75 research outputs found

    String Stability of a Vehicular Platoon with the use of Macroscopic Information

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    We investigate the possibility to use macroscopic information to improve control performance of a vehicular platoon composed of autonomous vehicles. A general mesoscopic traffic modeling is described, and a closed loop String Stability analysis is performed using Input-to-State Stability (ISS) results. Examples of mesoscopic control laws are provided and shown to ensure String Stability properties. Simulations are implementedin order to validate the control laws and to show the efficacy of the proposed approach.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2003.1252

    Evacuation modelling for wildland-urban interface fires in touristic areas

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    This technical note presents a brief overview of the models available for the simulation of fire evacuation at the wildland-urban interface in touristic areas. Depending on the scale of the scenarios under consideration and the evacuation mode considered, models are split into macroscopic vs microscopic tools and 1) pedestrian models, 2) traffic models, 3) coupled evacuation models, 4) modelling unconventional evacuation modes. The key findings of this review are: 1) When pedestrian movement is the main mode of evacuation transport, the scale of the analysis will have a strong impact on the choice of the most appropriate modelling approach although at building scale and not very large area size, the use of microscopic modelling based on a continuous approach seems to be a suitable method. 2) When multiple modes of transport are considered (e.g., pedestrian and traffic), the modeller should make a call into modelling explicitly or implicitly the pedestrian response and movement layer, 3) most evacuation models are currently not able to model explicitly unconventional means of evacuations such as displacement via sea or air. The scenario complexity and the uncertainty in the available input will affect the choice of modellers to represent evacuation modelling layers (e.g., pedestrian response, pedestrian movement, and traffic movement) and their interaction with the wildfire explicitly or implicitly

    Characteristic Analysis of Mixed Traffic Flow of Regular and Autonomous Vehicles Using Cellular Automata

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    The technology of autonomous vehicles is expected to revolutionize the operation of road transport systems. The penetration rate of autonomous vehicles will be low at the early stage of their deployment. It is a challenge to explore the effects of autonomous vehicles and their penetration on heterogeneous traffic flow dynamics. This paper aims to investigate this issue. An improved cellular automaton was employed as the modeling platform for our study. In particular, two sets of rules for lane changing were designed to address mild and aggressive lane changing behavior. With extensive simulation studies, we obtained some promising results. First, the introduction of autonomous vehicles to road traffic could considerably improve traffic flow, particularly the road capacity and free-flow speed. And the level of improvement increases with the penetration rate. Second, the lane-changing frequency between neighboring lanes evolves with traffic density along a fundamental-diagram-like curve. Third, the impacts of autonomous vehicles on the collective traffic flow characteristics are mainly related to their smart maneuvers in lane changing and car following, and it seems that the car-following impact is more pronounced. Document type: Articl

    Variable Speed Limit Control at SAG Curves Through Connected Vehicles: Implications of Alternative Communications and Sensing Technologies

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    Connected vehicles (CVs) will enable new applications to improve traffic flow. This study’s focus is to investigate how potential implementation of variable speed limit (VSL) through different types of communication and sensing technologies on CVs may improve traffic flow at a sag curve. At sag curves, the gradient changes from negative to positive values which causes a reduction in the roadway capacity and congestion. A VSL algorithm is developed and implemented in a simulation environment for controlling the inflow of vehicles to a sag curve on a freeway to minimize delays and increase throughput. Both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) options for CVs are investigated while implementing the VSL control strategy in a simulation environment. Through a feedback control algorithm, the speed of CVs are manipulated in the upstream of the sag curve to avoid the formation of bottlenecks caused by the change in longitudinal driver behavior. A modified version of the intelligent driver model (IDM) is used to simulate driving behavior on the sag curve. Depending on the traffic density at a sag curve, the feedback control algorithm adjusts the approach speeds of CVs so that the throughput of the sag curve is maximized. A meta-heuristic algorithm is employed to determine the critical control parameters. Various market penetration rates for CVs are considered in the simulations for three alternative communications and sensing technologies. It is demonstrated that for higher Market Penetration Rates (MPR) the performance is the same for all three scenarios which means there is no need for infrastructure-based sensing when the MPR is high enough. The results demonstrate that not only the MPR of CVs but also how CVs are distributed in the traffic stream is critical for system performance. While MPR could be high, uneven distribution of CVs and lack of CVs at the critical time periods as congestion is building up may cause a deterioration in system performance


