4 research outputs found

    Quantum Structure in Cognition

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    The broader scope of our investigations is the search for the way in which concepts and their combinations carry and influence meaning and what this implies for human thought. More specifically, we examine the use of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics as a modeling instrument and propose a general mathematical modeling scheme for the combinations of concepts. We point out that quantum mechanical principles, such as superposition and interference, are at the origin of specific effects in cognition related to concept combinations, such as the guppy effect and the overextension and underextension of membership weights of items. We work out a concrete quantum mechanical model for a large set of experimental data of membership weights with overextension and underextension of items with respect to the conjunction and disjunction of pairs of concepts, and show that no classical model is possible for these data. We put forward an explanation by linking the presence of quantum aspects that model concept combinations to the basic process of concept formation. We investigate the implications of our quantum modeling scheme for the structure of human thought, and show the presence of a two-layer structure consisting of a classical logical layer and a quantum conceptual layer. We consider connections between our findings and phenomena such as the disjunction effect and the conjunction fallacy in decision theory, violations of the sure thing principle, and the Allais and Elsberg paradoxes in economics.Comment: 58 pages, 1 figure. Reworked version after review proces

    Scaling choreography modelling for B2B value-chain analysis

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    The modelling of B2B scenarios focuses on conversations between key partners to establish a common business context for their collaboration. With the prevalence of Web services, attention has turned to service choreographies as a means of message exchange ordering between collaborating participants, from a global (or shared) understanding. As such, the message ordering in a choreography model can then be used to determine the message ordering behaviour of each participant's process. In this paper, we extend the suitability of choreography modelling for the early phase of analysis, where the participants and the nature of interactions develops under the flux of requirements acquisition. In particular, we develop a structural view of interactions and stepwise refinement, leading to behavioural considerations, reminiscent of classical techniques. In addition, we introduce contextualisation of intent behind message exchanges in the form of speech acts. This, we show, can be used to automatically detect conflicts in conversations, in the business sense, namely negotiation or provision breakdowns - prior to technical implementations of choreographies. Model abstraction and refinement is based on Semantic Object Model (SOM), and a mapping to the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is shown


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    Current action research methodologies bias observations severely and render quantification models of subjective data uncertain. Thus, this research thesis aims to design a scientifically rigorous action-science methodology process that establishes a subject-bias-free method for communication in an organisational context. This investigation aims to apply scientific rigour to this issue and to verify the general applicability of mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to address organisational venture that includes a “wicked problem” (Stubbart, 1987, quoted in Pearson and Clair, 1998, p. 62) of how to communicate and collaborate appropriately. The subjective data collection and quantification models of this thesis build on the quantitative formalism of quantum mechanics and qualitative formalism of the theory of communicative action. Mathematical and ontological formalism combine into a novel research strategy with planned instrumentation for action research field studies summarised under the term ‘Complex Action Methodology for Enterprise Systems’ (CAMES). The outcome is a process to understand the behavioural action of organisational members. This process is not technical, and neither does it involve a machine or apparatus. The process is primarily mathematical and requires that participants act under a new identity, a virtual identity. Similarly, the data analysis does not require a specific machine, technology or an apparatus. A spreadsheet calculator will primarily be sufficient for low entry. Data collection occurs in one block with an average duration time of 10 minutes in a virtual location. The practice can, therefore, use this thesis’ procedures for bias-free quantification of subjective data and prediction of an individual’s future behaviour with certainty. Prediction of an individual’s future behaviour with certainty provides to the organizational practice what organisational practice lacks but urgently requires. The certainty that claimed findings of behaviour in organisational context requires to intervene and steer. Certainty and justification for planned intervening and steering initiatives secure funding

    The CHORCH Approach: How to Model B2Bi Choreographies for Orchestration Execution

