589,796 research outputs found

    Micro and nanotechnology commercialization: balance between exploration and exploitation

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    Innovative materials, components, and systems based on micro and nanotechnologies are recognized as promising growth innovators. The coming years the commercialization of micro and nanotechnology will be extended, but in order to commercialize micro and nanotechnology successfully, besides exploration a parallel focus should be aimed at exploitation. This paper presents in a brief and non-exhaustive manor a theoretical introduction and two company introductions related to exploitation and exploration focus embedded in the innovation development process to commercialize customer-oriented applications. A balanced approach between exploration and exploitation within organizations business, technological, and scientific domain could sharpen micro and nanotechnology companies into sustainable competitive market-driven enterprises.

    The NHS-HE Forum

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    This paper discusses the formation of the NHS-HE Forum by Professor Roland Rosner in 2001. It looks at the aims and objectives of the Forum and maps current progress. The second part of the paper looks particularly at the NHS-HE Procurement Group and the later JISC NHS-HE Procurement Group, which are part of the Forum. These groupings have been partially successful in conducting joint procurement activity across the NHS and HE sectors. The publication of Dr Ian Gibson?s Parliamentary Report Scientific Publications: Free for All? is seminal in progressing this joint activity. As of 1 February 2006, joint membership of the Public Library of Science has been achieved, but one joint procurement activity of commercial content has failed. Further joint procurement is planned, along with a mapping study of procurement activities and work on an Athens Account Linking Project. The library and informatics research components are coming to the fore with the use of a community-wide survey to establish the current situation and future plans for NHS-HE network connectivity and similarly the Mapping Study of Procurement Practices in the NHS and HE for content such as e-journals. This is moving to a more systematic approach than previously. The attempted joint procurement of selected journals has two joint aims: to support both research and clinical practice in the NHS and HE. This paper discusses the formation of the NHS-HE Forum by Professor Roland Rosner in 2001. It looks at the aims and objectives of the Forum and maps current progress. The second part of the paper looks particularly at the NHS-HE Procurement Group and the later JISC NHS-HE Procurement Group, which are part of the Forum. These groupings have been partially successful in conducting joint procurement activity across the NHS and HE sectors. The publication of Dr Ian Gibson?s Parliamentary Report Scientific Publications: Free for All? is seminal in progressing this joint activity. As of 1 February 2006, joint membership of the Public Library of Science has been achieved, but one joint procurement activity of commercial content has failed. Further joint procurement is planned, along with a mapping study of procurement activities and work on an Athens Account Linking Project. The library and informatics research components are coming to the fore with the use of a community-wide survey to establish the current situation and future plans for NHS-HE network connectivity and similarly the Mapping Study of Procurement Practices in the NHS and HE for content such as e-journals. This is moving to a more systematic approach than previously. The attempted joint procurement of selected journals has two joint aims: to support both research and clinical practice in the NHS and HE

    Consumer Preferences for Olive-Oil Attributes: A Review of the Empirical Literature Using a Conjoint Approach

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    During the last decade, olive oil consumption has experienced a major breakthrough in the world, not only in producing countries but also among those who are not. Undoubtedly, this growth in consumption is a consequence of the consolidation of a cultural phenomenon established between the main producing countries (Spain, Italy and Greece), owing to the so-called Mediterranean diet1; a food concept that provides important health benefits and of which olive oil is one of the main components. The recent recognition of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) — it has declared to the Mediterranean diet ‘the intangible cultural heritage of humanity’— offers promising perspectives for the Mediterranean diet in the coming years..

