34 research outputs found

    Living Book of Anatomy Project: See your Insides in Motion!

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    International audienceThe complexity of human anatomy makes learning and understanding it a difficult task.We present the Living Book of Anatomy (LBA) project, an augmented reality system for teaching anatomy. Using a Kinect, we superimpose our 3d highly-detailed anatomical model onto the user's color map and we animate it. By showing our work, we hope to have interesting feedback from Emerging Technologies attendees.See more at http://lba.inrialpes.fr

    Community detection applied on big linked data

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    The Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud has more than tripled its sources in just six years (from 295 sources in 2011 to 1163 datasets in 2017). The actual Web of Data contains more then 150 Billions of triples. We are assisting at a staggering growth in the production and consumption of LOD and the generation of increasingly large datasets. In this scenario, providing researchers, domain experts, but also businessmen and citizens with visual representations and intuitive interactions can significantly aid the exploration and understanding of the domains and knowledge represented by Linked Data. Various tools and web applications have been developed to enable the navigation, and browsing of the Web of Data. However, these tools lack in producing high level representations for large datasets, and in supporting users in the exploration and querying of these big sources. Following this trend, we devised a new method and a tool called H-BOLD (High level visualizations on Big Open Linked Data). H-BOLD enables the exploratory search and multilevel analysis of Linked Open Data. It offers different levels of abstraction on Big Linked Data. Through the user interaction and the dynamic adaptation of the graph representing the dataset, it will be possible to perform an effective exploration of the dataset, starting from a set of few classes and adding new ones. Performance and portability of H-BOLD have been evaluated on the SPARQL endpoint listed on SPARQL ENDPOINT STATUS. The effectiveness of H-BOLD as a visualization tool is described through a user study

    Real-time High-fidelity Surface Flow Simulation

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    Surface flow phenomena, such as rain water flowing down a tree trunk and progressive water front in a shower room, are common in real life. However, compared with the 3D spatial fluid flow, these surface flow problems have been much less studied in the graphics community. To tackle this research gap, we present an efficient, robust and high-fidelity simulation approach based on the shallow-water equations. Specifically, the standard shallow-water flow model is extended to general triangle meshes with a feature-based bottom friction model, and a series of coherent mathematical formulations are derived to represent the full range of physical effects that are important for real-world surface flow phenomena. In addition, by achieving compatibility with existing 3D fluid simulators and by supporting physically realistic interactions with multiple fluids and solid surfaces, the new model is flexible and readily extensible for coupled phenomena. A wide range of simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the new approach


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    Towards a Taxonomy for In-Vehicle Interactions Using Wearable Smart Textiles: Insights from a User-Elicitation Study

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    Textiles are a vital and indispensable part of our clothing that we use daily. They are very flexible, often lightweight, and have a variety of application uses. Today, with the rapid developments in small and flexible sensing materials, textiles can be enhanced and used as input devices for interactive systems. Clothing-based wearable interfaces are suitable for in-vehicle controls. They can combine various modalities to enable users to perform simple, natural, and efficient interactions while minimizing any negative effect on their driving. Research on clothing-based wearable in-vehicle interfaces is still underexplored. As such, there is a lack of understanding of how to use textile-based input for in-vehicle controls. As a first step towards filling this gap, we have conducted a user-elicitation study to involve users in the process of designing in-vehicle interactions via a fabric-based wearable device. We have been able to distill a taxonomy of wrist and touch gestures for in-vehicle interactions using a fabric-based wrist interface in a simulated driving setup. Our results help drive forward the investigation of the design space of clothing-based wearable interfaces for in-vehicle secondary interactions.</jats:p

