59 research outputs found

    The Applicability of SCP Paradigm on Monopoly Industries in China: A Research Based on Chinese Banking

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    由哈佛学派提出的SCP范式是产业组织理论中应该最广泛的分析框架,曾经被广泛用于对各个行业的研究中。伴随中国市场化改革的不断深入,用SCP范式对中国产业组织问题进行研究的文章近年来日渐增多。然而对SCP范式是否适用与中国市场特征的探讨却很少,与此同时很多文章选择直接套用该范式。 本文通过回顾SCP范式的产生背景和发展历程,以及其他学派对该范式的评价,分析其适用的前提。然后以中国银行业为例,分析我国银行业的现状,并探讨该范式的理论前提与中国行业特征是否吻合。重点探讨中国银行业的市场结构现状是否会沿着SCP范式的推理路径作用与市场行为和市场绩效。主要的得出以下结论: 首先,我国银行业的集中度仍然...The Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm, which was advanced and developed by Harvard School, is one of the most popular paradigms in the Industry Organization. It has been widely used in the analysis for different industries. With the deepening of the reform in Chinese market, the papers that using SCP paradigm to solve the problems in Chinese industries are increasing rapidly. However, t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532010115204

    Research on Xiamen’s Travel Agency Industry Based on SCP Analytical Method

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    当前的厦门市旅行社业存在着总体数量多、经营规模小、业务范围窄、集团经营缺乏、产品差异化程度低以及行业自律能力差等一系列亟待解决的问题。造成这些问题的原因是多方面的,但是旅行社业市场结构不健全、市场行为不规范是主要原因。产业组织理论为分析和解决厦门市旅行社业发展过程中的问题提供了一个崭新的思路。本文在产业组织理论的分析工具SCP范式的基础上构建了旅行社业的SCP分析框架,基于此研究了厦门市旅行社业市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效的现状,对三者之间的相互关系进行了实证研究,并提出促进厦门市旅行社业良性发展的建议。 全文的结构如下:第一章阐述了论文的选题背景和研究意义,提出本文的中心论题;第二章对所涉...In the current development stage of Xiamen’s travel agency industry, there are many problems occurred. Such as, it has many small-scale and operating scope narrowed enterprises, low differenced degree of the travel agency’s products, poor self –regulation and so on. Reasons for all these problems are multifaceted, the main one is that the market structure of Xiamen’s travel agency industry is not ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782006115141

    The empirical analysis on the relationship between the market structure and the performance of the fund industry in China

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    近年来,得益于“超常规发展机构投资者”战略,我国证券投资基金业的发展令人瞩目,同时,全球基金业巨头纷纷进入我国,这必将对我国基金业的市场格局产生重要影响。因此,如何促进我国基金业快速、健康、规范地发展,使其真正成为促进资本市场优化配置的重要力量,就成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。 本文在对我国基金业的研究中,基于SCP范式的分析框架,对近几年来我国基金业的市场结构与市场行为的特点和变化进行了考察和研究,在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,结合我国基金业的具体特点,提出政府应该努力消除行政性壁垒,逐步放开基金业准入限制,促进基金管理者的多样化和市场竞争,通过逐步构建一个竞争性强的基金业市场结构,来优化我国...Recently, the securities fund industry in China developed rapidly due to the supernormal institution investor development strategy. And many big fund investors in the world joined the business in China, which brought great influence to the fund market in China. Thus, it becomes an important issue to transfer the fund industry into a good channel for capital market resources allocation through fast...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融工程学号:20044206

    A Study on the Structure of Xiamen English Training Industry: Analysis Based on SCP Model