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    This master thesis proposes methods for improving fuel economy and emissions of vehicles via use of future information of state of traffic lights, traffic flow, and deterministic traffic flow models. The first part of this thesis proposes use of upcoming traffic signal information within the vehicle\u27s adaptive cruise control system to reduce idle time at stop lights and lower fuel use. To achieve this goal an optimization-based control algorithm is formulated for each equipped vehicle that uses short range radar and traffic signal information predictively to schedule an optimum velocity trajectory for the vehicle. The objectives are timely arrival at green light with minimal use of braking, maintaining safe distance between vehicles, and cruising at or near set speed. Three example simulation case studies are presented to demonstrate potential impact on fuel economy, emission levels, and trip time. The second part of this thesis addresses the use of traffic flow information to derive the fuel- or time-optimal velocity trajectory. A vehicle\u27s untimely arrival at a local traffic wave with lots of stops and goes increases its fuel use. This paper proposes predictive planning of the vehicle velocity for reducing the velocity transients in upcoming traffic waves. In this part of the thesis macroscopic evolution of traffic pattern along the vehicle route is first estimated by combining a traffic flow model and real-time traffic data streams. The fuel optimal velocity trajectory is calculated by solving an optimal control problem with the spatiotemporally varying constraint imposed by the traffic. Simulation results indicatethe potential for considerable improvements in fuel economy with a little compromise on travel time

