259 research outputs found

    Unpacking Agile Enterprise Architecture Innovation work practices: A Qualitative Case Study of a Railroad Company

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    Agile EA is the process for managing enterprise architecture modeling and redesign efforts with principles of agile methods. However, very little work has been done till date on how organizations adopt these methodological innovations such as integration of agile methods with enterprise architecture. This is problematic, because we know that organizations face stiff challenges in bringing new innovations that fundamentally disrupt their enterprise architecture. Hence we ask: How does agile EA get adopted in practice and what are the underlying mechanisms through which teams self-organize and adapt? To this end, we studied a large-scale agile EA development effort to modernize the legacy systems at a top railroad company referred to as “Alpha” (a pseudonym). Our qualitative analysis shows how multi-teams self-organize and adjust the pace of the development efforts by strategically (1) choosing different type of agile methods and (2) embedding resources across teams for increasing communications

    Development of the production module of an IoT cloud platform for precision livestock farming

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    Project Work report presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe agricultural livestock production sub-sector is characterized by its many geographically dispersed production points. Records are usually collected in handwritten forms that are then transposed to separate Excel sheets by technical assistants. These documents are used to evaluate "one-shot" results at the end of the animal production batches and are filed together with the other documents in the batch. Most of the collected data is usually not organized in a way that allows easy historical analysis and qualitative assessment of economic and technical results. Farmcontrol, the provider of an IoT solution for livestock farm monitoring wanted to somehow respond to current difficulties and add meaningful context to the enormous stream of sensor data that are generated. Its goal was to present relevant real-time insights to livestock producers while helping organize everyday farm tasks and benchmark results. To tackle this challenge Farmcontrol developed a new module for its cloud software that promoted the current work project

    Aplicação do Método Ágil SCRUM na gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos de software por uma pequena empresa de base tecnológica.

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    Este trabalho apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa-ação, realizada em uma pequena empresa de base tecnológica, na qual se aplicou o método ágil Scrum em um projeto de desenvolvimento de um produto de Software. O objeto de pesquisa foi uma pequena empresa de Itajubá/MG, cujos principais produtos são sistemas de software. Estudos mostram que a indústria de produção de software é extremamente ineficiente e ineficaz. E as micro e pequenas empresas de base tecnológica (MPEBT) tem um desafio ainda maior devido aos seus recursos restritos. Além disso, os métodos tradicionais de desenvolvimento de produtos de softwares são pesados e custosos. Na década de 1980 surgiram as técnicas de desenvolvimento ágil de produtos, entre eles o Scrum. Este trabalho se principiou com uma revisão, análise, classificação e codificação da literatura sobre o método Scrum em toda a base de dados dos periódicos da CAPES. Tendo em vista a importância estratégica das MPEBT no desenvolvimento regional, seria muito importante que o Scrum fosse compatível com seus processos, para que as mesmas pudessem se tornar mais competitivas e usufruir de seus benefícios. Desta forma, o objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a implantação do método ágil Scrum nos projetos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos de software de uma MPEBT, além de compreender e mensurar o impacto desta implantação na empresa. Concluiu-se que o método melhorou a comunicação e aumentou a motivação do time, diminuiu o custo, o tempo e o risco do projeto e aumentou a produtividade da equipe. Com esses resultados alcançados, a organização se tornou mais competitiva, pois a bem-sucedida gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos é ponto crucial para o sucesso de uma empresa de base tecnológica

    Case of three Scrum teams: Agile software development methods at Nokia - The people perspective

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    Case of three Scrum teams: Agile software development methods at Nokia - The people perspectiv

    Changes in Anthropometric and Physiological Characteristics of Male Collegiate Rugby Union Players Throughout a Season

