88 research outputs found

    Swarm intelligence for scheduling: a review

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    Swarm Intelligence generally refers to a problem-solving ability that emerges from the interaction of simple information-processing units. The concept of Swarm suggests multiplicity, distribution, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness. The concept of Intelligence suggests that problem-solving approach is successful considering learning, creativity, cognition capabilities. This paper introduces some of the theoretical foundations, the biological motivation and fundamental aspects of swarm intelligence based optimization techniques such Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithms for scheduling optimization

    Grand Valley Forum, volume 030, number 17, November 21, 2005

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    Grand Valley Forum is Grand Valley State\u27s faculty and staff newsletter, published from 1976 to the present

    A galaxy of wor(l)ds: the translation of fictive vernacular in the Star Wars transmedia narrative in Brazil

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2020.Com as recentes mudanças de cenário nas publicações de materiais da saga Star Wars no Brasil (que começou com a mudança do titular da propriedade intelectual em 2012), a franquia tornou-se uma narrativa transmídia no país. Diante desse contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever as práticas tradutórias adotadas para lidar com materiais de Star Wars. Considerando que uma narrativa transmídia é um todo composto formado pela expansão narrativa em múltiplos episódios em diferentes plataformas midiáticas, a presente pesquisa visa, em última instância, investigar as práticas de tradução adotadas e seus impactos para a integridade dessa narrativa transmídia no Brasil. A investigação das práticas de tradução centra-se no dispositivo narrativo baseado na linguagem verbal denominado Vernáculo Fictício, um conceito proposto nesta tese. Os Estudos Descritivos da Tradução ofereceram as bases teóricas para analisar os pares selecionados de textos fontes e suas traduções. Os Estudos de Tradução com base em Corpus fornecem os procedimentos e ferramentas teóricas e metodológicas para conduzir a análise dos dados, para cujo fim foi criado um corpus paralelo computadorizado. O corpus paralelo é composto por pares alinhados de textos fontes e traduções nas mídias livro, quadrinho e filme (apenas os componentes verbais das duas últimas mídias são incluídos no corpus paralelo). Ele é composto por dois pares por mídia, totalizando seis títulos e doze textos. A análise revela duas tendências principais nas práticas adotadas para traduzir o Vernáculo Fictício no corpus. A primeira tendência envolve imprimir a composição de itens fictícios fonte nos textos de chegada. A segunda diz respeito ao aproveitamento dos recursos da língua-alvo para traduzir itens fictícios, mesmo às custas de, ocasionalmente, anular sua função de criação de mundo.Abstract: With the recent change in the publication scenario of materials from the Star Wars saga in Brazil (upon the change of intellectual property holder in 2012), the franchise has become a transmedia narrative in the country. In view of this context, the present research aims to describe the translation practices adopted to deal with Star Wars materials. Considering that a transmedia narrative is a composite whole formed by narrative expansion across multiples instalments in different media platforms, the present research ultimately aims to investigate the adopted translation practices and their impact on the wholeness of the transmedia narrative in Brazil. The investigation of translation practices focuses on the language-based narrative device called Fictive Vernacular, a concept developed in this thesis. Descriptive Translation Studies offered the theoretical foundations to analyse the selected pairs of source and translated texts. Corpus-based Translation Studies provide the theoretical and methodological procedures and tools to conduct the data analysis, for which end a computerised parallel corpus was created. The parallel corpus is composed of aligned pairs of source and target books, comics and films (only the verbal components of the last two are included in the parallel corpus). It comprises of two pairs per media, adding up to six instalments and twelve texts in total. Analysis reveals two main tendencies in the practices of translating the Fictive Vernacular in the corpus. The first tendency involves imprinting the makeup of source fictive items into the target texts. The second concerns drawing on the resources of the target language to render fictive items, even at the expense of occasionally irrupting their world-building function

    Particle Swarm Optimization: Basic Concepts, Variants and Applications in Power Systems

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    Many areas in power systems require solving one or more nonlinear optimization problems. While analytical methods might suffer from slow convergence and the curse of dimensionality, heuristics-based swarm intelligence can be an efficient alternative. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), part of the swarm intelligence family, is known to effectively solve large-scale nonlinear optimization problems. This paper presents a detailed overview of the basic concepts of PSO and its variants. Also, it provides a comprehensive survey on the power system applications that have benefited from the powerful nature of PSO as an optimization technique. For each application, technical details that are required for applying PSO, such as its type, particle formulation (solution representation), and the most efficient fitness functions are also discussed

    Maine Campus February 10 1982

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    The Tulips as Witness

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    The Tulips as Witness is 42000-word multigenerational short story collection that focuses on an eccentric southern family, the Ashworths. The collection spans not only generations, but also perspectives. Each story is told by a different family member, from the precocious, perceptive, and preternatural child Georgia, to Georgia’s free-spirited and utterly irresponsible mother, Candace, to Georgia’s self-sacrificing grandmother, Ida May. Added to the mix are Georgia’s cousins, Cole and Wyatt, as well as Cole’s stepmother, Margot. The use of multiple perspectives shows the breakdown in communication and understanding between people; the characters have secret parts of themselves that are hidden from even their closest family members

    Maine Campus February 10 1982

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    Humour is a laughing matter : the existential humour of Saki, Life of Brian and The Hitchhiker´s guide to the Galaxy

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    Humour is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, the nature of which has eluded authors from Classical Antiquity to contemporary modernity. This dissertation explores some of the most important writings on humour to date, in an attempt to provide a well-rounded, critical approach to its most relevant characteristics, such as its relation to play, incongruity, relief, and superiority. These characteristics, and in particular the fact that humour seems to be deeply embedded in the tragic existential aspects of the human condition, then form the theoretical backbone of the subsequent analysis of three short stories by Saki, Monty Python’s Life of Brian and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, mostly through a practice of close reading. Each of these works, it is argued, reveal a particular outlook on the human condition through the exploration of its inherent incongruities – both on a social and individual level. They are also shown to, in the face of tragedy, encourage the adoption of a detached perspective that derives enjoyment from these incongruities, in what ultimately seems to be a life-affirming practice that seeks solace in the bleakest aspects of our existence. Keywords: Humour, Incongruity, Existential, Relief, Superiority, Saki, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, Laughter.O humor é um fenómeno complexo e multifacetado cuja natureza tem vindo a iludir pensadores desde a Antiguidade Clássica até à modernidade. Esta dissertação explora alguns dos escritos mais imporantes sobre humor, numa tentativa de providenciar uma análise crítica e completa das suas características mais relevantes, como a sua relação com “o lúdico”, a incongruência, o alívio e a superioridade. Estas características, e em particular o facto do humor parecer estar tão profundamente enraízado nos aspectos trágicos da condição humana, informam a análise subsequente de três contos de Saki (Hector Hugh Munro), d’A Vida de Brian, dos Monty Python, e d’À Boleia Pela Galáxia de Douglas Adams, análise essa que é feita maioritariamente através de uma prática de close reading. Nesta dissertação argumenta-se que cada uma destas obras revela uma visão específica da condição humana através da exploração das incongruências que lhe são inerentes – tanto a nível social como individual. Argumenta-se também que, face à tragédia, encorajam a adopção de uma perspectiva que retire prazer destas incongruências, no que acaba por ser uma prática que procura consolo nos aspectos mais sombrios da existência. Keywords: Humor, Incongruência, Existentialismo, Alívio, Superioridade, Saki, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, Riso

    The Chronicle [April 10, 1992]

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    The Chronicle, April 10, 1992https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/chron/3939/thumbnail.jp