235 research outputs found

    Classifier-Based Data Transmission Reduction in Wearable Sensor Network for Human Activity Monitoring

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    The recent development of wireless wearable sensor networks offers a spectrum of new applications in fields of healthcare, medicine, activity monitoring, sport, safety, human-machine interfacing, and beyond. Successful use of this technology depends on lifetime of the battery-powered sensor nodes. This paper presents a new method for extending the lifetime of the wearable sensor networks by avoiding unnecessary data transmissions. The introduced method is based on embedded classifiers that allow sensor nodes to decide if current sensor readings have to be transmitted to cluster head or not. In order to train the classifiers, a procedure was elaborated, which takes into account the impact of data selection on accuracy of a recognition system. This approach was implemented in a prototype of wearable sensor network for human activity monitoring. Real-world experiments were conducted to evaluate the new method in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, and accuracy of human activity recognition. Results of the experimental evaluation have confirmed that, the proposed method enables significant prolongation of the network lifetime, while preserving high accuracy of the activity recognition. The experiments have also revealed advantages of the method in comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms for data transmission reduction

    Analyzing data in the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing fast. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), more than 28 billion things will be connected to the Internet by 2020—from smartwatches and other wearables to smart cities, smart homes, and smart cars. This O’Reilly report dives into the IoT industry through a series of illuminating talks and case studies presented at 2015 Strata + Hadoop World Conferences in San Jose, New York, and Singapore. Among the topics in this report, you’ll explore the use of sensors to generate predictions, using data to create predictive maintenance applications, and modeling the smart and connected city of the future with Kafka and Spark. Case studies include: Using Spark Streaming for proactive maintenance and accident prevention in railway equipment Monitoring subway and expressway traffic in Singapore using telco data Managing emergency vehicles through situation awareness of traffic and weather in the smart city pilot in Oulu, Finland Capturing and routing device-based health data to reduce cardiovascular disease Using data analytics to reduce human space flight risk in NASA’s Orion program This report concludes with a discussion of ethics related to algorithms that control things in the IoT. You’ll explore decisions related to IoT data, as well as opportunities to influence the moral implications involved in using the IoT

    Feasibility of LoRa for Smart Home Indoor Localization

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    With the advancement of low-power and low-cost wireless technologies in the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing rapidly in numerous areas of Industry 4.0 and smart homes. With the development of many applications for the IoT, indoor localization, i.e., the capability to determine the physical location of people or devices, has become an important component of smart homes. Various wireless technologies have been used for indoor localization includingWiFi, ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth low energy (BLE), radio-frequency identification (RFID), and LoRa. The ability of low-cost long range (LoRa) radios for low-power and long-range communication has made this radio technology a suitable candidate for many indoor and outdoor IoT applications. Additionally, research studies have shown the feasibility of localization with LoRa radios. However, indoor localization with LoRa is not adequately explored at the home level, where the localization area is relatively smaller than offices and corporate buildings. In this study, we first explore the feasibility of ranging with LoRa. Then, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the capability of LoRa for accurate and precise indoor localization in a typical apartment setting. Our experimental results show that LoRa-based indoor localization has an accuracy better than 1.6 m in line-of-sight scenario and 3.2 m in extreme non-line-of-sight scenario with a precision better than 25 cm in all cases, without using any data filtering on the location estimates

    Recent Advances in Internet of Things Solutions for Early Warning Systems: A Review

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    none5noNatural disasters cause enormous damage and losses every year, both economic and in terms of human lives. It is essential to develop systems to predict disasters and to generate and disseminate timely warnings. Recently, technologies such as the Internet of Things solutions have been integrated into alert systems to provide an effective method to gather environmental data and produce alerts. This work reviews the literature regarding Internet of Things solutions in the field of Early Warning for different natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides. The aim of the paper is to describe the adopted IoT architectures, define the constraints and the requirements of an Early Warning system, and systematically determine which are the most used solutions in the four use cases examined. This review also highlights the main gaps in literature and provides suggestions to satisfy the requirements for each use case based on the articles and solutions reviewed, particularly stressing the advantages of integrating a Fog/Edge layer in the developed IoT architectures.openEsposito M.; Palma L.; Belli A.; Sabbatini L.; Pierleoni P.Esposito, M.; Palma, L.; Belli, A.; Sabbatini, L.; Pierleoni, P

    Novel security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used for critical applications such as health care, traffic management or plant automation. Thus, we depend on their availability, and reliable, resilient and accurate operation. It is therefore essential that these systems are protected against attackers who may intend to interfere with operations. Existing security mechanisms cannot always be directly transferred to the application domain of WSNs, and in some cases even novel methods are desirable to give increased protection to these systems. The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to augment security of WSNs by devising novel mechanisms and protocols. In particular, it contributes to areas which require protection mechanisms but have not yet received much attention from the research community. For example, the work addresses the issue of secure storage of data on sensor nodes using cryptographic methods. Although cryptography is needed for basic protection, it cannot always secure the sensor nodes as the keys might be compromised and key management becomes more challenging as the number of deployed sensor nodes increases. Therefore, the work includes mechanisms for node identification and tamper detection by means other than pure cryptography. The three core contributions of this thesis are (i) Methods for confidential data storage on WSN nodes. In particular, fast and energy-efficient data storage and retrieval while maintaining the required protection level is addressed. A framework is presented that provides confidential data storage in WSNs with minimal impact on sensor node operation and performance. This framework is further advanced by combining it with secure communication in WSNs. With this framework, data is stored securely on the flash file system such that it can be directly used for secure transmission, which removes the duplication of security operations on the sensor node. (ii) Methods for node identification based on clock skew. Here, unique clock drift patterns of nodes, which are normally a problem for wireless network operation, are used for non-cryptographic node identification. Clock skew has been previously used for device identification, requiring timestamps to be distributed over the network, but this is impractical in duty-cycled WSNs. To overcome this problem, clock skew is measured locally on the node using precise local clocks. (iii) Methods for tamper detection and node identification based on Channel State Information (CSI). Characteristics of a wireless channel at the receiver are analysed using the CSI of incoming packets to identify the transmitter and to detect tampering on it. If an attacker tampers with the transmitter, it will have an effect on the CSI measured at the receiver. However, tamper-unrelated events, such as walking in the communication environment, also affect CSI values and cause false alarms. This thesis demonstrates that false alarms can be eliminated by analysing the CSI value of a transmitted packet at multiple receivers

    Internet of Things data contextualisation for scalable information processing, security, and privacy

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects billions of sensors and other devices (i.e., things) via the internet, enabling novel services and products that are becoming increasingly important for industry, government, education and society in general. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of IoT devices will exceed 50 billion, which is seven times the estimated human population at that time. With such a tremendous increase in the number of IoT devices, the data they generate is also increasing exponentially and needs to be analysed and secured more efficiently. This gives rise to what is appearing to be the most significant challenge for the IoT: Novel, scalable solutions are required to analyse and secure the extraordinary amount of data generated by tens of billions of IoT devices. Currently, no solutions exist in the literature that provide scalable and secure IoT scale data processing. In this thesis, a novel scalable approach is proposed for processing and securing IoT scale data, which we refer to as contextualisation. The contextualisation solution aims to exclude irrelevant IoT data from processing and address data analysis and security considerations via the use of contextual information. More specifically, contextualisation can effectively reduce the volume, velocity and variety of data that needs to be processed and secured in IoT applications. This contextualisation-based data reduction can subsequently provide IoT applications with the scalability needed for IoT scale knowledge extraction and information security. IoT scale applications, such as smart parking or smart healthcare systems, can benefit from the proposed method, which  improves the scalability of data processing as well as the security and privacy of data.   The main contributions of this thesis are: 1) An introduction to context and contextualisation for IoT applications; 2) a contextualisation methodology for IoT-based applications that is modelled around observation, orientation, decision and action loops; 3) a collection of contextualisation techniques and a corresponding software platform for IoT data processing (referred to as contextualisation-as-a-service or ConTaaS) that enables highly scalable data analysis, security and privacy solutions; and 4) an evaluation of ConTaaS in several IoT applications to demonstrate that our contextualisation techniques permit data analysis, security and privacy solutions to remain linear, even in situations where the number of IoT data points increases exponentially

