614 research outputs found

    On the acceleration of wavefront applications using distributed many-core architectures

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    In this paper we investigate the use of distributed graphics processing unit (GPU)-based architectures to accelerate pipelined wavefront applications—a ubiquitous class of parallel algorithms used for the solution of a number of scientific and engineering applications. Specifically, we employ a recently developed port of the LU solver (from the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite) to investigate the performance of these algorithms on high-performance computing solutions from NVIDIA (Tesla C1060 and C2050) as well as on traditional clusters (AMD/InfiniBand and IBM BlueGene/P). Benchmark results are presented for problem classes A to C and a recently developed performance model is used to provide projections for problem classes D and E, the latter of which represents a billion-cell problem. Our results demonstrate that while the theoretical performance of GPU solutions will far exceed those of many traditional technologies, the sustained application performance is currently comparable for scientific wavefront applications. Finally, a breakdown of the GPU solution is conducted, exposing PCIe overheads and decomposition constraints. A new k-blocking strategy is proposed to improve the future performance of this class of algorithm on GPU-based architectures

    Multi-Level Parallelism for Incompressible Flow Computations on GPU Clusters

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    We investigate multi-level parallelism on GPU clusters with MPI-CUDA and hybrid MPI-OpenMP-CUDA parallel implementations, in which all computations are done on the GPU using CUDA. We explore efficiency and scalability of incompressible flow computations using up to 256 GPUs on a problem with approximately 17.2 billion cells. Our work addresses some of the unique issues faced when merging fine-grain parallelism on the GPU using CUDA with coarse-grain parallelism that use either MPI or MPI-OpenMP for communications. We present three different strategies to overlap computations with communications, and systematically assess their impact on parallel performance on two different GPU clusters. Our results for strong and weak scaling analysis of incompressible flow computations demonstrate that GPU clusters offer significant benefits for large data sets, and a dual-level MPI-CUDA implementation with maximum overlapping of computation and communication provides substantial benefits in performance. We also find that our tri-level MPI-OpenMP-CUDA parallel implementation does not offer a significant advantage in performance over the dual-level implementation on GPU clusters with two GPUs per node, but on clusters with higher GPU counts per node or with different domain decomposition strategies a tri-level implementation may exhibit higher efficiency than a dual-level implementation and needs to be investigated further

    Scalability of Incompressible Flow Computations on Multi-GPU Clusters Using Dual-Level and Tri-Level Parallelism

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    High performance computing using graphics processing units (GPUs) is gaining popularity in the scientific computing field, with many large compute clusters being augmented with multiple GPUs in each node. We investigate hybrid tri-level (MPI-OpenMP-CUDA) parallel implementations to explore the efficiency and scalability of incompressible flow computations on GPU clusters up to 128 GPUS. This work details some of the unique issues faced when merging fine-grain parallelism on the GPU using CUDA with coarse-grain parallelism using OpenMP for intra-node and MPI for inter-node communication. Comparisons between the tri-level MPI-OpenMP-CUDA and dual-level MPI-CUDA implementations are shown using computationally large computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Our results demonstrate that a tri-level parallel implementation does not provide a significant advantage in performance over the dual-level implementation, however further research is needed to justify our conclusion for a cluster with a high GPU per node density or when using software that can utilize OpenMP’s fine-grain parallelism more effectively

    Parallel implementation of 3D global MHD simulations for Earth’s magnetosphere

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    AbstractThis paper presents a dynamic domain decomposition (D3) technique for implementing the parallelization of the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) for solving the ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. The key point of D3 is distributing the work dynamically among processes during the execution of the PPM algorithm. This parallel code utilizes D3 with a message passing interface (MPI) in order to permit efficient implementation on clusters of distributed memory machines and may also simultaneously exploit threading for multiprocessing shared address space architectures. 3D global MHD simulation results for the Earth’s magnetosphere on the massively parallel supercomputers Deepcomp 1800 and 6800 demonstrate the scalability and efficiency of our parallelization strategy

    Climbing Up Cloud Nine: Performance Enhancement Techniques for Cloud Computing Environments

