18 research outputs found

    SQL:1999 y SQL/MM para el modelado y diseño de bases de datos multimedia

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    Los datos multimedia son cada vez más comunes en las aplicaciones actuales, siendo tanto o más importante no sólo contar con la información textual, sino con la imagen que la representa. Estas aplicaciones que trabajan con distintos tipos de media: texto, imágenes, animaciones, video, audio, etc., requieren de un modelo de datos adecuado que represente la estructura y contenido de los datos y, posteriormente, un diseño de esquemas de bases de datos apropiado para el almacenamiento y recuperación de la información multimedia. El propósito principal de la investigación propuesta se basa en el empleo de SGBDOR comerciales y sus extensiones (SQL/MM) para la representación de datos multimedia, de modo que permitan implementar mecanismos adecuados de almacenamiento de datos multimedia, que faciliten la formulación de consultas y la recuperación de la información.Eje: Ingeniería de software y base de datosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    SQL:1999 y SQL/MM para el modelado y diseño de bases de datos multimedia

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    Los datos multimedia son cada vez más comunes en las aplicaciones actuales, siendo tanto o más importante no sólo contar con la información textual, sino con la imagen que la representa. Estas aplicaciones que trabajan con distintos tipos de media: texto, imágenes, animaciones, video, audio, etc., requieren de un modelo de datos adecuado que represente la estructura y contenido de los datos y, posteriormente, un diseño de esquemas de bases de datos apropiado para el almacenamiento y recuperación de la información multimedia. El propósito principal de la investigación propuesta se basa en el empleo de SGBDOR comerciales y sus extensiones (SQL/MM) para la representación de datos multimedia, de modo que permitan implementar mecanismos adecuados de almacenamiento de datos multimedia, que faciliten la formulación de consultas y la recuperación de la información.Eje: Ingeniería de software y base de datosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Extending the 5S Framework of Digital Libraries to support Complex Objects, Superimposed Information, and Content-Based Image Retrieval Services

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    Advanced services in digital libraries (DLs) have been developed and widely used to address the required capabilities of an assortment of systems as DLs expand into diverse application domains. These systems may require support for images (e.g., Content-Based Image Retrieval), Complex (information) Objects, and use of content at fine grain (e.g., Superimposed Information). Due to the lack of consensus on precise theoretical definitions for those services, implementation efforts often involve ad hoc development, leading to duplication and interoperability problems. This article presents a methodology to address those problems by extending a precisely specified minimal digital library (in the 5S framework) with formal definitions of aforementioned services. The theoretical extensions of digital library functionality presented here are reinforced with practical case studies as well as scenarios for the individual and integrative use of services to balance theory and practice. This methodology has implications that other advanced services can be continuously integrated into our current extended framework whenever they are identified. The theoretical definitions and case study we present may impact future development efforts and a wide range of digital library researchers, designers, and developers

    A process insight repository supporting process optimization

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    Existing solutions for analysis and optimization of manufacturing processes, such as online analysis processing or statistical calculations, have shortcomings that limit continuous process improvements. In particular, they lack means of storing and integrating the results of analysis. This makes the valuable information that can be used for process optimizations used only once and then disposed. The goal of the Advanced Manufacturing Analytics (AdMA) research project is to design an integrated platform for data-driven analysis and optimization of manufacturing processes using analytical techniques, especially data mining, in order to carry out continuous improvement of production. The achievement of this goal is based on the integration of the data related to the manufacturing processes, especially from Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), with the other operating data, e.g. from Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This work is based on AdMA platform described in [1] and Deep Business Process Optimization platform described in [2]. It is focused on the conceptual development of the Process Insight Repository, which is a part of the AdMA platform. The Process Insight Repository is aimed at storing the manufacturing process related data and the insights associated with it. Being part of the AdMA platform, the Process Insight Repository is oriented on storing the insights retrieved by application of data mining techniques to the data of manufacturing processes, so that the newly extracted knowledge can be stored along with the process data itself. Chapter 2 describes the conceptual schema of the Process Insight Repository. The conceptual schema defines what data must be stored in the Process Insight Repository and how different parts of this data are interconnected. Chapter 3 provides a review of technologies that can be used for the implementation of the Process Insight Repository. This includes technologies for storing manufacturing process data, free form knowledge and data mining related data. Chapter 4 describes the details of the prototype implementation of the Process Insight Repository. The result of this work is the created conceptual schema of the Process Insight Repository and a prototype implementation as a proof of concept

