20 research outputs found

    Scalable posterior approximations for large-scale Bayesian inverse problems via likelihood-informed parameter and state reduction

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    Two major bottlenecks to the solution of large-scale Bayesian inverse problems are the scaling of posterior sampling algorithms to high-dimensional parameter spaces and the computational cost of forward model evaluations. Yet incomplete or noisy data, the state variation and parameter dependence of the forward model, and correlations in the prior collectively provide useful structure that can be exploited for dimension reduction in this setting-both in the parameter space of the inverse problem and in the state space of the forward model. To this end, we show how to jointly construct low-dimensional subspaces of the parameter space and the state space in order to accelerate the Bayesian solution of the inverse problem. As a byproduct of state dimension reduction, we also show how to identify low-dimensional subspaces of the data in problems with high-dimensional observations. These subspaces enable approximation of the posterior as a product of two factors: (i) a projection of the posterior onto a low-dimensional parameter subspace, wherein the original likelihood is replaced by an approximation involving a reduced model; and (ii) the marginal prior distribution on the high-dimensional complement of the parameter subspace. We present and compare several strategies for constructing these subspaces using only a limited number of forward and adjoint model simulations. The resulting posterior approximations can rapidly be characterized using standard sampling techniques, e.g., Markov chain Monte Carlo. Two numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach: inversion of an integral equation in atmospheric remote sensing, where the data dimension is very high; and the inference of a h eterogeneous transmissivity field in a groundwater system, which involves a partial differential equation forward model with high dimensional state and parameters.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Grant DE-SC0009297

    Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods in Time-Dependent State Estimation for Industrial Hydrocyclone Equipment

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    The use of high-power industrial equipment, such as large-scale mixing equipment or a hydrocyclone for separation of particles in liquid suspension, demands careful monitoring to ensure correct operation. The fundamental task of state-estimation for the liquid suspension can be posed as a time-evolving inverse problem and solved with Bayesian statistical methods. In this article, we extend Bayesian methods to incorporate statistical models for the error that is incurred in the numerical solution of the physical governing equations. This enables full uncertainty quantification within a principled computation-precision trade-off, in contrast to the over-confident inferences that are obtained when all sources of numerical error are ignored. The method is cast within a sequential Monte Carlo framework and an optimized implementation is provided in Python

    Rate-optimal refinement strategies for local approximation MCMC

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    Many Bayesian inference problems involve target distributions whose density functions are computationally expensive to evaluate. Replacing the target density with a local approximation based on a small number of carefully chosen density evaluations can significantly reduce the computational expense of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. Moreover, continual refinement of the local approximation can guarantee asymptotically exact sampling. We devise a new strategy for balancing the decay rate of the bias due to the approximation with that of the MCMC variance. We prove that the error of the resulting local approximation MCMC (LA-MCMC) algorithm decays at roughly the expected 1/T1/\sqrt{T} rate, and we demonstrate this rate numerically. We also introduce an algorithmic parameter that guarantees convergence given very weak tail bounds, significantly strengthening previous convergence results. Finally, we apply LA-MCMC to a computationally intensive Bayesian inverse problem arising in groundwater hydrology.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figure

    MALA-within-Gibbs samplers for high-dimensional distributions with sparse conditional structure

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are numerical methods for drawing samples from a given target probability distribution. We discuss one particular MCMC sampler, the MALA-within-Gibbs sampler, from the theoretical and practical perspectives. We first show that the acceptance ratio and step size of this sampler are independent of the overall problem dimension when (i) the target distribution has sparse conditional structure, and (ii) this structure is reflected in the partial updating strategy of MALA-within-Gibbs. If, in addition, the target density is blockwise log-concave, then the sampler's convergence rate is independent of dimension. From a practical perspective, we expect that MALA-within-Gibbs is useful for solving high-dimensional Bayesian inference problems where the posterior exhibits sparse conditional structure at least approximately. In this context, a partitioning of the state that correctly reflects the sparse conditional structure must be found, and we illustrate this process in two numerical examples. We also discuss trade-offs between the block size used for partial updating and computational requirements that may increase with the number of blocks

    Localization for MCMC: sampling high-dimensional posterior distributions with local structure

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    We investigate how ideas from covariance localization in numerical weather prediction can be used in Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling of high-dimensional posterior distributions arising in Bayesian inverse problems. To localize an inverse problem is to enforce an anticipated "local" structure by (i) neglecting small off-diagonal elements of the prior precision and covariance matrices; and (ii) restricting the influence of observations to their neighborhood. For linear problems we can specify the conditions under which posterior moments of the localized problem are close to those of the original problem. We explain physical interpretations of our assumptions about local structure and discuss the notion of high dimensionality in local problems, which is different from the usual notion of high dimensionality in function space MCMC. The Gibbs sampler is a natural choice of MCMC algorithm for localized inverse problems and we demonstrate that its convergence rate is independent of dimension for localized linear problems. Nonlinear problems can also be tackled efficiently by localization and, as a simple illustration of these ideas, we present a localized Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler. Several linear and nonlinear numerical examples illustrate localization in the context of MCMC samplers for inverse problems.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure