163 research outputs found

    Parametric, Secure and Compact Implementation of RSA on FPGA

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    We present a fast, efficient, and parameterized modular multiplier and a secure exponentiation circuit especially intended for FPGAs on the low end of the price range. The design utilizes dedicated block multipliers as the main functional unit and Block-RAM as storage unit for the operands. The adopted design methodology allows adjusting the number of multipliers, the radix used in the multipliers, and number of words to meet the system requirements such as available resources, precision and timing constraints. The architecture, based on the Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm, utilizes a pipelining technique that allows concurrent operation of hardwired multipliers. Our design completes 1020-bit and 2040-bit modular multiplications in 7.62 μs and 27.0 μs, respectively. The multiplier uses a moderate amount of system resources while achieving the best area-time product in literature. 2040-bit modular exponentiation engine can easily fit into Xilinx Spartan-3E 500; moreover the exponentiation circuit withstands known side channel attacks

    Comparison of Scalable Montgomery Modular Multiplication Implementations Embedded in Reconfigurable Hardware

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comparison of possible approaches for an efficient implementation of Multiple-word radix-2 Montgomery Modular Multiplication (MM) on modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The hardware implementation of MM coprocessor is fully scalable what means that it can be reused in order to generate long-precision results independently on the word length of the originally proposed coprocessor. The first of analyzed implementations uses a data path based on traditionally used redundant carry-save adders, the second one exploits, in scalable designs not yet applied, standard carry-propagate adders with fast carry chain logic. As a control unit and a platform for purely software implementation an embedded soft-core processor Altera NIOS is employed. All implementations use large embedded memory blocks available in recent FPGAs. Speed and logic requirements comparisons are performed on the optimized software and combined hardware-software designs in Altera FPGAs. The issues of targeting a design specifically for a FPGA are considered taking into account the underlying architecture imposed by the target FPGA technology. It is shown that the coprocessors based on carry-save adders and carry-propagate adders provide comparable results in constrained FPGA implementations but in case of carry-propagate logic, the solution requires less embedded memory and provides some additional implementation advantages presented in the paper

    Maximizing the Efficiency using Montgomery Multipliers on FPGA in RSA Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The architecture and modeling of RSA public key encryption/decryption systems are presented in this work. Two different architectures are proposed, mMMM42 (modified Montgomery Modular Multiplier 4 to 2 Carry Save Architecture) and RSACIPHER128 to check the suitability for implementation in Wireless Sensor Nodes to utilize the same in Wireless Sensor Networks. It can easily be fitting into systems that require different levels of security by changing the key size. The processing time is increased and space utilization is reduced in FPGA due to its reusability. VHDL code is synthesized and simulated using Xilinx-ISE for both the architectures. Architectures are compared in terms of area and time. It is verified that this architecture support for a key size of 128bits. The implementation of RSA encryption/decryption algorithm on FPGA using 128 bits data and key size with RSACIPHER128 gives good result with 50% less utilization of hardware. This design is also implemented for ASIC using Mentor Graphics

    Efficient Implementation on Low-Cost SoC-FPGAs of TLSv1.2 Protocol with ECC_AES Support for Secure IoT Coordinators

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    Security management for IoT applications is a critical research field, especially when taking into account the performance variation over the very different IoT devices. In this paper, we present high-performance client/server coordinators on low-cost SoC-FPGA devices for secure IoT data collection. Security is ensured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol based on the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite. The hardware architecture of the proposed coordinators is based on SW/HW co-design, implementing within the hardware accelerator core Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication (ECSM), which is the core operation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC). Meanwhile, the control of the overall TLS scheme is performed in software by an ARM Cortex-A9 microprocessor. In fact, the implementation of the ECC accelerator core around an ARM microprocessor allows not only the improvement of ECSM execution but also the performance enhancement of the overall cryptosystem. The integration of the ARM processor enables to exploit the possibility of embedded Linux features for high system flexibility. As a result, the proposed ECC accelerator requires limited area, with only 3395 LUTs on the Zynq device used to perform high-speed, 233-bit ECSMs in 413 µs, with a 50 MHz clock. Moreover, the generation of a 384-bit TLS handshake secret key between client and server coordinators requires 67.5 ms on a low cost Zynq 7Z007S device

    Implementing Homomorphic Encryption Based Secure Feedback Control for Physical Systems

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    This paper is about an encryption based approach to the secure implementation of feedback controllers for physical systems. Specifically, Paillier's homomorphic encryption is used to digitally implement a class of linear dynamic controllers, which includes the commonplace static gain and PID type feedback control laws as special cases. The developed implementation is amenable to Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) realization. Experimental results, including timing analysis and resource usage characteristics for different encryption key lengths, are presented for the realization of an inverted pendulum controller; as this is an unstable plant, the control is necessarily fast

    Novel algorithms and hardware architectures for Montgomery Multiplication over GF(p)

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    This report describes the design and implementation results in FPGAs of a scalable hardware architecture for computing modular multiplication in prime fields GF(pp), based on the Montgomery multiplication (MM) algorithm. Starting from an existing digit-serial version of the MM algorithm, a novel {\it digit-digit} based MM algorithm is derived and two hardware architectures that compute that algorithm are described. In the proposed approach, the input operands (multiplicand, multiplier and modulus) are represented using as radix β=2k\beta = 2^k. Operands of arbitrary size can be multiplied with modular reduction using almost the same hardware since the multiplier\u27s kernel module that performs the modular multiplication depends only on kk. The novel hardware architectures proposed in this paper were verified by modeling them using VHDL and implementing them in the Xilinx FPGAs Spartan and Virtex5. Design trade-offs are analyzed considering different operand sizes commonly used in cryptography and different values for kk. The proposed designs for MM are well suited to be implemented in modern FPGAs, making use of available dedicated multiplier and memory blocks reducing drastically the FPGA\u27s standard logic while keeping an acceptable performance compared with other implementation approaches. From the Virtex5 implementation, the proposed MM multiplier reaches a throughput of 242Mbps using only 219 FPGA slices and achieving a 1024-bit modular multiplication in 4.21μ\musecs

    Efficient Pipelining for Modular Multiplication Architectures in Prime Fields

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    This paper presents a pipelined architecture of a modular Montgomery multiplier, which is suitable to be used in public key coprocessors. Starting from a baseline implementation of the Montgomery algorithm, a more compact pipelined version is derived. The design makes use of 16bit integer multiplication blocks that are available on recently manufactured FPGAs. The critical path is optimized by omitting the exact computation of intermediate results in the Montgomery algorithm using a 6-2 carry-save notation. This results in a high-speed architecture, which outperforms previously designed Montgomery multipliers. Because a very popular application of Montgomery multiplication is public key cryptography, we compare our implementation to the state-of-the-art in Montgomery multipliers on the basis of performance results for 1024-bit RSA


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    Montgomery multiplication is one of the fundamental operations used in cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. At CHES 1999, Tenca and Koc introduced a now-classical architecture for implementing Montgomery multiplication in hardware. With parameters optimized for minimum latency, this architecture performs a single Montgomery multiplication in approximately 2n clock cycles, where n is the size of operands in bits. In this paper we propose and discuss an optimized hardware architecture performing the same operation in approximately n clock cycles. Our architecture is based on pre-computing partial results using two possible assumptions regarding the most significant bit of the previous word, and is only marginally more demanding in terms of the circuit area. The new radix-2 architecture can be extended for the case of radix-4, while preserving a factor of two speed-up over the corresponding radix-4 design by Tenca, Todorov, and Koc from CHES 2001. Our architecture has been verified by modeling it in Verilog-HDL, implementing it using Xilinx Virtex-II 6000 FPGA, and experimentally testing it using SRC-6 reconfigurable computer