7,880 research outputs found

    Precise energy efficient scheduling of mixed-criticality tasks & sustainable mixed-criticality scheduling

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    In this thesis, the imprecise mixed-criticality model (IMC) is extended to precise scheduling of tasks, and integrated with the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique to enable energy minimization. The challenge in precise scheduling of MC systems is to simultaneously guarantee the timing correctness for all tasks, hi and lo, under both pessimistic and optimistic (less pessimistic) assumptions. To the best of knowledge this is the first work to address the integration of DVFS energy conserving techniques with precise scheduling of lo-tasks of the MC model. In this thesis, the utilization based schedulability tests and sufficient conditions for such systems under Earliest Deadline First EDF-VD scheduling policy are presented. Quantitative study in the forms of speedup bound and approximation ratio are also proved for the unified model. Extensive experimental studies are conducted to verify the theoretical results as well as the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In safety- critical systems, it is essential to perform schedulability analysis prior to run-time. Parameters characterizing the run-time workload are generated by pessimistic techniques; hence, adopting conservative estimates may result in systems performing much better than anticipated during run-time. This thesis also addresses the following questions associated to the better performance of the task system: (i) How does parameter change affect the schedulability of a task set (system)? (ii) In the event that a mixed-criticality system design is deemed schedulable and specific part/parts of the system are reassigned to be of low-criticality, is the system still safe to run? (iii) If a system is presumed to be non-schedulable, does it invariably benefit to reduce the criticality of some task? To answer these questions, in this thesis, we not only study the property of sustainability with regards to criticality levels, but also revisit sustainability of several uniprocessor and multiprocessor scheduling policies with respect to other parameters --Abstract, page iii

    Resource-Efficient Scheduling Of Multiprocessor Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems

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    Timing guarantee is critical to ensure the correctness of embedded software systems that interact with the physical environment. As modern embedded real-time systems evolves, they face three challenges: resource constraints, mixed-criticality, and multiprocessors. This dissertation focuses on resource-efficient scheduling techniques for mixed-criticality systems on multiprocessor platforms. While Mixed-Criticality (MC) scheduling has been extensively studied on uniprocessor plat- forms, the problem on multiprocessor platforms has been largely open. Multiprocessor al- gorithms are broadly classified into two categories: global and partitioned. Global schedul- ing approaches use a global run-queue and migrate tasks among processors for improved schedulability. Partitioned scheduling approaches use per processor run-queues and can reduce preemption/migration overheads in real implementation. Existing global scheduling schemes for MC systems have suffered from low schedulability. Our goal in the first work is to improve the schedulability of MC scheduling algorithms. Inspired by the fluid scheduling model in a regular (non-MC) domain, we have developed the MC-Fluid scheduling algo- rithm that executes a task with criticality-dependent rates. We have evaluated MC-Fluid in terms of the processor speedup factor: MC-Fluid is a multiprocessor MC scheduling algo- rithm with a speed factor of 4/3, which is known to be optimal. In other words, MC-Fluid can schedule any feasible mixed-criticality task system if each processor is sped up by a factor of 4/3. Although MC-Fluid is speedup-optimal, it is not directly implementable on multiprocessor platforms of real processors due to the fractional processor assumption where multiple task can be executed on one processor at the same time. In the second work, we have considered the characteristic of a real processor (executing only one task at a time) and have developed the MC-Discrete scheduling algorithm for regular (non-fluid) scheduling platforms. We have shown that MC-Discrete is also speedup-optimal. While our previous two works consider global scheduling approaches, our last work con- siders partitioned scheduling approaches, which are widely used in practice because of low implementation overheads. In addition to partitioned scheduling, the work consid- ers the limitation of conventional MC scheduling algorithms that drops all low-criticality tasks when violating a certain threshold of actual execution times. In practice, the system designer wants to execute the tasks as much as possible. To address the issue, we have de- veloped the MC-ADAPT scheduling framework under uniprocessor platforms to drop as few low-criticality tasks as possible. Extending the framework with partitioned multiprocessor platforms, we further reduce the dropping of low-criticality tasks by allowing migration of low-criticality tasks at the moment of a criticality switch. We have evaluated the quality of task dropping solution in terms of speedup factor. In existing work, the speedup factor has been used to evaluate MC scheduling algorithms in terms of schedulability under the worst-case scheduling scenario. In this work, we apply the speedup factor to evaluate MC scheduling algorithms in terms of the quality of their task dropping solution under various MC scheduling scenarios. We have derived that MC-ADAPT has a speedup factor of 1.618 for task dropping solution

