2,737 research outputs found

    The relationships between PM2.5 and meteorological factors in China: Seasonal and regional variations

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    The interactions between PM2.5 and meteorological factors play a crucial role in air pollution analysis. However, previous studies that have researched the relationships between PM2.5 concentration and meteorological conditions have been mainly confined to a certain city or district, and the correlation over the whole of China remains unclear. Whether or not spatial and seasonal variations exit deserves further research. In this study, the relationships between PM2.5 concentration and meteorological factors were investigated in 74 major cities in China for a continuous period of 22 months from February 2013 to November 2014, at season, year, city, and regional scales, and the spatial and seasonal variations were analyzed. The meteorological factors were relative humidity (RH), temperature (TEM), wind speed (WS), and surface pressure (PS). We found that spatial and seasonal variations of their relationships with PM2.5 do exist. Spatially, RH is positively correlated with PM2.5 concentration in North China and Urumqi, but the relationship turns to negative in other areas of China. WS is negatively correlated with PM2.5 everywhere expect for Hainan Island. PS has a strong positive relationship with PM2.5 concentration in Northeast China and Mid-south China, and in other areas the correlation is weak. Seasonally, the positive correlation between PM2.5 concentration and RH is stronger in winter and spring. TEM has a negative relationship with PM2.5 in autumn and the opposite in winter. PS is more positively correlated with PM2.5 in autumn than in other seasons. Our study investigated the relationships between PM2.5 and meteorological factors in terms of spatial and seasonal variations, and the conclusions about the relationships between PM2.5 and meteorological factors are more comprehensive and precise than before.Comment: 3 tables, 13 figure

    Discuss on Satellite-Based Particulate Matter Monitoring Technique

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    Did the widespread haze pollution over China increase during the last decade? A satellite view from space

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    Widespread haze layers usually cover China like low clouds, exerting marked influence on air quality and regional climate. With recent Collection 6 MODISDeep Blue aerosol data in 2000–2015, we analyzed the trends of regional haze pollution and the corresponding influence of atmospheric circulation in China. Satellite observations show that regional haze pollution is mainly concentrated in northern and central China. The annual frequency of regional haze in northern China nearly doubles between 2000 and 2006, increasing from30–50 to 80–90 days. Though there is amarked decrease in annual frequency during 2007–2009 due to both reduction of anthropogenic emissions and changes of meteorological conditions, regional pollution increases slowly but steadily after 2009, and maintains at a high level of 70–90 days except for the sudden decrease in 2015. Generally, there is a large increase in the number of regional-scale haze events during the last decade. Seasonal frequency of regional haze exhibits distinct spatial and temporal variations. The increasing winter haze events reach a peak in 2014, but decrease strongly in 2015 due partly to synoptic conditions that are favorable for dispersion. Trends of summer regional haze pollution aremore sensitive to changes of atmospheric circulation. Our results indicate that the frequency of regional haze events is associated not only with the strength of atmospheric circulation, but also with its direction and position, as well as variations in anthropogenic emissions

    Did the widespread haze pollution over China increase during the last decade? A satellite view from space

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    Widespread haze layers usually cover China like low clouds, exerting marked influence on air quality and regional climate. With recent Collection 6 MODISDeep Blue aerosol data in 2000–2015, we analyzed the trends of regional haze pollution and the corresponding influence of atmospheric circulation in China. Satellite observations show that regional haze pollution is mainly concentrated in northern and central China. The annual frequency of regional haze in northern China nearly doubles between 2000 and 2006, increasing from30–50 to 80–90 days. Though there is amarked decrease in annual frequency during 2007–2009 due to both reduction of anthropogenic emissions and changes of meteorological conditions, regional pollution increases slowly but steadily after 2009, and maintains at a high level of 70–90 days except for the sudden decrease in 2015. Generally, there is a large increase in the number of regional-scale haze events during the last decade. Seasonal frequency of regional haze exhibits distinct spatial and temporal variations. The increasing winter haze events reach a peak in 2014, but decrease strongly in 2015 due partly to synoptic conditions that are favorable for dispersion. Trends of summer regional haze pollution aremore sensitive to changes of atmospheric circulation. Our results indicate that the frequency of regional haze events is associated not only with the strength of atmospheric circulation, but also with its direction and position, as well as variations in anthropogenic emissions

    Typical Types and Formation Mechanisms of Haze in an Eastern Asia Megacity, Shanghai

