5,562 research outputs found

    Stochastic Sensor Scheduling via Distributed Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a stochastic scheduling strategy for estimating the states of N discrete-time linear time invariant (DTLTI) dynamic systems, where only one system can be observed by the sensor at each time instant due to practical resource constraints. The idea of our stochastic strategy is that a system is randomly selected for observation at each time instant according to a pre-assigned probability distribution. We aim to find the optimal pre-assigned probability in order to minimize the maximal estimate error covariance among dynamic systems. We first show that under mild conditions, the stochastic scheduling problem gives an upper bound on the performance of the optimal sensor selection problem, notoriously difficult to solve. We next relax the stochastic scheduling problem into a tractable suboptimal quasi-convex form. We then show that the new problem can be decomposed into coupled small convex optimization problems, and it can be solved in a distributed fashion. Finally, for scheduling implementation, we propose centralized and distributed deterministic scheduling strategies based on the optimal stochastic solution and provide simulation examples.Comment: Proof errors and typos are fixed. One section is removed from last versio

    Integration of a failure monitoring within a hybrid dynamic simulation environment

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    The complexity and the size of the industrial chemical processes induce the monitoring of a growing number of process variables. Their knowledge is generally based on the measurements of system variables and on the physico-chemical models of the process. Nevertheless this information is imprecise because of process and measurement noise. So the research ways aim at developing new and more powerful techniques for the detection of process fault. In this work, we present a method for the fault detection based on the comparison between the real system and the reference model evolution generated by the extended Kalman filter. The reference model is simulated by the dynamic hybrid simulator, PrODHyS. It is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of industrial systems. The use of this method is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering

    Modern digital flight control system design for VTOL aircraft

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    Methods for and results from the design and evaluation of a digital flight control system (DFCS) for a CH-47B helicopter are presented. The DFCS employed proportional-integral control logic to provide rapid, precise response to automatic or manual guidance commands while following conventional or spiral-descent approach paths. It contained altitude- and velocity-command modes, and it adapted to varying flight conditions through gain scheduling. Extensive use was made of linear systems analysis techniques. The DFCS was designed, using linear-optimal estimation and control theory, and the effects of gain scheduling are assessed by examination of closed-loop eigenvalues and time responses

    Investigation of the Multiple Method Adaptive Control (MMAC) method for flight control systems

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    The stochastic adaptive control of the NASA F-8C digital-fly-by-wire aircraft using the multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) method is presented. The selection of the performance criteria for the lateral and the longitudinal dynamics, the design of the Kalman filters for different operating conditions, the identification algorithm associated with the MMAC method, the control system design, and simulation results obtained using the real time simulator of the F-8 aircraft at the NASA Langley Research Center are discussed

    The design of digital-adaptive controllers for VTOL aircraft

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    Design procedures for VTOL automatic control systems have been developed and are presented. Using linear-optimal estimation and control techniques as a starting point, digital-adaptive control laws have been designed for the VALT Research Aircraft, a tandem-rotor helicopter which is equipped for fully automatic flight in terminal area operations. These control laws are designed to interface with velocity-command and attitude-command guidance logic, which could be used in short-haul VTOL operations. Developments reported here include new algorithms for designing non-zero-set-point digital regulators, design procedures for rate-limited systems, and algorithms for dynamic control trim setting

    F-8C adaptive flight control extensions

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    An adaptive concept which combines gain-scheduled control laws with explicit maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) identification to provide the scheduling values is described. The MLE algorithm was improved by incorporating attitude data, estimating gust statistics for setting filter gains, and improving parameter tracking during changing flight conditions. A lateral MLE algorithm was designed to improve true air speed and angle of attack estimates during lateral maneuvers. Relationships between the pitch axis sensors inherent in the MLE design were examined and used for sensor failure detection. Design details and simulation performance are presented for each of the three areas investigated

    Investigation of the Multiple Model Adaptive Control (MMAC) method for flight control systems

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    The application was investigated of control theoretic ideas to the design of flight control systems for the F-8 aircraft. The design of an adaptive control system based upon the so-called multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) method is considered. Progress is reported

    Computation-Communication Trade-offs and Sensor Selection in Real-time Estimation for Processing Networks

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    Recent advances in electronics are enabling substantial processing to be performed at each node (robots, sensors) of a networked system. Local processing enables data compression and may mitigate measurement noise, but it is still slower compared to a central computer (it entails a larger computational delay). However, while nodes can process the data in parallel, the centralized computational is sequential in nature. On the other hand, if a node sends raw data to a central computer for processing, it incurs communication delay. This leads to a fundamental communication-computation trade-off, where each node has to decide on the optimal amount of preprocessing in order to maximize the network performance. We consider a network in charge of estimating the state of a dynamical system and provide three contributions. First, we provide a rigorous problem formulation for optimal real-time estimation in processing networks in the presence of delays. Second, we show that, in the case of a homogeneous network (where all sensors have the same computation) that monitors a continuous-time scalar linear system, the optimal amount of local preprocessing maximizing the network estimation performance can be computed analytically. Third, we consider the realistic case of a heterogeneous network monitoring a discrete-time multi-variate linear system and provide algorithms to decide on suitable preprocessing at each node, and to select a sensor subset when computational constraints make using all sensors suboptimal. Numerical simulations show that selecting the sensors is crucial. Moreover, we show that if the nodes apply the preprocessing policy suggested by our algorithms, they can largely improve the network estimation performance.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. Accepted journal versio
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