9 research outputs found

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 579 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 16, January 1978

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    This bibliography lists 543 reports, articles, and other documents introduced onto the NASA scientific and technical information system between October 1 and December 31, 1977. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Representations en Scattering pour la Reconaissance

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    Déposée Novembre 2012.This thesis addresses the problem of pattern and texture recognition from a mathematical perspective. These high level tasks require signal representations enjoying specific invariance, stability and consistency properties, which are not satisfied by linear representations. Scattering operators cascade wavelet decompositions and complex modulus, followed by a lowpass filtering. They define a non-linear representation which is locally translation invariant and Lipschitz continuous to the action of diffeomorphisms. They also define a texture representation capturing high order moments and which can be consistently estimated from few realizations. The thesis derives new mathematical properties of scattering representations and demonstrates its efficiency on pattern and texture recognition tasks. Thanks to its Lipschitz continuity to the action of diffeomorphisms, small deformations of the signal are linearized, which can be exploited in applications with a generative affine classifier yielding state-of-the-art results on handwritten digit classification. Expected scattering representations are applied on image and auditory texture datasets, showing their capacity to capture high order moments information with consistent estimators. Scattering representations are particularly efficient for the estimation and characterization of fractal parameters. A renormalization of scattering coefficients is introduced, giving a new insight on fractal description, with the ability in particular to characterize multifractal intermittency using consistent estimators.Ma thèse étudie le problème de la reconnaissance des objets et des textures. Dans ce cadre, il est nécessaire de construire des représentations de signaux avec des propriétés d'invariance et de stabilité qui ne sont pas satisfaites par des approches linéaires. Les opérateurs de Scattering itèrent des décompositions en ondelettes et rectifications avec des modules complexes. Ces opérateurs définissent une transformée non-linéaire avec des propriétés remarquables ; en particulier, elle est localement invariante par translation et Lipschitz continue par rapport à l'action des difféomorphismes. De plus, les opérateurs de Scattering définissent une représentation des processus stationnaires qui capture les moments d'ordre supérieur, et qui peut être estimée avec faible variance à partir d'un petit nombre de réalisations. Dans cette thèse, nous obtenons des nouvelles propriétés mathématiques de la représentation en scattering, et nous montrons leur efficacité pour la reconnaissance des objets et textures. Grâce à sa continuité Lipschitz par rapport à l'action des difféomorphismes, la transformée en scattering est capable de linéariser les petites déformations. Cette propriété peut être exploitée en pratique avec un classificateur génératif affine, qui nous permet d'obtenir l'état de l'art sur la reconnaissance des chiffres manuscrites. Nous étudions ensuite les représentations en Scattering des textures dans le cadre des images et du son. Nous montrons leur capacité à discriminer des phénomènes non-gaussiens avec des estimateurs à faible variance, ce qui nous permet d'obtenir de l'état de l'art pour la reconnaissance des textures. Finalement, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés du Scattering pour l'analyse multifractale. Nous introduisons une renormalisation des coéfficients en Scattering qui permet d'identifier de façon efficace plusieurs paramètres multifractales; en particulier, nous obtenons une nouvelle caractérisation de l'intermittence à partir des coefficients de Scattering ré-normalisés, qui peuvent s'estimer de façon consistante

    Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Science, collected reprints 1978-1979, volume 1

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    A ready reference is presented to 61 papers by members of the Laboratory published between January 1, 1978 and December 31, 1979. To avoid unnecessary duplication, only abstracts or introductions of NASA reports and conference proceedings are included with reprints of articles from various journals

