37 research outputs found


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    Supply chain management (SCM) system is an essential requirement for companies and manufacturers to collaborate in doing business. There are many techniques to manage supply chains, such as using Excel sheets and web-based applications. However, these techniques are ineffective, insecure, and prone to human error. In this paper, we propose CLOUTIDY, a cloud-based SCM system using SEMAR (Service Market) and Blockchain system. We modify JUGO architecture to develop SEMAR as a broker between users and cloud service providers. Also, we apply the Blockchain concept to store the activity log of the SCM system in a decentralized database. CLOUTIDY system can solve several common cases: service selection, resource provisioning, authentication and access control. Also, it improves the security of data by storing each activity log of the supply chain management system in the Blockchain system

    An inter-cloud architecture for future internet infrastructures

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    In latest years, the concept of interconnecting clouds to allow common service coordination has gained significant attention mainly because of the increasing utilization of cloud resources from Internet users. An efficient common management between different clouds is essential benefit, like boundless elasticity and scalability. Yet, issues related with different standards led to interoperability problems. For this reason, the definition of the open cloud-computing interface defines a set of open community-lead specifications along with a flexible API to build cloud systems. Today, there are cloud systems like OpenStack, OpenNebula, Amazon Web Services and VMWare VCloud that expose APIs for inter-cloud communication. In this work we aim to explore an inter-cloud model by creating a new cloud platform service to act as a mediator among OpenStack, FI-WARE datacenter resource management and Amazon Web Service cloud architectures, therefore to orchestrate communication of various cloud environments. The model is based on the FI-WARE and will be offered as a reusable enabler with an open specification to allow interoperable service coordination

    Furthering the Growth of Cloud Computing by Providing Privacy as a Service

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    The evolution of Cloud Computing as a viable business solution for providing hardware and software has created many security concerns. Among these security concerns, privacy is often overlooked. If Cloud Computing is to continue its growth, this privacy concern will need to be addressed. In this work we discuss the current growth of Cloud Computing and the impact the public sector and privacy can have in furthering this growth. To begin to provide privacy protection for Cloud Computing, we introduce privacy constraints that outline privacy preferences. We propose the expansion of Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to include these privacy constraints as Quality of Service (QoS) levels. This privacy QoS must be agreed upon along with the rest of the QoS terms within the SLA by the Cloud consumer and provider. Finally, we introduce Privacy as a Service (PraaS) to monitor the agreement and provide enforcement if necessary

    Management of service composition based on self-controlled components

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    International audienceCloud computing and Future Internet promise a new ecosystem where everything is "as a service", reachable and connectable anywhere and anytime, everyone succeeding to get a service composition that meets his needs. But do we have the structure and the appropriate properties to design the service components and do we have the means to manage, at run-time, the personalised compositions corresponding to Service Level Agreement? In this article we introduce an entity of service composition called Self-Controlled Component (SCC), including, since the design step, functional and non-functional specifications. SCCs benefit both from the strong structure, explicit composition, and autonomic management of component-oriented programming, from the highly dynamic composition, and from the discovery capacities of service-oriented computing. Self-control mechanisms are then attached automatically to SCCs to enable autonomic application management during execution. The objective of this new concept is to provide strong Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees of composed applications. We illustrate the approach using an example called Springoo, to how in the context of a legacy application the contributions and benefits of our solution. For the management of the service composition we propose the concept of Virtual Private Service Network (VPSN) and Virtual Service Community (VSC) that allows us to model the personalised Service Level Agreement (SLA) where user requirements and provider offers converge on a QoS contract

    To Reach the Clouds: Application of Topic Models to the Meta-review on Cloud Computing Literature

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    Cloud computing remains an increasingly popular topic among practitioners as well as researchers. The literature spans across multiple disciplines, and the knowledge is fragmented and not systematized. To address this issue we apply topic models to conduct a meta-review on cloud computing. We identify twenty research topics across multiple disciplines, and demonstrate the use of the approach to conduct reviews in the field of information systems (IS). In additionally, we discuss multidisciplinary nature of cloud research, as well as research topics attracting contributions from various scientific fields.Peer reviewe

    TSKY: a dependable middleware solution for data privacy using public storage clouds

