130 research outputs found


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    Concurrent Multipath Transfer distributes incoming traffic simultaneously between several paths to maximize network resource utilization and to improve quality of service. Voices over IP real time application is more sensitive to delay and requires bandwidth guarantee. In this paper, Efficient Bandwidth Estimation Management for VoIP Concurrent Multipath Transfer is proposed. The proposed technique estimates the bandwidth of each path from a group and selects multiple paths from SCTP multihoming association to transmit VoIP traffic with assured bandwidth guarantees. Simulation results are reported using Ns2 network simulator to show the efficiency of the proposed syste

    Concurrent Multipath Transfer: Scheduling, Modelling, and Congestion Window Management

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    Known as smartphones, multihomed devices like the iPhone and BlackBerry can simultaneously connect to Wi-Fi and 4G LTE networks. Unfortunately, due to the architectural constraints of standard transport layer protocols like the transmission control protocol (TCP), an Internet application (e.g., a file transfer) can use only one access network at a time. Due to recent developments, however, concurrent multipath transfer (CMT) using the stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) can enable multihomed devices to exploit additional network resources for transport layer communications. In this thesis we explore a variety of techniques aimed at CMT and multihomed devices, such as: packet scheduling, transport layer modelling, and resource management. Some of our accomplishments include, but are not limited to: enhanced performance of CMT under delay-based disparity, a tractable framework for modelling the throughput of CMT, a comparison of modelling techniques for SCTP, a new congestion window update policy for CMT, and efficient use of system resources through optimization. Since the demand for a better communications system is always on the horizon, it is our goal to further the research and inspire others to embrace CMT as a viable network architecture; in hopes that someday CMT will become a standard part of smartphone technology

    A packet error recovery scheme for vertical handovers mobility management protocols

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    Mobile devices are connecting to the Internet through an increasingly heterogeneous network environment. This connectivity via multiple types of wireless networks allows the mobile devices to take advantage of the high speed and the low cost of wireless local area networks and the large coverage of wireless wide area networks. In this context, we propose a new handoff framework for switching seamlessly between the different network technologies by taking advantage of the temporary availability of both the old and the new network technology through the use of an "on the fly" erasure coding method. The goal is to demonstrate that our framework, based on a real implementation of such coding scheme, 1) allows the application to achieve higher goodput rate compared to existing bicasting proposals and other erasure coding schemes; 2) is easy to configure and as a result 3) is a perfect candidate to ensure the reliability of vertical handovers mobility management protocols. In this paper, we present the implementation of such framework and show that our proposal allows to maintain the TCP goodput(with a negligible transmission overhead) while providing in a timely manner a full reliability in challenged conditions

    A packet error recovery scheme for vertical handovers mobility management protocols

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    Mobile devices are connecting to the Internet through an increasingly heterogeneous network environment. This connectivity via multiple types of wireless networks allows the mobile devices to take advantage of the high speed and the low cost of wireless local area networks and the large coverage of wireless wide area networks. In this context, we propose a new handoff framework for switching seamlessly between the different network technologies by taking advantage of the temporary availability of both the old and the new network technology through the use of an “on the fly” erasure coding method. The goal is to demonstrate that our framework, based on a real implementation of such coding scheme, 1) allows the application to achieve higher goodput rate compared to existing bicasting proposals and other erasure coding schemes; 2) is easy to configure and as a result 3) is a perfect candidate to ensure the reliability of vertical handovers mobility management protocols. In this paper, we present the implementation of such framework and show that our proposal allows to maintain the TCP goodput (with a negligible transmission overhead) while providing in a timely manner a full reliability in challenged conditions

    Throughput, Smoothness Analysis of SCTP Over AODV and DSR MANET Routing Protocols

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network of mobile-mobile node that has no fixed routers. In MANET, mobile nodes can communicate via the wireless interface while nodes are moving freely without using the network infrastructure. Each node in addition to functioning as a host, also serves as a router that can receive and forward packets to next the node. Nowadays existence of a new Internet protocol technology, that is, SCTP, the performance in a MANET Routing Protocol is still unknown. The general objective of this research is to analyze and make the comparative performance of Stream Control Transportation Protocol (SCTP) with Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) using Network Simulator(NS-2). Specifically, this research (1) to measure the behavior of SCTP in terms of throughput and smoothness and (2) to determine routing protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) will have significant effect in SCTP. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) issued a new protocol called SCTP; the interaction of SCTP will be investigated through the examination of traffic flows through a number of network topologies. This research use Network Simulator 2 (NS-2), type of the traffic is CBR and packet size is 1000. This performance analysis is over MANET Routing Protocol that enables to analyst the several performance metrics such as Throughput and Smoothness. This topology consists of 16 nodes placed in a 1500m x 1500m rectangle because the researcher uses static topology, consisting of a 4x4 metric with SCTP transport layer and using routing protocol AODV and DSR. The data sent consists of five speeds at 5 m/s, 10 m/s, 15 m/s, 20 m/s, 25 m/s, and then these speeds are used in AODV and DSR simulation. Throughput of SCTP over AODV is highest than DSR and the smoothness of SCTP over DSR is highest than AODV depends on five types of speed. This research it was found that MANET did not have a great impact on the throughput of SCTP. In other words, MANET only amounted to 0-2% impact on the throughput of SCTP. Furthermore, the speed of node movement does not significantly affect the smoothness

    Measuring TFRC & SCTP Performance Over AODV In MANET

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    This study focuses on TCP-Friendly rate control (TFRC), which is defined by IETF in RFC 5348 as and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), which is defined by IETF in RFC 4960 as a new transport protocol. TFRC feature as fairness has attracted real time application and SCTP features also as multi-homing and multi-streaming, has attracted multimedia applications to use it as their transport protocol instead of TCP and UDP. However, the challenge faced by TFRC that is using additive increase to adjust the sending rate during periods with no congestion. This leads to short term congestion that can degrade the quality of voice applications. SCTP faced the challenge in a best-effort network. In this study, a comprehensive performance evaluation between TFRC and SCTP has been carried out. The objectives of this research are to measure the performance of both TFRC and SCTP in MANET in terms of throughput, delay and packet loss that has TFRC and SCTP with UDP traffic some times and some experiments without UDP and the nodes is in mobility positions. All experiments conducted in this research were obtained through network simulation tools using NS-2. It is expected that this study is useful for researchers in improving both TFRC and SCTP

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los capítulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 está sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gestión del Tráfico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen inglés), fue originalmente diseñado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el estándar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayoría depaíses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en inglés), que actúacomo aplicación de señalización; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez estádividido en dos subsistemas, el Módulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en inglés), y el Módulo de Comunicación Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en inglés); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la información intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en inglés). El sistema de señalización ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques móviles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la vía. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia mínima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaciónde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones deseñalización. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relación directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones deseñalización y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. Así pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evolución del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicación, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalización y la transición al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde señalización. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnología de conmutación de circuitos, sino también con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis está alineada con el contexto de migraciónactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisión de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definición deuna próxima generación de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnología de conmutación de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desafíos previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desafíos, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaciónde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desafíos mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de múltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC sí tiene múltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de unaúnica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulación desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es más, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en términos derobustez el sistema diseñado por UNISIG. Como conclusión, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evolución del sistema deseñalización ferroviario europeo