    Implementing Efficient and Multi-Hop Image Acquisition In Remote Monitoring IoT systems using LoRa Technology

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    Remote sensing or monitoring through the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is considered an economical and convenient manner in which to collect information without cumbersome human intervention. Unfortunately, due to challenging deployment conditions, such as large geographic area, and lack of electricity and network infrastructure, designing such wireless sensor networks for large-scale farms or forests is difficult and expensive. Many WSN-appropriate wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and 6LoWPAN, have been widely adopted in remote sensing. The performance of these technologies, however, is not sufficient for use across large areas. Generally, as the geographical scope expands, more devices need to be employed to expand network coverage, so the number and cost of devices in wireless sensor networks will increase dramatically. Besides, this type of deployment usually not only has a high probability of failure and high transmission costs, but also imposes additional overhead on system management and maintenance. LoRa is an emerging physical layer standard for long range wireless communication. By utilizing chirp spread spectrum modulation, LoRa features a long communication range and broad signal coverage. At the same time, LoRa also has low power consumption. Thus, LoRa outperforms similar technologies in terms of hardware cost, power consumption and radio coverage. It is also considered to be one of the promising solutions for the future of the Internet of Things (IoT). As the research and development of LoRa are still in its early stages, it lacks sufficient support for multi-packet transport and complex deployment topologies. Therefore, LoRa is not able to further expand its network coverage and efficiently support big data transfers like other conventional technologies. Besides, due to the smaller payload and data rate in LoRa physical design, it is more challenging to implement these features in LoRa. These shortcomings limit the potential for LoRa to be used in more productive application scenarios. This thesis addresses the problem of multi-packet and multi-hop transmission using LoRa by proposing two novel protocols, namely Multi-Packet LoRa (MPLR) and Multi-Hop LoRa (MHLR). LoRa's ability to transmit large messages is first evaluated in this thesis, and then the protocols are well designed and implemented to enrich LoRa's possibilities in image transmission applications and multi-hop topologies. MPLR introduces a reliable transport mechanism for multi-packet sensory data, making its network not limited to the transmission of small sensor data only. In collaboration with a data channel reservation technique, MPLR is able to greatly mitigate data collisions caused by the increased transmission time in laboratory experiments. MHLR realizes efficient routing in LoRa multi-hop transmission by utilizing the power of machine learning. The results of both indoor and outdoor experiments show that the machine learning based routing is effective in wireless sensor networks


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    The rise of internet connected devices has enabled the home with a vast amount of enhancements to make life more convenient. These internet connected devices can be used to form a community of devices known as the internet of things (IoT). There is great value in IoT devices to promote healthy independent living for older adults. Fall-related injuries has been one of the leading causes of death in older adults. For example, every year more than a third of people over 65 in the U.S. experience a fall, of which up to 30 percent result in moderate to severe injury. Therefore, this thesis proposes an IoT-based fall detection system for smart home environments that not only to send out alerts, but also launches interaction models, such as voice assistance and camera monitoring. Such connectivity could allow older adults to interact with the system without concern of a learning curve. The proposed IoT-based fall detection system will enable family and caregivers to be immediately notified of the event and remotely monitor the individual. Integrated within a smart home environment, the proposed IoT-based fall detection system can improve the quality of life among older adults. Along with the physical concerns of health, psychological stress is also a great concern among older adults. Stress has been linked to emotional and physical conditions such as depression, anxiety, heart attacks, stroke, etc. Increased susceptibility to stress may accelerate cognitive decline resulting in conversion of cognitively normal older adults to MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment), and MCI to dementia. Thus, if stress can be measured, there can be countermeasures put in place to reduce stress and its negative effects on the psychological and physical health of older adults. This thesis presents a framework that can be used to collect and pre-process physiological data for the purpose of validating galvanic skin response (GSR), heart rate (HR), and emotional valence (EV) measurements against the cortisol and self-reporting benchmarks for stress detection. The results of this framework can be used for feature extraction to feed into a regression model for validating each combination of physiological measurement. Also, the potential of this framework to automate stress protocols like the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) could pave the way for an IoT-based platform for automated stress detection and management