    Verteilte Suche in Digitalen Bibliotheken

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit untersucht die Thematik der verteilten Suche auf Digitalen Bibliotheken, die durch eine dezentrale Bereitstellung von Informationen in verschiedenen meist heterogenen Datenquellen motiviert ist. Dadurch wird eine Komponente in die Architektur Digitaler Bibliotheken eingegliedert, welche eine Suche über mehrere Archive ermöglicht. Für diese werden Anforderungen sowie Realisierungsansätze genannt und diskutiert. Zwei Implementierungen, die in Zusammenhang mit dieser Arbeit entstanden sind, realisieren verteilte Suchen über mehrere entfernte Repositories. Zum einen wurden diese für MyCoRe umgesetzt. Die zweite Implementierung realisiert einen Cross Archive Searching Service, der auf dem OAI-Protokoll basiert

    Personalisierungskonzepte für Digitale Bibliotheken

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    Ein entscheidender Nachteil heutiger Digitaler Bibliotheken Lösungen ist ihr unpersönlicher Charakter. Nutzer einer Digitalen Bibliothek möchten sich aber beispielsweise ihre eigene Sicht auf den Datenbestand definieren, Dokumente annotieren oder informiert werden, wenn sich Änderungen an Datenbeständen ergeben, die für sie von Interesse sind. In dieser Diplomarbeit werden darum Konzepte zur Personalisierung Digitaler Bibliotheken vorgestellt und in Form von Diensten in die Architektur einer bestehenden Digitalen Bibliothek eingefügt. Die Implementierung einiger dieser Dienste schließt die Arbeit ab

    Object Database Spatial Extension

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    Na databázové systémy jsou kladeny stále vyšší požadavky, protože uživatelé potřebují pracovat se stále složitějšími daty.Díky historickému vývoji databázových systémů, se v dnešní době používají hlavně postrelační databázové systémy. Jak již plyne z jejich názvu, jsou postaveny na relačních databázových systémech a rozšiřují je tak, aby byly schopny pracovat se složitějšími daty. Velká většina dnešních prostorových databázových systémů je založena právě na postrelačních databázích. Tato práce se ovšem bude snažit najít spojení mezi objektovými a prostorovými databázemi a nabité poznatky reflektovat do implementace prostorového rozšíření objektové databáze.Still increasing requirements are made on database systems, because users need to work with still more complex data. Because of the historical development of database systems, post-relational database systems are mainly used today. As follows from their name, post-relational database systems are built on relational database systems and expand them so that they are able to work with complex data. The vast majority of today's spatial database systems is based on post-relational databases. However, this work is trying to find a connection between object and spatial databases. The obtained knowledge is reflected in the implementation of the object database spatial extension.

    Datenbanksysteme 2

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    Fritt søk med FAST søkemotor integrert i PostgreSQL relasjonsdatabase

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    Focus of this thesis is the relationship between databases and information retrieval systems. As a background, the first part consists of a general presentation of databases and information retrieval systems and some examples of already existing efforts to combine the two. While these examples typically have expanded either a database system or an IRS to obtain multi-functionality, we have made an effort of bridging the two systems. Our prototype integrates FDS (Fast Data Search) into the PostgreSQL database management system as a new index access method. FDS is a powerful and scalable commercial enterprise search platform using a typical search engine query language. PostgreSQL, being open source and a general basis for research, lends itself well to customization. The new index access method provides the database with powerful free text capabilities while retaining the power of the relational model for structured data. Preliminary results including a simple performance test verify the feasibility of the integration, and demonstrate the scalability of the prototype. Storage, indexing, updating and search functions are implemented, but ACID properties could not be guaranteed, because the external indexing system has no such guarantee. I also present a prototype for automatic extraction of related structured data in the relational database to XML. Combining these two prototypes by allowing the extracted information to be searched using the full text index, makes it possible to search the database without knowledge of the underlying database scheme. Finally I discuss potential expansions of our implementation by indexing other data than text, multicolumn-indexing and moving complex evaluation from PostgreSQL to FDS, and suggest how this could be done. The thesis is written in Norwegian