148 research outputs found

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    High Dimensional Learning with Structure Inducing Constraints and Regularizers

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Arindam Banerjee. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 127 pages.Explosive growth in data generation through science and technology calls for new computational and analytical tools. To the statistical machine learning community, one major challenge is the data sets with dimensions larger than the number of samples. Low sample-high dimension regime violates the core assumption of most traditional learning methods. To address this new challenge, over the past decade many high-dimensional learning algorithms have been developed. One of the significant high-dimensional problems in machine learning is the linear regression where the number of features is greater than the number of samples. In the beginning, the primary focus of high-dimensional linear regression literature was on estimating sparse coefficient through l1l_1-norm regularization. In a more general framework, one can assume that the underlying parameter has an intrinsic ``low dimensional complexity'' or \emph{structure}. Recently, researchers have looked at structures beyond sparsity that are induced by \emph{any norm} as the regularizer or constraint. In this thesis, we focus on two variants of the high-dimensional linear model, i.e., data sharing and errors-in-variables where the structure of the parameter is captured with a suitable norm. We introduce estimators for these models and study their theoretical properties. We characterize the sample complexity of our estimators and establish non-asymptotic high probability error bounds for them. Finally, we utilize dictionary learning and sparse coding to perform Twitter sentiment analysis as an application of high dimensional learning. Some discrete machine learning problems can also be posed as constrained set function optimization, where the constraints induce a structure over the solution set. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate a prominent set function optimization problem, the social influence maximization, under the novel ``heat conduction'' influence propagation model. We formulate the problem as a submodular maximization with cardinality constraints and provide an efficient algorithm for it. Through extensive experiments on several large real and synthetic networks, we show that our algorithm outperforms the well-studied methods from influence maximization literature

    Towards Performance Portable Graph Algorithms

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    In today's data-driven world, our computational resources have become heterogeneous, making the processing of large-scale graphs in an architecture agnostic manner crucial. Traditionally, hand-optimized high-performance computing (HPC) solutions have been studied and used to implement highly efficient and scalable graph algorithms. In recent years, several graph processing and management systems have also been proposed. Hand optimized HPC approaches require high levels of expertise and graph processing frameworks suffer from expressibility and performance. Portability is a major concern for both approaches. The main thesis of this work is that block-based graph algorithms offer a compromise between efficient parallelism and architecture agnostic algorithm design for a wide class of graph problems. This dissertation seeks to prove this thesis by focusing the work on the three pillars; data/computation partitioning, block-based algorithm design, and performance portability. In this dissertation, we first show how we can partition the computation and the data to design efficient block-based algorithms for solving graph merging and triangle counting problems. Then, generalizing from our experiences, we propose an algorithmic framework, for shared-memory, heterogeneous machines for implementing block-based graph algorithms; PGAbB. PGAbB aims to maximally leverage different architectures by implementing a task-based execution on top of a block-based programming model. In this talk we will discuss PGAbB's programming model, algorithmic optimizations for scheduling, and load-balancing strategies for graph problems on real-world and synthetic inputs.Ph.D