    A dense neural network approach for detecting clone ID attacks on the RPL protocol of the IoT

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    At present, new data sharing technologies, such as those used in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, are being extensively adopted. For this reason, intelligent security controls have become imperative. According to good practices and security information standards, particularly those regarding security in depth, several defensive layers are required to protect information assets. Within the context of IoT cyber-attacks, it is fundamental to continuously adapt new detection mechanisms for growing IoT threats, specifically for those becoming more sophisticated within mesh networks, such as identity theft and cloning. Therefore, current applications, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and Security Information and Event Management Systems (SIEM), are becoming inadequate for accurately handling novel security incidents, due to their signature-based detection procedures using the matching and flagging of anomalous patterns. This project focuses on a seldom-investigated identity attack—the Clone ID attack—directed at the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), the underlying technology for most IoT devices. Hence, a robust Artificial Intelligence-based protection framework is proposed, in order to tackle major identity impersonation attacks, which classical applications are prone to misidentifying. On this basis, unsupervised pre-training techniques are employed to select key characteristics from RPL network samples. Then, a Dense Neural Network (DNN) is trained to maximize deep feature engineering, with the aim of improving classification results to protect against malicious counterfeiting attempts

    Implementation of Middleware for Internet of Things in Asset Tracking Applications: In-lining Approach

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    ThesisInternet of Things (IoT) is a concept that involves giving objects a digital identity and limited artificial intelligence, which helps the objects to be interactive, process data, make decisions, communicate and react to events virtually with minimum human intervention. IoT is intensified by advancements in hardware and software engineering and promises to close the gap that exists between the physical and digital worlds. IoT is paving ways to address complex phenomena, through designing and implementation of intelligent systems that can monitor phenomena, perform real-time data interpretation, react to events, and swiftly communicate observations. The primary goal of IoT is ubiquitous computing using wireless sensors and communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), ZigBee and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). Insecurity, of assets and lives, is a problem around the world. One application area of IoT is tracking and monitoring; it could therefore be used to solve asset insecurity. A preliminary investigation revealed that security systems in place at Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) are disjointed; they do not instantaneously and intelligently conscientize security personnel about security breaches using real time messages. As a result, many assets have been stolen, particularly laptops. The main objective of this research was to prove that a real-life application built over a generic IoT architecture that innovatively and intelligently integrates: (1) wireless sensors; (2) radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers; (3) fingerprint readers; and (4) mobile phones, can be used to dispel laptop theft. To achieve this, the researcher developed a system, using the heterogeneous devices mentioned above and a middleware that harnessed their unique capabilities to bring out the full potential of IoT in intelligently curbing laptop theft. The resulting system has the ability to: (1) monitor the presence of a laptop using RFID reader that pro-actively interrogates a passive tag attached to the laptop; (2) detect unauthorized removal of a laptop under monitoring; (3) instantly communicate security violations via cell phones; and (4) use Windows location sensors to track the position of a laptop using Googlemaps. The system also manages administrative tasks such as laptop registration, assignment and withdrawal which used to be handled manually. Experiments conducted using the resulting system prototype proved the hypothesis outlined for this research
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