    A Scientific and Economic View on Collaboration, Balancing vs. Sharing

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    There is a class of artifacts bodies and their science, also known as 3M & I-bodies in 2008, which consist of human, material/machine, monetary and informational components. For multi-body systems, the paper discusses and develops the scientific and economic fundamentals of the Follett-like classification as domination, compromise, integration and sharing in 2-center conflict types (Matsui, 1983). That is, the mathematical view is based on the Venn diagram of sets in mathematics, the physical view is based on the principle of the lever in Archimedes’ work, and the economical view is based on the profit (specific gravity) and Matsui’s equation. From a systematic view composed of these, it is obtained that the integration pursues the maximization of intersection (compromise) in the two-center, whereas the sharing pursues the minimization of intersection (compromise) in field. When the marginal (maximal) profit is the same, both are pointed out to be similar on the relation of classical Nash’s solution and duality; the scientific and economic findings will contribute to the advance of the coming society and its visibility and harmony in collaboration vs. sharing

    The power of reflective journal writing for university students from the EFL perspective

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    English as a foreign language (EFL) university students use reflective journals as learning logs to express or capture their ideas within a scientific conceptual framework. The objectives of this research are to (1) describe the power of reflective journal writing in communicating ideas, and (2) identify the aspects of reflective journal writing that aid learning in an EFL context. The reflective journals were written by 21 EFL university students. This research takes a qualitative approach, with the primary data coming from several reflective journals (N=124) while the secondary data coming from EFL students’ interviews (N=15). The research results showed that reflective journals were useful for students to make critical reflections and self-discovery responses to writing topics. The students learned to focus on writing components such as order, unity, coherence, cohesiveness, content, and organization of ideas through reflective journal writing. The students’ perspectives on aspects of reflective journal writing were primarily concerned with macro-and micro-level linguistic issues, as evidenced from the interview results. Writing a reflective journal necessitated their ability to reformulate thoughts, provide details, and solve problems. Furthermore, critical thinking, metacognitive skills, and self-reflections became increasingly important in helping the students to develop their ability to write reflective journals

    Are litter, plastic and microplastic quantities increasing in the ocean?

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    Whilst both plastic production and inputs at sea have increased since the 1950s, several modelling studies predict a further increase in the coming years in these respective quantities. We compiled scientific literature on trends in marine litter, consisting largely of plastic and microplastics in the ocean, understanding that monitoring programs or assessments for these aspects are varied, frequently focusing on limited components of the marine environment in different locations, and covering a wide spectrum of marine litter types, with limited standardization. Here we discuss how trends in the amounts of litter in the marine environment can be compared with the information provided by models. Increasing amounts of plastic are found in some regions, especially in remote areas, but many repeated surveys and monitoring efforts have failed to demonstrate any consistent real temporal trend. An observed steady state situation of plastic quantities in many marine compartments and the fate and transport of plastic in the marine environment remain areas for much needed further research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Peran Institusi Pendidikan Dalam Pengembangan Nilainilai Moral Melalui Sikap Ilmiah (Scientific Attitude)

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    Many complaints uttered concerning with the low ethics of students in the educational process, such as cheating in exams, data manipulation, plagiarism, and the phenomena of ‘jockeying' (cheating in exams by taking the exam for the benefit of somebody else). These divergences need to be responded by always empowering all components involved in the educational institutions to hold high the scientific attitudes in every process of education.Scientific attitudes is firstly hold up by always motivating all componentsinvolved in educational institutions to develop and satisfy the curiositywhich is naturally a basic trait of human beings. This curiosity will lead tofundamental scientific attitudes such as being honest in recording factualdata, perseverant in accomplishing tasks, open to scientific truth, andalways putting first priority to the truth obtained by means of scientificmethod, critical in responding to every proposition, statement or opinion,and creative while carrying out an experiment or research. Besides, theindividual will always be consistent to use logic and reasoning in understanding and solving his/her problems. The responsibility coming inline with satisfying this curiosity will make the individual put aside all thedishonest and deceitful attitudes.That is why educational institutions are hoped to be the main sources offacilities for individuals to satisfy their curiosity, and to provide democratic, open, non-authoritarian and supporting educational atmosphere for individuals to perform scientific activities such asobservation, experiment, and research. Also, educational institutions areexpected to play an important role as a medium for reinforcement of thegrowth of academic attitudes as well as an agent of socialization for thecommunity to generate academic attitudes, so that the community willeventually feel responsible to hold upright scientific attitudes
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