67,919 research outputs found

    Scaling a unitary matrix

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    The iterative method of Sinkhorn allows, starting from an arbitrary real matrix with non-negative entries, to find a so-called 'scaled matrix' which is doubly stochastic, i.e. a matrix with all entries in the interval (0, 1) and with all line sums equal to 1. We conjecture that a similar procedure exists, which allows, starting from an arbitrary unitary matrix, to find a scaled matrix which is unitary and has all line sums equal to 1. The existence of such algorithm guarantees a powerful decomposition of an arbitrary quantum circuit.Comment: A proof of the conjecture is now provided by Idel & Wolf (http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5728

    Complex Unitary Recurrent Neural Networks using Scaled Cayley Transform

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been successfully used on a wide range of sequential data problems. A well known difficulty in using RNNs is the \textit{vanishing or exploding gradient} problem. Recently, there have been several different RNN architectures that try to mitigate this issue by maintaining an orthogonal or unitary recurrent weight matrix. One such architecture is the scaled Cayley orthogonal recurrent neural network (scoRNN) which parameterizes the orthogonal recurrent weight matrix through a scaled Cayley transform. This parametrization contains a diagonal scaling matrix consisting of positive or negative one entries that can not be optimized by gradient descent. Thus the scaling matrix is fixed before training and a hyperparameter is introduced to tune the matrix for each particular task. In this paper, we develop a unitary RNN architecture based on a complex scaled Cayley transform. Unlike the real orthogonal case, the transformation uses a diagonal scaling matrix consisting of entries on the complex unit circle which can be optimized using gradient descent and no longer requires the tuning of a hyperparameter. We also provide an analysis of a potential issue of the modReLU activiation function which is used in our work and several other unitary RNNs. In the experiments conducted, the scaled Cayley unitary recurrent neural network (scuRNN) achieves comparable or better results than scoRNN and other unitary RNNs without fixing the scaling matrix

    Efficiency of Producing Random Unitary Matrices with Quantum Circuits

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    We study the scaling of the convergence of several statistical properties of a recently introduced random unitary circuit ensemble towards their limits given by the circular unitary ensemble (CUE). Our study includes the full distribution of the absolute square of a matrix element, moments of that distribution up to order eight, as well as correlators containing up to 16 matrix elements in a given column of the unitary matrices. Our numerical scaling analysis shows that all of these quantities can be reproduced efficiently, with a number of random gates which scales at most as nqlog(nq/ϵ)n_q\log (n_q/\epsilon) with the number of qubits nqn_q for a given fixed precision ϵ\epsilon. This suggests that quantities which require an exponentially large number of gates are of more complex nature.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    On the Scaling Limits of Determinantal Point Processes with Kernels Induced by Sturm-Liouville Operators

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    By applying an idea of Borodin and Olshanski [J. Algebra 313 (2007), 40-60], we study various scaling limits of determinantal point processes with trace class projection kernels given by spectral projections of selfadjoint Sturm-Liouville operators. Instead of studying the convergence of the kernels as functions, the method directly addresses the strong convergence of the induced integral operators. We show that, for this notion of convergence, the Dyson, Airy, and Bessel kernels are universal in the bulk, soft-edge, and hard-edge scaling limits. This result allows us to give a short and unified derivation of the known formulae for the scaling limits of the classical random matrix ensembles with unitary invariance, that is, the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE), the Wishart or Laguerre unitary ensemble (LUE), and the MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) or Jacobi unitary ensemble (JUE)

    The block-ZXZ synthesis of an arbitrary quantum circuit

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    Given an arbitrary 2w×2w2^w \times 2^w unitary matrix UU, a powerful matrix decomposition can be applied, leading to four different syntheses of a ww-qubit quantum circuit performing the unitary transformation. The demonstration is based on a recent theorem by F\"uhr and Rzeszotnik, generalizing the scaling of single-bit unitary gates (w=1w=1) to gates with arbitrary value of~ww. The synthesized circuit consists of controlled 1-qubit gates, such as NEGATOR gates and PHASOR gates. Interestingly, the approach reduces to a known synthesis method for classical logic circuits consisting of controlled NOT gates, in the case that UU is a permutation matrix.Comment: Improved (non-sinkhorn) algorithm to obtain the proposed circui

    Multicritical matrix models and the chiral phase transition

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    Universality of multicritical unitary matrix models is shown and a new scaling behavior is found in the microscopic region of the spectrum, which may be relevant for the low energy spectrum of the Dirac operator at the chiral phase transition

    Local Relativistic Exact Decoupling

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    We present a systematic hierarchy of approximations for {\it local} exact-decoupling of four-component quantum chemical Hamiltonians based on the Dirac equation. Our ansatz reaches beyond the trivial local approximation that is based on a unitary transformation of only the atomic block-diagonal part of the Hamiltonian. Systematically, off-diagonal Hamiltonian matrix blocks can be subjected to a unitary transformation to yield relativistically corrected matrix elements. The full hierarchy is investigated with respect to the accuracy reached for the electronic energy and molecular properties on a balanced test molecule set that comprises molecules with heavy elements in different bonding situations. Our atomic (local) assembly of the unitary transformation needed for exact decoupling provides an excellent local approximation for any relativistic exact-decoupling approach. Its order-N2N^2 scaling can be further reduced to linear scaling by employing the neighboring-atomic-blocks approximation. Therefore, it is an efficient relativistic method perfectly well suited for relativistic calculations on large molecules. If a large molecule contains many light atoms (typically hydrogen atoms), the computational costs can be further reduced by employing a well-defined non-relativistic approximation for these light atoms without significant loss of accuracy

    String Equations for the Unitary Matrix Model and the Periodic Flag Manifold

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    The periodic flag manifold (in the Sato Grassmannian context) description of the modified Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy is used to analyse the translational and scaling self--similar solutions of this hierarchy. These solutions are characterized by the string equations appearing in the double scaling limit of the symmetric unitary matrix model with boundary terms. The moduli space is a double covering of the moduli space in the Sato Grassmannian for the corresponding self--similar solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, i.e. of stable 2D quantum gravity. The potential modified Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, which can be described in terms of a line bundle over the periodic flag manifold, and its self--similar solutions corresponds to the symmetric unitary matrix model. Now, the moduli space is in one--to--one correspondence with a subset of codimension one of the moduli space in the Sato Grassmannian corresponding to self--similar solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy.Comment: 21 pages in LaTeX-AMSTe