15 research outputs found

    A preliminary cross-cultural study of Hikikomori and Internet Gaming Disorder: the moderating effects of game-playing time and living with parents

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    Background: Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Hikikomori (an extreme form of real-life social withdrawal where individuals isolate themselves from society) have both been suggested as mental disorders that require further clinical research, particularly amongst young adult populations. Objective: To add to the extant literature, the present study used a cross-cultural, cross-sectional design to investigate the association between Hikikomori and IGD, and the potential moderating effects of reported game-playing time and living with parents. Method: Two online samples of 153 Australian and 457 U.S.-North American young adult players of Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games were collected. The nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS-SF9), and the Hikikomori Social Withdrawal Scale were administered to dimensionally assess IGD and Hikikomori, respectively. Results: Linear regression analyses confirmed that Hikikomori symptoms are associated with IGD. Additionally, moderation analyses indicated that the association was exacerbated by longer game playing time across both populations. Gamers living with their parents was a significant moderator of the relationship for the Australian sample. Conclusions: Extreme real-life social withdrawal and IGD are related, and this association is exacerbated for those who spend more time playing MMOs per day, and, for Australian participants, living with their parents

    Alterações na frequência e qualidade da utilização de videojogos nas patologias do espectro psicótico

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2021Introdução: As perturbações psicóticas representam formas graves de psicopatologia, que se caracterizam sobretudo pela presença de sintomas como delírio, alucinações, desorganização do pensamento e do discurso, alterações motoras e sintomas negativos, como a anedonia e o embotamento afetivo. Estas perturbações estão frequentemente associadas a declínio académico, ocupacional e funcional, e têm início sintomático frequente durante a adolescência, um período crítico na definição da personalidade e no desenvolvimento das capacidades funcionais e criativas do indivíduo. A utilização de videojogos é uma prática muito comum entre adolescentes e adultos jovens, com interesse crescente na investigação em Psiquiatria. A alteração dos padrões de utilização de videojogos poderá refletir alterações psicopatológicas dos jogadores, nomeadamente sintomas psicóticos. A avaliação dos padrões de jogo destes indivíduos poderá permitir desenvolver novas estratégias de diagnóstico, monitorização e intervenção clínica. Métodos: Foi feita uma revisão teórica, recorrendo a bases de dados de investigação clínica, de modo a descrever a evidência existente acerca dos padrões de utilização de videojogos de indivíduos com experiências psicóticas, perturbação esquizotípica, psicose estabelecida e esquizofrenia. Conclusão: Os estudos sobre os padrões de utilização de videojogos em indivíduos com perturbação psicótica são escassos e de nível reduzido de evidência. Parece haver aumento da frequência da utilização de videojogos em indivíduos com experiências psicóticas e com perturbação esquizotípica, mas são necessários estudos maiores e em maior quantidade para concluir esta relação.Introduction: Psychotic disorders represent severe forms of psychopathology, which are mainly characterized by the presence of symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought and speech, motor changes and negative symptoms, like anhedonia and blunted affect. These disorders are often associated with academic, occupational and functional decline, and frequently start manifesting during adolescence, a critical period in the establishment of personality and in the development of the individual’s functional and creative skills. Videogame use is a quite common practice amongst adolescents and young adults. Changes in habits of videogame use could reflect psychopathologic changes of the user, namely psychotic symptoms. Methods: A theoretical revision was conducted resorting to clinical databases with the goal to describe the existing evidence concerning videogame use patterns amongst individuals with psychotic disorders, namely psychotic-like experiences, schizotypal personality disorder, established psychosis and schizophrenia. Conclusion: The studies regarding videogame use patterns in samples of individuals with psychotic disorders are scarce and small. There seems to be an association between psychotic-like experiences and schizotypal disorder and increase in videogame use, but more studies are needed to establish this

    Evidence on Problematic Online Gaming and Social Anxiety over the Past Ten Years: a Systematic Literature Review

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    AbstractPurpose of ReviewThe present study aimed to review the literature concerning the relationship between problematic online gaming (POG) and social anxiety, taking into account the variables implicated in this relationship. This review included studies published between 2010 and 2020 that were indexed in major databases with the following keywords: Internet gaming, disorder, addiction, problematic, social phobia, and social anxiety.Recent FindingsIn recent years, scientific interest in POG has grown dramatically. Within this prolific research field, difficulties associated with social anxiety have been increasingly explored in relation to POG. Indeed, evidence showed that individuals who experience social anxiety are more exposed to the risk of developing an excessive or addictive gaming behavior.SummaryA total of 30 studies satisfied the initial inclusion criteria and were included in the present literature review. Several reviewed studies found a strong association between social anxiety and online gaming disorder. Furthermore, the relationships among social anxiety, POG, age, and psychosocial and comorbid factors were largely explored. Overall, the present review showed that socially anxious individuals might perceive online video games as safer social environments than face-to-face interactions, predisposing individuals to the POG. However, in a mutually reinforcing relationship, individuals with higher POG seem to show higher social anxiety. Therefore, despite online gaming might represent an activity able to alleviate psychopathological symptoms and/or negative emotional states, people might use online gaming to counterbalance distress or negative situations in everyday life, carrying out a maladaptive coping strategy