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    随着时代的发展,以及我国国际化的步伐越来越快,英语作为一门国际通用语言已经越来越受到人们的重视,成了中国学校普遍开设且学程最长的科目。除了两亿多学生之外,还有难以数计的成人乃至幼儿在学习英语。虽然说自改革开放以来,我国的英语教育取得了长足的进展,但社会各个阶层对英语的教育和培训需求越来越大,公办教育体系所提供的英语学习机会越来越不能满足人们日益高涨的英语学习需求,因此就有了近年来五花八门的英语培训班的出现,而且逐渐形成产业化和规模化的英语培训市场。 据专家预测,2007年国内英语培训市场的市场总值大约是150亿元,全国的英语培训机构总数量达到了50000家,到2010年我国英语培训市场总值将...Nowadays, with the rapid economic development, China has more and more communication with other countries. English is an international language and get a lot of more focus from current society; it becomes a very popular subject at school. There are more than two hundred million of students studying English, including adult and child. Though English education in China has lots of improvement after ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041516


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    Discussion on Market Structure and Ownership Structure Reform mode of China’s Commercial Banking

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    按照当年加入WTO的承诺,中国已经在2006年12月11日全面开放银行业,允许外资银行经营包括人民币存贷业务在内的所有商业银行业务。从这一天开始,中外资商业银行真正处在了同一起跑线上竞争,这对以银行业为主导的中国金融体系而言具有特别的意义。为应对这场竞争,学术界和业界曾围绕我国商业银行改革过程中出现的种种问题展开广泛的讨论。从最初设立股份制银行和城市商业银行以增强市场竞争程度到设立资产管理公司以剥离国有商业银行巨额不良资产,再到政府为国有银行注资,引入战略投资者等举措,历程可谓曲折,争论也随之沸沸扬扬。总结起来,主要问题是国有商业银行的改革思路一直未有定论,产权结构改革和市场结构改革到底孰轻孰...According to the promises to the World Trade Organization(WTO)in that year, China has already opened its banking industry on December 11th, 2006. It is implied that the RMB business was allowed to be developed by the foreign banks and internal and the external banks were really on the same scratch line from then on. This was significant to the China’s financial system which was dominated by the ba...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:20041603

    Research on Organization of Edible Oil Industry in China

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    随着我国经济的发展,人们生活水平不断提高,饮食观念和结构逐渐改善,国内食用油市场需求急剧增加,市场呈现一片繁荣。产业的超常发展往往会伴生出一系列问题。如何解决这些问题,促进食用油产业的健康发展,已是理论与实业界的当务之急。但目前国内对食用油产业进行深入研究还比较缺乏。本文以我国食用油行业为研究对象,以产业组织理论中结构—行为—绩效为分析框架,采用实证分析与定性分析相结合的方法,从产业集中度、进入与退出壁垒以及产品差异化三个方面分析了我国食用油行业市场结构,从价格行为和广告、兼并重组、品牌策略等非价格行为来分析我国食用油市场内的企业行为,从资源配置效率、规模结构效率和技术进步等方面分析了食用油行...With the development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards and dietary concepts and structure. the domestic edible oil market is very prosperous and the demand increased dramatically. The extraordinary development of the Industry often associated with a series of problems. How to solve these problems, and promote the healthy development of the edible oil industry, is imp...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:2005130269


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    The Study on the Development of Cultural and Creative Industrial Cluster in Shanghai

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    文化创意产业作为一种新兴产业,在世界各国的经济发展中发挥着日益重要 的作用,其对于促进经济增长方式的转变以及科学技术的进步具有十分重要的意 义。文化创意产业具有较强的产业集群特征,所以文化创意产业集群问题的研究 对于文化创意产业的发展具有极为重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文共分为六章: 第一章是绪论。主要介绍了选题背景、研究意义、研究方法以及本文的创新 点。本文综合运用了SCP范式分析法、比较研究法、SWOT分析法以及实证研 究法对于上海文化创意产业及上海文化创意产业集群进行了分析。 第二章主要介绍文化创意产业理论、产业集群理论以及文化创意产业集群的 概念与形成机制。文化创意...Cultural and creative industries, an emerging industrial model, are gradually playing an important role in the development of global economy in recent years. It has a promising future because of its significance and strategic meaning in the fields of scientific development, homegrown and creativity, and realization of transforming of economy growth channel. Industrial cluster, one of features of ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院音乐系_音乐学学号:1872009115312