25 research outputs found

    Current and Voltage Mode Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using CBTAs

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    Current-mode (CM) and voltage-mode (VM) multiphase sinusoidal oscillator (MSO) structures using current backward transconductance amplifier (CBTA) are proposed. The proposed oscillators can generate n current or voltage signals (n being even or odd) equally spaced in phase. n+1 CBTAs, n grounded capacitors and a grounded resistor are used for nth-state oscillator. The oscillation frequency can be independently controlled through transconductance (gm) of the CBTAs which are adjustable via their bias currents. The effects caused by the non-ideality of the CBTA on the oscillation frequency and condition have been analyzed. The performance of the proposed circuits is demonstrated on third-stage and fifth-stage MSOs by using PSPICE simulations based on the 0.25 µm TSMC level-7 CMOS technology parameters

    Electronically Tunable Current-mode Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillator Employing CCCDTA-based Allpass Filters with Only Grounded Passive Elements

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    This study describes the design of a multiphase sinusoidal oscillator (MSO) using CCCDTA-based allpass filters with grounded capacitors. The oscillation condition and oscillation frequency can be electronically/orthogonally controlled. The proposed MSO provides 2n (n>2) phase signals that are equally spaced in phase and of equal amplitude. The circuit requires one CCCDTA, one electronic resistor and one grounded capacitor per phase and no additional current amplifier and floating elements. High output impedances of the configuration enable the circuit to be cascaded to the current-mode circuit without additional current buffers. The effects of the non-idealities of the CCCDTA-allpass sections were also studied. The results of PSPICE simulations using CMOS CCCDTA are presented, demonstrating their consistency with theoretical assumptions

    Sinusoidal Generator with π

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    This paper presents a new circuit proposal for multiphase sine-wave generation, employing two active elements and four grounded passive elements. The proposed oscillator provides four 45° phase-shifted voltage outputs. Incorporation of additional inverters for generation of eight-phase outputs is further shown. Simultaneous current outputs can also be generated with additional output stages. The compact circuit structure is studied for nonideal and parasitic effects and simulation results are given, which are in good agreement with the theory. The utility of the proposal for π/4-QPSK generation is explored as an interesting application example with supporting results

    Design of RC sinusoidal oscillator based on active building blocks

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    Bakalárska práca je venovaná RC oscilátorom s použitím funkčných blokov a operačných zosilovačov. Na počiatku je urobený rešerš literatúry zaoberajúcej sa konštrukciou a návrhom RC oscilátorov, a použitiu rôznych funkčných blokov pri tomto návrhu. Jednotlivé funkčné bloky sú diskutované a sú vybrané rôzne zapojenia s použitím týchto blokov, ktoré sú simulované analýzou na počítači pomocou PSpice a SNAP. Je overený vznik oscilácií a vplyv jednotlivých súčiastok v zapojení. V druhej časti sú realizované vybrané zapojenia a overené teoretické poznatky na praktickej realizácii. Údaje získané z počítačovej simulácie a praktickej realizácie sú potom porovnané, a taktiež jednotlivé zapojenia sú porovnané medzi sebou.Thesis is focused on RC oscillators employing active building blocks and operational amplifiers. In the beginning, review of available literature talking about this topic is done. Different building blocks and circuits containing those blocks are picked and some of them simulated with PSpice and SNAP programs. Oscillation creation and influence of circuit components is verified. Those circuits are realized in practical application and simulation results are compared to those gained from real world circuits, also the chosen circuits are compared between each other.

    Analog Implementation of Fractional-Order Elements and Their Applications

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    With advancements in the theory of fractional calculus and also with widespread engineering application of fractional-order systems, analog implementation of fractional-order integrators and differentiators have received considerable attention. This is due to the fact that this powerful mathematical tool allows us to describe and model a real-world phenomenon more accurately than via classical “integer” methods. Moreover, their additional degree of freedom allows researchers to design accurate and more robust systems that would be impractical or impossible to implement with conventional capacitors. Throughout this thesis, a wide range of problems associated with analog circuit design of fractional-order systems are covered: passive component optimization of resistive-capacitive and resistive-inductive type fractional-order elements, realization of active fractional-order capacitors (FOCs), analog implementation of fractional-order integrators, robust fractional-order proportional-integral control design, investigation of different materials for FOC fabrication having ultra-wide frequency band, low phase error, possible low- and high-frequency realization of fractional-order oscillators in analog domain, mathematical and experimental study of solid-state FOCs in series-, parallel- and interconnected circuit networks. Consequently, the proposed approaches in this thesis are important considerations in beyond the future studies of fractional dynamic systems

    Electronics for Sensors

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    The aim of this Special Issue is to explore new advanced solutions in electronic systems and interfaces to be employed in sensors, describing best practices, implementations, and applications. The selected papers in particular concern photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) interfaces and applications, techniques for monitoring radiation levels, electronics for biomedical applications, design and applications of time-to-digital converters, interfaces for image sensors, and general-purpose theory and topologies for electronic interfaces

    Основи схемотехніки електронних систем

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    Basics of circuitry are stated, principles of operation are considered, it is given calculations of analog, digital and pulse devices of electronic systems, based on semiconductor devices, integrated operational amplifiers and integrated logic circuits of TTL, MOS, CMOS types, construction principles of systems of control by electronics devices based on microprocessors and microcontrollers. For students of institutions of higher education. It can be useful for specialists on electronic engineering, specializing in the area of development, fabrication and maintenance of electronic systems and devices

    Нелінійна динаміка — 2013

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    The book of Proceedings includes extended abstracts of presentations on the Fourth International conference on nonlinear dynamics