489,854 research outputs found

    No-Scale Solution to Little Hierarchy

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    We show that the little hierarchy problem can be solved in the no-scale supergravity framework. In this model the supersymmetry breaking scale is generated when the electroweak symmetry breaking condition is satisfied and therefore, unlike usual supersymmetric models, the correlation between the electroweak symmetry breaking scale and the average stop mass scale can be justified. This correlation solves the little hierarchy puzzle. Using minimal supergravity boundary conditions, we find that the parameter space predicted by no-scale supergravity is allowed by all possible experimental constraints. The predicted values of supersymmetric particle masses are low enough to be very easily accessible at the LHC. This parameter space will also be probed in the upcoming results from the dark matter direct detection experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Bounds on Neutrino Mass in Viscous Cosmology

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    Effective field theory of dark matter fluid on large scales predicts the presence of viscosity of the order of 106H0MP210^{-6} H_0 M_P^2. It has been shown that this magnitude of viscosities can resolve the discordance between large scale structure observations and Planck CMB data in the σ8\sigma_8-Ωm0\Omega_m^0 and H0H_0-Ωm0\Omega_m^0 parameters space. Massive neutrinos suppresses the matter power spectrum on the small length scales similar to the viscosities. We show that by including the effective viscosity, which arises from summing over non linear perturbations at small length scales, severely constrains the cosmological bound on neutrino masses. Under a joint analysis of Planck CMB and different large scale observation data, we find that upper bound on the sum of the neutrino masses at 2-σ\sigma level, decreases from mν0.396\sum m_\nu \le 0.396\,eV (normal hierarchy) and mν0.378\sum m_\nu \le 0.378 \,eV (inverted hierarchy) to mν0.267\sum m_\nu \le 0.267\,eV (normal hierarchy) and mν0.146\sum m_\nu \le 0.146\,eV (inverted hierarchy) when the effective viscosities are included.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Log-Poisson Hierarchical Clustering of Cosmic Neutral Hydrogen and Ly-alpha Transmitted Flux of QSO Absorption Spectrum

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    we study, in this paper, the non-Gaussian features of the mass density field of neutral hydrogen fluid and the Ly-alpha transmitted flux of QSO absorption spectrum from the point-of-view of self-similar log-Poisson hierarchy. It has been shown recently that, in the scale range from the onset of nonlinear evolution to dissipation, the velocity and mass density fields of cosmic baryon fluid are extremely well described by the She-Leveque's scaling formula, which is due to the log-Poisson hierarchical cascade. Since the mass density ratio between ionized hydrogen to total hydrogen is not uniform in space, the mass density field of neutral hydrogen component is not given by a similar mapping of total baryon fluid. Nevertheless, we show, with hydrodynamic simulation samples of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM universe, that the mass density field of neutral hydrogen, is also well described by the log-Poisson hierarchy. We then investigate the field of Lyα\alpha transmitted flux of QSO absorption spectrum. Due to redshift distortion, Lyα\alpha transmitted flux fluctuations are no longer to show all features of the log-Poisson hierarchy. However, some non-Gaussian features predicted by the log-Poisson hierarchy are not affected by the redshift distortion. We test these predictions with the high resolution and high S/N data of quasars Lyα\alpha absorption spectra. All results given by real data, including β\beta-hierarchy, high order moments and scale-scale correlation, are found to be well consistent with the log-Poisson hierarchy. We compare the log-Poisson hierarchy with the popular log-normal model of the Lyα\alpha transmitted flux. The later is found to yield too strong non-Gaussianity at high orders, while the log-Poisson hierarchy is in agreement with observed data.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    de Sitter Thin Brane Model

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    We discuss the large mass hierarchy problem in a braneworld model which represents our acceleratively expanding universe. The Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with warped one extra dimension added to flat 4-dimensional space-time cannot describe our expanding universe. Here, we study instead the de Sitter thin brane model. This is described by the same action as that for the RS model, but the 4-dimensional space-time on the branes is dS4\rm dS_4. We study the model for both the cases of positive 5-dimensional cosmological constant Λ5\Lambda_5 and negative one. In the positive Λ5\Lambda_5 case, the 4-dimensional large hierarchy necessitates a 5-dimensional large hierarchy, and we cannot get a natural explanation. On the other hand, in the negative Λ5\Lambda_5 case, the large hierarchy is naturally realized in the 5-dimensional theory in the same manner as in the RS model. Moreover, another large hierarchy between the Hubble parameter and the Planck scale is realized by the O(102){\mathcal O}(10^2) hierarchy of the 5-dimensional quantities. Finally, we find that the lightest mass of the massive Kaluza-Klein modes and the intervals of the mass spectrum are of order 102GeV10^2\,\rm GeV, which are the same as in the RS case and do not depend on the value of the Hubble parameter.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. v5: published versio

    Low-temperature dynamics of Long-Ranged Spin-Glasses : full hierarchy of relaxation times via real-space renormalization

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    We consider the long-ranged Ising spin-glass with random couplings decaying as a power-law of the distance, in the region of parameters where the spin-glass phase exists with a positive droplet exponent. For the Metropolis single-spin-flip dynamics near zero temperature, we construct via real-space renormalization the full hierarchy of relaxation times of the master equation for any given realization of the random couplings. We then analyze the probability distribution of dynamical barriers as a function of the spatial scale. This real-space renormalization procedure represents a simple explicit example of the droplet scaling theory, where the convergence towards local equilibrium on larger and larger scales is governed by a strong hierarchy of activated dynamical processes, with valleys within valleys.Comment: v2=final versio