    Incorporating Robustness and Resilience into Mixed-Criticality Scheduling Theory

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    Mixed-criticality scheduling theory (MCSh) was developed to allow for more resource-efficient implementation of systems comprising different components that need to have their correctness validated at different levels of assurance. As originally defined, MCSh deals exclusively with pre-runtime verification of such systems; hence many mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms that have been developed tend to exhibit rather poor survivability characteristics during run-time. (E.g., MCSh allows for less-important (\enquote{\lo-criticality}) workloads to be completely discarded in the event that run-time behavior is not compliant with the assumptions under which the correctness of the \lo-criticality workload should be verified.) Here we seek to extend MCSh to incorporate survivability considerations, by proposing quantitative metrics for the {\em robustness\/} and {\em resilience\/} of mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms. Such metrics allow us to make quantitative assertions regarding the survivability characteristics of mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms, and to compare different algorithms from the perspective of their survivability. We propose that MCSh seek to develop scheduling algorithms that possess superior survivability characteristics, thereby obtaining algorithms with better survivability properties than current ones (which, since they have been developed within a survivability-agnostic framework, tend to focus exclusively on pre-runtime verification and ignore survivability issues entirely)

    MCFlow: Middleware for Mixed-Criticality Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Traditional fixed-priority scheduling analysis for periodic/sporadic task sets is based on the assumption that all tasks are equally critical to the correct operation of the system. Therefore, every task has to be schedulable under the scheduling policy, and estimates of tasks\u27 worst case execution times must be conservative in case a task runs longer than is usual. To address the significant under-utilization of a system\u27s resources under normal operating conditions that can arise from these assumptions, several \emph{mixed-criticality scheduling} approaches have been proposed. However, to date there has been no quantitative comparison of system schedulability or run-time overhead for the different approaches. In this dissertation, we present what is to our knowledge the first side-by-side implementation and evaluation of those approaches, for periodic and sporadic mixed-criticality tasks on uniprocessor or distributed systems, under a mixed-criticality scheduling model that is common to all these approaches. To make a fair evaluation of mixed-criticality scheduling, we also address some previously open issues and propose modifications to improve schedulability and correctness of particular approaches. To facilitate the development and evaluation of mixed-criticality applications, we have designed and developed a distributed real-time middleware, called MCFlow, for mixed-criticality end-to-end tasks running on multi-core platforms. The research presented in this dissertation provides the following contributions to the state of the art in real-time middleware: (1) an efficient component model through which dependent subtask graphs can be configured flexibly for execution within a single core, across cores of a common host, or spanning multiple hosts; (2) support for optimizations to inter-component communication to reduce data copying without sacrificing the ability to execute subtasks in parallel; (3) a strict separation of timing and functional concerns so that they can be configured independently; (4) an event dispatching architecture that uses lock free algorithms where possible to reduce memory contention, CPU context switching, and priority inversion; and (5) empirical evaluations of MCFlow itself and of different mixed criticality scheduling approaches both with a single host and end-to-end across multiple hosts. The results of our evaluation show that in terms of basic distributed real-time behavior MCFlow performs comparably to the state of the art TAO real-time object request broker when only one core is used and outperforms TAO when multiple cores are involved. We also identify and categorize different use cases under which different mixed criticality scheduling approaches are preferable

    Scheduling policies and system software architectures for mixed-criticality computing

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    Mixed-criticality model of computation is being increasingly adopted in timing-sensitive systems. The model not only ensures that the most critical tasks in a system never fails, but also aims for better systems resource utilization in normal condition. In this report, we describe the widely used mixed-criticality task model and fixed-priority scheduling algorithms for the model in uniprocessors. Because of the necessity by the mixed-criticality task model and scheduling policies, isolation, both temporal and spatial, among tasks is one of the main requirements from the system design point of view. Different virtualization techniques have been used to design system software architecture with the goal of isolation. We discuss such a few system software architectures which are being and can be used for mixed-criticality model of computation