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    With the transformation of cloud computing technologies from an attractive trend to a business reality, the need is more pressing than ever for efficient cloud service management tools and techniques. As cloud technologies continue to mature, the service model, resource allocation methodologies, energy efficiency models and general service management schemes are not yet saturated. The burden of making this all tick perfectly falls on cloud providers. Surely, economy of scale revenues and leveraging existing infrastructure and giant workforce are there as positives, but it is far from straightforward operation from that point. Performance and service delivery will still depend on the providers’ algorithms and policies which affect all operational areas. With that in mind, this thesis tackles a set of the more critical challenges faced by cloud providers with the purpose of enhancing cloud service performance and saving on providers’ cost. This is done by exploring innovative resource allocation techniques and developing novel tools and methodologies in the context of cloud resource management, power efficiency, high availability and solution evaluation. Optimal and suboptimal solutions to the resource allocation problem in cloud data centers from both the computational and the network sides are proposed. Next, a deep dive into the energy efficiency challenge in cloud data centers is presented. Consolidation-based and non-consolidation-based solutions containing a novel dynamic virtual machine idleness prediction technique are proposed and evaluated. An investigation of the problem of simulating cloud environments follows. Available simulation solutions are comprehensively evaluated and a novel design framework for cloud simulators covering multiple variations of the problem is presented. Moreover, the challenge of evaluating cloud resource management solutions performance in terms of high availability is addressed. An extensive framework is introduced to design high availability-aware cloud simulators and a prominent cloud simulator (GreenCloud) is extended to implement it. Finally, real cloud application scenarios evaluation is demonstrated using the new tool. The primary argument made in this thesis is that the proposed resource allocation and simulation techniques can serve as basis for effective solutions that mitigate performance and cost challenges faced by cloud providers pertaining to resource utilization, energy efficiency, and client satisfaction

    Design and Analysis of a Task-based Parallelization over a Runtime System of an Explicit Finite-Volume CFD Code with Adaptive Time Stepping

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    FLUSEPA (Registered trademark in France No. 134009261) is an advanced simulation tool which performs a large panel of aerodynamic studies. It is the unstructured finite-volume solver developed by Airbus Safran Launchers company to calculate compressible, multidimensional, unsteady, viscous and reactive flows around bodies in relative motion. The time integration in FLUSEPA is done using an explicit temporal adaptive method. The current production version of the code is based on MPI and OpenMP. This implementation leads to important synchronizations that must be reduced. To tackle this problem, we present the study of a task-based parallelization of the aerodynamic solver of FLUSEPA using the runtime system StarPU and combining up to three levels of parallelism. We validate our solution by the simulation (using a finite-volume mesh with 80 million cells) of a take-off blast wave propagation for Ariane 5 launcher.Comment: Accepted manuscript of a paper in Journal of Computational Scienc

    A GPU-accelerated package for simulation of flow in nanoporous source rocks with many-body dissipative particle dynamics

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    Mesoscopic simulations of hydrocarbon flow in source shales are challenging, in part due to the heterogeneous shale pores with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to a few micrometers. Additionally, the sub-continuum fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interactions in nano- to micro-scale shale pores, which are physically and chemically sophisticated, must be captured. To address those challenges, we present a GPU-accelerated package for simulation of flow in nano- to micro-pore networks with a many-body dissipative particle dynamics (mDPD) mesoscale model. Based on a fully distributed parallel paradigm, the code offloads all intensive workloads on GPUs. Other advancements, such as smart particle packing and no-slip boundary condition in complex pore geometries, are also implemented for the construction and the simulation of the realistic shale pores from 3D nanometer-resolution stack images. Our code is validated for accuracy and compared against the CPU counterpart for speedup. In our benchmark tests, the code delivers nearly perfect strong scaling and weak scaling (with up to 512 million particles) on up to 512 K20X GPUs on Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Titan supercomputer. Moreover, a single-GPU benchmark on ORNL's SummitDev and IBM's AC922 suggests that the host-to-device NVLink can boost performance over PCIe by a remarkable 40\%. Lastly, we demonstrate, through a flow simulation in realistic shale pores, that the CPU counterpart requires 840 Power9 cores to rival the performance delivered by our package with four V100 GPUs on ORNL's Summit architecture. This simulation package enables quick-turnaround and high-throughput mesoscopic numerical simulations for investigating complex flow phenomena in nano- to micro-porous rocks with realistic pore geometries

    NASA high performance computing and communications program

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's HPCC program is part of a new Presidential initiative aimed at producing a 1000-fold increase in supercomputing speed and a 100-fold improvement in available communications capability by 1997. As more advanced technologies are developed under the HPCC program, they will be used to solve NASA's 'Grand Challenge' problems, which include improving the design and simulation of advanced aerospace vehicles, allowing people at remote locations to communicate more effectively and share information, increasing scientist's abilities to model the Earth's climate and forecast global environmental trends, and improving the development of advanced spacecraft. NASA's HPCC program is organized into three projects which are unique to the agency's mission: the Computational Aerosciences (CAS) project, the Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) project, and the Remote Exploration and Experimentation (REE) project. An additional project, the Basic Research and Human Resources (BRHR) project exists to promote long term research in computer science and engineering and to increase the pool of trained personnel in a variety of scientific disciplines. This document presents an overview of the objectives and organization of these projects as well as summaries of individual research and development programs within each project
