8 research outputs found

    Run-time Control to Increase Task Parallelism in Mixed-Critical Systems

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    International audienceAlthough multi/many-core platforms enable the parallel execution of tasks, the sharing of resources may lead to long WCETs that fail to meet the real-time constraints of the system. Then, a safe solution is the execution of the most critical tasks in isolation followed by the execution of the remaining tasks. To improve the system performance, we propose an approach where a critical task can run in parallel with less critical tasks, as long as the real-time constraints are met. When no further interferences can be tolerated, the proposed run-time control suspends the low critical tasks until the termination of the critical task. In this paper, we describe the design and prove the correctness of our approach. To do so, a graph grammar is defined to formally model the critical task as a set of control flow graphs on which a safe partial WCET analysis is applied and used at run-time to control the safe execution of the critical task

    Time critical requirements and technical considerations for advanced support environments for data-intensive research

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    Data-centric approaches play an increasing role in many scientific domains, but in turn rely increasingly heavily on advanced research support environments for coordinating research activities, providing access to research data, and choreographing complex experiments. Critical time constraints can be seen in several application scenarios e.g., event detection for disaster early warning, runtime execution steering, and failure recovery. Providing support for executing such time critical research applications is still a challenging issue in many current research support environments however. In this paper, we analyse time critical requirements in three key kinds of research support environment—Virtual Research Environments, Research Infrastructures, and e-Infrastructures—and review the current state of the art. An approach for dynamic infrastructure planning is discussed that may help to address some of these requirements. The work is based on requirements collection recently performed in three EU H2020 projects: SWITCH, ENVRIPLUS and VRE4EIC

    Maximizing Parallelism without Exploding Deadlines in a Mixed Criticality Embedded System

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    International audienceComplex embedded systems today commonly involve a mix of real-time and best-effort applications. The recent emergence of low-cost multicore processors raises the possibility of running both kinds of applications on a single machine, with virtualization ensuring isolation. Nevertheless, memory contention can introduce other sources of delay, that can lead to missed deadlines. In this paper, we present a combined offline/online memory bandwidth monitoring approach. Our approach estimates and limits the impact of the memory contention incurred by the best-effort applications on the execution time of the real-time application. We show that our approach is compatible with the hardware counters provided by current small commodity multicore processors. Using our approach, the system designer can limit the overhead on the real-time application to under 5% of its expected execution time, while still enabling progress of the best-effort applications. I. INTRODUCTION In many embedded system domains, such as the automotive industry, it is necessary to run applications with different levels of criticality [13]. Some applications may have nearly hard real-time constraints, while others may need only best-effort access to the CPU and memory resources. A typical example is the car dashboard, which may display both critical real-time information, such as an alarm, and non critical information, such as travel maps and suggestions on how to outsmart traffic. Traditionally, multiple applications are integrated in a vehicle using a federated architecture: Every major function is implemented in a dedicated Electronic Control Unit (ECU) [28] that ensures fault isolation and error containment. This solution, however, multiplies the hardware cost, and, in an industry where every cent matters, is increasingly unacceptable. Recently, efforts have been made to develop an integrated architecture, in which multiple functions share a single ECU. AUTOSAR [16] is a consortium of actors from the automotive industry that defines a software architecture to exploit the benefits of integrated architectures by facilitating the reuse of applications. The AUTOSAR standard targets applications that control vehicle electrical systems and that are scheduled on a real-time operating system that is compliant with the AUTOSAR OS standard. Infotainment applications, however, typically target a Unix-like operating system, and thus still require the use of a federated architecture. Recent experimental small uniform memory access commodity multicore systems provide a potential path towards a complete low-cost integrated architecture. Systems such as the Freescale SABRE Lite [1] offer sufficient CPU power to run multiple applications on a single low-cost ECU. Using Virtualized architectures [8], [18], [34], multiple operatin

    Improving Prediction Accuracy of Memory Interferences for Multicore Platforms

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    International audienceMemory interferences may introduce important slowdowns in applications running on COTS multi-core processors. They are caused by concurrent accesses to shared hardware resources of the memory system. The induced delays are difficult to predict, making memory interferences a major obstacle to the adoption of COTS multi-core processors in real-time systems. In this article, we propose an experimental characterization of ap-plications' memory consumption to determine their sensitivity to memory interferences. Thanks to a new set of microbenchmarks, we show the lack of precision of a purely quantitative characterization. To improve accuracy, we define new metrics quantifying qualitative aspects of memory consumption and implement a profiling tool using the VALGRIND framework. In addition, our profiling tool produces high resolution profiles allowing us to clearly distinguish the various phases in applications' behavior. Using our microbenchmarks and our new characterization, we train a state-of-the-art regressor. The validation on applications from the MIBENCH and the PARSEC suites indicates significant gain in prediction accuracy compared to a purely quantitative characterization