    Cultural internationalism and the modernist aesthetics of monuments, 1932-1964

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2008."September 2008."Includes bibliographical references (p. [511]-535).This dissertation examines a period around World War II when the prospect of widespread destruction provoked a profound re-evaluation of Europe's landmarks, their material value, and their ethical significance. Between 1932 and 1964, works once known as artistic and historic monuments-from buildings to bridges, paintings to shrines, ruins to colossi-acquired a "cultural" value as belonging to the "universal heritage of mankind." Promoted as didactic objects of international understanding, they became subjects of a new brand of international law. I trace the origins of this international valuation to a political movement, identified as Cultural Internationalism, whose main tenet was that the transnational circulation of knowledge constitutes an antidote to war. This ideal fueled the birth of organizations that brandished the autonomy of intellectual work as a weapon against nationalisms: most visibly, the League of Nations' Institut International de Coop&ation Intellectuelle (IICI, 1924-1941), its successor the United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO, 1946-), and the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic Monuments in War Area (Roberts Commission, 1943-46). Despite the continued role of this institutional lineage in cultural production worldwide, there has not been a study of its contribution to 20th-Century aesthetics.(cont.) The dissertation explores the modernist aesthetics of monuments that arose from this milieu and unfolded in three related fields: the bombed cities of the Allies' war, the architecture of the European reconstruction, and the heritage missions of the decolonization. A broad network of intellectuals, art historians, architects, and archaeologists was enlisted to show that monuments gave iconic weight to cultural autonomy in a new world order. I follow these experts' attempts to effect this autonomy: working in conferences and as field experts, spawning an intricate network of civilian and military committees, caring for a growing collection of monuments, and encountering the shifting winds of a massive geo-political realignment.by Lucia Allais.Ph.D

    Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop : February 27–28 and March 1, 2017, Washington, DC

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    This workshop is meant to provide NASA’s Planetary Science Division with a very long-range vision of what planetary science may look like in the future.Organizer, Lunar and Planetary Institute ; Conveners, James Green, NASA Planetary Science Division, Doris Daou, NASA Planetary Science Division ; Science Organizing Committee, Stephen Mackwell, Universities Space Research Association [and 14 others]PARTIAL CONTENTS: Exploration Missions to the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud--Future Mercury Exploration: Unique Science Opportunities from Our Solar System’s Innermost Planet--A Vision for Ice Giant Exploration--BAOBAB (Big and Outrageously Bold Asteroid Belt) Project--Asteroid Studies: A 35-Year Forecast--Sampling the Solar System: The Next Level of Understanding--A Ground Truth-Based Approach to Future Solar System Origins Research--Isotope Geochemistry for Comparative Planetology of Exoplanets--The Moon as a Laboratory for Biological Contamination Research--“Be Careful What You Wish For:” The Scientific, Practical, and Cultural Implications of Discovering Life in Our Solar System--The Importance of Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Analysis and Imaging to the Search for Life on the Ocean Worlds--Follow the (Outer Solar System) Water: Program Options to Explore Ocean Worlds--Analogies Among Current and Future Life Detection Missions and the Pharmaceutical/ Biomedical Industries--On Neuromorphic Architectures for Efficient, Robust, and Adaptable Autonomy in Life Detection and Other Deep Space Missions

    Regional development and interaction in south-east Spain (6000-1000 b.c.).

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    This study is concerned with the emergence and subsequent development of agricultural communities in south-east Spain. Using different scales of analysis and a wide range of data it focuses on regional variations in social, political and economic organization between the Early Neolithic and Argaric Bronze Age. Particular attention has been given to evaluating patterns of regional variation and the processes which underlie these patterns. A systematic survey (Chapter 4) provides much needed information about Neolithic-Bronze Age settlement in a regional context. Another important, and complimentary, part of this research is concerned with cultural development and variability at a larger scale. This second level of analysis (Chapter 5) is an examination of mortuary practices on an inter-regional scale and involves more than 2000 Copper Age and Bronze Age tombs. The conclusion (Chapter 6) is an attempt to place cultural developments in south-east Spain in a wider context. These discussions emphasize the dynamic relationship between ecological and cultural processes, and draw important distinctions between the growth of agricultural communities in the humid, as opposed to the semiarid, zones of south-east Spain. The contrast between these two zones is clearly reflected by differences in social ranking, prestige displays, economic intensification, and settlement evolution. More importantly, perhaps, the nature of ecological-cultural interaction from 6000-1000 b. c. in south-east Spain provides valuable information about the growth and variability of complex societies