849 research outputs found

    Kompics: a message-passing component model for building distributed systems

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    The Kompics component model and programming framework was designedto simplify the development of increasingly complex distributed systems. Systems built with Kompics leverage multi-core machines out of the box and they can be dynamically reconfigured to support hot software upgrades. A simulation framework enables deterministic debugging and reproducible performance evaluation of unmodified Kompics distributed systems. We describe the component model and show how to program and compose event-based distributed systems. We present the architectural patterns and abstractions that Kompics facilitates and we highlight a case study of a complex distributed middleware that we have built with Kompics. We show how our approach enables systematic development and evaluation of large-scale and dynamic distributed systems

    Modelling Interdependent Cascading Failures in Real World Complex Networks using a Functional Dependency Model

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    Infrastructure systems are becoming increasingly complex and interdependent. As a result our ability to predict the likelihood of large-scale failure of these systems has significantly diminished and the consequence of this is that we now have a greatly increased risk of devastating impacts to society. Traditionally these systems have been analysed using physically-based models. However, this approach can only provide information for a specific network and is limited by the number of scenarios that can be tested. In an attempt to overcome this shortcoming, many studies have used network graph theory to provide an alternative analysis approach. This approach has tended to consider infrastructure systems in isolation, but has recently considered the analysis of interdependent networks through combination with percolation theory. However, these studies have focused on the analysis of synthetic networks and tend to only consider the topology of the system. In this paper we develop a new analysis approach, based upon network theory, but accounting for the hierarchical structure and functional dependency observed in real world infrastructure networks. We apply this method to two real world networks, to show that it can be used to quantify the impact that failures within an electricity network have upon a dependent water network

    HIVE - An Agent Based Modeling Framework

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    This thesis begins by defining agent based modeling. Agent based models are used to model the emergent behavior of complex systems with many interacting components, known as agents. Several model examples are given using NetLogo, which is a popular agent-based modeling platform. A model of concurrent computation is described that uses message passing as the only form of communication between the model’s components, which are called actors. The model is called an actor model. Actors are primitive objects of concurrency in an actor model. In particular, we describe the actor model implemented by Akka, which is Scala’s new actor library. To explore the relationship between actors and agents, we develop an agent based modeling framework called Hive. Hive is inspired by NetLogo. Like NetLogo, Hive is implemented in Scala and uses actors to represent agents. Unlike NetLogo, which uses Scala’s deprecated actor library, Hive uses Scala’s new Akka library

    Tracing the Compositional Process. Sound art that rewrites its own past: formation, praxis and a computer framework

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    The domain of this thesis is electroacoustic computer-based music and sound art. It investigates a facet of composition which is often neglected or ill-defined: the process of composing itself and its embedding in time. Previous research mostly focused on instrumental composition or, when electronic music was included, the computer was treated as a tool which would eventually be subtracted from the equation. The aim was either to explain a resultant piece of music by reconstructing the intention of the composer, or to explain human creativity by building a model of the mind. Our aim instead is to understand composition as an irreducible unfolding of material traces which takes place in its own temporality. This understanding is formalised as a software framework that traces creation time as a version graph of transactions. The instantiation and manipulation of any musical structure implemented within this framework is thereby automatically stored in a database. Not only can it be queried ex post by an external researcher—providing a new quality for the empirical analysis of the activity of composing—but it is an integral part of the composition environment. Therefore it can recursively become a source for the ongoing composition and introduce new ways of aesthetic expression. The framework aims to unify creation and performance time, fixed and generative composition, human and algorithmic “writing”, a writing that includes indeterminate elements which condense as concurrent vertices in the version graph. The second major contribution is a critical epistemological discourse on the question of ob- servability and the function of observation. Our goal is to explore a new direction of artistic research which is characterised by a mixed methodology of theoretical writing, technological development and artistic practice. The form of the thesis is an exercise in becoming process-like itself, wherein the epistemic thing is generated by translating the gaps between these three levels. This is my idea of the new aesthetics: That through the operation of a re-entry one may establish a sort of process “form”, yielding works which go beyond a categorical either “sound-in-itself” or “conceptualism”. Exemplary processes are revealed by deconstructing a series of existing pieces, as well as through the successful application of the new framework in the creation of new pieces
