7 research outputs found

    Realidad aumentada en el periodismo deportivo. Percepciones sobre la entrevista a Willian José en #Vamos

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    La realidad aumentada se ha convertido en un campo de experimentación para los formatos informativos audiovisuales. Algunos medios de comunicación comienzan a emplear la tecnología para lograr un mayor impacto visual; sin embargo, no está demostrado que ofrezca ventajas informativas. En este contexto, el canal deportivo de Movistar #Vamos ha sido pionero en el ecosistema de medios español al emitir la primera entrevista en realidad aumentada al futbolista de la Real Sociedad Willian José. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la repercusión que ha tenido la pieza en tres ámbitos: 1) la percepción de los usuarios, 2) la opinión de la industria y los profesionales, y 3) la visión de la academia sobre esta iniciativa. Para ello, se utiliza una triangulación metodológica. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis de sentimiento aplicado a las principales plataformas sociales durante las 24 horas posteriores a su emisión. En segundo lugar, se desarrolla un motor de búsqueda para identificar las publicaciones surgidas en torno al tema. Por último, se entrevista a cuatro académicos especializados en periodismo deportivo y realidad aumentada. Mientras que la industria resalta su utilidad en una cobertura escas, la opinión de los usuarios y los expertos es menos optimista.Augmented reality has become a field of experimentation for audiovisual news formats. Some media outlets are beginning to use the technology to achieve greater visual impact; however, it has not been proven to offer informative advantages. In this context, Movistar's sports channel #Vamos has been a pioneer in the Spanish media ecosystem by broadcasting the first augmented reality interview with Real Sociedad footballer Willian José. The aim of this article is to analyse the impact of the piece in three areas: 1) the perception of users, 2) the opinion of the industry and professionals, and 3) the vision of the academy on this initiative. To do so, a methodological triangulation is used. Firstly, a sentiment analysis is carried out on the main social platforms during the 24 hours following the broadcast. Secondly, a search engine is developed to identify the publications that have emerged around the issue. Finally, four academics specialised in sports journalism and augmented reality are interviewed. While the industry highlights its usefulness in a scarce coverage, the opinion of users and experts is less optimistic.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Exploring multichannel design: Strategy and consumer behaviour

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    This research is engaged in identifying and linking different research findings in the wide area of online and offline channel design that is based on the possibility of offering multichannel design. Recent marketing trends have shown that suppliers of products/services are very interested in inventing different new web-based channels and social networks as selling channels and communication outlets in addition to conventional offline channels. This current study attempts to review literature in this area that is addressing the apparently fragmented, but theoretically connected, issues, such as channel strategy, multichannel design criteria, optimisation of channel switching, consumer channel selection criteria, consumer preferences in adopting any channel, consumer attitudes towards online advertisements, market segmentation based on consumer psycho-social traits for channel selection, and a comparative analysis between conventional and online channels. Through a detailed literature review, this study has identified the limitations of these research articles and acknowledged research gaps. Based on those research gaps, a set of sequential recommendations are stated to advance the theoretical and managerial gap in marketing research on multichannel design reflecting consumer integrative behaviour

    Blogging mastery: analyzing the key strategies behind successful blogs

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    Bloggers in the digital landscape have the power to shape consumer behavior and influence their peers. However, successfully running a blog demands time and commitment, similar to operating a small business. Yet, there is scant literature regarding successful practices and strategies that bloggers use to build their blogs and remain successful. This study explores bloggers\u27 most effective methods and strategies to establish themselves in their respective niches. The qualitative research study uses transcendental phenomenology to examine the lived experiences of successful bloggers, aiming to provide insights into their successful strategies, best practices, challenges, and insights for new bloggers. Twelve bloggers that met the criteria for inclusion were interviewed using 12 semi-structured open-ended questions. Thematic analysis was used to code and categorize the themes. The findings suggest that bloggers use various strategies to establish themselves in their respective niches and overcome challenges. The study results were integrated and used to develop the Blogger Success Framework to help established and aspiring bloggers navigate the digital landscape of blogging

    Aplicação da teoria moderna do portfólio à selecção de canais de marketing digital

