62 research outputs found

    Quantitative methods of physician scheduling at hospitals

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    Masteroppgave i industriell økonomi og informasjonsledelse 2010 – Universitetet i Agder, GrimstadStaff scheduling at hospitals is a widely studied area within the fields of operation research and management science because of the cost pressure on hospitals. There is an interest to find procedures on how to run a hospital more economically and efficient. Many of the studies about staff scheduling at hospital have been done about nurses, which work under common labor law restrictions. The goal of nurse scheduling is to minimize the staffing cost and maximizing their preferences. While the operation rooms are the engine of the hospitals, the physicians are the fueling for the hospitals. Without the physicians the patients would not be treated well and the hospital would not earn money. This thesis studies the physician scheduling problem, which has not been studied so widely as the nurse scheduling problem. A limited number of literatures about this theme have been studied to answer the main research question: How can we categorize physician scheduling at hospitals? Studying the physician rostering problem on the search for efficiency and cost savings is an intricate process. One can read a lot about this theme develop a lot of models; and shape and test different hypotheses. However, to increase efficiency it is wise to make a plan of information to consider. The categories searched for within this literature review are the level of experience, the planning period, the field of specialty, the type of shifts, whether cyclic or acyclic schedules are used and also which models and methods are used to solve this problem. Level of experience was first divided between residents - that are still under education, and physicians - which are fully licensed. Physicians are medical trained doctors that provide medical treatment rather than surgical treatment in hospitals. After medical school, they have accomplished between three to seven years of residential internship before they obtain their license. The residents are still under education and must therefore participate in a number of assorted activities and patient treatments during their resident period to acquire their license. This situation for resident makes scheduling unique as they are in a learning period and staffing the hospital at the same time. The planning period is a category that is divided in three levels; short-term which lasts up to a month, midterm which lasts from one month up to six months and a long-term that lasts from six months up to one year. The field of specialty is divided between the specialties of the physicians. In the numerous departments at a hospital, the work is distinctive from one another. A normal workday in a department that is only open during the day can be quite different from a workday in an emergency department. Working in a hospital is unlike other type of jobs. A hospital or at least different departments in a hospital are open all day long, every day of the year. As a result, the hospital must be staffed all the time. The need for staffing varies during the day, the day of week; and during the different seasons, due to the fluctuation of the demands. An example for a solution is a variety of broad types of shifts. Scheduling these shift types can be made cyclic or acyclic. Qualitative method has been used in this master’s thesis. The research question is a typically quantitative method starting with “how”. And to answer it, this thesis builds on a definite number of case studies. These case studies are limited to concern only about physician and resident scheduling problem written in English. These cases are primarily scientific articles and conference handouts. The cases are read - and interesting information is registered in a case study database. The findings have shown different use of planning period after the level of experience. Few studies have been done with short-term planning period; physicians are mostly scheduled for a midterm planning period, whereas residents are mostly scheduled with a long-term planning period. Most studies have scheduled physicians and residents for a day, evening and night shift, often in a combination with some kind of on-call shift. The field of specialty that is most studied is within emergency medicine. As the work in an emergency department is stressful, it is a complex task to make good schedules that satisfies the physicians and residents working there. Exact approaches are the most used modeling technique used for physician scheduling

    Heuristiken im Service Operations Management

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    This doctoral thesis deals with the application of operation research methods in practice. With two cooperation companies from the service sector (retailing and healthcare), three practice-relevant decision problems are jointly elicited and defined. Subsequently, the planning problems are transferred into mathematical problems and solved with the help of optimal and/or heuristic methods. The status quo of the companies could be significantly improved for all the problems dealt with.Diese Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung von Operation Research Methoden in der Praxis. Mit zwei Kooperationsunternehmen aus dem Dienstleistungssektor (Einzelhandel und Gesundheitswesen) werden drei praxisrelevante Planungsprobleme gemeinsam eruiert und definiert. In weiterer Folge werden die Entscheidungsmodelle in mathematische Probleme transferiert und mit Hilfe von optimalen und/oder heuristischen Verfahren gelöst. Bei allen behandelten Problemstellungen konnte der bei den Unternehmen angetroffene Status Quo signifikant verbessert werden

    An Integrated Framework for Staffing and Shift Scheduling in Hospitals

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    Over the years, one of the main concerns confronting hospital management is optimising the staffing and scheduling decisions. Consequences of inappropriate staffing can adversely impact on hospital performance, patient experience and staff satisfaction alike. A comprehensive review of literature (more than 1300 journal articles) is presented in a new taxonomy of three dimensions; problem contextualisation, solution approach, evaluation perspective and uncertainty. Utilising Operations Research methods, solutions can provide a positive contribution in underpinning staffing and scheduling decisions. However, there are still opportunities to integrate decision levels; incorporate practitioners view in solution architectures; consider staff behaviour impact, and offer comprehensive applied frameworks. Practitioners’ perspectives have been collated using an extensive exploratory study in Irish hospitals. A preliminary questionnaire has indicated the need of effective staffing and scheduling decisions before semi-structured interviews have taken place with twenty-five managers (fourteen Directors and eleven head nurses) across eleven major acute Irish hospitals (about 50% of healthcare service deliverers). Thematic analysis has produced five key themes; demand for care, staffing and scheduling issues, organisational aspects, management concern, and technology-enabled. In addition to other factors that can contribute to the problem such as coordination, environment complexity, understaffing, variability and lack of decision support. A multi-method approach including data analytics, modelling and simulation, machine learning, and optimisation has been employed in order to deliver adequate staffing and shift scheduling framework. A comprehensive portfolio of critical factors regarding patients, staff and hospitals are included in the decision. The framework was piloted in the Emergency Department of one of the leading and busiest university hospitals in Dublin (Tallaght Hospital). Solutions resulted from the framework (i.e. new shifts, staff workload balance, increased demands) have showed significant improvement in all key performance measures (e.g. patient waiting time, staff utilisation). Management team of the hospital endorsed the solution framework and are currently discussing enablers to implement the recommendation

