44 research outputs found

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    A Reconfigurable Processor for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    A reconfigurable processor is a general-purpose processor coupled with an FPGA-like reconfigurable fabric. By deploying application-specific accelerators, performance for a wide range of applications can be improved with such a system. In this work concepts are designed for the use of reconfigurable processors in multi-tasking scenarios and as part of multi-core systems

    Virtual Runtime Application Partitions for Resource Management in Massively Parallel Architectures

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    This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.Siirretty Doriast

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    Worst-Case Execution Time Guarantees for Runtime-Reconfigurable Architectures

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    Real-time systems are ubiquitous in our everyday life, e.g., in safety-critical domains such as automotive, avionics or robotics. The correctness of a real-time system does not only depend on the correctness of its calculations, but also on the non-functional requirement of adhering to deadlines. Failing to meet a deadline may lead to severe malfunctions, therefore worst-case execution times (WCET) need to be guaranteed. Despite significant scientific advances, however, timing analysis of WCET guarantees lags years behind current high-performance microarchitectures with out-of-order scheduling pipelines, several hardware threads and multiple (shared) cache layers. To satisfy the increasing performance demands of real-time systems, analyzable performance features are required. In order to escape the scarcity of timing-analyzable performance features, the main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of runtime reconfiguration of hardware accelerators onto a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) as a novel means to achieve performance that is amenable to WCET guarantees. Instead of designing an architecture for a specific application domain, this approach preserves the flexibility of the system. First, this thesis contributes novel co-scheduling approaches to distribute work among CPU and GPU in an extensive analysis of how (average-case) performance is achieved on fused CPU-GPU architectures, a main trend in current high-performance microarchitectures that combines a CPU and a GPU on a single chip. Being able to employ such architectures in real-time systems would be highly desirable, because they provide high performance within a limited area and power budget. As a result of this analysis, however, a cache coherency bottleneck is uncovered in recent fused CPU-GPU architectures that share the last level cache between CPU and GPU. This insight (i) complicates performance predictions and (ii) adds a shared last level cache between CPU and GPU to the growing list of microarchitectural features that benefit average-case performance, but render the analysis of WCET guarantees on high-performance architectures virtually infeasible. Thus, further motivating the need for novel microarchitectural features that provide predictable performance and are amenable to timing analysis. Towards this end, a runtime reconfiguration controller called ``Command-based Reconfiguration Queue\u27\u27 (CoRQ) is presented that provides guaranteed latencies for its operations, especially for the reconfiguration delay, i.e., the time it takes to reconfigure a hardware accelerator onto a reconfigurable fabric (e.g., FPGA). CoRQ enables the design of timing-analyzable runtime-reconfigurable architectures that support WCET guarantees. Based on the --now feasible-- guaranteed reconfiguration delay of accelerators, a WCET analysis is introduced that enables tasks to reconfigure application-specific custom instructions (CIs) at runtime. CIs are executed by a processor pipeline and invoke execution of one or more accelerators. Different measures to deal with reconfiguration delays are compared for their impact on accelerated WCET guarantees and overestimation. The timing anomaly of runtime reconfiguration is identified and safely bounded: a case where executing iterations of a computational kernel faster than in WCET during reconfiguration of CIs can prolong the total execution time of a task. Once tasks that perform runtime reconfiguration of CIs can be analyzed for WCET guarantees, the question of which CIs to configure on a constrained reconfigurable area to optimize the WCET is raised. The question is addressed for systems where multiple CIs with different implementations each (allowing to trade-off latency and area requirements) can be selected. This is generally the case, e.g., when employing high-level synthesis. This so-called WCET-optimizing instruction set selection problem is modeled based on the Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET), which is the path analysis technique state-of-the-art timing analyzers rely on. To our knowledge, this is the first approach that enables WCET optimization with support for making use of global program flow information (and information about reconfiguration delay). An optimal algorithm (similar to Branch and Bound) and a fast greedy heuristic algorithm (that achieves the optimal solution in most cases) are presented. Finally, an approach is presented that, for the first time, combines optimized static WCET guarantees and runtime optimization of the average-case execution (maintaining WCET guarantees) using runtime reconfiguration of hardware accelerators by leveraging runtime slack (the amount of time that program parts are executed faster than in WCET). It comprises an analysis of runtime slack bounds that enable safe reconfiguration for average-case performance under WCET guarantees and presents a mechanism to monitor runtime slack using a simple performance counter that is commonly available in many microprocessors. Ultimately, this thesis shows that runtime reconfiguration of accelerators is a key feature to achieve predictable performance