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    The establishment and implementation of cross-organizational business processes is an implication of today's market pressure for efficiency gains. In this context, Business-To-Business integration (B2Bi) focuses on the information integration aspects of business processes. A core task of B2Bi is providing adequate models that capture the message exchanges between integration partners. Following the terminology used in the SOA domain, such models will be called choreographies in the context of this work. Despite the enormous economic importance of B2Bi, existing choreography languages fall short of fulfilling all relevant requirements of B2Bi scenarios. Dedicated B2Bi choreography standards allow for inconsistent outcomes of basic interactions and do not provide unambiguous semantics for advanced interaction models. In contrast to this, more formal or technical choreography languages may provide unambiguous modeling semantics, but do not offer B2Bi domain concepts or an adequate level of abstraction. Defining valid and complete B2Bi choreography models becomes a challenging task in the face of these shortcomings. At the same time, invalid or underspecified choreography definitions are particularly costly considering the organizational setting of B2Bi scenarios. Models are not only needed to bridge the typical gap between business and IT, but also as negotiation means among the business users of the integration partners on the one hand and among the IT experts of the integration partners on the other. Misunderstandings between any two negotiation partners potentially affect the agreements between all other negotiation partners. The CHORCH approach offers tailored support for B2Bi by combining the strengths of both dedicated B2Bi standards and formal rigor. As choreography specification format, the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (ebBP) standard is used. ebBP provides dedicated B2Bi domain concepts such as so-called BusinessTransactions (BTs) that abstractly specify the exchange of a request business document and an optional response business document. In addition, ebBP provides a format for specifying the sequence of BT executions for capturing complex interaction scenarios. CHORCH improves the offering of ebBP in several ways. Firstly, the execution model of BTs which allows for inconsistent outcomes among the integration partners is redefined such that only consistent outcomes are possible. Secondly, two binary choreography styles are defined as B2Bi implementation contract format in order to streamline implementation projects. Both choreography styles are formalized and provided with a formal execution semantics for ensuring unambiguity. In addition, validity criteria are defined that ensure implementability using BPEL-based orchestrations. Thirdly, the analysis of the synchronization dependencies of complex B2Bi scenarios is supported by means of a multi-party choreography style combined with an analysis framework. This choreography style also is formalized and standard state machine semantics are reused in order to ensure unambiguity. Moreover, validity criteria are defined that allow for analyzing corresponding models for typical multi-party choreography issues. Altogether, CHORCH provides choreography styles that are B2Bi adequate, simple, unambiguous, and implementable. The choreography styles are B2Bi adequate in providing B2Bi domain concepts, in abstracting from low-level implementation details and in covering the majority of real-world B2Bi scenarios. Simplicity is fostered by using state machines as underlying specification paradigm. This allows for thinking in the states of a B2Bi scenario and for simple control flow structures. Unambiguity is provided by formal execution semantics whereas implementability (for the binary choreography styles) is ensured by providing mapping rules to BPEL-based implementations. The validation of CHORCH's choreography styles is