    University course timetabling with probability collectives

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    The Naval Postgraduate School currently uses a time consuming manual process to generate course schedules for students and professors. Each quarter, the process of timetabling approximately 2000 students into nearly 500 courses takes up to 8 weeks. This thesis introduces an automated timetabling algorithm using Probability Collectives (PC) theory. PC Theory is an agent based approach that utilizes Collective Intelligence (COIN) to solve optimization problems by using a collection of agents attempting to achieve a single goal. The algorithm was tested on a set of data provided by the organizers of the 2007 International Timetabling Competition. The algorithm provided valid timetables for every problem instance and successfully scheduled between 70% and 91.6% of all student course requests.http://archive.org/details/universitycourse109454289US Navy (USN) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Solving the medical student scheduling problem using simulated annealing

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    We consider the medical student scheduling (MSS) problem, which consists of assigning medical students to internships of different disciplines in various hospitals during the academic year to fulfill their educational and clinical training. The MSS problem takes into account, among other constraints and objectives, precedences between disciplines, student preferences, waiting periods, and hospital changes. We developed a local search technique, based on a combination of two different neighborhood relations and guided by a simulated annealing procedure. Our search method has been able to find the optimal solution for all instances of the dataset proposed by Akbarzadeh and Maenhout (Comput Oper Res 129: 105209, 2021b), in a much shorter runtime than their technique. In addition, we propose a novel dataset in order to test our technique on a more challenging ground. For this new dataset, which is publicly available along with our source code for inspection and future comparisons, we report the experimental results and a sensitivity analysis

    Improving healthcare supply chains and decision making in the management of pharmaceuticals

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    The rising cost of quality healthcare is becoming an increasing concern. A significant part of healthcare cost is the pharmaceutical supply component. Improving healthcare supply chains is critical not only because of the financial magnitude but also because it impacts so many people. Efforts such as this project are essential in understanding the current operations of healthcare pharmacy systems and in offering decision support tools to managers struggling to make the best use of organizational resources. The purpose of this study is to address the objectives of a local hospital that exhibits typical problems in pharmacy supply chain management. We analyze the pharmacy supply network structure and the different, often conflicting goals in the decisions of the various stakeholders. We develop quantitative models useful in optimizing supply chain management and inventory management practices. We provide decision support tools that improve operational, tactical, and strategic decision making in the pharmacy supply chain and inventory management of pharmaceuticals. On one hand, advanced computerized technology that manages pharmaceutical dispensation and automates the ordering process offers considerable progress to support pharmacy product distribution. On the other hand, the available information is not utilized to help the managers in making the appropriate decisions and control the supply chain management. Quantitative methods are presented that provide simplified, practical solutions to pharmacy objectives and serve as decision support tools. For operational inventory decisions we provide the min and max par levels (reorder point and order up to level) that control the automated ordering system for pharmaceuticals. These parameters are based on two near-optimal allocation policies of cycle stock and safety stock under storage space constraint. For the tactical decision we demonstrate the influence of varying inventory holding cost rates on setting the optimal reorder point and order quantity for items. We present a strategic decision support tool to analyze the tradeoffs among the refill workload, the emergency workload, and the variety of drugs offered. We reveal the relationship of these tradeoffs to the three key performance indicators at a local care unit: the expected number of daily refills, the service level, and the storage space utilization


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    In this project, a physician scheduling problem arising from the operations of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Hamad Women's Hospital in Qatar has been studied. The essence of the physician scheduling problem lies in assigning physicians with different experience levels to a set of predetermined shifts to achieve a set of clinical/non-clinical duties over a defined time horizon while considering a large set of conflicting rules and constraints including, and not limited, to hospital rules, physicians' requirements, shift coverage requirements, seniority-based workload rules, physicians' preferences, and workload balance aspects. The focus of this research project is to develop schedule for physicians (labor specialists and inpatient ward specialists) within Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Hamad Women's Hospital for on-call shifts (evening shift and night shift) beside regular working shift (morning shift) while respecting all hard constraints, satisfying a wide range of soft constraints as far as possible, and most importantly balancing the workload among the physicians. Both labor specialists and inpatient ward specialists are the main service providers in this hospital, and therefore optimizing their work-shifts assignments would indirectly assist in providing a better service to female patients in Qatar and would result in meeting both the hospital and the physicians' satisfaction. In this work, the problem is formulated as mathematical programming model and solved by AIMMS optimization software. Optimal physicians' schedules were generated, and the proposed model was tested on real data provided from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Qatar. A comparison between the resulting optimal schedules and the manual schedules used currently by the hospital was conducted. Then, a sensitivity analysis was performed in order to test the robustness of the obtained physicians' schedules of the proposed model. The proposed approach demonstrated that high quality schedules that satisfy all the constraints and mainly ensure balanced workload among the physicians can be generated with less time and effort required compared to the schedules prepared manually by the chief specialist in Women's Hospital

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC
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