2,817 research outputs found

    Online Collaborative Editor

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    “Online collaborative editor” is a node.js based browser application that provides real time collaborative editing of files and improves pair programming. Current real time editors fail to provide simultaneous viewing and editing of files within the server and results in a complex version controlling system. Such systems are also vulnerable to deadlocks and race conditions. This project provides a platform for real time collaborative editors, which can support simultaneous editing and viewing of files and handle concurrency problems by using locking mechanism. The experiment results showed that node.js platform provides good performance for collaborative editing

    06472 Abstracts Collection - XQuery Implementation Paradigms

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    From 19.11.2006 to 22.11.2006, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06472 ``XQuery Implementation Paradigms'' was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    SAFIUS - A secure and accountable filesystem over untrusted storage

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    We describe SAFIUS, a secure accountable file system that resides over an untrusted storage. SAFIUS provides strong security guarantees like confidentiality, integrity, prevention from rollback attacks, and accountability. SAFIUS also enables read/write sharing of data and provides the standard UNIX-like interface for applications. To achieve accountability with good performance, it uses asynchronous signatures; to reduce the space required for storing these signatures, a novel signature pruning mechanism is used. SAFIUS has been implemented on a GNU/Linux based system modifying OpenGFS. Preliminary performance studies show that SAFIUS has a tolerable overhead for providing secure storage: while it has an overhead of about 50% of OpenGFS in data intensive workloads (due to the overhead of performing encryption/decryption in software), it is comparable (or better in some cases) to OpenGFS in metadata intensive workloads.Comment: 11pt, 12 pages, 16 figure

    Performance of a distributed superscalar storage server

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    The RS/6000 performed well in our test environment. The potential exists for the RS/6000 to act as a departmental server for a small number of users, rather than as a high speed archival server. Multiple UniTree Disk Server's utilizing one UniTree Disk Server's utilizing one UniTree Name Server could be developed that would allow for a cost effective archival system. Our performance tests were clearly limited by the network bandwidth. The performance gathered by the LibUnix testing shows that UniTree is capable of exceeding ethernet speeds on an RS/6000 Model 550. The performance of FTP might be significantly faster if asked to perform across a higher bandwidth network. The UniTree Name Server also showed signs of being a potential bottleneck. UniTree sites that would require a high ratio of file creations and deletions to reads and writes would run into this bottleneck. It is possible to improve the UniTree Name Server performance by bypassing the UniTree LibUnix Library altogether and communicating directly with the UniTree Name Server and optimizing creations. Although testing was performed in a less than ideal environment, hopefully the performance statistics stated in this paper will give end-users a realistic idea as to what performance they can expect in this type of setup

    Khazana: a flexible wide area data store

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    technical reportKhazana is a peer-to-peer data service that supports efficient sharing and aggressive caching of mutable data across the wide area while giving clients significant control over replica divergence. Previous work on wide-area replicated services focussed on at most two of the following three properties: aggressive replication, customizable consistency, and generality. In contrast, Khazana provides scalable support for large numbers of replicas while giving applications considerable flexibility in trading off consistency for availability and performance. Its flexibility enables applications to effectively exploit inherent data locality while meeting consistency needs. Khazana exports a file system-like interface with a small set of consistency controls which can be combined to yield a broad spectrum of consistency flavors ranging from strong consistency to best-effort eventual consistency. Khazana servers form failure-resilient dynamic replica hierarchies to manage replicas across variable quality network links. In this report, we outline Khazana?s design and show how its flexibility enables three diverse network services built on top of it to meet their individual consistency and performance needs: (i) a wide-area replicated file system that supports serializable writes as well as traditional file sharing across wide area, (ii) an enterprise data service that exploits locality by caching enterprise data closer to end-users while ensuring strong consistency for data integrity, and (iii) a replicated database that reaps order of magnitude gains in throughput by relaxing consistency