    Evidence on Problematic Online Gaming and Social Anxiety over the Past Ten Years: a Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose of Review: The present study aimed to review the literature concerning the relationship between problematic online gaming (POG) and social anxiety, taking into account the variables implicated in this relationship. This review included studies published between 2010 and 2020 that were indexed in major databases with the following keywords: Internet gaming, disorder, addiction, problematic, social phobia, and social anxiety. Recent Findings: In recent years, scientific interest in POG has grown dramatically. Within this prolific research field, difficulties associated with social anxiety have been increasingly explored in relation to POG. Indeed, evidence showed that individuals who experience social anxiety are more exposed to the risk of developing an excessive or addictive gaming behavior. Summary: A total of 30 studies satisfied the initial inclusion criteria and were included in the present literature review. Several reviewed studies found a strong association between social anxiety and online gaming disorder. Furthermore, the relationships among social anxiety, POG, age, and psychosocial and comorbid factors were largely explored. Overall, the present review showed that socially anxious individuals might perceive online video games as safer social environments than face-to-face interactions, predisposing individuals to the POG. However, in a mutually reinforcing relationship, individuals with higher POG seem to show higher social anxiety. Therefore, despite online gaming might represent an activity able to alleviate psychopathological symptoms and/or negative emotional states, people might use online gaming to counterbalance distress or negative situations in everyday life, carrying out a maladaptive coping strategy

    A Network approach of gambling disorder profile with and without related illegal acts

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    Gambling disorder (GD) is a complex mental health condition that can cause many severe psychological, physical, and social impairment. Illegal acts have been recognized in quite a few cases because of the debts related with the gambling activity. This study used network methodology to visualize the relationships among patients seeking treatment for gambling related problems, separately for the patients with and without illegal behaviors. The aim is to identify the diverse and differentiate mechanisms, as well as the central nodes, that occur within GD patients depending on the presence/absence of illegal acts. The sample included N = 401 patients (age range 18 to 80 years). Network analysis was performed considering the nodes that measure gambling features (the core symptoms based on the DSM-5 taxonomy, global symptom severity, and forms of gambling), psychopathology distress, substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs), and personality traits. Two separate networks were adjusted for patients with illegal acts (n = 105) and without these behaviors (n = 296). The most relevant nodes among patients with GD plus illegal acts were self-transcendence and the GD DSM-5 symptom "A7-lies to conceal the extent of gambling" (these variables were also identified as the bridge nodes, those with the highest linkage capacity). Among the patients with GD without illegal acts, the node with the greatest authority was the GD DSM-5 symptom "A5-often gambles when feeling distressed" (this was also the variable with the highest linkage capacity). The study provides empirical evidence of the most relevant features and the linkage capacity among patients seeking treatment for problematic gambling, which can support the development of precise plans for treatment and prevention of the risk of GDRIA

    How gaming motives affect the reciprocal relationships between video game use and quality of life: A prospective study using objective playtime indicators

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    Previous studies have investigated the relationship between quality of life (QoL) and video game use. However, it remains to clarify the nature of these relationships. This longitudinal study investigated the links between two gaming-related variables – objective playtime indicators and self-reported gaming disorder (GD) symptoms – and QoL, while accounting for gamers’ motivational background. We longitudinally surveyed intensive gamers (final sample: NT1 = 4772, NT2 = 2021, NT3 = 1128), assessing gaming motives, GD symptoms, psychological correlates (impulsivity, personality, self-esteem), and health-related information (quality of life, anxiety and depression), while collecting objective behavioral data. Cluster analyses and random intercept cross-lagged panel models were performed to identify subgroups and investigate gaming-related variables-QoL relationships. Cluster analysis identified two non-problematic (competitive and recreational) and one vulnerable (escapers) gamer subtypes. Random intercept cross-lagged panel models only showed between-person effects regarding the GD symptoms-QoL relationship. No effects were found concerning the objective playtime-QoL relationship. Results did not differ across motivational profiles. In line with previous research, our data support the common causes hypothesis, which posits that GD symptoms-impaired QoL association results from shared risk factors, such as specific personality traits and impulsivity. Clinical assessment and prevention efforts should focus on these common causes and on gamers’ motivational background. Intensive involvement may not be in itself problematic