performed in a twofold way. Firstly, the implementation of the binary choreography styles based on Web Services and BPEL technology is demonstrated which proves implementability using relatively low-cost technologies. Moreover, the analysis algorithms for the multi-party choreography styles are validated using a Java-based prototype. Secondly, an abstract visualization of the choreography styles based on BPMN is provided that abstracts from the technicalities of the ebBP standard. This proves the amenability of CHORCH to development methods that start out with visual models. CHORCH defines how to use BPMN choreographies for the purpose of B2Bi choreography modeling and translates the formal rules for choreography validity into simple composition rules that demonstrate valid ways of connecting the respective modeling constructs. In summary, CHORCH allows integration partners to start out with a high-level visual model of their interactions in BPMN that identifies the types and sequences of the BusinessTransactions to be used. For multi-party choreographies, a framework for analyzing synchronization dependencies then is available. For binary choreographies, an ebBP refinement can be derived that fills in the technical parameters that are needed for deriving the implementation. Finally, Web Services and BPEL based implementations can be generated. Thus, CHORCH allows for stepwise closing the semantic gap between the information perspective of business process models and the corresponding implementations. It is noteworthy that CHORCH uses international standards throughout all relevant layers, i.e., BPMN, ebBP, Web Services and BPEL, which helps in bridging the heterogeneous IT landscapes of B2Bi partners. In addition, the adoption of core CHORCH deliverables as international standards of the RosettaNet community give testament to the practical relevance and promise dissemination throughout the B2Bi community.BetriebsĂŒbergreifende GeschĂ€ftsprozessintegration ist eine logische Konsequenz allgegenwĂ€rtigen Wettbewerbsdrucks. In diesem Kontext fokussiert Business-To-Business integration (B2Bi) auf die Informationsaustausche zwischen Unternehmen. Eine B2Bi-Kernanforderung ist die Bereitstellung adĂ€quater Modelle zur Spezifikation der Nachrichtenaustausche zwischen Integrationspartnern. Diese werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in Anlehnung an Service-orientierte Architekturen (SOA)-Terminologie Choreographien genannt. Bestehende Choreographiesprachen decken die Anforderungen an B2Bi-Choreographien nicht vollstĂ€ndig ab. Dedizierte B2Bi-Choreographiestandards definieren inkonsistente Austauschprozeduren fĂŒr grundlegende Interaktionen und nur unvollstĂ€ndige Semantiken fĂŒr fortgeschrittene Interaktionen. Formale oder Technik-getriebene Choreographiesprachen bieten die benötigte PrĂ€zision, lassen aber DomĂ€nenkonzepte vermissen oder operieren auf einer niedrigen Abstraktionsebene. Angesichts solcher MĂ€ngel wird die Spezifikation valider und vollstĂ€ndiger B2Bi-Choreographien zu einer echten Herausforderung. Gleichzeitig sind mangelhafte Choreographiemodelle gerade im B2Bi-Bereich besonders problematisch, da diese nicht nur zwischen Fach- und IT-Abteilung, sondern auch ĂŒber Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg eingesetzt werden. Der CHORCH-Ansatz schafft an dieser Stelle mittels maßgeschneiderter Choreographien Abhilfe, welche die Vorteile von B2Bi-Choreographien und von formalen AnsĂ€tzen kombinieren. Als Ausgangspunkt wird das ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (ebBP) verwendet, das als B2Bi-Choreographiestandard DomĂ€nenkonzepte wie zum Beispiel sogenannte BusinessTransactions (BTs) bietet. Eine BT ist der Basisbaustein von B2Bi-Choreographien und spezifiziert den Austausch eines GeschĂ€ftsdokuments sowie eines optionalen Antwortdokuments. DarĂŒber hinaus bietet ebBP ein Format zur Spezifikation von BT-Kompositionen zur UnterstĂŒtzung komplexer Interaktionen. CHORCH erweitert ebBP wie folgt. Erstens, das