100 research outputs found

    Computational Spectrum of Agent Model Simulation

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    Approaching parallel computing to simulating population dynamics in demography

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    Agent-based modelling and simulation is a promising methodology that can be applied in the study of population dynamics. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows representing the particularities of the individuals that are modeled along with the interactions that take place among them and their environment. Hence, classical numerical simulation approaches are less adequate for reproducing complex dynamics. Nowadays, there is a rise of interest on using distributed computing to perform large-scale simulation of social systems. However, the inherent complexity of this type of applications is challenging and requires the study of possible solutions from the parallel computing perspective (e.g., how to deal with fine grain or irregular workload). In this paper, we discuss the particularities of simulating populating dynamics by using parallel discrete event simulation methodologies. To illustrate our approach, we present a possible solution to make transparent the use of parallel simulation for modeling demographic systems: Yades tool. In Yades, modelers can easily define models that describe different demographic processes with a web user interface and transparently run them on any computer architecture environment thanks to its demographic simulation library and code generator. Therefore, transparency is provided by by two means: the provision of a web user interface where modelers and policy makers can specify their agent-based models with the tools they are familiar with, and the automatic generation of the simulation code that can be executed in any platform (cluster or supercomputer). A study is conducted to evaluate the performance of our solution in a High Performance Computing environment. The main benefit of this outline is that our findings can be generalized to problems with similar characteristics to our demographic simulation model

    Energy Demand Response for High-Performance Computing Systems

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    The growing computational demand of scientific applications has greatly motivated the development of large-scale high-performance computing (HPC) systems in the past decade. To accommodate the increasing demand of applications, HPC systems have been going through dramatic architectural changes (e.g., introduction of many-core and multi-core systems, rapid growth of complex interconnection network for efficient communication between thousands of nodes), as well as significant increase in size (e.g., modern supercomputers consist of hundreds of thousands of nodes). With such changes in architecture and size, the energy consumption by these systems has increased significantly. With the advent of exascale supercomputers in the next few years, power consumption of the HPC systems will surely increase; some systems may even consume hundreds of megawatts of electricity. Demand response programs are designed to help the energy service providers to stabilize the power system by reducing the energy consumption of participating systems during the time periods of high demand power usage or temporary shortage in power supply. This dissertation focuses on developing energy-efficient demand-response models and algorithms to enable HPC system\u27s demand response participation. In the first part, we present interconnection network models for performance prediction of large-scale HPC applications. They are based on interconnected topologies widely used in HPC systems: dragonfly, torus, and fat-tree. Our interconnect models are fully integrated with an implementation of message-passing interface (MPI) that can mimic most of its functions with packet-level accuracy. Extensive experiments show that our integrated models provide good accuracy for predicting the network behavior, while at the same time allowing for good parallel scaling performance. In the second part, we present an energy-efficient demand-response model to reduce HPC systems\u27 energy consumption during demand response periods. We propose HPC job scheduling and resource provisioning schemes to enable HPC system\u27s emergency demand response participation. In the final part, we propose an economic demand-response model to allow both HPC operator and HPC users to jointly reduce HPC system\u27s energy cost. Our proposed model allows the participation of HPC systems in economic demand-response programs through a contract-based rewarding scheme that can incentivize HPC users to participate in demand response

    Parallel and Distributed Simulation from Many Cores to the Public Cloud (Extended Version)

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    In this tutorial paper, we will firstly review some basic simulation concepts and then introduce the parallel and distributed simulation techniques in view of some new challenges of today and tomorrow. More in particular, in the last years there has been a wide diffusion of many cores architectures and we can expect this trend to continue. On the other hand, the success of cloud computing is strongly promoting the everything as a service paradigm. Is parallel and distributed simulation ready for these new challenges? The current approaches present many limitations in terms of usability and adaptivity: there is a strong need for new evaluation metrics and for revising the currently implemented mechanisms. In the last part of the paper, we propose a new approach based on multi-agent systems for the simulation of complex systems. It is possible to implement advanced techniques such as the migration of simulated entities in order to build mechanisms that are both adaptive and very easy to use. Adaptive mechanisms are able to significantly reduce the communication cost in the parallel/distributed architectures, to implement load-balance techniques and to cope with execution environments that are both variable and dynamic. Finally, such mechanisms will be used to build simulations on top of unreliable cloud services.Comment: Tutorial paper published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011). Istanbul (Turkey), IEEE, July 2011. ISBN 978-1-61284-382-

