39 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Maximum Satisfiability

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    In this paper, we extend the Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) problem to {\L}ukasiewicz logic. The MaxSAT problem for a set of formulae {\Phi} is the problem of finding an assignment to the variables in {\Phi} that satisfies the maximum number of formulae. Three possible solutions (encodings) are proposed to the new problem: (1) Disjunctive Linear Relations (DLRs), (2) Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and (3) Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP). Like its Boolean counterpart, the extended fuzzy MaxSAT will have numerous applications in optimization problems that involve vagueness.Comment: 10 page

    SAT-based approaches for constraint optimization

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    La optimitzaci贸 amb restriccions ha estat utilitzada amb 猫xit par a resoldre problemes en molts dominis reals (industrials). Aquesta tesi es centra en les aproximacions l貌giques, concretament en M脿xima Satisfactibilitat (MaxSAT) que 茅s la versi贸 d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 del problema de Satisfactibilitat booleana (SAT). A trav茅s de MaxSAT, s鈥檋an resolt molts problemes de forma eficient. Fam铆lies d鈥檌nst脿ncies de la majoria d鈥檃quests problemes han estat sotmeses a la MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creant aix铆 una col鈥ecci贸 p煤blica i accessible d鈥檌nst脿ncies de refer猫ncia. En les edicions recents de la MSE, els algorismes SAT-based han estat les aproximacions que han tingut un millor comportament per a les inst脿ncies industrials. Aquesta tesi est脿 centrada en millorar els algorismes SAT-based . El nostre treball ha contribu茂t a tancar varies inst脿ncies obertes i a reduir dram脿ticament el temps de resoluci贸 en moltes altres. A m茅s, hem trobat sorprenentment que reformular y resoldre el problema MaxSAT a trav茅s de programaci贸 lineal sencera era especialment adequat per algunes fam铆lies. Finalment, hem desenvolupat el primer portfoli altament eficient par a MaxSAT que ha dominat en totes las categories de la MSE des de 2013.La optimizaci贸n con restricciones ha sido utilizada con 茅xito para resolver problemas en muchos dominios reales (industriales). Esta tesis se centra en las aproximaciones l贸gicas, concretamente en M谩xima Satisfacibilidad (MaxSAT) que es la versi贸n de optimizaci贸n del problema de Satisfacibilidad booleana (SAT). A trav茅s de MaxSAT, se han resuelto muchos problemas de forma eficiente. Familias de instancias de la mayor铆a de ellos han sido sometidas a la MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creando as铆 una colecci贸n p煤blica y accesible de instancias de referencia. En las ediciones recientes de la MSE, los algoritmos SAT-based han sido las aproximaciones que han tenido un mejor comportamiento para las instancias industriales. Esta tesis est谩 centrada en mejorar los algoritmos SAT-based. Nuestro trabajo ha contribuido a cerrar varias instancias abiertas y a reducir dram谩ticamente el tiempo de resoluci贸n en muchas otras. Adem谩s, hemos encontrado sorprendentemente que reformular y resolver el problema MaxSAT a trav茅s de programaci贸n lineal entera era especialmente adecuado para algunas familias. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado el primer portfolio altamente eficiente para MaxSAT que ha dominado en todas las categor铆as de la MSE desde 2013.Constraint optimization has been successfully used to solve problems in many real world (industrial) domains. This PhD thesis is focused on logic-based approaches, in particular, on Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) which is the optimization version of Satisfiability (SAT). There have been many problems efficiency solved through MaxSAT. Instance families on the majority of them have been submitted to the international MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creating a collection of publicly available benchmark instances. At recent editions of MSE, SAT-based algorithms were the best performing single algorithm approaches for industrial problems. This PhD thesis is focused on the improvement of SAT-based algorithms. All this work has contributed to close up some open instances and to reduce dramatically the solving time in many others. In addition, we have surprisingly found that reformulating and solving the MaxSAT problem through Integer Linear Programming (ILP) was extremely well suited for some families. Finally, we have developed the first highly efficient MaxSAT portfolio that dominated all categories of MSE since 2013

    Low-rank semidefinite programming for the MAX2SAT problem

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    This paper proposes a new algorithm for solving MAX2SAT problems based on combining search methods with semidefinite programming approaches. Semidefinite programming techniques are well-known as a theoretical tool for approximating maximum satisfiability problems, but their application has traditionally been very limited by their speed and randomized nature. Our approach overcomes this difficult by using a recent approach to low-rank semidefinite programming, specialized to work in an incremental fashion suitable for use in an exact search algorithm. The method can be used both within complete or incomplete solver, and we demonstrate on a variety of problems from recent competitions. Our experiments show that the approach is faster (sometimes by orders of magnitude) than existing state-of-the-art complete and incomplete solvers, representing a substantial advance in search methods specialized for MAX2SAT problems.Comment: Accepted at AAAI'19. The code can be found at https://github.com/locuslab/mixsa

    Incomplete MaxSAT approaches for combinatorial testing

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    We present a Satisfiability (SAT)-based approach for building Mixed Covering Arrays with Constraints of minimum length, referred to as the Covering Array Number problem. This problem is central in Combinatorial Testing for the detection of system failures. In particular, we show how to apply Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) technology by describing efficient encodings for different classes of complete and incomplete MaxSAT solvers to compute optimal and suboptimal solutions, respectively. Similarly, we show how to solve through MaxSAT technology a closely related problem, the Tuple Number problem, which we extend to incorporate constraints. For this problem, we additionally provide a new MaxSAT-based incomplete algorithm. The extensive experimental evaluation we carry out on the available Mixed Covering Arrays with Constraints benchmarks and the comparison with state-of-the-art tools confirm the good performance of our approaches.We would like to thank specially Akihisa Yamada for the access to several benchmarks for our experiments and for solving some questions about his previous work on Combinatorial Testing with Constraints. This work was partially supported by Grant PID2019-109137GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PANDEMIES 2020 by Agencia de Gestio d鈥橝juts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Departament d鈥橢mpresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya; FONDO SUPERA COVID-19 funded by Crue-CSIC-SANTANDER, ISINC (PID2019-111544GB-C21), and the MICNN FPU fellowship (FPU18/02929)