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    O intuito desta dissertação é investigar em que medida a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio pode ser aplicada à selecção de um portfólio de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital, de modo a obter o melhor compromisso entre o retorno esperado do investimento e o respectivo risco. Anteriores aplicações da teoria do portfólio ao Marketing, enquanto meio de racionalizar a selecção do portfólio, concentraram-se no uso deste modelo em decisões relacionadas com portfólios de produtos, de clientes e segmentos de clientes, de formatos de retalho e de promoções de preço. Não se encontraram evidências de que a abordagem proposta neste texto tenha já sido tentada. A evolução tecnológica nas últimas duas décadas trouxe a adopção generalizada de smartphones e tablets e também a revolução da internet, originando a proliferação do e-mail, dos blogs e dos sites de redes sociais. Devido à infinidade de meios para chegar aos consumidores, os marketers enfrentam actualmente grandes desafios no planeamento e na definição das suas estratégias de Marketing. Em resposta, consultoras detêm ferramentas para a análise de portfólios de canais de Marketing que permitem às empresas e aos marketers, em particular, melhorar o desempenho da sua actividade e maximizar o rendimento da sua despesa de Marketing. Contudo, além de dispendiosas e estritamente analíticas, estas ferramentas são muito sofisticadas, baseando-se em algoritmos e raciocínios complexos que nem sempre são evidentes para os marketers, o que dificulta a sua compreensão e consequentemente a sua adopção. Sem uma ferramenta de análise, é frequente os marketers fundamentarem as suas decisões nos resultados das campanhas online anteriores, registados pelas Web Analytics, e na sua experiência profissional. Assim, crê-se que a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, baseando-se em conceitos estatísticos simples, possa representar para os marketers uma ferramenta útil no apoio à selecção do conjunto de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital que melhor se adequa aos interesses e aos objectivos estratégicos das organizações. A Teoria Moderna do Portfólio tem como principais vantagens a análise e selecção de portfólios com base na sua combinação de retorno esperado e risco de investimento (retorno ajustado ao risco), por oposição a considerar exclusivamente o retorno esperado, e a simplicidade estatística do modelo, por oposição aos softwares das consultoras. O presente estudo fundamentou-se na literatura existente acerca da Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, concebida em 1952 por Harry Markowitz, bem como no conceito de Sharpe Ratio, por William Sharpe, tendo-se revisto também conceitos genéricos de Marketing e Marketing Digital. Dado que a medição do retorno financeiro do investimento em Marketing – central ao estudo – não é tão linear quanto a medição dos retornos de activos financeiros, revelou-se necessário introduzir algumas alterações à teoria do portfólio original. Estas alterações tomaram em consideração as principais conclusões dos estudos anteriores sobre a aplicação do modelo a outras áreas. Para desenvolver o modelo proposto, utilizou-se o Microsoft Excel. Seguidamente, procedeu-se à sua prova de conceito através de uma abordagem empírica, utilizando dados de uma empresa portuguesa de Marketing Digital. Concluiu-se que é possível aplicar a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio à selecção de canais ou tácticas de Marketing Digital de uma empresa, com as devidas adaptações, para determinar as parcelas do orçamento de comunicação de uma organização a alocar a cada tipo de canal ou táctica

    A model for attaining extended e-commerce adoption and use by hospitality smmes in the Eastern Cape Province

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    There is a slow adoption and use of electronic commerce or e-Commerce by Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises based in the hospitality sector (hospitality SMMEs). Only a few hospitality SMMEs that have adopted e-Commerce show the migration of value adding activities to their e-Commerce platforms. As such, this study developed and proposed a model that shows how hospitality SMMEs in the Eastern Cape Province can attain extended e-Commerce adoption and use. Extended e-Commerce platforms are characterised by the institutionalization of e-Commerce that includes Search Engine Marketing activities and/or listing services on intermediary websites, and engaging through social media websites. Tourism and hospitality customers’ information needs and buying behaviour were used to guide the requirements of extended e-Commerce platforms for hospitality businesses. The proposed model outlined factors determining extended e-Commerce adoption, extended e-Commerce characteristics and the anticipated e-Commerce adoption outcomes. The model was evaluated in the Eastern Cape using a multiple-case study methodology. The study’s use of a multiple-case study was applied within the interpretivist paradigm and four cases were considered. Triangulation through document analysis, interviews and observation was used for collecting data regarding factors determining the transition to extended e-Commerce adoption. A questionnaire was used for evaluating extended e-Commerce use. Within and cross-case analysis with the aid of coding was used for data analysis. Data collection and analysis validated the proposed model as a model that shows how hospitality SMMEs can attain extended e-Commerce adoption and use. The proposed model concedes that, successful adoption and use of e-Commerce by hospitality SMMEs would result in e-Commerce adoption outcomes namely online sales, reservations and customer service. These e-Commerce adoption outcomes are the criteria against which the level of extended e-Commerce adoption is measured