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation aims to take advantage of the virtues offered by data storage cloud based systems on the Internet, proposing a solution that avoids security issues by combining different providers’ solutions in a vision of a cloud-of-clouds storage and computing. The solution, TSKY System (or Trusted Sky), is implemented as a middleware system, featuring a set of components designed to establish and to enhance conditions for security, privacy, reliability and availability of data, with these conditions being secured and verifiable by the end-user, independently of each provider. These components, implement cryptographic tools, including threshold and homomorphic cryptographic schemes, combined with encryption, replication, and dynamic indexing mecha-nisms. The solution allows data management and distribution functions over data kept in different storage clouds, not necessarily trusted, improving and ensuring resilience and security guarantees against Byzantine faults and at-tacks. The generic approach of the TSKY system model and its implemented services are evaluated in the context of a Trusted Email Repository System (TSKY-TMS System). The TSKY-TMS system is a prototype that uses the base TSKY middleware services to store mailboxes and email Messages in a cloud-of-clouds

    Cloud algebra : an innovative approach for managing resources, services and big data on clouds

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    In the current era of technological advancements, cloud computing is considered as one of the most promising computing paradigms. It is cost-effective, energy efficient, scalable and is location independent. In simple terms, a cloud computing technology provides various computing tools, facilities and mechanisms as a service to the end user. A user can opt for using these services as a pay-per-use model. This technology is indeed highly cost-effective, environment friendly and is a preferred option for those who don?t want to spend much on infrastructures, platforms or physical space required for setting up the enterprise. Cloud computing technology provides services like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-aService (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Computing-as-a-Service (CaaS) etc. Recently a new service called DaaS (Data-as-a-Service) has also emerged in which data is provided as a service to the users. This paper proposes a concept of creating algebra for the cloud computing environment called as cloud algebra (CA). Using the proposed cloud algebra we can perform several basic mathematical functions like addition, deletion, union, intersection and other aggregate functions on clouds directly. This means that using the proposed cloud algebra, two or more clouds can be added. One cloud may be joined with other clouds and two or more clouds can be compared and so on. Furthermore, the data stored on the clouds can also be effectively and efficiently managed using the proposed cloud algebra. Along with the data, the cloud services and resources can also be managed in a much effective and efficient manner using the proposed cloud algebra.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Enterprise Cloud Security Guidance and Strategies for Enterprises

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    Hinnanguliselt 72% ettevõtetest kasutavad vähemalt ühte pilves olevat rakendust või on mingi osa nende IT infrastruktuurist pilves. Uurimistööd näitavad, et 56% tehnoloogia valdkonna otsustajatest uurivad erinevaid võimalusi pilvelahenduste kasutamiseks. Eel-toodu tõttu on oluline mõista erinevaid pilveteenuste kasutusvõimalusi, ärivajadusi ja investeeringuid. Antud magistritöö hindab paljusid kasutegureid, mida pilverakenduste ja pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub äritegevusele. Pilvearvutus pakub paindliku, taskuko-hast ja end tõestanud platvormi ärilahenduste ja IT lahenduste loomiseks. Pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub ettevõtetele harukordset võimalust muuta teenuse pakkumist tõhusa-maks, juhtimist sujuvamaks ning viia IT teenused vastavusse pidevalt muutuvate äriva-jadustega. Pilvearvutuse kasutamine pakub rohkem kui ühe võimaluse ärivaldkondade usaldusväärseks toeks ning ühtlasi tõstab võimekust luua uusi ja innovaatilisi teenuseid. Olemasoleva kirjanduse mittetäielik analüüs toob esile selle, et enne ettevõtetes pilvela-henduste ja pilvearvutuse kasutuselevõttu on väga oluline pöörata tähelepanu kaasneva-tele turvalisuse väljakutsetele. Antud magistritöös on detailselt käsitletud peamisi pil-vandmetöötluse valdkonna turvalisuse probleeme ning töö järeldusena pakutakse välja soovitusi pilve turvalisuse juurutamiseks.Today an estimated 72% of enterprises use at least one cloud application or a percentage of their I.T infrastructure in the cloud. Research shows that 56% of the decision makers in technology are investigating more ways of leveraging the cloud. This makes it impor-tant to understand the different usage plans in cloud service models, business drivers and investments. This thesis measures the myriad benefits of using cloud applications, and the effect of cloud computing on business performance. As will be seen in the the-sis, cloud computing offers a flexible, affordable as well as proven platform for the pro-vision of business and IT services via the internet. Cloud computing provides companies with the rare opportunity of strengthening their efficiencies in service delivery, mana-gement streamlining, and the aligning of IT services with the ever changing business needs. In more ways than one, cloud computing provides solid support for business functions, alongside increasing the capacity for the development of new as well as inno-vative services. A non-exhaustive review of the existing literature revels that the security challenges faced by enterprises during cloud adoption and interoperability have to be addressed before the implementation of cloud computing. In this thesis, we provide a detailed overview of the key security issues in the realm of cloud computing and con-clude with the recommendations on the implementation of cloud security