1,051 research outputs found

    Mixing multi-core CPUs and GPUs for scientific simulation software

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    Recent technological and economic developments have led to widespread availability of multi-core CPUs and specialist accelerator processors such as graphical processing units (GPUs). The accelerated computational performance possible from these devices can be very high for some applications paradigms. Software languages and systems such as NVIDIA's CUDA and Khronos consortium's open compute language (OpenCL) support a number of individual parallel application programming paradigms. To scale up the performance of some complex systems simulations, a hybrid of multi-core CPUs for coarse-grained parallelism and very many core GPUs for data parallelism is necessary. We describe our use of hybrid applica- tions using threading approaches and multi-core CPUs to control independent GPU devices. We present speed-up data and discuss multi-threading software issues for the applications level programmer and o er some suggested areas for language development and integration between coarse-grained and ne-grained multi-thread systems. We discuss results from three common simulation algorithmic areas including: partial di erential equations; graph cluster metric calculations and random number generation. We report on programming experiences and selected performance for these algorithms on: single and multiple GPUs; multi-core CPUs; a CellBE; and using OpenCL. We discuss programmer usability issues and the outlook and trends in multi-core programming for scienti c applications developers

    Detecting Communities under Differential Privacy

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    Complex networks usually expose community structure with groups of nodes sharing many links with the other nodes in the same group and relatively few with the nodes of the rest. This feature captures valuable information about the organization and even the evolution of the network. Over the last decade, a great number of algorithms for community detection have been proposed to deal with the increasingly complex networks. However, the problem of doing this in a private manner is rarely considered. In this paper, we solve this problem under differential privacy, a prominent privacy concept for releasing private data. We analyze the major challenges behind the problem and propose several schemes to tackle them from two perspectives: input perturbation and algorithm perturbation. We choose Louvain method as the back-end community detection for input perturbation schemes and propose the method LouvainDP which runs Louvain algorithm on a noisy super-graph. For algorithm perturbation, we design ModDivisive using exponential mechanism with the modularity as the score. We have thoroughly evaluated our techniques on real graphs of different sizes and verified their outperformance over the state-of-the-art

    Network Topology Mapping from Partial Virtual Coordinates and Graph Geodesics

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    For many important network types (e.g., sensor networks in complex harsh environments and social networks) physical coordinate systems (e.g., Cartesian), and physical distances (e.g., Euclidean), are either difficult to discern or inapplicable. Accordingly, coordinate systems and characterizations based on hop-distance measurements, such as Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) and Virtual-Coordinate (VC) systems are attractive alternatives to Cartesian coordinates for many network algorithms. Herein, we present an approach to recover geometric and topological properties of a network with a small set of distance measurements. In particular, our approach is a combination of shortest path (often called geodesic) recovery concepts and low-rank matrix completion, generalized to the case of hop-distances in graphs. Results for sensor networks embedded in 2-D and 3-D spaces, as well as a social networks, indicates that the method can accurately capture the network connectivity with a small set of measurements. TPM generation can now also be based on various context appropriate measurements or VC systems, as long as they characterize different nodes by distances to small sets of random nodes (instead of a set of global anchors). The proposed method is a significant generalization that allows the topology to be extracted from a random set of graph shortest paths, making it applicable in contexts such as social networks where VC generation may not be possible.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1712.1006

    Scalable Kernelization for Maximum Independent Sets

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    The most efficient algorithms for finding maximum independent sets in both theory and practice use reduction rules to obtain a much smaller problem instance called a kernel. The kernel can then be solved quickly using exact or heuristic algorithms---or by repeatedly kernelizing recursively in the branch-and-reduce paradigm. It is of critical importance for these algorithms that kernelization is fast and returns a small kernel. Current algorithms are either slow but produce a small kernel, or fast and give a large kernel. We attempt to accomplish both of these goals simultaneously, by giving an efficient parallel kernelization algorithm based on graph partitioning and parallel bipartite maximum matching. We combine our parallelization techniques with two techniques to accelerate kernelization further: dependency checking that prunes reductions that cannot be applied, and reduction tracking that allows us to stop kernelization when reductions become less fruitful. Our algorithm produces kernels that are orders of magnitude smaller than the fastest kernelization methods, while having a similar execution time. Furthermore, our algorithm is able to compute kernels with size comparable to the smallest known kernels, but up to two orders of magnitude faster than previously possible. Finally, we show that our kernelization algorithm can be used to accelerate existing state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms, allowing us to find larger independent sets faster on large real-world networks and synthetic instances.Comment: Extended versio

