2,141 research outputs found

    Parallel Implementation of Lossy Data Compression for Temporal Data Sets

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    Many scientific data sets contain temporal dimensions. These are the data storing information at the same spatial location but different time stamps. Some of the biggest temporal datasets are produced by parallel computing applications such as simulations of climate change and fluid dynamics. Temporal datasets can be very large and cost a huge amount of time to transfer among storage locations. Using data compression techniques, files can be transferred faster and save storage space. NUMARCK is a lossy data compression algorithm for temporal data sets that can learn emerging distributions of element-wise change ratios along the temporal dimension and encodes them into an index table to be concisely represented. This paper presents a parallel implementation of NUMARCK. Evaluated with six data sets obtained from climate and astrophysics simulations, parallel NUMARCK achieved scalable speedups of up to 8788 when running 12800 MPI processes on a parallel computer. We also compare the compression ratios against two lossy data compression algorithms, ISABELA and ZFP. The results show that NUMARCK achieved higher compression ratio than ISABELA and ZFP.Comment: 10 pages, HiPC 201

    Network vector quantization

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    We present an algorithm for designing locally optimal vector quantizers for general networks. We discuss the algorithm's implementation and compare the performance of the resulting "network vector quantizers" to traditional vector quantizers (VQs) and to rate-distortion (R-D) bounds where available. While some special cases of network codes (e.g., multiresolution (MR) and multiple description (MD) codes) have been studied in the literature, we here present a unifying approach that both includes these existing solutions as special cases and provides solutions to previously unsolved examples

    Accelerating BPC-PaCo through visually lossless techniques

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    Fast image codecs are a current need in applications that deal with large amounts of images. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are suitable processors to speed up most kinds of algorithms, especially when they allow fine-grain parallelism. Bitplane Coding with Parallel Coefficient processing (BPC-PaCo) is a recently proposed algorithm for the core stage of wavelet-based image codecs tailored for the highly parallel architectures of GPUs. This algorithm provides complexity scalability to allow faster execution at the expense of coding efficiency. Its main drawback is that the speedup and loss in image quality is controlled only roughly, resulting in visible distortion at low and medium rates. This paper addresses this issue by integrating techniques of visually lossless coding into BPC-PaCo. The resulting method minimizes the visual distortion introduced in the compressed file, obtaining higher-quality images to a human observer. Experimental results also indicate 12% speedups with respect to BPC-PaCo

    WG1N5315 - Response to Call for AIC evaluation methodologies and compression technologies for medical images: LAR Codec

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    This document presents the LAR image codec as a response to Call for AIC evaluation methodologies and compression technologies for medical images.This document describes the IETR response to the specific call for contributions of medical imaging technologies to be considered for AIC. The philosophy behind our coder is not to outperform JPEG2000 in compression; our goal is to propose an open source, royalty free, alternative image coder with integrated services. While keeping the compression performances in the same range as JPEG2000 but with lower complexity, our coder also provides services such as scalability, cryptography, data hiding, lossy to lossless compression, region of interest, free region representation and coding

    Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec

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    The JPEG committee has initiated a study of potential technologies dedicated to future generation image compression systems. The idea is to design a new norm of image compression, named JPEG AIC (Advanced Image Coding), together with advanced evaluation methodologies, closely matching to human vision system characteristics. JPEG AIC thus aimed at defining a complete coding system able to address advanced functionalities such as lossy to lossless compression, scalability (spatial, temporal, depth, quality, complexity, component, granularity...), robustness, embed-ability, content description for image handling at object level... The chosen compression method would have to fit perceptual metrics defined by the JPEG community within the JPEG AIC project. In this context, we propose the Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec as a contribution to the relative call for technologies, tending to fit all of previous functionalities. This method is a coding solution that simultaneously proposes a relevant representation of the image. This property is exploited through various complementary coding schemes in order to design a highly scalable encoder. The LAR method has been initially introduced for lossy image coding. This efficient image compression solution relies on a content-based system driven by a specific quadtree representation, based on the assumption that an image can be represented as layers of basic information and local texture. Multiresolution versions of this codec have shown their efficiency, from low bit rates up to lossless compressed images. An original hierarchical self-extracting region representation has also been elaborated: a segmentation process is realized at both coder and decoder, leading to a free segmentation map. This later can be further exploited for color region encoding, image handling at region level. Moreover, the inherent structure of the LAR codec can be used for advanced functionalities such as content securization purposes. In particular, dedicated Unequal Error Protection systems have been produced and tested for transmission over the Internet or wireless channels. Hierarchical selective encryption techniques have been adapted to our coding scheme. Data hiding system based on the LAR multiresolution description allows efficient content protection. Thanks to the modularity of our coding scheme, complexity can be adjusted to address various embedded systems. For example, basic version of the LAR coder has been implemented onto FPGA platform while respecting real-time constraints. Pyramidal LAR solution and hierarchical segmentation process have also been prototyped on DSPs heterogeneous architectures. This chapter first introduces JPEG AIC scope and details associated requirements. Then we develop the technical features, of the LAR system, and show the originality of the proposed scheme, both in terms of functionalities and services. In particular, we show that the LAR coder remains efficient for natural images, medical images, and art images

