2,365 research outputs found

    Cleaning data with Llunatic

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    Data cleaning (or data repairing) is considered a crucial problem in many database-related tasks. It consists in making a database consistent with respect to a given set of constraints. In recent years, repairing methods have been proposed for several classes of constraints. These methods, however, tend to hard-code the strategy to repair conflicting values and are specialized toward specific classes of constraints. In this paper, we develop a general chase-based repairing framework, referred to as Llunatic, in which repairs can be obtained for a large class of constraints and by using different strategies to select preferred values. The framework is based on an elegant formalization in terms of labeled instances and partially ordered preference labels. In this context, we revisit concepts such as upgrades, repairs and the chase. In Llunatic, various repairing strategies can be slotted in, without the need for changing the underlying implementation. Furthermore, Llunatic is the first data repairing system which is DBMS-based. We report experimental results that confirm its good scalability and show that various instantiations of the framework result in repairs of good quality

    BClean: A Bayesian Data Cleaning System

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    There is a considerable body of work on data cleaning which employs various principles to rectify erroneous data and transform a dirty dataset into a cleaner one. One of prevalent approaches is probabilistic methods, including Bayesian methods. However, existing probabilistic methods often assume a simplistic distribution (e.g., Gaussian distribution), which is frequently underfitted in practice, or they necessitate experts to provide a complex prior distribution (e.g., via a programming language). This requirement is both labor-intensive and costly, rendering these methods less suitable for real-world applications. In this paper, we propose BClean, a Bayesian Cleaning system that features automatic Bayesian network construction and user interaction. We recast the data cleaning problem as a Bayesian inference that fully exploits the relationships between attributes in the observed dataset and any prior information provided by users. To this end, we present an automatic Bayesian network construction method that extends a structure learning-based functional dependency discovery method with similarity functions to capture the relationships between attributes. Furthermore, our system allows users to modify the generated Bayesian network in order to specify prior information or correct inaccuracies identified by the automatic generation process. We also design an effective scoring model (called the compensative scoring model) necessary for the Bayesian inference. To enhance the efficiency of data cleaning, we propose several approximation strategies for the Bayesian inference, including graph partitioning, domain pruning, and pre-detection. By evaluating on both real-world and synthetic datasets, we demonstrate that BClean is capable of achieving an F-measure of up to 0.9 in data cleaning, outperforming existing Bayesian methods by 2% and other data cleaning methods by 15%.Comment: Our source code is available at https://github.com/yyssl88/BClea

    Online Data Cleaning

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    Data-centric applications have never been more ubiquitous in our lives, e.g., search engines, route navigation and social media. This has brought along a new age where digital data is at the core of many decisions we make as individuals, e.g., looking for the most scenic route to plan a road trip, or as professionals, e.g., analysing customers’ transactions to predict the best time to restock different products. However, the surge in data generation has also led to creating massive amounts of dirty data, i.e., inaccurate or redundant data. Using dirty data to inform business decisions comes with dire consequences, for instance, an IBM report estimates that dirty data costs the U.S. $3.1 trillion a year. Dirty data is the product of many factors which include data entry errors and integration of several data sources. Data integration of multiple sources is especially prone to producing dirty data. For instance, while individual sources may not have redundant data, they often carry redundant data across each other. Furthermore, different data sources may obey different business rules (sometimes not even known) which makes it challenging to reconcile the integrated data. Even if the data is clean at the time of the integration, data updates would compromise its quality over time. There is a wide spectrum of errors that can be found in the data, e,g, duplicate records, missing values, obsolete data, etc. To address these problems, several data cleaning efforts have been proposed, e.g., record linkage to identify duplicate records, data fusion to fuse duplicate data items into a single representation and enforcing integrity constraints on the data. However, most existing efforts make two key assumptions: (1) Data cleaning is done in one shot; and (2) The data is available in its entirety. Those two assumptions do not hold in our age where data is highly volatile and integrated from several sources. This calls for a paradigm shift in approaching data cleaning: it has to be made iterative where data comes in chunks and not all at once. Consequently, cleaning the data should not be repeated from scratch whenever the data changes, but instead, should be done only for data items affected by the updates. Moreover, the repair should be computed effciently to support applications where cleaning is performed online (e.g. query time data cleaning). In this dissertation, we present several proposals to realize this paradigm for two major types of data errors: duplicates and integrity constraint violations. We frst present a framework that supports online record linkage and fusion over Web databases. Our system processes queries posted to Web databases. Query results are deduplicated, fused and then stored in a cache for future reference. The cache is updated iteratively with new query results. This effort makes it possible to perform record linkage and fusion effciently, but also effectively, i.e., the cache contains data items seen in previous queries which are jointly cleaned with incoming query results. To address integrity constraints violations, we propose a novel way to approach Functional Dependency repairs, develop a new class of repairs and then demonstrate it is superior to existing efforts, in runtime and accuracy. We then show how our framework can be easily tuned to work iteratively to support online applications. We implement a proof-ofconcept query answering system to demonstrate the iterative capability of our system