    Universal Gesture Tracking Framework in OpenISS and ROS and its Applications

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    In this research work, we present a common and extensible framework that abstracts different vision-based gesture recognition middleware and provides uniform gesture recognition data obtained from those via its simpler API to enable hand gesture interaction in different kinds of applications. We demonstrate various aspects of our framework via instrumentation and enable gesture interaction for our two specific yet different needs. Firstly, we alleviate limited gesture tracking functionality in ISSv2 aka. (Illimitable Space System v2), an interactive and configurable artists' toolbox that is used to create music visualizations, visual effects and interactive documentary film based on the inputs from users such as gestures, voice, motion, etc. Secondly, we provide a proof-of-concept solution to enhance and demonstrate limited language usability of the FORENSIC LUCID language's composition and compiler interactivity by enabling a forensic investigator to create partial FORENSIC LUCID encoded programs which require manipulation of preloaded digital evidence objects in a 3D warehouse-like application (DigiEVISS) via hand gesture interaction. We also leverage Robot Operating System (ROS), an open source set of tools and libraries for its communication middleware to broadcast our framework data over the network. We provide this framework as a specialization of the OpenISS core framework and evaluate our framework on various aspects. We employ metrics such as effective frame rate and delay to evaluate our exemplified scenarios that represent our needs

    Skyler and Bliss

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    Hong Kong remains the backdrop to the science fiction movies of my youth. The city reminds me of my former training in the financial sector. It is a city in which I could have succeeded in finance, but as far as art goes it is a young city, and I am a young artist. A frustration emerges; much like the mould, the artist also had to develop new skills by killing off his former desires and manipulating technology. My new series entitled HONG KONG surface project shows a new direction in my artistic research in which my technique becomes ever simpler, reducing the traces of pixelation until objects appear almost as they were found and photographed. Skyler and Bliss presents tectonic plates based on satellite images of the Arctic. Working in a hot and humid Hong Kong where mushrooms grow ferociously, a city artificially refrigerated by climate control, this series provides a conceptual image of a imaginary typographic map for survival. (Laurent Segretier

