4 research outputs found

    Scalability evaluation of VPN technologies for secure container networking

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    For years, containers have been a popular choice for lightweight virtualization in the cloud. With the rise of more powerful and flexible edge devices, container deployment strategies have arisen that leverage the computational power of edge devices for optimal workload distribution. This move from a secure data center network to heterogenous public and private networks presents some issues in terms of security and network topology that can be partially solved by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect edge nodes to the cloud. In this paper, the scalability of VPN software is evaluated to determine if and how it can be used in large-scale clusters containing edge nodes. Benchmarks are performed to determine the maximum number of VPN-connected nodes and the influence of network degradation on VPN performance, primarily using traffic typical for edge devices generating IoT data. Some high level conclusions are drawn from the results, indicating that WireGuard is an excellent choice of VPN software to connect edge nodes in a cluster. Analysis of the results also shows the strengths and weaknesses of other VPN software

    Analisa Penggunaan Jaringan ZeroTier di Masa Pandemi Covid-2019

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    Pada masa pandemi covid-19 ini terdapat sebagian besar karyawan kantor yang diharuskan untuk melakukan Work From Home. Dalam hal ini tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa tingkat keamanan jaringan perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk itu dibutuhkannya teknologi yang aman untuk menghubungkan jaringan kantor dengan jaringan rumah dan teknologi itu berupa ZeroTier. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah NDLC. Dengan Scalabilitas ZeroTier yang luas dan dukungan sistem operasi yang banyak, memungkinkan setiap end-user yang memiliki jaringan internet dapat terhubung pada satu jaringan ZeroTier server yang sama. Dengan begitu setiap end-user tersebut dapat berkomunikasi secara langsung layaknya berada pada jaringan lokal seperti melakukan ping, file sharing, maupun printer sharing

    Pioneering a Prototype VPN-Based Cloud Strategy For Streamlined Library Management

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    This article showcases a prototype VPN-based cloud strategy that uses SoftEther VPN and Microsoft Azure to manage and exchange library management systems and repositories. The prototype was tested for performance, security, and scalability, and the results suggest that the VPN-based cloud strategy is a viable solution for managing distributed library repositories. By using SoftEther VPN and Microsoft Azure, the prototype provided secure communication and scalability to handle large numbers of concurrent users. Future research can explore other VPN technologies and cloud platforms to enhance the prototype\u27s capabilities and evaluate its performance in various scenarios

    Análise da latência no acesso remoto à redes sem fio industriais por meio de redes privadas seguras

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    Indústrias de diversos tipos necessitam que suas plantas estejam localizadas geograficamente em pontos distantes das sedes que controlam as suas operações administrativas. Como exemplo, industrias de base, como mineração, óleo & gás e de energia, que transformam matéria prima bruta para utilização em outros processos, comumente costumam ter suas instalações próximas às fontes primárias, impondo assim a necessidade de implantar uma estratégia de monitoramento de forma remota. Concentrar dados para tomada de decisões como modificar o comportamento de controladores à distância, é desejável, mas demanda operação robusta e segura. Nesse sentido, a chamada Indústria 4.0 tem, entre seus desafios, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle em rede, que possibilitam o monitoramento e manutenção remotos. Desta forma, acessar dados obtidos remotamente possibilita comparação com dados de outras plantas semelhantes, o que auxilia e agiliza tomadas de decisões. Este trabalho apresenta uma solução de interligação remota entre uma rede de dispositivos de automação industrial e um operador remoto, de forma segura e confiável, através do uso de uma rede virtual privada na Internet. Além disso, a análise da latência fim-a-fim é realizada, em tempo real, através de estratégias de coleta dos tempos em cada segmento do trajeto entre os dispositivos da rede de automação industrial e host remoto. Os dados coletados são tratados estatisticamente. Por fim, através do acesso remoto, o envio de comandos à rede de dispositivos de automação industrial abre horizontes para exercer supervisão e controle remoto de plantas industriais, e este é apresentado ao final do trabalho como complemento. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que é viável a utilização de acesso remoto através de redes privadas seguras cuja a latência interna é maior que o intervalo de latência medido, através da ferramenta produzida neste trabalho, na localização onde é realizado o acesso remoto.Many types of industries require their plants to be located geographically far from the headquarters that control their administrative operations. For example, basic industries such as mining, oil & gas, and energy, which transform raw materials for use in other processes, often have their facilities close to primary sources, thus imposing the need to implement a remote monitoring strategy. Concentrating data for decision making, such as modifying the behavior of remote controllers, is desirable, but requires robust and safe operation. In this sense, Industry 4.0 has, among its challenges, the development of networked control systems that enable remote monitoring and maintenance. Thus, accessing data obtained remotely enables comparison with data from other similar plants, which helps and speeds up decision-making. This work presents a remote interconnection solution between a WirelessHart device network and a remote operator, in a safe and reliable way, through the use of a virtual private network on the Internet. In addition, an end-toend latency analysis is performed, in real time, through strategies of collecting the times in each path between the WirelessHart devices and the remote host. The collected data is statistically treated. Finally, through remote access, sending commands to the WirelessHart device network opens horizons for supervision and remote control of industrial plants is presented at the end of the work. The results obtained allow us to conclude that it is feasible to use remote access through secure private networks whose internal latency is greater than the measured latency interval, through the tool produced in this work, in the location where the remote access is performed