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    Rugby Union is a physically demanding sport requiring a variety of anthropometric and physiological characteristics to maximize performance. Factors such as muscular power, speed, agility, maximal aerobic power, mobility, and body composition all factor into player performance. PURPOSE: To determine changes in body composition, anthropometric and physiological characteristics of collegiate rugby union players throughout a competitive season. METHODS: Participants included 37 (20.3 ± 1.5 years) men from a collegiate rugby club. Muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10m and 20m sprint), agility (L-drill), mobility (FMS active straight leg raise and shoulder mobility) maximal aerobic power (VO2peak via 20m multi-stage shuttle run SR), height, body mass, fat mass (ADP), fat-free mass (ADP), and body fat levels (ADP and sum of 7 skinfolds (SKBF%)) were assessed during the pre-season (PRE), mid-season (MID), and post-season (POST). Training and match loads were estimated for each player by multiplying each player’s rating of perceived of exertion (RPE: 6-20) by the amount of training/playing time. RESULTS: PRE, MID, and POST variables were compared using a repeated measures ANOVA (p \u3c .05). Paired-Samples T-Tests were used for post-hoc analysis to determine when the significant changes occurred (p \u3c .017). Assessment Pre-Season Mid-Season Post-Season ANOVA p-Value L-Drill Time (s) 8.3621 ± .32 8.2321 ± .36a 8.5493 ± 0.42b p = .005 10m Sprint Time (s) 1.788 ± 0.1 1.892 ± .063a 1.91 ± 0.08a p \u3c .001 20m Sprint Time (s) 3.118 ± 0.15 3.238 ± 0.11a 3.2087 ± 0.08a p = .004 VO2max (ml/kg/min.) 45.86 ± 4.37 47.6 ± 8.01 41.25 ± 6.4a,b p = .001 Triceps (mm) 14.85 ± 6.59 13.22 ± 6.9a 12.59 ± 6.4a p \u3c .001 Pectoral (mm) 14.96 ± 7.4 14.11 ± 8.18 13.33 ± 7.35a p \u3c .001 Thigh (mm) 18.56 ± 8.95 17.19 ± 8.27a 15.7 ± 8.24a,b p \u3c .001 Calf (mm) 12.22 ± 5.49 11.04 ± 4.82a 9.81 ± 4.74a p \u3c .001 Midaxillary (mm) 16.52 ± 7.21 14.67 ± 8.52a 13.81 ± 7.35a p \u3c .001 Sum of 7-Sites (mm) 127 ± 52.43 118.19 ± 56.1a 115.3 ± 51.03a p \u3c .001 Estimated Bd 1.061 ± .014 1.0641 ± .015a 1.065 ± .015a p \u3c .001 Estimated BF (%) 16.6 ± 6.21 15.28 ± 6.74a 15.01 ± 6.39a p \u3c .001 a: Significantly different from Pre-Season, b: Significantly different from Mid-Season. (Mean ± SD). CONCLUSION: The majority of positive anthropometric and physiological adaptations took place during the first half of the season when training was conditioning and skill focused. Increased maximal aerobic power and agility may be due to participants becoming leaner and adapting to the conditioning performed during training. The accumulating training and match loads, decreased recovery times, and shift away from conditioning during training towards game-simulation and team walkthroughs during MID to POST may have led to increasing levels of body fat and decreased fat-free mass, agility, speed, and maximal aerobic performance.

    Persuasive by design: a model and toolkit for designing evidence-based interventions

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    An agile information flow consolidator for delivery of quality software projects: technological perspective from a South African start-up

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    In today’s knowledge-based economy, modern organisations understand the importance of technology in their quest to be considered global leaders. South African markets like others worldwide are regularly flooded with the latest technology trends which can complicate the acquisition, use, management and maintenance of software. To achieve a competitive edge, companies tend to leverage agile methods with the best possible combination of innovative supporting tools as a key differentiator. Software technology firms are in this light faced with determining how to leverage technology and efficient development processes for them to consistently deliver quality software projects and solutions to their customer base. Previous studies have discussed the importance of software development processes from a project management perspective. African academia has immensely contributed in terms of software development and project management research which has focused on modern frameworks, methodologies as well as project management techniques. While the current research continues with this tradition by presenting the pertinence of modern agile methodologies, it additionally further describes modern agile development processes tailored in a sub-Saharan context. The study also aims novelty by showing how innovative sometimes disruptive technology tools can contribute to producing African software solutions to African problems. To this end, the thesis contains an experimental case study where a web portal is prototyped to assist firms with the management of agile project management and engineering related activities. Literature review, semi-structure interviews as well as direct observations from the industry use case are used as data sources. Underpinned by an Activity Theory analytical framework, the qualitative data is analysed by leveraging content and thematic oriented techniques. This study aims to contribute to software engineering as well as the information systems body of knowledge in general. The research hence ambitions to propose a practical framework to promote the delivery of quality software projects and products. For this thesis, such a framework was designed around an information system which helps organizations better manage agile project management and engineering related activities.Information SciencePh. D. (Information Systems