    A Comprehensive Review of Community Detection in Graphs

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    The study of complex networks has significantly advanced our understanding of community structures which serves as a crucial feature of real-world graphs. Detecting communities in graphs is a challenging problem with applications in sociology, biology, and computer science. Despite the efforts of an interdisciplinary community of scientists, a satisfactory solution to this problem has not yet been achieved. This review article delves into the topic of community detection in graphs, which serves as a crucial role in understanding the organization and functioning of complex systems. We begin by introducing the concept of community structure, which refers to the arrangement of vertices into clusters, with strong internal connections and weaker connections between clusters. Then, we provide a thorough exposition of various community detection methods, including a new method designed by us. Additionally, we explore real-world applications of community detection in diverse networks. In conclusion, this comprehensive review provides a deep understanding of community detection in graphs. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in multiple disciplines, offering insights into the challenges, methodologies, and applications of community detection in complex networks

    Contours in Visualization

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    This thesis studies the visualization of set collections either via or defines as the relations among contours. In the first part, dynamic Euler diagrams are used to communicate and improve semimanually the result of clustering methods which allow clusters to overlap arbitrarily. The contours of the Euler diagram are rendered as implicit surfaces called blobs in computer graphics. The interaction metaphor is the moving of items into or out of these blobs. The utility of the method is demonstrated on data arising from the analysis of gene expressions. The method works well for small datasets of up to one hundred items and few clusters. In the second part, these limitations are mitigated employing a GPU-based rendering of Euler diagrams and mixing textures and colors to resolve overlapping regions better. The GPU-based approach subdivides the screen into triangles on which it performs a contour interpolation, i.e. a fragment shader determines for each pixel which zones of an Euler diagram it belongs to. The rendering speed is thus increased to allow multiple hundred items. The method is applied to an example comparing different document clustering results. The contour tree compactly describes scalar field topology. From the viewpoint of graph drawing, it is a tree with attributes at vertices and optionally on edges. Standard tree drawing algorithms emphasize structural properties of the tree and neglect the attributes. Adapting popular graph drawing approaches to the problem of contour tree drawing it is found that they are unable to convey this information. Five aesthetic criteria for drawing contour trees are proposed and a novel algorithm for drawing contour trees in the plane that satisfies four of these criteria is presented. The implementation is fast and effective for contour tree sizes usually used in interactive systems and also produces readable pictures for larger trees. Dynamical models that explain the formation of spatial structures of RNA molecules have reached a complexity that requires novel visualization methods to analyze these model\''s validity. The fourth part of the thesis focuses on the visualization of so-called folding landscapes of a growing RNA molecule. Folding landscapes describe the energy of a molecule as a function of its spatial configuration; they are huge and high dimensional. Their most salient features are described by their so-called barrier tree -- a contour tree for discrete observation spaces. The changing folding landscapes of a growing RNA chain are visualized as an animation of the corresponding barrier tree sequence. The animation is created as an adaption of the foresight layout with tolerance algorithm for dynamic graph layout. The adaptation requires changes to the concept of supergraph and it layout. The thesis finishes with some thoughts on how these approaches can be combined and how the task the application should support can help inform the choice of visualization modality

    On Correlated Availability in Internet Distributed Systems

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    International audienceAs computer networks rapidly increase in size and speed, Internet-distributed systems such as P2P, volunteer computing, and Grid systems are increasingly common. A precise and accurate characterization of Internet resources is important for the design and evaluation of such Internet-distributed systems, yet our picture of the Internet landscape is not perfectly clear. To improve this picture, we measure and characterize the time dynamics of availability in a large-scale Internet-distributed system with over 110,000 hosts. Our characterization focuses on identifying patterns of correlated availability. We determine scalable and accurate clustering techniques and distance metrics for automatically detecting significant availability patterns. By means of clustering, we identify groups of resources with correlated availability that exhibit similar time effects. Then we show how these correlated clusters of resources can be used to improve resource management for parallel applications in the context of volunteer computing

    SDCOR: Scalable Density-based Clustering for Local Outlier Detection in Massive-Scale Datasets

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    This paper presents a batch-wise density-based clustering approach for local outlier detection in massive-scale datasets. Unlike the well-known traditional algorithms, which assume that all the data is memory-resident, our proposed method is scalable and processes the input data chunk-by-chunk within the confines of a limited memory buffer. A temporary clustering model is built at the first phase; then, it is gradually updated by analyzing consecutive memory loads of points. Subsequently, at the end of scalable clustering, the approximate structure of the original clusters is obtained. Finally, by another scan of the entire dataset and using a suitable criterion, an outlying score is assigned to each object called SDCOR (Scalable Density-based Clustering Outlierness Ratio). Evaluations on real-life and synthetic datasets demonstrate that the proposed method has a low linear time complexity and is more effective and efficient compared to best-known conventional density-based methods, which need to load all data into the memory; and also, to some fast distance-based methods, which can perform on data resident in the disk.Comment: Highlights are shortened each to about 85 character
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