    Data structures for SIMD logic simulation

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    Due to the growth of design size and complexity, design verification is an important aspect of the Logic Circuit development process. The purpose of verification is to validate that the design meets the system requirements and specification. This is done by either functional or formal verification. The most popular approach to functional verification is the use of simulation based techniques. Using models to replicate the behaviour of an actual system is called simulation. In this thesis, a software/data structure architecture without explicit locks is proposed to accelerate logic gate circuit simulation. We call thus system ZSIM. The ZSIM software architecture simulator targets low cost SIMD multi-core machines. Its performance is evaluated on the Intel Xeon Phi and 2 other machines (Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron). The aim of these experiments is to: • Verify that the data structure used allows SIMD acceleration, particularly on machines with gather instructions ( section 5.3.1). • Verify that, on sufficiently large circuits, substantial gains could be made from multicore parallelism ( section 5.3.2 ). • Show that a simulator using this approach out-performs an existing commercial simulator on a standard workstation ( section 5.3.3 ). • Show that the performance on a cheap Xeon Phi card is competitive with results reported elsewhere on much more expensive super-computers ( section 5.3.5 ). To evaluate the ZSIM, two types of test circuits were used: 1. Circuits from the IWLS benchmark suit [1] which allow direct comparison with other published studies of parallel simulators.2. Circuits generated by a parametrised circuit synthesizer. The synthesizer used an algorithm that has been shown to generate circuits that are statistically representative of real logic circuits. The synthesizer allowed testing of a range of very large circuits, larger than the ones for which it was possible to obtain open source files. The experimental results show that with SIMD acceleration and multicore, ZSIM gained a peak parallelisation factor of 300 on Intel Xeon Phi and 11 on Intel Xeon. With only SIMD enabled, ZSIM achieved a maximum parallelistion gain of 10 on Intel Xeon Phi and 4 on Intel Xeon. Furthermore, it was shown that this software architecture simulator running on a SIMD machine is much faster than, and can handle much bigger circuits than a widely used commercial simulator (Xilinx) running on a workstation. The performance achieved by ZSIM was also compared with similar pre-existing work on logic simulation targeting GPUs and supercomputers. It was shown that ZSIM simulator running on a Xeon Phi machine gives comparable simulation performance to the IBM Blue Gene supercomputer at very much lower cost. The experimental results have shown that the Xeon Phi is competitive with simulation on GPUs and allows the handling of much larger circuits than have been reported for GPU simulation. When targeting Xeon Phi architecture, the automatic cache management of the Xeon Phi, handles and manages the on-chip local store without any explicit mention of the local store being made in the architecture of the simulator itself. However, targeting GPUs, explicit cache management in program increases the complexity of the software architecture. Furthermore, one of the strongest points of the ZSIM simulator is its portability. Note that the same code was tested on both AMD and Xeon Phi machines. The same architecture that efficiently performs on Xeon Phi, was ported into a 64 core NUMA AMD Opteron. To conclude, the two main achievements are restated as following: The primary achievement of this work was proving that the ZSIM architecture was faster than previously published logic simulators on low cost platforms. The secondary achievement was the development of a synthetic testing suite that went beyond the scale range that was previously publicly available, based on prior work that showed the synthesis technique is valid

    GPGPU Reliability Analysis: From Applications to Large Scale Systems

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    Over the past decade, GPUs have become an integral part of mainstream high-performance computing (HPC) facilities. Since applications running on HPC systems are usually long-running, any error or failure could result in significant loss in scientific productivity and system resources. Even worse, since HPC systems face severe resilience challenges as progressing towards exascale computing, it is imperative to develop a better understanding of the reliability of GPUs. This dissertation fills this gap by providing an understanding of the effects of soft errors on the entire system and on specific applications. To understand system-level reliability, a large-scale study on GPU soft errors in the field is conducted. The occurrences of GPU soft errors are linked to several temporal and spatial features, such as specific workloads, node location, temperature, and power consumption. Further, machine learning models are proposed to predict error occurrences on GPU nodes so as to proactively and dynamically turning on/off the costly error protection mechanisms based on prediction results. To understand the effects of soft errors at the application level, an effective fault-injection framework is designed aiming to understand the reliability and resilience characteristics of GPGPU applications. This framework is effective in terms of reducing the tremendous number of fault injection locations to a manageable size while still preserving remarkable accuracy. This framework is validated with both single-bit and multi-bit fault models for various GPGPU benchmarks. Lastly, taking advantage of the proposed fault-injection framework, this dissertation develops a hierarchical approach to understanding the error resilience characteristics of GPGPU applications at kernel, CTA, and warp levels. In addition, given that some corrupted application outputs due to soft errors may be acceptable, we present a use case to show how to enable low-overhead yet reliable GPU computing for GPGPU applications

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP.Postprint (published version

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP

    Coping at the User-Level with Resource Limitations in the Cray Message Passing Toolkit MPI at Scale: How Not to Spend Your Summer Vacation

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    ABSTRACT: As the number of processor cores available in Cray XT series computers has rapidly grown, users have increasingly encountered instances where an MPI code that has previously worked for years unexpectedly fails at high core counts ("at scale") due to resource limitations being exceeded within the MPI implementation. Here, we examine several examples drawn from user experiences and discuss strategies for working around these difficulties at the user level
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