    Programmation sĂ»re de plates-formes embarquĂ©es de type multi/pluri-cƓurs

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    The purpose of this document is to describe an overview of my work on the topic of "programming mutli/many-core COTS in the context of aeronautics" and to propose future research work.L’objectif de ce document est de dĂ©crire une synthĂšse des travaux que j’ai menĂ©s autour du thĂšme de "la programmation sĂ»re de plates-formes embarquĂ©es" et de proposer des perspectives de recherche pour les annĂ©es Ă  venir

    Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences

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    This open access book summarises the latest developments on data management in the EU H2020 ENVRIplus project, which brought together more than 20 environmental and Earth science research infrastructures into a single community. It provides readers with a systematic overview of the common challenges faced by research infrastructures and how a ‘reference model guided’ engineering approach can be used to achieve greater interoperability among such infrastructures in the environmental and earth sciences. The 20 contributions in this book are structured in 5 parts on the design, development, deployment, operation and use of research infrastructures. Part one provides an overview of the state of the art of research infrastructure and relevant e-Infrastructure technologies, part two discusses the reference model guided engineering approach, the third part presents the software and tools developed for common data management challenges, the fourth part demonstrates the software via several use cases, and the last part discusses the sustainability and future directions

    Timing Predictable and High-Performance Hardware Cache Coherence Mechanisms for Real-Time Multi-Core Platforms

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    Multi-core platforms are becoming primary compute platforms for real-time systems such as avionics and autonomous vehicles. This adoption is primarily driven by the increasing application demands deployed in real-time systems, and the cost and performance benefits of multi-core platforms. For real-time applications, satisfying safety properties in the form of timing predictability, is the paramount consideration. Providing such guarantees on safety properties requires applying some timing analysis on the application executing on the compute platform. The timing analysis computes an upper bound on the application’s execution time on the compute platform, which is referred to as the worst-case execution time (WCET). However, multi-core platforms pose challenges that complicate the timing analysis. Among these challenges are timing challenges caused due to simultaneous accesses from multiple cores to shared hardware resources such as shared caches, interconnects, and off-chip memories. Supporting timing predictable shared data communication between real-time applications further compounds this challenge as a core’s access to shared data is dependent on the simultaneous memory activity from other cores on the shared data. Although hardware cache coherence mechanisms are the primary high-performance data communication mechanisms in current multi-core platforms, there has been very little use of these mechanisms to support timing predictable shared data communication in real-time multi-core platforms. Rather, current state-of-the-art approaches to timing predictable shared data communication sidestep hardware cache coherence. These approaches enforce memory and execution constraints on the shared data to simplify the timing analysis at the expense of application performance. This thesis makes the case for timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms as viable shared data communication mechanisms for real-time multi-core platforms. A key takeaway from the contributions in this thesis is that timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms offer significant application performance over prior state-of-the-art data communication approaches while guaranteeing timing predictability. This thesis has three main contributions. First, this thesis shows how a hardware cache coherence mechanism can be designed to be timing predictable by defining design invariants that guarantee timing predictability. We apply these design invariants and design timing predictable variants of existing conventional cache coherence mechanisms. Evaluation of these timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms show that they provide significant application performance over state-of-the-art approaches while delivering timing predictability. Second, we observe that the large worst-case memory access latency under timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms questions their applicability as a data communication mechanism in real-time multi-core platforms. To this end, we present a systematic framework to design better timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms that balance high application performance and low worst-case memory access latency. Our systematic framework concisely captures the design features of timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms that impacts their WCET, and identifies a spectrum of approaches to reduce the worst-case memory access latency. We describe one approach and show that this approach reduces the worst-case memory access latency of timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms to be the same as alternative approaches while trading away minimal performance in the original cache coherence mechanisms. Third, we design a timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanism for multi-core platforms used in mixed-critical real-time systems (MCS). Applications in MCS have varying performance and timing predictability requirements. We design a timing predictable cache coherence mechanism that considers these differing requirements and ensures that applications with no timing predictability requirements do not impact applications with strict predictability requirements