AusfĂŒhrungsmodell fĂŒr BTs wird neu definiert, um inkonsistente ErgebniszustĂ€nde zu eliminieren. Zweitens, fĂŒr Entwicklungsprojekte werden zwei binĂ€re Choreographieklassen definiert, die als B2Bi-Implementierungskontrakt dienen sollen. Die Formalisierung beider Klassen sowie formale operationale Semantiken gewĂ€hrleisten Eindeutigkeit, wĂ€hrend ValiditĂ€tskriterien die AusfĂŒhrbarkeit entsprechender Modelle mittels BPEL-basierter Orchestrationen garantieren. Drittens, zur Analyse der Synchronisationsbeziehungen komplexer B2Bi-Szenarien wird eine Multi-Party-Choreographieklasse nebst Analyseframework definiert. Wiederum wird fĂŒr diese Klasse eine Formalisierung definiert, die mittels Standard-Zustandsautomatensemantik Eindeutigkeit gewĂ€hrleistet. Ferner garantieren ValiditĂ€tskriterien die Anwendbarkeit der definierten Analysealgorithmen. Insgesamt bieten die Choreographieklassen des CHORCH-Ansatzes ein B2Bi-adĂ€quates, einfaches, eindeutiges und implementierbares Modell der Nachrichtenaustausche zwischen B2Bi-Partnern. B2Bi-AdĂ€quatheit wird durch Verwendung von B2Bi-DomĂ€nenkonzepten, Abstraktion von rein technischen Kommunikationsdetails und Abdeckung der meisten praktisch relevanten B2Bi-Szenarien gewĂ€hrleistet. Einfachheit ist ein Ausfluss der Verwendung eines Zustandsmaschinen-basierten Modellierungsparadigmas, das die Definition des Interaktionsfortschritts in Form von ZustĂ€nden sowie einfache Kontrollflussstrukturen ermöglicht. Eindeutigkeit wird durch die Verwendung formaler Semantiken garantiert, wĂ€hrend Implementierbarkeit (fĂŒr die beiden binĂ€ren Choreographieklassen) durch Angabe von Mapping-Regeln auf BPEL-Orchestrationen sichergestellt wird. Die Validierung der CHORCH-Choreographieklassen erfolgt in zweierlei Hinsicht. Erstens, die Implementierbarkeit der binĂ€ren Choreographieklassen mit Hilfe von Web Services und BPEL wird durch die Definition entsprechender Mappingregeln belegt. Weiterhin wird das Analyseframework der Multi-Party-Choreographieklasse als Java-Prototyp implementiert. Zweitens, fĂŒr alle Choreographieklassen wird eine abstrakte Visualisierung auf BPMN-Basis definiert, die von diversen technischen Parametern des ebBP-Formats abstrahiert. Damit wird die Integrierbarkeit der CHORCH-Choreographieklassen in EntwicklungsansĂ€tze, die ein visuelles Modell als Ausgangspunkt vorsehen, belegt. CHORCH definiert, wie sogenannte BPMN-Choreographien zum Zweck der B2Bi-Choreographiemodellierung zu verwenden sind und ĂŒbersetzt die ValiditĂ€tskriterien der CHORCH-Choreographieklassen in einfache Modell-Kompositionsregeln. In seiner Gesamtheit bietet CHORCH somit einen Ansatz, mit Hilfe dessen B2Bi-Partner zunĂ€chst die Typen und zulĂ€ssigen Reihenfolgen ihrer GeschĂ€ftsdokumentaustausche auf Basis eines abstrakten visuellen BPMN-Modells identifizieren können. Im Fall von Multi-Party-Choreographien steht dann ein Framework zur Analyse der Synchronisationsbeziehungen zwischen den Integrationspartnern zur VerfĂŒgung. Im Fall von binĂ€ren Choreographien können ebBP-Verfeinerungen abgeleitet werden, welche die Modelle um technische Parameter anreichern, die zur Ableitung einer Implementierung benötigt werden. Diese ebBP-Modelle sind in Web Services- und BPEL-basierte Implementierungen ĂŒbersetzbar. Damit erlaubt CHORCH die schrittweise ÜberbrĂŒckung der semantischen LĂŒcke zwischen der Informationsaustauschperspektive von GeschĂ€ftsprozessmodellen und den zugehörigen Implementierungen. Ein beachtenswerter Aspekt des CHORCH-Ansatzes ist die Verwendung einschlĂ€giger internationaler Standards auf allen Abstraktionsebenen, im Einzelnen BPMN, ebBP, Web Services und BPEL. Die Verwendung von Standards trĂ€gt dem heterogenen Umfeld von B2Bi-Szenarien Rechnung. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden Kernergebnisse des CHORCH-Ansatzes als internationale Standards der RosettaNet-B2Bi-Community veröffentlicht. Dies belegt die praktische Relevanz des Ansatzes und fördert die Verbreitung innerhalb der B2Bi-Community