    Kompresija slika bez gubitaka uz iskorištavanje tokovnog modela za izvođenje na višejezgrenim računalima

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    Image and video coding play a critical role in present multimedia systems ranging from entertainment to specialized applications such as telemedicine. Usually, they are hand–customized for every intended architecture in order to meet performance requirements. This approach is neither portable nor scalable. With the advent of multicores new challenges emerged for programmers related to both efficient utilization of additional resources and scalable performance. For image and video processing applications, streaming model of computation showed to be effective in tackling these challenges. In this paper, we report the efforts to improve the execution performance of the CBPC, our compute intensive lossless image compression algorithm described in [1]. The algorithm is based on highly adaptive and predictive modeling, outperforming many other methods in compression efficiency, although with increased complexity. We employ a high–level performance optimization approach which exploits streaming model for scalability and portability. We obtain this by detecting computationally demanding parts of the algorithm and implementing them in StreamIt, an architecture–independent stream language which goal is to improve programming productivity and parallelization efficiency by exposing the parallelism and communication pattern. We developed an interface that enables the integration and hosting of streaming kernels into the host application developed in general–purpose language.Postupci obrade slikovnih podataka su iznimno zastupljeni u postojećim multimedijskim sustavima, počev od zabavnih sustava pa do specijaliziranih aplikacija u telemedicini. Vrlo često, zbog svojih računskih zahtjeva, ovi programski odsječci su iznimno optimirani i to na niskoj razini, što predstavlja poteškoće u prenosivosti i skalabilnosti konačnog rješenja. Nadolaskom višejezgrenih računala pojavljuju se novi izazovi kao što su učinkovito iskorištavanje računskih jezgri i postizanje skalabilnosti rješenja obzirom na povećanje broja jezgri. U ovom radu prikazan je novi pristup poboljšanja izvedbenih performansi metode za kompresiju slika bez gubitaka CBPC koja se odlikuje adaptivnim modelom predviđanja koji omogućuje postizanje boljih stupnjeva kompresije uz povećanje računske složenosti [1]. Pristup koji je primjenjen sastoji se u implementaciji računski zahtjevnog predikcijskog modela u tokovnom programskom jeziku koji omogućuje paralelizaciju izvornog programa. Ovako projektiran predikcijski model može se iskoristiti kroz sučelje koje smo razvili a koje omogućuje pozivanje tokovnih računskih modula i njihovo paralelno izvođenje uz iskorištavanje više jezgri

    In-Band Disparity Compensation for Multiview Image Compression and View Synthesis

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    Lempel-Ziv Data Compression on Parallel and Distributed Systems

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    We present a survey of results concerning Lempel-Ziv data compression on parallel and distributed systems, starting from the theoretical approach to parallel time complexity to conclude with the practical goal of designing distributed algorithms with low communication cost. An extension by Storer to image compression is also discussed

    Adaptive multispectral GPU accelerated architecture for Earth Observation satellites

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    In recent years the growth in quantity, diversity and capability of Earth Observation (EO) satellites, has enabled increase’s in the achievable payload data dimensionality and volume. However, the lack of equivalent advancement in downlink technology has resulted in the development of an onboard data bottleneck. This bottleneck must be alleviated in order for EO satellites to continue to efficiently provide high quality and increasing quantities of payload data. This research explores the selection and implementation of state-of-the-art multidimensional image compression algorithms and proposes a new onboard data processing architecture, to help alleviate the bottleneck and increase the data throughput of the platform. The proposed new system is based upon a backplane architecture to provide scalability with different satellite platform sizes and varying mission’s objectives. The heterogeneous nature of the architecture allows benefits of both Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) hardware to be leveraged for maximised data processing throughput