    Scalable Algorithms for the Analysis of Massive Networks

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    Die Netzwerkanalyse zielt darauf ab, nicht-triviale Erkenntnisse aus vernetzten Daten zu gewinnen. Beispiele für diese Erkenntnisse sind die Wichtigkeit einer Entität im Verhältnis zu anderen nach bestimmten Kriterien oder das Finden des am besten geeigneten Partners für jeden Teilnehmer eines Netzwerks - bekannt als Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Da der Begriff der Wichtigkeit an die zu betrachtende Anwendung gebunden ist, wurden zahlreiche Zentralitätsmaße eingeführt. Diese Maße stammen hierbei aus Jahrzehnten, in denen die Rechenleistung sehr begrenzt war und die Netzwerke im Vergleich zu heute viel kleiner waren. Heute sind massive Netzwerke mit Millionen von Kanten allgegenwärtig und eine triviale Berechnung von Zentralitätsmaßen ist oft zu zeitaufwändig. Darüber hinaus ist die Suche nach der Gruppe von k Knoten mit hoher Zentralität eine noch kostspieligere Aufgabe. Skalierbare Algorithmen zur Identifizierung hochzentraler (Gruppen von) Knoten in großen Graphen sind von großer Bedeutung für eine umfassende Netzwerkanalyse. Heutigen Netzwerke verändern sich zusätzlich im zeitlichen Verlauf und die effiziente Aktualisierung der Ergebnisse nach einer Änderung ist eine Herausforderung. Effiziente dynamische Algorithmen sind daher ein weiterer wesentlicher Bestandteil moderner Analyse-Pipelines. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es, skalierbare algorithmische Lösungen für die zwei oben genannten Probleme zu finden. Die meisten unserer Algorithmen benötigen Sekunden bis einige Minuten, um diese Aufgaben in realen Netzwerken mit bis zu Hunderten Millionen von Kanten zu lösen, was eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber dem Stand der Technik darstellt. Außerdem erweitern wir einen modernen Algorithmus für MWM auf dynamische Graphen. Experimente zeigen, dass unser dynamischer MWM-Algorithmus Aktualisierungen in Graphen mit Milliarden von Kanten in Millisekunden bewältigt.Network analysis aims to unveil non-trivial insights from networked data by studying relationship patterns between the entities of a network. Among these insights, a popular one is to quantify the importance of an entity with respect to the others according to some criteria. Another one is to find the most suitable matching partner for each participant of a network knowing the pairwise preferences of the participants to be matched with each other - known as Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Since the notion of importance is tied to the application under consideration, numerous centrality measures have been introduced. Many of these measures, however, were conceived in a time when computing power was very limited and networks were much smaller compared to today's, and thus scalability to large datasets was not considered. Today, massive networks with millions of edges are ubiquitous, and a complete exact computation for traditional centrality measures are often too time-consuming. This issue is amplified if our objective is to find the group of k vertices that is the most central as a group. Scalable algorithms to identify highly central (groups of) vertices on massive graphs are thus of pivotal importance for large-scale network analysis. In addition to their size, today's networks often evolve over time, which poses the challenge of efficiently updating results after a change occurs. Hence, efficient dynamic algorithms are essential for modern network analysis pipelines. In this work, we propose scalable algorithms for identifying important vertices in a network, and for efficiently updating them in evolving networks. In real-world graphs with hundreds of millions of edges, most of our algorithms require seconds to a few minutes to perform these tasks. Further, we extend a state-of-the-art algorithm for MWM to dynamic graphs. Experiments show that our dynamic MWM algorithm handles updates in graphs with billion edges in milliseconds

    Role of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in 6G Radio Localization: Recent Developments, Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are seen as a key enabler low-cost and energy-efficient technology for 6G radio communication and localization. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current research progress on the RIS technology in radio localization for 6G. Particularly, we discuss the RIS-assisted radio localization taxonomy and review the studies of RIS-assisted radio localization for different network scenarios, bands of transmission, deployment environments, as well as near-field operations. Based on this review, we highlight the future research directions, associated technical challenges, real-world applications, and limitations of RIS-assisted radio localization

    A Cognitive Routing framework for Self-Organised Knowledge Defined Networks

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    This study investigates the applicability of machine learning methods to the routing protocols for achieving rapid convergence in self-organized knowledge-defined networks. The research explores the constituents of the Self-Organized Networking (SON) paradigm for 5G and beyond, aiming to design a routing protocol that complies with the SON requirements. Further, it also exploits a contemporary discipline called Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN) to extend the routing capability by calculating the “Most Reliable” path than the shortest one. The research identifies the potential key areas and possible techniques to meet the objectives by surveying the state-of-the-art of the relevant fields, such as QoS aware routing, Hybrid SDN architectures, intelligent routing models, and service migration techniques. The design phase focuses primarily on the mathematical modelling of the routing problem and approaches the solution by optimizing at the structural level. The work contributes Stochastic Temporal Edge Normalization (STEN) technique which fuses link and node utilization for cost calculation; MRoute, a hybrid routing algorithm for SDN that leverages STEN to provide constant-time convergence; Most Reliable Route First (MRRF) that uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to approximate route-reliability as the metric of MRRF. Additionally, the research outcomes include a cross-platform SDN Integration framework (SDN-SIM) and a secure migration technique for containerized services in a Multi-access Edge Computing environment using Distributed Ledger Technology. The research work now eyes the development of 6G standards and its compliance with Industry-5.0 for enhancing the abilities of the present outcomes in the light of Deep Reinforcement Learning and Quantum Computing

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest
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