    Digital traces and urban research : Barcelona through social media data

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    Most of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, and it is expected that almost all of the planet’s growth will be concentrated in them for the next 30 years, making the improvement of the quality of life in the cities one of the big challenges of this century. To that end, it is crucial to have information on how people use the spaces in the city, and allows urban planning to successfully respond to their needs. This dissertation proposes using data shared voluntarily by the millions of users that make up social network’s communities as a valuable tool for the study of the complexity of the city, because of its capacity of providing an unprecedented volume of urban information, with geographic, temporal, semantic and multimedia components. However, the volume and variety of data raises important challenges regarding its retrieval, manipulation, analysis and representation, requiring the adoption of the best practices in data science, using a multi-faceted approach in the field of urban studies with a strong emphasis in the reproducibility of the developed methodologies. This research focuses in the case of study of the city of Barcelona, using the public data collected from Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter and Instagram. After a literature review, the methods to access the different services are discussed, along with their available data and limitations. Next, the retrieved data is analyzed at different spatial and temporal scales. The first approximation to data focuses on the origins of users who took geotagged pictures of Barcelona, geocoding the hometowns that appear in their Flickr public profiles, allowing the identification of the regions, countries and cities with the largest influx of visitors, and relating the results with multiple indicators at a global scale. The next scale of analysis discusses the city as a whole, developing methodologies for the representation of the spatial distribution of the collected locations, avoiding the artifacts produced by overplotting. To this end, locations are aggregated in regular tessellations, whose size is determined empirically from their spatial distribution. Two spatial statistics techniques (Moran’s I and Getis-Ord’s G*) are used to visualize the local spatial autocorrelation of the areas with exceptionally high or low densities, under a statistical significance framework. Finally, the kernel density estimation is introduced as a non-parametric alternative. The third level of detail follows the official administrative division of Barcelona in 73 neighborhoods and 12 districts, which obeys to historical, morphological and functional criteria. Micromaps are introduced as a representation technique capable of providing a geographical context to commonly used statistical graphics, along with a methodology to produce these micromaps automatically. This technique is compared to annotated scatterplots to relate picture intensity with different urban indicators at a neighborhood scale. The hypothesis of spatial homogeneity is abandoned at the most detailed scale, focusing the analysis on the street network. Two techniques to assign events to road segments in the street graph are presented (direct by shortest distance or by proxy through the postal addresses), as well as the generalization of the kernel density estimation from the Euclidean space to a network topology. Beyond the spatial domain, the interactions of three temporal cycles are further analyzed using the timestamps available in the picture metadata: daytime/nighttime (daily cycle), work/leisure (weekly cycle) and seasonal (yearly cycle).La major part de la poblaciĂł mundial resideix actualment en Ă rees urbanes, i es preveu que prĂ cticament tot el creixement del planeta es concentri en elles en els propers 30 anys, convertint la millora de la qualitat de vida a les ciutats en un dels grans reptes del present segle. És per tant imprescindible disposar d'informaciĂł sobre les activitats que les persones desenvolupen en elles, que permetin al planejament donar resposta a les seves necessitats. Aquesta tesi proposa l'Ășs de dades compartides de manera voluntĂ ria pels milions d'usuaris que conformen les comunitats de les xarxes socials com una valuosa eina per a l'estudi de la complexitat de la ciutat, per la seva capacitat de proporcionar un volum d'informaciĂł urbana sense precedents, reunint components tant geogrĂ fics, temporals, semĂ ntics i multimĂšdia. No obstant aixĂČ, aquest volum i varietat de les dades planteja grans reptes pel que fa a la seva obtenciĂł, tractament, anĂ lisi i representaciĂł, requerint adoptar les millors prĂ ctiques de la ciĂšncia de dades, aplicades des de mĂșltiples punts de vista al camp dels estudis urbans, posant sempre l'Ăšmfasi en la reproductibilitat de les metodologies desenvolupades. Aquesta investigaciĂł se centra en el cas d'estudi de la ciutat de Barcelona, a partir de les dades pĂșbliques obtingudes de Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter i Instagram. DesprĂ©s d'una revisiĂł de l'estat de l'art, es desenvolupa l'operativa d'accĂ©s als diferents serveis, revisant les dades disponibles i les seves limitacions. A continuaciĂł, s'analitzen les dades obtingudes en diferents escales espacials i temporals. La primera aproximaciĂł a les dades es desenvolupa a partir de l'origen dels usuaris que han pres fotografies geolocalitzades de Barcelona, a travĂ©s de la geocodificaciĂł de les ubicacions que apareixen en els seus perfils pĂșblics de Flickr, permetent identificar les regions, paĂŻsos i ciutats amb major afluĂšncia de visitants i relacionar els resultats amb diferents indicadors a escala global. La segĂŒent escala d'anĂ lisi es centra en la ciutat en el seu conjunt, desenvolupant metodologies per a la representaciĂł de la distribuciĂł espacial de les localitzacions obtingudes, evitant els artefactes produĂŻts per la superposiciĂł de mostres. Per a aixĂČ s'agreguen les localitzacions en tesselacions regulars, la mida de les quals es determina empĂ­ricament a partir de la seva distribuciĂł espacial. S'utilitzen dues tĂšcniques d'estadĂ­stica espacial (I de Moran i G* de Getis-Ord) per a visualitzar l'autocorrelaciĂł espacial local dels Ă mbits amb densitats excepcionalment altes o baixes, seguint un criteri de significança estadĂ­stica. Finalment s'introdueix com a alternativa no paramĂštrica l'estimaciĂł de la densitat. El tercer nivell de detall coincideix amb la delimitaciĂł administrativa oficial de Barcelona en 73 barris i 12 districtes, realitzada a partir de criteris histĂČrics, morfolĂČgics i funcionals. S'introdueixen els micromapes com a tĂšcnica de representaciĂł capaç d'aportar un context geogrĂ fic a grĂ fics estadĂ­stics d'Ășs comĂș, juntament amb una metodologia per produir aquests micromapes de manera automĂ tica. Es compara aquesta tĂšcnica amb diagrames de dispersiĂł anotats per a relacionar la intensitat de fotografies amb diferents indicadors urbans a escala de barri. En l'escala mĂ©s detallada s'abandona la hipĂČtesi d'homogeneĂŻtat espacial i es trasllada l'anĂ lisi al sistema viari. Es presenten dues tĂšcniques d'atribuciĂł de localitzacions a trams de carrer del graf vial (directa per distĂ ncia o indirecta a travĂ©s de les adreces postals), aixĂ­ com la generalitzaciĂł de l'estimaciĂł de la densitat d'un espai euclidiĂ  a una topologia de xarxa. Fora del context espacial, s'analitzen les interaccions de tres cicles temporals a partir de les metadades del moment en quĂš van ser preses les fotografies: diĂŒrn/nocturn (cicle diari), treball/oci (cicle setmanal) i estacional (cicle anual).Postprint (published version