiversity sistem with SC reception and two MRC microdiversity combiners has been considered. At the inputs at the microdiversity combiners η-μ fading is present, while at the inputs as macrodiversity combiners slow Gamma fading is present. For this model of system it has been calculated probability density function, cumulative distribution function, characteristic function, moments, variance, outage probability and level crossing rate for the signal at the macrodiversity combiner output. Results obtained for level croosing rate at the macrodiversity combiner output are graphically presented

    Razvoj metoda i algoritama za procenu performansi komunikacionih sistema primenom aproksimacija specijalnih funkcija

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    The intensive development of wireless communication systems has been accompanied by the need to develop methods and algorithms for implementing appropriate approximations of special functions in order to efficiently estimate the corresponding performance of these services through their application. In order to evaluate the behavior of digital communications systems, it is necessary to estimate standard performance measures for the observed wireless communications systems, various modulation types application, detection types, as well as channel models, and observe relations between performance and key values of system parameters. The analysis of the average bit error rate at reception for the applied modulation format is one of the tools for assessing service performance, that describes the nature of the wireless communication system in the best manner. In order to analytically evaluate the average bit error rate for the applied modulation format, it is necessary to perform the most accurate implementation of the approximation of special functions erfc(x), erf (x), Marcum Q, in the widest input range values. The dissertation will present composite methods of the special functions’ approximations. In addition to the simplicity of realization in approximating the observed functions, the aspect of robustness of approximations absolute and relative error values in a wide range of input parameters values will be considered. The advantages of the proposed solutions will be highlighted by direct comparison with the absolute and relative errors obtained by using the known special functions’ approximations from the literature. Furthermore, when transferring information through fading communication channels, for cases of application of proposed special functions’ approximations, it will be proved that system performance can be determined more easily by applying solutions proposed in the dissertation. In this way, it would be easier to determine the probability of the error of communication systems due to different types of fading existance in the channel. By comparing predicted values of the average bit error rate at reception, when transmitting signals through various communication channels medias, for cases of application of existing, previously proposed special functions’ approximations, with the average bit error rate at reception obtained by calculation based on the proposed approximation solutions, it will be shown that communication performances can be calculated more precisely. Proposed approximations could also be used in the source coding of the signal and could simplify design and realization of the quantizers

    Theoretical contributions for generalized scenarios of wireless channels

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente, três novos modelos probabilísticos de canal, modelos a-u, ?-u e ?-u, foram propostos com o intuito de prover uma análise mais realística do sinal propagante. Por apresentarem um grau de liberdade a mais que os demais já existentes na literatura, um melhor ajuste a medidas de campo verificou-se com a utilização dos mesmos. Esta tese provê uma caracterização estatística para estes modelos de desvanecimento generalizados. Tal caracterização engloba tanto estatísticas de primeira como de segunda ordem. Aproximações simples e precisas para a soma de variáveis e processos aleatórios são propostas. Inúmeras métricas de desempenho em ambientes com e sem diversidade na recepção são investigadas de forma exata e aproximada. Dentre estas, podemos citar: probabilidade de outage, taxa de erro de bit, capacidade de canal, taxa de cruzamento de nível, duração média de desvanecimento, dentre outras. Além disso, mostra-se também qual das distribuições generalizadas melhor aproxima a soma de variáveis e processos Nakagami-m, uma vez que todas incluem Nakagami-m como caso especial. Finalmente, expressões exatas e aproximadas para a taxa de cruzamento de nível de canaisWeibull correlacionados e não idênticos em receptores multirramos são apresentadasAbstract: Recently, three new channel models, a-u, ?-u and ?-u, were proposed with the aim to provide a more realistic analysis of the propagate signal. Due to they have one degree of freedom more than those already existing in the literature, a better adjust to field measurement data was attested with their use. This thesis deals with the statistical characterization of these generalized fading models. Such a characterization includes both first and second order statistics. Simple and precise approximations to the sum of random variables and processes are proposed. Several performance metrics in scenarios with and without diversity are investigated in an exact and approximate manner. Among them, we may cite: outage probability, bit error probability, channel capacity, level crossing rate, average fade duration, such others. Furthermore, it is shown what is the generalized distribution that better approximate the sum of Nakagami-m variates and processes, once that all of them include Nakagami-m as special case. Finally, exact and approximate expressions for the crossing rates of non-identical correlated Weibull channels in multibranch receivers are presented.DoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Diversity techniques for broadband wireless communications: performance enhancement and analysis

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    The diversity techniques have been proven to be effective for next generation broadband wireless communications, and are the focus of this thesis. The diversity techniques can be broadly categorized into three types: Space, Time, and Frequency. In this thesis, we are mainly concerned with frequency and space diversity techniques. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a frequency diversity technique which offers several benefits such as easier digital implementation, immunity to multipath channels, low complexity channel equalization, etc. Despite these desirable features, there are few inherent problems in OFDM such as high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). High PAPR demands large dynamic range in the transmitted chain such as digital to analog converter (DAC) and power amplifier (PA). Unless pre-processed, the transmitted signal gets distorted due to quantization errors and inter-modulation. In the initial stage of PhD candidature, the author focused on PAPR reduction techniques. A simple modification on conventional iterative clipping and filtering (ICF) technique was proposed which has less computational complexity. The power savings achievable from clipping and filtering method was considered next. Furthermore the ICF is compared with another distortion-less PAPR reduction technique called Selective Mapping (SLM) based on power savings. Finally, impact of clipping and filtering on the channel estimation was analyzed. Space diversity seeks to exploit the multi-path characteristics of wireless channels to improve the performance. The simplest form of the space diversity is the receive diversity where two or more antennas with sufficient spacing collect independent copies of the same transmitted signal, which contributes to better signal reception. In this thesis new analytical expressions for spectral efficiency, capacity, and error rates were presented for adaptive systems with channel estimation error. Beamforming (steering signal towards desired receiver) is another useful technique in multiple-antenna systems to further improve the system performance. MRT (Maximal Ratio Transmission) or MIMO-MRC is such system where the transmitter, based on channel feedback from the receiver, uses weighting factors to steer the transmitted signal. Closed form expressions for symbol error rates were derived for MRT system with channel estimation error. The results were extended to evaluate closed form expressions of error rates for Rectangular QAM. Antenna correlation was considered in another contribution on MRC systems. Relay and Cooperative networks represent another form of spatial diversity and have recently attracted significant research attention. These networks rely on intermediate nodes called "relays" to establish communication between the source and the destination. In addition to coverage extension, the relay networks have shown to offer cooperative diversity when there is a direct link or multiple relays. The first contribution is to analyze a dual-hop amplify-forward relay networks with dissimilar fading scenarios. Next error rates of Rectangular QAM for decode-forward selection relay system are derived. Multiple antenna at relay is included to analyze the benefits of dual spatial diversity over Rayleigh and Nakagami fading channels. Antenna selection is a cost-effective way to exploit the antenna diversity. General Order Antenna Selection (GOAS), based on Ordered Statistics, is used to evaluate signal statistics for a MIMO relay network