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    An intensive aerosol and gases campaign was performed at Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta region over Eastern China from late March to early June 2009. This study provided a complementary picture of typical haze types and the formation mechanisms in megacities over China by using a synergy of ground-based monitoring, satellite and lidar observations. During the whole study period, several extreme low visibility periods were observed with distinct characteristics, and three typical haze types were identified, i.e. secondary inorganic pollution, dust, and biomass burning. Sulfate, nitrate and ammonium accounted for a major part of PM2.5 mass during the secondary inorganic pollution, and the good correlation between SO2/NOx/CO and PM2.5 indicated that coal burning and vehicle emission were the major sources. Large-scale regions with high AOD (aerosol optical depths) and low Angstrom exponent were detected by remote-sensing observation during the dust pollution episode, and this episode corresponded to coarse particles rich in mineral components such as Al and Ca contributing 76.8% to TSP. The relatively low Ca/Al ratio of 0.75 along with the air mass backward trajectory analysis suggested the dust source was from Gobi Desert. Typical tracers for biomass burning from satellite observation (column CO and HCHO) and from ground measurement (CO, particulate K+, OC, and EC) were greatly enhanced during the biomass burning pollution episode. The exclusive linear correlation between CO and PM2.5 corroborated that organic aerosol dominated aerosol chemistry during biomass burning, and the high concentration and enrichment degree of arsenic (As) could be also partly derived from biomass burning. Aerosol optical profile observed by lidar demonstrated that aerosol was mainly constrained below the boundary layer and comprised of spheric aerosol (depolarization ratio <5%) during the secondary inorganic and biomass burning episodes, while thick dust layer distributed at altitudes from near surface to 1.4 km (average depolarization ratio = 0.122+/-0.023) with dust accounting for 44-55% of the total aerosol extinction coefficient during the dust episode. This study portrayed a good picture of the typical haze types and proposed that identification of the complicated emission sources is important for the air quality improvement in megacities in China

    Evaluation of aerosol optical thickness over Malaysia based on multi-source ground and satellite data

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    This study evaluates the spatiotemporal distribution of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) over Malaysia. The significance of aerosols in regional and global climate change assessment has become a pressing topic in recent climate discussions. Two different approaches are used in measuring AOT; satellite imagery and ground measurement approaches. However, the satellite approach is deemed the best way for monitoring the patterns and transport of aerosols largely due to its extensive spatial coverage and reliable repetitive measurements. The data in this study were obtained from a Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), a Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite sensors based on a NASA-operated Giovanni portal. Ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) datasets from two sites over the study area were also used. The results show that the highest AOT ground values of 1.93 and 2.00 were recorded in September 2015, at USM station and Kuching station, respectively. Throughout the 15 years of recorded data, the monthly average value of AOT reached its highest values in September, October, and November. In these months, the value of AOT went above 0.40, unlike in other months of the year. Significantly, the results indicate that Malaysian air quality can be evaluated based on AOT values, as these show the variation in optical properties of aerosol

    Effects of Meteorology Changes on Inter-Annual Variations of Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface PM2.5 in China—Implications for PM2.5 Remote Sensing

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    PM2.5 retrieval from satellite-observed aerosol optical depth (AOD) is still challenging due to the strong impact of meteorology. We investigate influences of meteorology changes on the inter-annual variations of AOD and surface PM2.5 in China between 2006 and 2017 using a nested 3D chemical transport model, GEOS-Chem, by fixing emissions at the 2006 level. We then identify major meteorological elements controlling the inter-annual variations of AOD and surface PM2.5 using multiple linear regression. We find larger influences of meteorology changes on trends of AOD than that of surface PM2.5. On the seasonal scale, meteorology changes are beneficial to AOD and surface PM2.5 reduction in spring (1–50%) but show an adverse effect on aerosol reduction in summer. In addition, major meteorological elements influencing variations of AOD and PM2.5 are similar between spring and fall. In winter, meteorology changes are favorable to AOD reduction (−0.007 yr−1, −1.2% yr−1; p < 0.05) but enhanced surface PM2.5 between 2006 and 2017. The difference in winter is mainly attributed to the stable boundary layer that isolates surface PM2.5 from aloft. The significant decrease in AOD over the years is related to the increase in meridional wind speed at 850 hPa in NCP (p < 0.05). The increase of surface PM2.5 in NCP in winter is possibly related to the increased temperature inversion and more stable stratification in the boundary layer. This suggests that previous estimates of wintertime surface PM2.5 using satellite measurements of AOD corrected by meteorological elements should be used with caution. Our findings provide potential meteorological elements that might improve the retrieval of surface PM2.5 from satellite-observed AOD on the seasonal scale

    East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols and their Impact on Regional Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate (EAST-AIR_(CPC))

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    Aerosols have significant and complex impacts on regional climate in East Asia. Cloud‐aerosol‐precipitation interactions (CAPI) remain most challenging in climate studies. The quantitative understanding of CAPI requires good knowledge of aerosols, ranging from their formation, composition, transport, and their radiative, hygroscopic, and microphysical properties. A comprehensive review is presented here centered on the CAPI based chiefly, but not limited to, publications in the special section named EAST‐AIRcpc concerning (1) observations of aerosol loading and properties, (2) relationships between aerosols and meteorological variables affecting CAPI, (3) mechanisms behind CAPI, and (4) quantification of CAPI and their impact on climate. Heavy aerosol loading in East Asia has significant radiative effects by reducing surface radiation, increasing the air temperature, and lowering the boundary layer height. A key factor is aerosol absorption, which is particularly strong in central China. This absorption can have a wide range of impacts such as creating an imbalance of aerosol radiative forcing at the top and bottom of the atmosphere, leading to inconsistent retrievals of cloud variables from space‐borne and ground‐based instruments. Aerosol radiative forcing can delay or suppress the initiation and development of convective clouds whose microphysics can be further altered by the microphysical effect of aerosols. For the same cloud thickness, the likelihood of precipitation is influenced by aerosols: suppressing light rain and enhancing heavy rain, delaying but intensifying thunderstorms, and reducing the onset of isolated showers in most parts of China. Rainfall has become more inhomogeneous and more extreme in the heavily polluted urban regions