    A mesoscopic traffic simulation based dynamic traffic assignment

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    XII Premio Abertis en gestión de infraestructuras de Transporte en la modalidad de tesis doctoral, 2014In terms of sustainability, traffic is currently a significant challenge for urban areas, where the pollution, congestion and accidents are negative externalities which have strongly impacted the health and economy of cities. The increasing use of private vehicles has further exacerbated these problems. In this context, the development of new strategies and policies for sustainable urban transport has made transport planning more relevant than ever before. Mathematical models have helped greatly in identifying solutions, as well as in enriching the process of making decisions and planning. In particular, dynamic network models provide a means for representing dynamic traffic behavior; in other words, they provide a temporally coherent means for measuring the interactions between travel decisions, traffic flows, travel time and travel cost. This thesis focuses on dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models. DTA has been studied extensively for decades, but much more so in the last twenty years since the emergence of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The objective of this research is to study and analyze the prospects for improving this problem. In an operational context, the objective of DTA models is to represent the evolution of traffic on a road network as conditions change. They seek to describe the assignment of the demand on different paths which connect every OD pair in a state of equilibrium. The behaviour following each individual decision during a trip is a time-dependent generalization of Wardrop's First Principle, the Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE). This hypothesis is based on the following idea: When current travel times are equal and minimal for vehicles that depart within the same time interval , the dynamic traffic flow through the network is in a DUE state based on travel times for each OD pair at each instant of time ([ran-1996]). This work begins with the time-continuous variational inequalities model proposed by [friesz-1993] for solving the DUE problem. Different solutions can be used on the proposed DUE formulation. On the one hand, there are the so-called analytical approaches which use known mathematical optimization techniques for solving the problem directly. On the other hand, there are simulation-based formulations that approximate heuristic solutions at a reasonable computational cost. While analytical models concentrate mainly on deriving theoretical insights, simulation-based models focus on trying to build practical models for deployment in real networks. Thus, because the simulation-based formulation holds the most promise, we work on that approach in this thesis. In the field of simulation-based DTA models, significant progress has been made by many researchers in recent decades. Our simulation-based formulation separates the proposed iterative process into two main components: - A method for determining the new time dependent path flows by using the travel times on these paths experienced in the previous iteration. - A dynamic network loading (DNL) method, which determines how these paths flow propagate along the corresponding paths. However, it is important to note that not all computer implementations based on this algorithmic framework provide solutions that obtain DUE. Therefore, while we analyze both proposals in this thesis we focus on the preventive methods of flow reassignment because only those can guarantee DUE solutions. Our proposed simulation-based DTA method requires a DNL component that can reproduce different vehicle classes, traffic light controls and lane changes. Therefore, this thesis develops a new multilane multiclass mesoscopic simulation model with these characteristics, which is embedded into the proposed DUE framework. Finally, the developed mesoscopic simulation-based DTA approach is validated accordingly. The results obtained from the computational experiments demonstrate that the developed methods perform well.En los últimos tiempos, el problema del tráfi co urbano ha situado a las áreas metropolitanas en una difícil situación en cuanto a sostenibilidad se refi ere (en términos de la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación). Este problema se ha visto acentuado por la creciente movilidad promovida por el aumento del uso del vehículo privado. Además, debido a que la mayor parte del trá fico es canalizada a través de los modos de carretera, el tiempo perdido por los usuarios al realizar sus viajes tiene un importante efecto económico sobre las ciudades. En este contexto, la plani cación de transporte se vuelve relevante a través del desarrollo de nuevas estrategias y políticas para conseguir un transporte urbano sostenible. Los modelos matemáticos son de gran ayuda ya que enriquecen las decisiones de los gestores de trá fico en el proceso de plani ficación. En particular podemos considerar los modelos de trá fico para la predicción, como por ejemplo los modelos de asignación dinámica de tráfi co (ADT), los cuales proveen de una representación temporal coherente de las interacciones entre elecciones de trá fico, fl ujos de trá fico y medidas de tiempo y coste. Esta tesis se centra en los modelos ADT. Durante las últimas décadas, los modelos ADT han sido intensamente estudiados. Este proceso se ha acelerado particularmente en los últimos veinte años debido a la aparición de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar y analizar diferentes posibilidades de mejorar la resolución del problema. En un contexto operacional, el objetivo de los modelos ADT es representar la evolución de la red urbana cuando las condiciones de trá fico cambian. Estos modelos tratan de describir la asignación de la demanda en los diferentes caminos que conectan los pares OD siguiendo un estado de equilibrio. En este caso se ha considerado que el comportamiento de los conductores en cada una de sus decisiones individuales tomadas durante el viaje es una generalización dependiente del tiempo del Primer Principio de Wardrop, denominada Equilibrio Dinámico de Usuario (EDU). Esta hipótesis se basa en la siguiente idea: para cada par OD para cada instante de tiempo, si los tiempos de viaje de todos los usuarios que han partido en ese intervalo de tiempo son iguales y mínimos, entonces el ujo dinámico de trá fico en la red se encuentra en un estado de EDU basado en los tiempos de viaje (Ran and Boyce (1996)). El presente trabajo toma como punto de partida el modelo de inecuaciones variacionales continuo en el tiempo propuesto por Friesz et al. (1993) para resolver el problema de equilibrio dinámico de usuario. Por un lado, se encuentran los denominados enfoques analíticos que utilizan técnicas matemáticas de optimización para resolver el problema directamente. Por otro lado, están los modelos cuyas formulaciones están basadas en simulación que aproximan soluciones heurísticas con un coste computacional razonable. Mientras que modelos analíticos se concentran principalmente en demostrar las propiedades teóricas, los modelos basados en simulación se centran en intentar construir modelos que sean prácticos para su utilización en redes reales. Así pues, debido a que las formulaciones basadas en simulación son las que se muestran más prometedoras a la práctica, en esta tesis se ha elegido este enfoque para tratar el problema ADT. En los últimos tiempos, el campo de los modelos ADT basados en simulación ha sido de especial interés. Nuestra formulación basada en simulación consiste en un proceso iterativo que consta de dos componentes principales, sistematizadas por Florian et al. (2001) como sigue: Un método para determinar los nuevos ujos (dependientes del tiempo) en los caminos utilizando los tiempos de viaje experimentados en esos caminos en la iteración previa. Un procedimiento de carga dinámica de la red (CDR) que determine cómo esos fl ujos se propagan a través de sus correspondientes caminos. Los algoritmos de reasignación de flujo pueden ser agrupados en dos categorías: preventivos y reactivos. Es importante notar aquí que no todas las implementaciones computacionales basadas en el marco algorítmico propuesto proporcionan una solución EDU. Por lo tanto, aunque en esta tesis analizamos ambas propuestas, nos centraremos en los métodos preventivos de reasignación de flujo porque son los que nos garantizan alcanzar la hipótesis considerada (EDU). Además, nuestro modelo ADT basado en simulación requiere de una componente de CDR que pueda reproducir diferentes clases de vehículos, controles semafóricos y cambios de carril. Así, uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es desarrollar un nuevo modelo de simulación de trá fico con dichas características (multiclase y multicarril), teniendo en cuenta que será una de las componentes principales del marco ADT propuesto.Award-winningPostprint (published version
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