    Schizotypal personality traits and problematic use of massively-multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs)

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    A link between maladaptive personality traits and an excessive use of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) has been documented. However, the role of schizotypal personality traits in MMORPG use is understudied. The aim of this study was to explore the potential links between schizotypal traits, motivations for playing MMORPGs, and symptoms of problematic MMORPG use. Eighty-three MMORPG gamers were enrolled in the study. They filled out questionnaires measuring schizotypal personality traits and an adapted version of the same scale designed to measure in-game schizotypal traits. All participants also filled out questionnaires assessing motivations for gaming and disordered use of MMORPGs. Results of the study showed that the disorganized and interpersonal traits of schizotypy decreased when participants were thinking about themselves in the virtual world. Schizotypal traits, together with achievement and immersion motives, predicted problematic use of MMORPGs. The findings of this study may suggest that schizotypal traits and motivations for playing can interact and play a relevant role in the onset and maintenance of problematic gamin


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    The diathesis stress model for schizophrenia posits that genetics and prenatal factors confer vulnerability (diathesis) for mental illness which then may be activated through exposure to environmental stressors during life. One component of our contemporary environment involves technology use which has demonstrated risk and beneficial capabilities in regards to the schizophrenia spectrum. Using an online and in-person survey, this study aimed to elucidate the manner in which time spent on technology related to schizotypy, problematic technology use (PTU), and health behaviors in 227 undergraduate students (aged 18-30). We hypothesized that levels of schizotypy, as well as time spent on social media and video games would predict increased problematic technology use and decreased engagement in health behaviors. We also hypothesized that time spent on health technologies (e.g. Fitbit) would predict decreased problematic technology use and increased engagement in health behaviors. After hierarchical linear regressions, levels of schizotypy predicted both increased problematic technology use and decreased engagement in health behaviors. Time spent on social media and video games predicted decreased engagement in health behaviors, while time spent on health technologies did not predict our outcome variables. Additional findings, implications, and further discussion on these topics are presented throughout the manuscript

    Coping and co-occurrence of gaming disorder and substance use in recovering substance users

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    Background: There are a wide range of negative effects associated with both substance use disorders and behavioural disorders and their co-occurrence. Understanding the way in which at-risk populations (e.g., substance-abstinent users) interact with potentially addictive behaviours (e.g., gaming) and substance use—while navigating life stressors through differing coping styles—can inform preventative strategies. Methods: Therefore, the present study investigated 64 clinical participants and 138 general population participants. Each cohort was required to complete a battery of psychometric scales exploring problematic behaviours, problematic substance use, co-occurrence, and coping styles. Additional exploratory direct comparisons of gamers in the clinical cohort and gamers in the general cohort were carried out. Results: The study’s findings suggest that gamers from different populations (i.e., general and clinical) share similar at-risk behaviours. These problematic behaviours were more pronounced among abstinent substance use gamers, and more specifically among poly-substance use gamers. Conclusions: The findings of the present study add to the literature and suggest that dysfunctional coping style and the co-occurrence of problematic behaviours may have an impact on the assessment and potential treatment of substance abstinent gamers. The findings offer support for an integrated treatment approach, wherein both substance use and the other problematic behaviours (e.g., gaming) are considered in tandem

    The Role of Mindfulness, Mind Wandering, Attentional Control, and Maladaptive Personality Traits in Problematic Gaming Behavior

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    Objectives Problematic gaming has become a phenomenon of growing clinical relevance due to its negative impact on life and mental health outcomes. Much research has been carried out on its complex aetiology, and some studies have suggested that dispositional mindfulness, mind wandering, attentional control, and maladaptive personality traits may play some role, but they have never been included in the same prediction model. This study used Gaussian graphical models and Bayesian networks to investigate the pattern of association of these constructs and of background and gaming-related variables with problematic gaming in a sample of adult gamers. Method Participants (n=506) were administered an online survey comprising a questionnaire on background and gaming-related variables and the Gaming Disorder Test, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-15, the Mind WanderingSpontaneous and Deliberate scales, the Attention Control-Distraction and Shifting scales, and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Brief Form. Results Gaussian graphical models showed that problematic gaming was directly associated with Acting with Awareness, Disinhibition, Psychoticism, playing more than 30 hr a week, ability level, and playing strategy games. Bayesian networks indicated that the occurrence of high levels of problematic gaming directly depended on the presence of low scores on Acting with Awareness. Conclusions The results suggest that one key feature of problematic gamers can be a high level of spontaneous thinking, either in the form of mind wandering or in the lack of Acting with Awareness, while maladaptive personality traits and attentional control seem to play a less central role