36 research outputs found

    Adaptive decision making systems

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    Given a population of classifiers, we consider the problem of designing highly compact and error adaptive decision making systems. A selection approach based on misclassification diversity and potential cooperation among classifiers is proposed. The compactness constraint allows us the efficient implementation of fuzzy integral combination rules regarding both the interpretability of fuzzy measures and low complexity of fuzzy integral operator. Experimental results show the feasibility of our approach.VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A MapReduce Approach to Address Big Data Classification Problems Based on the Fusion of Linguistic Fuzzy Rules

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    The big data term is used to describe the exponential data growth that has recently occurred and represents an immense challenge for traditional learning techniques. To deal with big data classification problems we propose the Chi-FRBCS-BigData algorithm, a linguistic fuzzy rule-based classification system that uses the MapReduce framework to learn and fuse rule bases. It has been developed in two versions with different fusion processes. An experimental study is carried out and the results obtained show that the proposal is able to handle these problems providing competitive resultsSpanish Government TIN2011-28488Andalusian Research Plans P12-TIC-2958 P11-TIC-7765 P10-TIC-685

    Wi-Fi Location Determination for Semantic Locations

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    In Wi-Fi location determination literature, little attention is paid to locations that do not have numeric, geometric coordinates, though many users prefer the convenience of non-coordinate locations (consider the ease of giving a street address as opposed to giving latitude and longitude). It is not often easy to tell from the title or abstract of a Wi-Fi location determination article whether or not it has applicability to semantic locations such as room-level names. This article surveys the literature through 2011 on Wi-Fi localization for symbolic locations

    HOLMeS: eHealth in the Big Data and Deep Learning Era

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    Now, data collection and analysis are becoming more and more important in a variety of application domains, as long as novel technologies advance. At the same time, we are experiencing a growing need for human–machine interaction with expert systems, pushing research toward new knowledge representation models and interaction paradigms. In particular, in the last few years, eHealth—which usually indicates all the healthcare practices supported by electronic elaboration and remote communications—calls for the availability of a smart environment and big computational resources able to offer more and more advanced analytics and new human–computer interaction paradigms. The aim of this paper is to introduce the HOLMeS (health online medical suggestions) system: A particular big data platform aiming at supporting several eHealth applications. As its main novelty/functionality, HOLMeS exploits a machine learning algorithm, deployed on a cluster-computing environment, in order to provide medical suggestions via both chat-bot and web-app modules, especially for prevention aims. The chat-bot, opportunely trained by leveraging a deep learning approach, helps to overcome the limitations of a cold interaction between users and software, exhibiting a more human-like behavior. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the machine learning algorithms, showing an area under ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve (AUC) of 74.65% when some first-level features are used to assess the occurrence of different chronic diseases within specific prevention pathways. When disease-specific features are added, HOLMeS shows an AUC of 86.78%, achieving a greater effectiveness in supporting clinical decisions

    Towards the Deployment of Machine Learning Solutions in Network Traffic Classification: A Systematic Survey

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    International audienceTraffic analysis is a compound of strategies intended to find relationships, patterns, anomalies, and misconfigurations, among others things, in Internet traffic. In particular, traffic classification is a subgroup of strategies in this field that aims at identifying the application's name or type of Internet traffic. Nowadays, traffic classification has become a challenging task due to the rise of new technologies, such as traffic encryption and encapsulation, which decrease the performance of classical traffic classification strategies. Machine Learning gains interest as a new direction in this field, showing signs of future success, such as knowledge extraction from encrypted traffic, and more accurate Quality of Service management. Machine Learning is fast becoming a key tool to build traffic classification solutions in real network traffic scenarios; in this sense, the purpose of this investigation is to explore the elements that allow this technique to work in the traffic classification field. Therefore, a systematic review is introduced based on the steps to achieve traffic classification by using Machine Learning techniques. The main aim is to understand and to identify the procedures followed by the existing works to achieve their goals. As a result, this survey paper finds a set of trends derived from the analysis performed on this domain; in this manner, the authors expect to outline future directions for Machine Learning based traffic classification

    On the security of machine learning in malware C & C detection:a survey

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    One of the main challenges in security today is defending against malware attacks. As trends and anecdotal evidence show, preventing these attacks, regardless of their indiscriminate or targeted nature, has proven difficult: intrusions happen and devices get compromised, even at security-conscious organizations. As a consequence, an alternative line of work has focused on detecting and disrupting the individual steps that follow an initial compromise and are essential for the successful progression of the attack. In particular, several approaches and techniques have been proposed to identify the command and control (C&C) channel that a compromised system establishes to communicate with its controller. A major oversight of many of these detection techniques is the design's resilience to evasion attempts by the well-motivated attacker. C&C detection techniques make widespread use of a machine learning (ML) component. Therefore, to analyze the evasion resilience of these detection techniques, we first systematize works in the field of C&C detection and then, using existing models from the literature, go on to systematize attacks against the ML components used in these approaches