    An Operational Approach to Consistent Query Answering

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    Database repairs with answer set programming

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaIntegrity constraints play an important part in database design. They are what allow databases to store accurate information, since they impose some properties that must always hold. However, none of the existing Database Management Systems allows the specification of new integrity constraints if the information stored is already violating these new integrity constraints. In this dissertation, we developed DRSys, an application that allows the user to specify integrity constraints that he wishes to enforce in the database. If the database becomes inconsistent with respect to such integrity constraints, DRSys returns to the user possible ways to restore consistency, by inserting or deleting tuples into/from the original database, creating a new consistent database, a database repair. Also, since we are dealing with databases, we want to change as little information as possible, so DRSys offers the user two distinct minimality criteria when repairing the database: minimality under set inclusion or minimality under cardinality of operations. We approached the database repairing problem by using the capacity of problem solving offered by Answer Set Programming (ASP), which benefits from the simple specification of problems, and the existence of “Solvers” that solve those problems in an efficient manner. DRSys is a database repair application that was built on top of the database management system PostgreSQL. Furthermore, we developed a graphical user interface, to aid the user in the whole process of defining new integrity constraints and in the process of database repairing. We evaluate the performance and scalability of DRSys, by presenting several tests in different situations, exploring particular features of it as well, in order to understand the scalability of DRSys

    Modeling and Querying Uncertainty in Data Cleaning

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    Data quality problems such as duplicate records, missing values, and violation of integrity constrains frequently appear in real world applications. Such problems cost enterprises billions of dollars annually, and might have unpredictable consequences in mission-critical tasks. The process of data cleaning refers to detecting and correcting errors in data in order to improve the data quality. Numerous efforts have been taken towards improving the effectiveness and the efficiency of the data cleaning. A major challenge in the data cleaning process is the inherent uncertainty about the cleaning decisions that should be taken by the cleaning algorithms (e.g., deciding whether two records are duplicates or not). Existing data cleaning systems deal with the uncertainty in data cleaning decisions by selecting one alternative, based on some heuristics, while discarding (i.e., destroying) all other alternatives, which results in a false sense of certainty. Furthermore, because of the complex dependencies among cleaning decisions, it is difficult to reverse the process of destroying some alternatives (e.g., when new external information becomes available). In most cases, restarting the data cleaning from scratch is inevitable whenever we need to incorporate new evidence. To address the uncertainty in the data cleaning process, we propose a new approach, called probabilistic data cleaning, that views data cleaning as a random process whose possible outcomes are possible clean instances (i.e., repairs). Our approach generates multiple possible clean instances to avoid the destructive aspect of current cleaning systems. In this dissertation, we apply this approach in the context of two prominent data cleaning problems: duplicate elimination, and repairing violations of functional dependencies (FDs). First, we propose a probabilistic cleaning approach for the problem of duplicate elimination. We define a space of possible repairs that can be efficiently generated. To achieve this goal, we concentrate on a family of duplicate detection approaches that are based on parameterized hierarchical clustering algorithms. We propose a novel probabilistic data model that compactly encodes the defined space of possible repairs. We show how to efficiently answer relational queries using the set of possible repairs. We also define new types of queries that reason about the uncertainty in the duplicate elimination process. Second, in the context of repairing violations of FDs, we propose a novel data cleaning approach that allows sampling from a space of possible repairs. Initially, we contrast the existing definitions of possible repairs, and we propose a new definition of possible repairs that can be sampled efficiently. We present an algorithm that randomly samples from this space, and we present multiple optimizations to improve the performance of the sampling algorithm. Third, we show how to apply our probabilistic data cleaning approach in scenarios where both data and FDs are unclean (e.g., due to data evolution or inaccurate understanding of the data semantics). We propose a framework that simultaneously modifies the data and the FDs while satisfying multiple objectives, such as consistency of the resulting data with respect to the resulting FDs, (approximate) minimality of changes of data and FDs, and leveraging the trade-off between trusting the data and trusting the FDs. In presence of uncertainty in the relative trust in data versus FDs, we show how to extend our cleaning algorithm to efficiently generate multiple possible repairs, each of which corresponds to a different level of relative trust