    Tools for Real-Time Control Systems Co-Design : A Survey

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    This report presents a survey of current simulation tools in the area of integrated control and real-time systems design. Each tool is presented with a quick overview followed by a more detailed section describing comparative aspects of the tool. These aspects describe the context and purpose of the tool (scenarios, development stages, activities, and qualities/constraints being addressed) and the actual tool technology (tool architecture, inputs, outputs, modeling content, extensibility and availability). The tools presented in the survey are the following; Jitterbug and TrueTime from the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University, Sweden, AIDA and XILO from the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Ptolemy II from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Berkeley, California, RTSIM from the RETIS Laboratory, Pisa, Italy, and Syndex and Orccad from INRIA, France. The survey also briefly describes some existing commercial tools related to the area of real-time control systems

    System Synthesis for Embedded Multiprocessors

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    Modern embedded systems must increasingly accommodate dynamically changing operating environments, high computational requirements, and tight time-to-market windows. Such trends and the ever-increasing design complexity of embedded systems have challenged designers to raise the level of abstraction and replace traditional ad-hoc approaches with more efficient synthesis techniques. Additionally, since embedded multiprocessor systems are typically designed as final implementations for dedicated functions, modifications to embedded system implementations are rare, and this allows embedded system designers to spend significantly larger amounts of time to optimize the architecture and the employed software. This dissertation presents several system-level synthesis algorithms that employ time-intensive optimization techniques that allow the designer to explore a significantly larger part of the design space. It looks at critical issues that are at the core of the synthesis process --- selecting the architecture, partitioning the functionality over the components of the architecture, and scheduling activities such that design constraints and optimization objectives are satisfied. More specifically for the scheduling step, a new solution to the two-step multiprocessor scheduling problem is proposed. For the first step of clustering a highly efficient genetic algorithm is proposed. Several techniques for the second step of merging are proposed and finally a complete two-step effective solution is presented. Also, a randomization technique is applied to existing deterministic techniques to extend these techniques so that they can utilize arbitrary increases in available optimization time. This novel framework for extending deterministic algorithms in our context allows for accurate and fair comparison of our techniques against the state of the art. To further generalize the proposed clustering-based scheduling approach, a complementary two-step multiprocessor scheduling approach for heterogeneous multiprocessor systems is presented. This work is amongst the first works that formally studies the application of clustering to heterogeneous system scheduling. Several techniques are proposed and compared and conclusive results are presented. A modular system-level synthesis framework is then proposed. It synthesizes multi-mode, multi-task embedded systems under a number of hard constraints; optimizes a comprehensive set of objectives; and provides a set of alternative trade-off points in a given multi-objective design evaluation space. An extension of the framework is proposed to better address DVS, memory optimization, and efficient mappings onto dynamically reconfigurable hardware. An integrated framework for energy-driven scheduling onto embedded multiprocessor systems is proposed. It employs a solution representation that encodes both task assignment and ordering into a single chromosome and hence significantly reduces the search space and problem complexity. It is shown that a task assignment and scheduling that result in better performance do not necessarily save power, and hence, integrating task scheduling and voltage scheduling is crucial for fully exploiting the energy-saving potential of an embedded multiprocessor implementation

    Using embedded hardware monitor cores in critical computer systems

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    The integration of FPGA devices in many different architectures and services makes monitoring and real time detection of errors an important concern in FPGA system design. A monitor is a tool, or a set of tools, that facilitate analytic measurements in observing a given system. The goal of these observations is usually the performance analysis and optimisation, or the surveillance of the system. However, System-on-Chip (SoC) based designs leave few points to attach external tools such as logic analysers. Thus, an embedded error detection core that allows observation of critical system nodes (such as processor cores and buses) should enforce the operation of the FPGA-based system, in order to prevent system failures. The core should not interfere with system performance and must ensure timely detection of errors. This thesis is an investigation onto how a robust hardware-monitoring module can be efficiently integrated in a target PCI board (with FPGA-based application processing features) which is part of a critical computing system. [Continues.


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