543 research outputs found

    Runtime analysis of mutation-based geometric semantic genetic programming for basis functions regression.

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    Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) is a recently introduced form of Genetic Programming (GP) that searches the semantic space of functions/programs. The fitness landscape seen by GSGP is always -- for any domain and for any problem -- unimodal with a linear slope by construction. This makes the search for the optimum much easier than for traditional GP, and it opens the way to analyse theoretically in a easy manner the optimisation time of GSGP in a general setting. Very recent work proposed a runtime analysis of mutation-based GSGP on the class of all Boolean functions. We present a runtime analysis of mutation-based GSGP on the class of all regression problems with generic basis functions (encompassing e.g., polynomial regression and trigonometric regression).Alberto Moraglio was supported by EPSRC grant EP/I010297/1

    Runtime analysis of mutation-based geometric semantic genetic programming on boolean functions.

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    Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) is a recently introduced form of Genetic Programming (GP), rooted in a geometric theory of representations, that searches directly the semantic space of functions/programs, rather than the space of their syntactic representations (e.g., trees) as in traditional GP. Remarkably, the fitness landscape seen by GSGP is always – for any domain and for any problem – unimodal with a linear slope by construction. This has two important consequences: (i) it makes the search for the optimum much easier than for traditional GP; (ii) it opens the way to analyse theoretically in a easy manner the optimisation time of GSGP in a general setting. The runtime analysis of GP has been very hard to tackle, and only simplified forms of GP on specific, unrealistic problems have been studied so far. We present a runtime analysis of GSGP with various types of mutations on the class of all Boolean functionsThe authors are grateful to Dirk Sudholt for helping check the proofs. Alberto Moraglio was supported by EPSRC grant EP/I010297/

    Geometric semantic genetic programming for recursive boolean programs

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via the DOI in this record.Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) induces a unimodal fitness landscape for any problem that consists in finding a function fitting given input/output examples. Most of the work around GSGP to date has focused on real-world applications and on improving the originally proposed search operators, rather than on broadening its theoretical framework to new domains. We extend GSGP to recursive programs, a notoriously challenging domain with highly discontinuous fitness landscapes. We focus on programs that map variable-length Boolean lists to Boolean values, and design search operators that are provably efficient in the training phase and attain perfect generalization. Computational experiments complement the theory and demonstrate the superiority of the new operators to the conventional ones. This work provides new insights into the relations between program syntax and semantics, search operators and fitness landscapes, also for more general recursive domains.© 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]

    Geometric Semantic Grammatical Evolution

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via the DOI in this record.Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) is a novel form of Genetic Programming (GP), based on a geometric theory of evolutionary algorithms, which directly searches the semantic space of programs. In this chapter, we extend this framework to Grammatical Evolution (GE) and refer to the new method as Geometric Semantic Grammatical Evolution (GSGE). We formally derive new mutation and crossover operators for GE which are guaranteed to see a simple unimodal fitness landscape. This surprising result shows that the GE genotypephenotype mapping does not necessarily imply low genotype-fitness locality. To complement the theory, we present extensive experimental results on three standard domains (Boolean, Arithmetic and Classifier)

    Theory grounded design of genetic programming and parallel evolutionary algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been successfully applied to many problems and applications. Their success comes from being general purpose, which means that the same EA can be used to solve different problems. Despite that, many factors can affect the behaviour and the performance of an EA and it has been proven that there isn't a particular EA which can solve efficiently any problem. This opens to the issue of understanding how different design choices can affect the performance of an EA and how to efficiently design and tune one. This thesis has two main objectives. On the one hand we will advance the theoretical understanding of evolutionary algorithms, particularly focusing on Genetic Programming and Parallel Evolutionary algorithms. We will do that trying to understand how different design choices affect the performance of the algorithms and providing rigorously proven bounds of the running time for different designs. This novel knowledge, built upon previous work on the theoretical foundation of EAs, will then help for the second objective of the thesis, which is to provide theory grounded design for Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms and Genetic Programming. This will consist in being inspired by the analysis of the algorithms to produce provably good algorithm designs

    Computational complexity analysis of genetic programming

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    Genetic programming (GP) is an evolutionary computation technique to solve problems in an automated, domain-independent way. Rather than identifying the optimum of a function as in more traditional evolutionary optimization, the aim of GP is to evolve computer programs with a given functionality. While many GP applications have produced human competitive results, the theoretical understanding of what problem characteristics and algorithm properties allow GP to be effective is comparatively limited. Compared with traditional evolutionary algorithms for function optimization, GP applications are further complicated by two additional factors: the variable-length representation of candidate programs, and the difficulty of evaluating their quality efficiently. Such difficulties considerably impact the runtime analysis of GP, where space complexity also comes into play. As a result, initial complexity analyses of GP have focused on restricted settings such as the evolution of trees with given structures or the estimation of solution quality using only a small polynomial number of input/output examples. However, the first computational complexity analyses of GP for evolving proper functions with defined input/output behavior have recently appeared. In this chapter, we present an overview of the state of the art

    Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming

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    Traditional Genetic Programming (GP) searches the space of functions/programs by using search operators that manipulate their syntactic representation, regardless of their actual semantics/behaviour. Recently, semantically aware search operators have been shown to outperform purely syntactic operators. In this work, using a formal geometric view on search operators and representations, we bring the semantic approach to its extreme consequences and introduce a novel form of GP – Geometric Semantic GP (GSGP) – that searches directly the space of the underlying semantics of the programs. This perspective provides new insights on the relation between program syntax and semantics, search operators and fitness landscape, and allows for principled formal design of semantic search operators for different classes of problems. We de- rive specific forms of GSGP for a number of classic GP domains and experimentally demonstrate their superiority to conventional operators

    Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming

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    Traditional Genetic Programming (GP) searches the space of functions/programs by using search operators that manipulate their syntactic representation, regardless of their actual semantics/behaviour. Recently, semantically aware search operators have been shown to outperform purely syntactic operators. In this work, using a formal geometric view on search operators and representations, we bring the semantic approach to its extreme consequences and introduce a novel form of GP – Geometric Semantic GP (GSGP) – that searches directly the space of the underlying semantics of the programs. This perspective provides new insights on the relation between program syntax and semantics, search operators and fitness landscape, and allows for principled formal design of semantic search operators for different classes of problems. We de- rive specific forms of GSGP for a number of classic GP domains and experimentally demonstrate their superiority to conventional operators

    Reconsideration and extension of Cartesian genetic programming

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    This dissertation aims on analyzing fundamental concepts and dogmas of a graph-based genetic programming approach called Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and introduces advanced genetic operators for CGP. The results of the experiments presented in this thesis lead to more knowledge about the algorithmic use of CGP and its underlying working mechanisms. CGP has been mostly used with a parametrization pattern, which has been prematurely generalized as the most efficient pattern for standard CGP and its variants. Several parametrization patterns are evaluated with more detailed and comprehensive experiments by using meta-optimization. This thesis also presents a first runtime analysis of CGP. The time complexity of a simple (1+1)-CGP algorithm is analyzed with a simple mathematical problem and a simple Boolean function problem. In the subfield of genetic operators for CGP, new recombination and mutation techniques that work on a phenotypic level are presented. The effectiveness of these operators is demonstrated on a widespread set of popular benchmark problems. Especially the role of recombination can be seen as a big open question in the field of CGP, since the lack of an effective recombination operator limits CGP to mutation-only use. Phenotypic exploration analysis is used to analyze the effects caused by the presented operators. This type of analysis also leads to new insights into the search behavior of CGP in continuous and discrete fitness spaces. Overall, the outcome of this thesis leads to a reconsideration of how CGP is effectively used and extends its adaption from Darwin's and Lamarck's theories of biological evolution
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