    The Scrum Product Backlog as a Tool for Steering the Product Development in a Large-Scale Organization

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    Vesiputousmalli ja sen variaatiot ovat olleet laajalti käytössä ohjelmistotuotannossa. Näiden mallien vikojen korjaamiseksi, eli markkinoiden vaatimuksiin mukautumisen kohentamiseksi sekä evolutionististen toimitusten tekemiseksi, on syntynyt ketteriä ohjelmistokehitysmenetelmiä. Näistä eniten käytetty on scrum-viitekehys. Suomen Ericsson on ottamassa scrum-menetelmän käyttöön. Muutoksen tukemiseksi, tämä diplomityö tunnistaa product backlog -tehtävälistan asianosaisia sekä heidän tarvitsemaansa ja tuottamaansa tietoa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen, tietoliikennealan yritysten vertailun, strukturoimattomien haastatteluiden (n = 6) sekä puolistrukturoitujen haastatteluiden (n = 11) avulla tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin asianosaiset ja heidän toimintansa eri päätöspisteissä. Pohjana tutkimuksessa käytetään yrityksen uutta päätöksentekoviitekehystä. Diplomityö esittelee taulukon avulla asianosaisten toimenpiteet eri päätöspisteissä nimenomaan product backlog -tehtävälistaan liittyen. On oleellista huomata, että eri asianomaiset tarvitsevat eri tietoa. Lisäksi eri vastuuhenkilöille sopivat erilaiset visualisointitavat. Näin ollen, työ esittelee myös viitekehyksen, jonka avulla visualisointia voidaan kohdentaa eri asianomaisille. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin kolme seikkaa, joita tulee kohentaa. Ensinnäkin, useat asianomistajat haluavat oman backlog -tehtävälistan. Toiseksi, tehtäviä ja vastuita siirretään useassa kohtaa toiselle henkilölle. Kolmanneksi, innovaatioprosessi on erillään uuden tuotteen kehittämisestä. Toisaalta, useita kaavailtua tapaa tukevia löydöksiä havaittiin kirjallisuudesta. Esimerkiksi, yrityksen tiimit ovat monialaisia, tuotevastuu on hajautettu useammalle henkilölle sekä uuden ominaisuuden sisältö on rajattu vastaamaan markkinan todellista vaatimusta.The Waterfall model has been widely applied in the software development. However, agile software development methods have emerged to enhance the adaptability to the changing market demands and to utilize evolutionary releases. The most widely adopted agile method is the Scrum framework. Ericsson Finland is implementing Scrum. To support the transition, the thesis identifies the stakeholders of the product backlog and the data the stakeholders demand and provide. With a simplification, it can be stated that the product backlog is a prioritized list of items to be performed to complete a feature. Based on a literature review including a benchmark of other telecommunication domain companies, open-ended interviews (n = 6), and semi-structured interviews (n = 11), the thesis lists the stakeholders and their actions at each decision point. The decision framework, which has emerged in-house, was utilized to structure the thesis. A matrix mapping the actions by each stakeholder at each decision point was formed. The primary data, which the stakeholders require directly and indirectly from the product backlog, are the velocity, work to be done, the date of feature completion, dependencies, costs, and business value. It is important to note that the stakeholders need the data on different levels and for different purposes. Hence, the feasible visualization of the data varies among the stakeholders. In addition to identifying the stakeholders and the requirements for data, the thesis points out three findings regarding areas to be enhanced. First, multiple stakeholders currently demand their own product backlog. Second, multiple handovers are conducted. Third, the innovation process is isolated. However, multiple findings supporting the current organizational thinking of the implementation emerged. For instance, the teams are cross-functional, the product ownership responsibility is shared, and the scope of a new feature is optimized to not to include additional functionality that the market does not demand