    Mixed-Criticality Scheduling with I/O

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    This paper addresses the problem of scheduling tasks with different criticality levels in the presence of I/O requests. In mixed-criticality scheduling, higher criticality tasks are given precedence over those of lower criticality when it is impossible to guarantee the schedulability of all tasks. While mixed-criticality scheduling has gained attention in recent years, most approaches typically assume a periodic task model. This assumption does not always hold in practice, especially for real-time and embedded systems that perform I/O. For example, many tasks block on I/O requests until devices signal their completion via interrupts; both the arrival of interrupts and the waking of blocked tasks can be aperiodic. In our prior work, we developed a scheduling technique in the Quest real-time operating system, which integrates the time-budgeted management of I/O operations with Sporadic Server scheduling of tasks. This paper extends our previous scheduling approach with support for mixed-criticality tasks and I/O requests on the same processing core. Results show the effective schedulability of different task sets in the presence of I/O requests is superior in our approach compared to traditional methods that manage I/O using techniques such as Sporadic Servers.Comment: Second version has replaced simulation experiments with real machine experiments, third version fixed minor error in Equation 5 (missing a plus sign

    Utilization-Based Scheduling of Flexible Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Tasks

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    Mixed-criticality models are an emerging paradigm for the design of real-time systems because of their significantly improved resource efficiency. However, formal mixed-criticality models have traditionally been characterized by two impractical assumptions: once \textit{any} high-criticality task overruns, \textit{all} low-criticality tasks are suspended and \textit{all other} high-criticality tasks are assumed to exhibit high-criticality behaviors at the same time. In this paper, we propose a more realistic mixed-criticality model, called the flexible mixed-criticality (FMC) model, in which these two issues are addressed in a combined manner. In this new model, only the overrun task itself is assumed to exhibit high-criticality behavior, while other high-criticality tasks remain in the same mode as before. The guaranteed service levels of low-criticality tasks are gracefully degraded with the overruns of high-criticality tasks. We derive a utilization-based technique to analyze the schedulability of this new mixed-criticality model under EDF-VD scheduling. During runtime, the proposed test condition serves an important criterion for dynamic service level tuning, by means of which the maximum available execution budget for low-criticality tasks can be directly determined with minimal overhead while guaranteeing mixed-criticality schedulability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the FMC scheme compared with state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Transaction on Computers (TC) on Sept-09th-201

    ATMP: An Adaptive Tolerance-based Mixed-criticality Protocol for Multi-core Systems

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted ncomponent of this work in other works.The challenge of mixed-criticality scheduling is to keep tasks of higher criticality running in case of resource shortages caused by faults. Traditionally, mixedcriticality scheduling has focused on methods to handle faults where tasks overrun their optimistic worst-case execution time (WCET) estimate. In this paper we present the Adaptive Tolerance based Mixed-criticality Protocol (ATMP), which generalises the concept of mixed-criticality scheduling to handle also faults of other nature, like failure of cores in a multi-core system. ATMP is an adaptation method triggered by resource shortage at runtime. The first step of ATMP is to re-partition the task to the available cores and the second step is to optimise the utility at each core using the tolerance-based real-time computing model (TRTCM). The evaluation shows that the utility optimisation of ATMP can achieve a smoother degradation of service compared to just abandoning tasks

    A Lazy Bailout Approach for Dual-Criticality Systems on Uniprocessor Platforms

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.A challenge in the design of cyber-physical systems is to integrate the scheduling of tasks of different criticality, while still providing service guarantees for the higher critical tasks in case of resource-shortages caused by faults. While standard real-time scheduling is agnostic to the criticality of tasks, the scheduling of tasks with different criticalities is called mixed-criticality scheduling. In this paper we present the Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP), a mixed-criticality scheduling method where low-criticality jobs overrunning their time budget cannot threaten the timeliness of high-criticality jobs while at the same time the method tries to complete as many low-criticality jobs as possible. The key principle of LBP is instead of immediately abandoning low-criticality jobs when a high-criticality job overruns its optimistic WCET estimate, to put them in a low-priority queue for later execution. To compare mixed-criticality scheduling methods we introduce a formal quality criterion for mixed-criticality scheduling, which, above all else, compares schedulability of high-criticality jobs and only afterwards the schedulability of low-criticality jobs. Based on this criterion we prove that LBP behaves better than the original {\em Bailout Protocol} (BP). We show that LBP can be further improved by slack time exploitation and by gain time collection at runtime, resulting in LBPSG. We also show that these improvements of LBP perform better than the analogous improvements based on BP.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio