12 research outputs found

    A general framework for efficient FPGA implementation of matrix product

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.medjcn.com/ Copyright Softmotor LimitedHigh performance systems are required by the developers for fast processing of computationally intensive applications. Reconfigurable hardware devices in the form of Filed-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been proposed as viable system building blocks in the construction of high performance systems at an economical price. Given the importance and the use of matrix algorithms in scientific computing applications, they seem ideal candidates to harness and exploit the advantages offered by FPGAs. In this paper, a system for matrix algorithm cores generation is described. The system provides a catalog of efficient user-customizable cores, designed for FPGA implementation, ranging in three different matrix algorithm categories: (i) matrix operations, (ii) matrix transforms and (iii) matrix decomposition. The generated core can be either a general purpose or a specific application core. The methodology used in the design and implementation of two specific image processing application cores is presented. The first core is a fully pipelined matrix multiplier for colour space conversion based on distributed arithmetic principles while the second one is a parallel floating-point matrix multiplier designed for 3D affine transformations.Peer reviewe

    Aggregation of Descriptive Regularization Methods with Hardware/Software Co-Design for Remote Sensing Imaging

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    This study consider the problem of high-resolution imaging of the remote sensing (RS) environment formalized in terms of a nonlinear ill- posed inverse problem of nonparametric estimation of the power spatial spectrum pattern (SSP) of the wavefield scattered from an extended remotely sensed scene (referred to as the scene image). However, the remote sensing techniques for reconstructive imaging in many RS application areas are relatively unacceptable for being implemented in a (near) real time implementation. In this work, we address a new aggregated descriptive-regularization (DR) method and the Hardware/Software (HW/SW) co-design for the SSP reconstruction from the uncertain speckle-corrupted measurement data in a computationally efficient parallel fashion that meets the (near) real time image processing requirements. The hardware design is performed via efficient systolic arrays (SAs). Finally, the efficiency both in resolution enhancement and in computational complexity reduction metrics of the aggregated descriptive-regularized and the HW/SW co-design method is presented via numerical simulations and by the performance analysis of the implementation based on a Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) XC4VSX35-10ff668.Universidad de GuadalajaraUniversidad Autónoma de YucatánInstituto Tecnológico de Mérid

    Flexible Communication Avoiding Matrix Multiplication on FPGA with High-Level Synthesis

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    Data movement is the dominating factor affecting performance and energy in modern computing systems. Consequently, many algorithms have been developed to minimize the number of I/O operations for common computing patterns. Matrix multiplication is no exception, and lower bounds have been proven and implemented both for shared and distributed memory systems. Reconfigurable hardware platforms are a lucrative target for I/O minimizing algorithms, as they offer full control of memory accesses to the programmer. While bounds developed in the context of fixed architectures still apply to these platforms, the spatially distributed nature of their computational and memory resources requires a decentralized approach to optimize algorithms for maximum hardware utilization. We present a model to optimize matrix multiplication for FPGA platforms, simultaneously targeting maximum performance and minimum off-chip data movement, within constraints set by the hardware. We map the model to a concrete architecture using a high-level synthesis tool, maintaining a high level of abstraction, allowing us to support arbitrary data types, and enables maintainability and portability across FPGA devices. Kernels generated from our architecture are shown to offer competitive performance in practice, scaling with both compute and memory resources. We offer our design as an open source project to encourage the open development of linear algebra and I/O minimizing algorithms on reconfigurable hardware platforms

    Investigating Single Precision Floating General Matrix Multiply in Heterogeneous Hardware

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    The fundamental operation of matrix multiplication is ubiquitous across a myriad of disciplines. Yet, the identification of new optimizations for matrix multiplication remains relevant for emerging hardware architectures and heterogeneous systems. Frameworks such as OpenCL enable computation orchestration on existing systems, and its availability using the Intel High Level Synthesis compiler allows users to architect new designs for reconfigurable hardware using C/C++. Using the HARPv2 as a vehicle for exploration, we investigate the utility of several of the most notable matrix multiplication optimizations to better understand the performance portability of OpenCL and the implications for such optimizations on this and future heterogeneous architectures. Our results give targeted insights into the applicability of best practices that were for existing architectures when used on emerging heterogeneous systems

    H-SIMD machine : configurable parallel computing for data-intensive applications

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    This dissertation presents a hierarchical single-instruction multiple-data (H-SLMD) configurable computing architecture to facilitate the efficient execution of data-intensive applications on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). H-SIMD targets data-intensive applications for FPGA-based system designs. The H-SIMD machine is associated with a hierarchical instruction set architecture (HISA) which is developed for each application. The main objectives of this work are to facilitate ease of program development and high performance through ease of scheduling operations and overlapping communications with computations. The H-SIMD machine is composed of the host, FPGA and nano-processor layers. They execute host SIMD instructions (HSIs), FPGA SIMD instructions (FSIs) and nano-processor instructions (NPLs), respectively. A distinction between communication and computation instructions is intended for all the HISA layers. The H-SIMD machine also employs a memory switching scheme to bridge the omnipresent large bandwidth gaps in configurable systems. To showcase the proposed high-performance approach, the conditions to fully overlap communications with computations are investigated for important applications. The building blocks in the H-SLMD machine, such as high-performance and area-efficient register files, are presented in detail. The H-SLMD machine hierarchy is implemented on a host Dell workstation and the Annapolis Wildstar II FPGA board. Significant speedups have been achieved for matrix multiplication (MM), 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D DCT) and 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D FFT) which are used widely in science and engineering. In another FPGA-based programming paradigm, a high-level language (here ANSI C) can be used to program the FPGAs in a mode similar to that of the H-SIMD machine in terms of trying to minimize the effect of overheads. More specifically, a multi-threaded overlapping scheme is proposed to reduce as much as possible, or even completely hide, runtime FPGA reconfiguration overheads. Nevertheless, although the HLL-enabled reconfigurable machine allows software developers to customize FPGA functions easily, special architecture techniques are needed to achieve high-performance without significant penalty on area and clock frequency. Two important high-performance applications, matrix multiplication and image edge detection, are tested on the SRC-6 reconfigurable machine. The implemented algorithms are able to exploit the available data parallelism with independent functional units and application-specific cache support. Relevant performance and design tradeoffs are analyzed

    Performance Analysis of Hardware/Software Co-Design of Matrix Solvers

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    Solving a system of linear and nonlinear equations lies at the heart of many scientific and engineering applications such as circuit simulation, applications in electric power networks, and structural analysis. The exponentially increasing complexity of these computing applications and the high cost of supercomputing force us to explore affordable high performance computing platforms. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop hardware friendly parallel processing algorithms and build cost effective high performance parallel systems using hardware in order to enable the solution of large linear systems. In this thesis, FPGA-based general hardware architectures of selected iterative methods and direct methods are discussed. Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) hardware/software (HW/SW) codesigns of these methods are also presented. For iterative methods, FPGA based hardware architectures of Jacobi, combined Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel, and conjugate gradient (CG) are proposed. The convergence analysis of the LNS-based Jacobi processor demonstrates to what extent the hardware resource constraints and additional conversion error affect the convergence of Jacobi iterative method. Matlab simulations were performed to compare the performance of three iterative methods in three ways, i.e., number of iterations for any given tolerance, number of iterations for different matrix sizes, and computation time for different matrix sizes. The simulation results indicate that the key to a fast implementation of the three methods is a fast implementation of matrix multiplication. The simulation results also show that CG method takes less number of iterations for any given tolerance, but more computation time as matrix size increases compared to other two methods, since matrix-vector multiplication is a more dominant factor in CG method than in the other two methods. By implementing matrix multiplications of the three methods in hardware with Xilinx EDK HW/SW codesign, the performance is significantly improved over pure software Power PC (PPC) based implementation. The EDK implementation results show that CG takes less computation time for any size of matrices compared to other two methods in HW/SW codesign, due to that fact that matrix multiplications dominate the computation time of all three methods while CG requires less number of iterations to converge compared to other two methods. For direct methods, FPGA-based general hardware architecture and Xilinx EDK HW/SW codesign of WZ factorization are presented. Single unit and scalable hardware architectures of WZ factorization are proposed and analyzed under different constraints. The results of Matlab simulations show that WZ runs faster than the LU on parallel processors but slower on a single processor. The simulation results also indicate that the most time consuming part of WZ factorization is matrix update. By implementing the matrix update of WZ factorization in hardware with Xilinx EDK HW/SW codesign, the performance is also apparently improved over PPC based pure software implementation

    Scalable and Modular Algorithms for Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs

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    The abundant hardware resources on current FPGAs provide new opportunities to improve the performance of hardware implementations of scientific computations. In this paper, we propose two FPGA-based algorithms for floating-point matrix multiplication, a fundamental kernel in a number of scientific applications. We analyze the design tradeoffs in implementing this kernel on FPGAs. Our algorithms employ a linear array architecture with a small control logic. This architecture effectively utilizes the hardware resources on the entire FPGA and reduces the routing complexity. The processing elements(PEs) used in our algorithms are modular so that floating-point units can be easily embedded into them. In our designs, the floating-point units are optimized to maximize the number of PEs integrated on the FPGA as well as the clock speed. Experimental results show that our algorithms achieve high clock speeds and provide good scalability. Our algorithms achieve superior sustained floating-point performance compared with existing FPGA-based implementations and state-of-theart processors.

    Design and resource management of reconfigurable multiprocessors for data-parallel applications

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    FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)-based custom reconfigurable computing machines have established themselves as low-cost and low-risk alternatives to ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) implementations and general-purpose microprocessors in accelerating a wide range of computation-intensive applications. Most often they are Application Specific Programmable Circuiits (ASPCs), which are developer programmable instead of user programmable. The major disadvantages of ASPCs are minimal programmability, and significant time and energy overheads caused by required hardware reconfiguration when the problem size outnumbers the available reconfigurable resources; these problems are expected to become more serious with increases in the FPGA chip size. On the other hand, dominant high-performance computing systems, such as PC clusters and SMPs (Symmetric Multiprocessors), suffer from high communication latencies and/or scalability problems. This research introduces low-cost, user-programmable and reconfigurable MultiProcessor-on-a-Programmable-Chip (MPoPC) systems for high-performance, low-cost computing. It also proposes a relevant resource management framework that deals with performance, power consumption and energy issues. These semi-customized systems reduce significantly runtime device reconfiguration by employing userprogrammable processing elements that are reusable for different tasks in large, complex applications. For the sake of illustration, two different types of MPoPCs with hardware FPUs (floating-point units) are designed and implemented for credible performance evaluation and modeling: the coarse-grain MIMD (Multiple-Instruction, Multiple-Data) CG-MPoPC machine based on a processor IP (Intellectual Property) core and the mixed-mode (MIMD, SIMD or M-SIMD) variant-grain HERA (HEterogeneous Reconfigurable Architecture) machine. In addition to alleviating the above difficulties, MPoPCs can offer several performance and energy advantages to our data-parallel applications when compared to ASPCs; they are simpler and more scalable, and have less verification time and cost. Various common computation-intensive benchmark algorithms, such as matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM) and LU factorization, are studied and their parallel solutions are shown for the two MPoPCs. The performance is evaluated with large sparse real-world matrices primarily from power engineering. We expect even further performance gains on MPoPCs in the near future by employing ever improving FPGAs. The innovative nature of this work has the potential to guide research in this arising field of high-performance, low-cost reconfigurable computing. The largest advantage of reconfigurable logic lies in its large degree of hardware customization and reconfiguration which allows reusing the resources to match the computation and communication needs of applications. Therefore, a major effort in the presented design methodology for mixed-mode MPoPCs, like HERA, is devoted to effective resource management. A two-phase approach is applied. A mixed-mode weighted Task Flow Graph (w-TFG) is first constructed for any given application, where tasks are classified according to their most appropriate computing mode (e.g., SIMD or MIMD). At compile time, an architecture is customized and synthesized for the TFG using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation and a parameterized hardware component library. Various run-time scheduling schemes with different performanceenergy objectives are proposed. A system-level energy model for HERA, which is based on low-level implementation data and run-time statistics, is proposed to guide performance-energy trade-off decisions. A parallel power flow analysis technique based on Newton\u27s method is proposed and employed to verify the methodology

    Intrinsically Evolvable Artificial Neural Networks

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    Dedicated hardware implementations of neural networks promise to provide faster, lower power operation when compared to software implementations executing on processors. Unfortunately, most custom hardware implementations do not support intrinsic training of these networks on-chip. The training is typically done using offline software simulations and the obtained network is synthesized and targeted to the hardware offline. The FPGA design presented here facilitates on-chip intrinsic training of artificial neural networks. Block-based neural networks (BbNN), the type of artificial neural networks implemented here, are grid-based networks neuron blocks. These networks are trained using genetic algorithms to simultaneously optimize the network structure and the internal synaptic parameters. The design supports online structure and parameter updates, and is an intrinsically evolvable BbNN platform supporting functional-level hardware evolution. Functional-level evolvable hardware (EHW) uses evolutionary algorithms to evolve interconnections and internal parameters of functional modules in reconfigurable computing systems such as FPGAs. Functional modules can be any hardware modules such as multipliers, adders, and trigonometric functions. In the implementation presented, the functional module is a neuron block. The designed platform is suitable for applications in dynamic environments, and can be adapted and retrained online. The online training capability has been demonstrated using a case study. A performance characterization model for RC implementations of BbNNs has also been presented